CREATE EXTENSION pgstattuple; -- -- It's difficult to come up with platform-independent test cases for -- the pgstattuple functions, but the results for empty tables and -- indexes should be that. -- create table test (a int primary key, b int[]); select * from pgstattuple('test'); select * from pgstattuple('test'::text); select * from pgstattuple('test'::name); select * from pgstattuple('test'::regclass); select pgstattuple(oid) from pg_class where relname = 'test'; select pgstattuple(relname) from pg_class where relname = 'test'; select version, tree_level, index_size / current_setting('block_size')::int as index_size, root_block_no, internal_pages, leaf_pages, empty_pages, deleted_pages, avg_leaf_density, leaf_fragmentation from pgstatindex('test_pkey'); select version, tree_level, index_size / current_setting('block_size')::int as index_size, root_block_no, internal_pages, leaf_pages, empty_pages, deleted_pages, avg_leaf_density, leaf_fragmentation from pgstatindex('test_pkey'::text); select version, tree_level, index_size / current_setting('block_size')::int as index_size, root_block_no, internal_pages, leaf_pages, empty_pages, deleted_pages, avg_leaf_density, leaf_fragmentation from pgstatindex('test_pkey'::name); select version, tree_level, index_size / current_setting('block_size')::int as index_size, root_block_no, internal_pages, leaf_pages, empty_pages, deleted_pages, avg_leaf_density, leaf_fragmentation from pgstatindex('test_pkey'::regclass); select pg_relpages('test'); select pg_relpages('test_pkey'); select pg_relpages('test_pkey'::text); select pg_relpages('test_pkey'::name); select pg_relpages('test_pkey'::regclass); select pg_relpages(oid) from pg_class where relname = 'test_pkey'; select pg_relpages(relname) from pg_class where relname = 'test_pkey'; create index test_ginidx on test using gin (b); select * from pgstatginindex('test_ginidx'); create index test_hashidx on test using hash (b); select * from pgstathashindex('test_hashidx'); -- these should error with the wrong type select pgstatginindex('test_pkey'); select pgstathashindex('test_pkey'); select pgstatindex('test_ginidx'); select pgstathashindex('test_ginidx'); select pgstatindex('test_hashidx'); select pgstatginindex('test_hashidx'); -- check that using any of these functions with unsupported relations will fail create table test_partitioned (a int) partition by range (a); -- these should all fail select pgstattuple('test_partitioned'); select pgstattuple_approx('test_partitioned'); select pg_relpages('test_partitioned'); select pgstatindex('test_partitioned'); select pgstatginindex('test_partitioned'); select pgstathashindex('test_partitioned'); create view test_view as select 1; -- these should all fail select pgstattuple('test_view'); select pgstattuple_approx('test_view'); select pg_relpages('test_view'); select pgstatindex('test_view'); select pgstatginindex('test_view'); select pgstathashindex('test_view'); create foreign data wrapper dummy; create server dummy_server foreign data wrapper dummy; create foreign table test_foreign_table () server dummy_server; -- these should all fail select pgstattuple('test_foreign_table'); select pgstattuple_approx('test_foreign_table'); select pg_relpages('test_foreign_table'); select pgstatindex('test_foreign_table'); select pgstatginindex('test_foreign_table'); select pgstathashindex('test_foreign_table'); -- a partition of a partitioned table should work though create table test_partition partition of test_partitioned for values from (1) to (100); select pgstattuple('test_partition'); select pgstattuple_approx('test_partition'); select pg_relpages('test_partition'); -- not for the index calls though, of course select pgstatindex('test_partition'); select pgstatginindex('test_partition'); select pgstathashindex('test_partition'); -- an actual index of a partitioned table should work though create index test_partition_idx on test_partition(a); create index test_partition_hash_idx on test_partition using hash (a); -- these should work select pgstatindex('test_partition_idx'); select pgstathashindex('test_partition_hash_idx'); drop table test_partitioned; drop view test_view; drop foreign table test_foreign_table; drop server dummy_server; drop foreign data wrapper dummy;