/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * selfuncs.c * Selectivity functions for system catalogs and builtin types * * These routines are registered in the operator catalog in the * "oprrest" and "oprjoin" attributes. * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/selfuncs.c,v 1.37 1999/08/02 02:05:41 tgl Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "catalog/catname.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc.h" #include "catalog/pg_statistic.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "parser/parse_func.h" #include "parser/parse_oper.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" /* N is not a valid var/constant or relation id */ #define NONVALUE(N) ((N) == -1) /* are we looking at a functional index selectivity request? */ #define FunctionalSelectivity(nIndKeys,attNum) ((attNum)==InvalidAttrNumber) /* default selectivity estimate for inequalities such as "A < b" */ #define DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL (1.0 / 3.0) static bool convert_to_scale(Datum value, Oid typid, double *scaleval); static void getattproperties(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum, Oid *typid, int *typlen, bool *typbyval, int32 *typmod); static bool getattstatistics(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum, Oid typid, int32 typmod, double *nullfrac, double *commonfrac, Datum *commonval, Datum *loval, Datum *hival); static double getattdisbursion(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum); /* * eqsel - Selectivity of "=" for any data types. * * Note: this routine is also used to estimate selectivity for some * operators that are not "=" but have comparable selectivity behavior, * such as "~~" (text LIKE). Even for "=" we must keep in mind that * the left and right datatypes may differ, so the type of the given * constant "value" may be different from the type of the attribute. */ float64 eqsel(Oid opid, Oid relid, AttrNumber attno, Datum value, int32 flag) { float64 result; result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data)); if (NONVALUE(attno) || NONVALUE(relid)) *result = 0.1; else { Oid typid; int typlen; bool typbyval; int32 typmod; double nullfrac; double commonfrac; Datum commonval; double selec; /* get info about the attribute */ getattproperties(relid, attno, &typid, &typlen, &typbyval, &typmod); /* get stats for the attribute, if available */ if (getattstatistics(relid, attno, typid, typmod, &nullfrac, &commonfrac, &commonval, NULL, NULL)) { if (flag & SEL_CONSTANT) { /* Is the constant "=" to the column's most common value? * (Although the operator may not really be "=", * we will assume that seeing whether it returns TRUE * for the most common value is useful information. * If you don't like it, maybe you shouldn't be using * eqsel for your operator...) */ RegProcedure eqproc = get_opcode(opid); bool mostcommon; if (eqproc == (RegProcedure) NULL) elog(ERROR, "eqsel: no procedure for operator %u", opid); /* be careful to apply operator right way 'round */ if (flag & SEL_RIGHT) mostcommon = (bool) DatumGetUInt8(fmgr(eqproc, commonval, value)); else mostcommon = (bool) DatumGetUInt8(fmgr(eqproc, value, commonval)); if (mostcommon) { /* Constant is "=" to the most common value. We know * selectivity exactly (or as exactly as VACUUM could * calculate it, anyway). */ selec = commonfrac; } else { /* Comparison is against a constant that is neither the * most common value nor null. Its selectivity cannot * be more than this: */ selec = 1.0 - commonfrac - nullfrac; if (selec > commonfrac) selec = commonfrac; /* and in fact it's probably less, so apply a fudge * factor. */ selec *= 0.5; } } else { /* Search is for a value that we do not know a priori, * but we will assume it is not NULL. Selectivity * cannot be more than this: */ selec = 1.0 - nullfrac; if (selec > commonfrac) selec = commonfrac; /* and in fact it's probably less, so apply a fudge * factor. */ selec *= 0.5; } /* result should be in range, but make sure... */ if (selec < 0.0) selec = 0.0; else if (selec > 1.0) selec = 1.0; if (! typbyval) pfree(DatumGetPointer(commonval)); } else { /* No VACUUM ANALYZE stats available, so make a guess using * the disbursion stat (if we have that, which is unlikely...) */ selec = getattdisbursion(relid, attno); } *result = (float64data) selec; } return result; } /* * neqsel - Selectivity of "!=" for any data types. * * This routine is also used for some operators that are not "!=" * but have comparable selectivity behavior. See above comments * for eqsel(). */ float64 neqsel(Oid opid, Oid relid, AttrNumber attno, Datum value, int32 flag) { float64 result; result = eqsel(opid, relid, attno, value, flag); *result = 1.0 - *result; return result; } /* * intltsel - Selectivity of "<" (also "<=") for integers. * * Actually, this works and is used for all numeric types, so it should * be renamed. In fact, it is also currently called for all manner of * non-numeric types, for which it is NOT very helpful. That needs * to be fixed. */ float64 intltsel(Oid opid, Oid relid, AttrNumber attno, Datum value, int32 flag) { float64 result; result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data)); if (! (flag & SEL_CONSTANT) || NONVALUE(attno) || NONVALUE(relid)) *result = DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL; else { HeapTuple oprtuple; Oid ltype, rtype; Oid typid; int typlen; bool typbyval; int32 typmod; Datum hival, loval; double val, high, low, numerator, denominator; /* Get left and right datatypes of the operator so we know * what type the constant is. */ oprtuple = get_operator_tuple(opid); if (! HeapTupleIsValid(oprtuple)) elog(ERROR, "intltsel: no tuple for operator %u", opid); ltype = ((Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(oprtuple))->oprleft; rtype = ((Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(oprtuple))->oprright; /* Convert the constant to a uniform comparison scale. */ if (! convert_to_scale(value, ((flag & SEL_RIGHT) ? rtype : ltype), &val)) { /* Ideally we'd produce an error here, on the grounds that * the given operator shouldn't have intltsel registered as its * selectivity func unless we can deal with its operand types. * But currently, all manner of stuff is invoking intltsel, * so give a default estimate until that can be fixed. */ *result = DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL; return result; } /* Now get info and stats about the attribute */ getattproperties(relid, attno, &typid, &typlen, &typbyval, &typmod); if (! getattstatistics(relid, attno, typid, typmod, NULL, NULL, NULL, &loval, &hival)) { /* no stats available, so default result */ *result = DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL; return result; } /* Convert the attribute's loval/hival to common scale. */ if (! convert_to_scale(loval, typid, &low) || ! convert_to_scale(hival, typid, &high)) { /* See above comments... */ if (! typbyval) { pfree(DatumGetPointer(hival)); pfree(DatumGetPointer(loval)); } *result = DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL; return result; } /* release temp storage if needed */ if (! typbyval) { pfree(DatumGetPointer(hival)); pfree(DatumGetPointer(loval)); } if (high <= low) { /* If we trusted the stats fully, we could return a small or * large selec depending on which side of the single data point * the constant is on. But it seems better to assume that the * stats are out of date and return a default... */ *result = DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL; } else if (val <= low || val >= high) { /* If given value is outside the statistical range, return a * small or large value; but not 0.0/1.0 since there is a chance * the stats are out of date. */ if (flag & SEL_RIGHT) *result = (val <= low) ? 0.01 : 0.99; else *result = (val <= low) ? 0.99 : 0.01; } else { denominator = high - low; if (flag & SEL_RIGHT) numerator = val - low; else numerator = high - val; *result = numerator / denominator; } } return result; } /* * intgtsel - Selectivity of ">" (also ">=") for integers. * * See above comments for intltsel. */ float64 intgtsel(Oid opid, Oid relid, AttrNumber attno, Datum value, int32 flag) { float64 result; /* Compute selectivity of "<", then invert --- but only if we * were able to produce a non-default estimate. */ result = intltsel(opid, relid, attno, value, flag); if (*result != DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL) *result = 1.0 - *result; return result; } /* * eqjoinsel - Join selectivity of "=" */ float64 eqjoinsel(Oid opid, Oid relid1, AttrNumber attno1, Oid relid2, AttrNumber attno2) { float64 result; float64data num1, num2, max; result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data)); if (NONVALUE(attno1) || NONVALUE(relid1) || NONVALUE(attno2) || NONVALUE(relid2)) *result = 0.1; else { num1 = getattdisbursion(relid1, attno1); num2 = getattdisbursion(relid2, attno2); max = (num1 > num2) ? num1 : num2; if (max <= 0) *result = 1.0; else *result = max; } return result; } /* * neqjoinsel - Join selectivity of "!=" */ float64 neqjoinsel(Oid opid, Oid relid1, AttrNumber attno1, Oid relid2, AttrNumber attno2) { float64 result; result = eqjoinsel(opid, relid1, attno1, relid2, attno2); *result = 1.0 - *result; return result; } /* * intltjoinsel - Join selectivity of "<" and "<=" */ float64 intltjoinsel(Oid opid, Oid relid1, AttrNumber attno1, Oid relid2, AttrNumber attno2) { float64 result; result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data)); *result = DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL; return result; } /* * intgtjoinsel - Join selectivity of ">" and ">=" */ float64 intgtjoinsel(Oid opid, Oid relid1, AttrNumber attno1, Oid relid2, AttrNumber attno2) { float64 result; result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data)); *result = DEFAULT_INEQ_SEL; return result; } /* * convert_to_scale * Convert a given value of the indicated type to the comparison * scale needed by intltsel(). Returns "true" if successful. * * All numeric datatypes are simply converted to their equivalent * "double" values. * Future extension: convert string-like types to some suitable scale. */ static bool convert_to_scale(Datum value, Oid typid, double *scaleval) { /* Fast-path conversions for some built-in types */ switch (typid) { case BOOLOID: *scaleval = (double) DatumGetUInt8(value); return true; case INT2OID: *scaleval = (double) DatumGetInt16(value); return true; case INT4OID: *scaleval = (double) DatumGetInt32(value); return true; // case INT8OID: case FLOAT4OID: *scaleval = (double) (* DatumGetFloat32(value)); return true; case FLOAT8OID: *scaleval = (double) (* DatumGetFloat64(value)); return true; // case NUMERICOID: case OIDOID: case REGPROCOID: /* we can treat OIDs as integers... */ *scaleval = (double) DatumGetObjectId(value); return true; default: { /* See whether there is a registered type-conversion function, * namely a procedure named "float8" with the right signature. */ Oid oid_array[MAXFARGS]; HeapTuple ftup; MemSet(oid_array, 0, MAXFARGS * sizeof(Oid)); oid_array[0] = typid; ftup = SearchSysCacheTuple(PRONAME, PointerGetDatum("float8"), Int32GetDatum(1), PointerGetDatum(oid_array), 0); if (HeapTupleIsValid(ftup) && ((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(ftup))->prorettype == FLOAT8OID) { RegProcedure convertproc = (RegProcedure) ftup->t_data->t_oid; Datum converted = (Datum) fmgr(convertproc, value); *scaleval = (double) (* DatumGetFloat64(converted)); return true; } break; } } /* Don't know how to convert */ return false; } /* * getattproperties * Retrieve pg_attribute properties for an attribute, * including type OID, type len, type byval flag, typmod. */ static void getattproperties(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum, Oid *typid, int *typlen, bool *typbyval, int32 *typmod) { HeapTuple atp; Form_pg_attribute att_tup; atp = SearchSysCacheTuple(ATTNUM, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid), Int16GetDatum(attnum), 0, 0); if (! HeapTupleIsValid(atp)) elog(ERROR, "getattproperties: no attribute tuple %u %d", relid, (int) attnum); att_tup = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atp); *typid = att_tup->atttypid; *typlen = att_tup->attlen; *typbyval = att_tup->attbyval; *typmod = att_tup->atttypmod; } /* * getattstatistics * Retrieve the pg_statistic data for an attribute. * Returns 'false' if no stats are available. * * Inputs: * 'relid' and 'attnum' are the relation and attribute number. * 'typid' and 'typmod' are the type and typmod of the column, * which the caller must already have looked up. * * Outputs: * The available stats are nullfrac, commonfrac, commonval, loval, hival. * The caller need not retrieve all five --- pass NULL pointers for the * unwanted values. * * commonval, loval, hival are returned as Datums holding the internal * representation of the values. (Note that these should be pfree'd * after use if the data type is not by-value.) * * XXX currently, this does a linear search of pg_statistic because there * is no index nor syscache for pg_statistic. FIX THIS! */ static bool getattstatistics(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum, Oid typid, int32 typmod, double *nullfrac, double *commonfrac, Datum *commonval, Datum *loval, Datum *hival) { Relation rel; HeapScanDesc scan; static ScanKeyData key[2] = { {0, Anum_pg_statistic_starelid, F_OIDEQ, {0, 0, F_OIDEQ}}, {0, Anum_pg_statistic_staattnum, F_INT2EQ, {0, 0, F_INT2EQ}} }; bool isnull; HeapTuple tuple; HeapTuple typeTuple; FmgrInfo inputproc; rel = heap_openr(StatisticRelationName); key[0].sk_argument = ObjectIdGetDatum(relid); key[1].sk_argument = Int16GetDatum((int16) attnum); scan = heap_beginscan(rel, 0, SnapshotNow, 2, key); tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) { /* no such stats entry */ heap_endscan(scan); heap_close(rel); return false; } /* We assume that there will only be one entry in pg_statistic * for the given rel/att. Someday, VACUUM might store more than one... */ if (nullfrac) *nullfrac = ((Form_pg_statistic) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->stanullfrac; if (commonfrac) *commonfrac = ((Form_pg_statistic) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->stacommonfrac; /* Get the type input proc for the column datatype */ typeTuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(TYPOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(typid), 0, 0, 0); if (! HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple)) elog(ERROR, "getattstatistics: Cache lookup failed for type %u", typid); fmgr_info(((Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple))->typinput, &inputproc); /* Values are variable-length fields, so cannot access as struct fields. * Must do it the hard way with heap_getattr. */ if (commonval) { text *val = (text *) heap_getattr(tuple, Anum_pg_statistic_stacommonval, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); if (isnull) { elog(DEBUG, "getattstatistics: stacommonval is null"); *commonval = PointerGetDatum(NULL); } else { char *strval = textout(val); *commonval = (Datum) (*fmgr_faddr(&inputproc)) (strval, typid, typmod); pfree(strval); } } if (loval) { text *val = (text *) heap_getattr(tuple, Anum_pg_statistic_staloval, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); if (isnull) { elog(DEBUG, "getattstatistics: staloval is null"); *loval = PointerGetDatum(NULL); } else { char *strval = textout(val); *loval = (Datum) (*fmgr_faddr(&inputproc)) (strval, typid, typmod); pfree(strval); } } if (hival) { text *val = (text *) heap_getattr(tuple, Anum_pg_statistic_stahival, RelationGetDescr(rel), &isnull); if (isnull) { elog(DEBUG, "getattstatistics: stahival is null"); *hival = PointerGetDatum(NULL); } else { char *strval = textout(val); *hival = (Datum) (*fmgr_faddr(&inputproc)) (strval, typid, typmod); pfree(strval); } } heap_endscan(scan); heap_close(rel); return true; } /* * getattdisbursion * Retrieve the disbursion statistic for an attribute, * or produce an estimate if no info is available. */ static double getattdisbursion(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum) { HeapTuple atp; double disbursion; int32 ntuples; atp = SearchSysCacheTuple(ATTNUM, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid), Int16GetDatum(attnum), 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp)) { /* this should not happen */ elog(ERROR, "getattdisbursion: no attribute tuple %u %d", relid, attnum); return 0.1; } disbursion = ((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atp))->attdisbursion; if (disbursion > 0.0) return disbursion; /* VACUUM ANALYZE has not stored a disbursion statistic for us. * Produce an estimate = 1/numtuples. This may produce * unreasonably small estimates for large tables, so limit * the estimate to no less than 0.01. */ atp = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp)) { /* this should not happen */ elog(ERROR, "getattdisbursion: no relation tuple %u", relid); return 0.1; } ntuples = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(atp))->reltuples; if (ntuples > 0) disbursion = 1.0 / (double) ntuples; if (disbursion < 0.01) disbursion = 0.01; return disbursion; } float64 btreesel(Oid operatorObjectId, Oid indrelid, AttrNumber attributeNumber, char *constValue, int32 constFlag, int32 nIndexKeys, Oid indexrelid) { float64 result; if (FunctionalSelectivity(nIndexKeys, attributeNumber)) { /* * Need to call the functions selectivity function here. For now * simply assume it's 1/3 since functions don't currently have * selectivity functions */ result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data)); *result = 1.0 / 3.0; } else { RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(operatorObjectId); /* * Operators used for indexes should have selectivity estimators. * (An alternative is to default to 0.5, as the optimizer does in * dealing with operators occurring in WHERE clauses, but if you * are going to the trouble of making index support you probably * don't want to miss the benefits of a good selectivity estimate.) */ if (!oprrest) { #if 1 /* * XXX temporary fix for 6.5: rtree operators are missing their * selectivity estimators, so return a default estimate instead. * Ugh. */ result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data)); *result = 0.5; #else elog(ERROR, "Operator %u must have a restriction selectivity estimator to be used in an index", operatorObjectId); #endif } else result = (float64) fmgr(oprrest, (char *) operatorObjectId, (char *) indrelid, (char *) (int) attributeNumber, (char *) constValue, (char *) constFlag, NULL); } if (!PointerIsValid(result)) elog(ERROR, "Btree Selectivity: bad pointer"); if (*result < 0.0 || *result > 1.0) elog(ERROR, "Btree Selectivity: bad value %lf", *result); return result; } float64 btreenpage(Oid operatorObjectId, Oid indrelid, AttrNumber attributeNumber, char *constValue, int32 constFlag, int32 nIndexKeys, Oid indexrelid) { float64 temp, result; float64data tempData; HeapTuple atp; int npage; if (FunctionalSelectivity(nIndexKeys, attributeNumber)) { /* * Need to call the functions selectivity function here. For now * simply assume it's 1/3 since functions don't currently have * selectivity functions */ tempData = 1.0 / 3.0; temp = &tempData; } else { RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(operatorObjectId); /* * Operators used for indexes should have selectivity estimators. * (An alternative is to default to 0.5, as the optimizer does in * dealing with operators occurring in WHERE clauses, but if you * are going to the trouble of making index support you probably * don't want to miss the benefits of a good selectivity estimate.) */ if (!oprrest) { #if 1 /* * XXX temporary fix for 6.5: rtree operators are missing their * selectivity estimators, so return a default estimate instead. * Ugh. */ tempData = 0.5; temp = &tempData; #else elog(ERROR, "Operator %u must have a restriction selectivity estimator to be used in an index", operatorObjectId); #endif } else temp = (float64) fmgr(oprrest, (char *) operatorObjectId, (char *) indrelid, (char *) (int) attributeNumber, (char *) constValue, (char *) constFlag, NULL); } atp = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexrelid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp)) { elog(ERROR, "btreenpage: no index tuple %u", indexrelid); return 0; } npage = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(atp))->relpages; result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data)); *result = *temp * npage; return result; } float64 hashsel(Oid operatorObjectId, Oid indrelid, AttrNumber attributeNumber, char *constValue, int32 constFlag, int32 nIndexKeys, Oid indexrelid) { float64 result; float64data resultData; HeapTuple atp; int ntuples; if (FunctionalSelectivity(nIndexKeys, attributeNumber)) { /* * Need to call the functions selectivity function here. For now * simply use 1/Number of Tuples since functions don't currently * have selectivity functions */ atp = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexrelid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp)) { elog(ERROR, "hashsel: no index tuple %u", indexrelid); return 0; } ntuples = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(atp))->reltuples; if (ntuples > 0) resultData = 1.0 / (float64data) ntuples; else resultData = (float64data) (1.0 / 100.0); result = &resultData; } else { RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(operatorObjectId); /* * Operators used for indexes should have selectivity estimators. * (An alternative is to default to 0.5, as the optimizer does in * dealing with operators occurring in WHERE clauses, but if you * are going to the trouble of making index support you probably * don't want to miss the benefits of a good selectivity estimate.) */ if (!oprrest) elog(ERROR, "Operator %u must have a restriction selectivity estimator to be used in a hash index", operatorObjectId); result = (float64) fmgr(oprrest, (char *) operatorObjectId, (char *) indrelid, (char *) (int) attributeNumber, (char *) constValue, (char *) constFlag, NULL); } if (!PointerIsValid(result)) elog(ERROR, "Hash Table Selectivity: bad pointer"); if (*result < 0.0 || *result > 1.0) elog(ERROR, "Hash Table Selectivity: bad value %lf", *result); return result; } float64 hashnpage(Oid operatorObjectId, Oid indrelid, AttrNumber attributeNumber, char *constValue, int32 constFlag, int32 nIndexKeys, Oid indexrelid) { float64 temp, result; float64data tempData; HeapTuple atp; int npage; int ntuples; atp = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexrelid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp)) { elog(ERROR, "hashsel: no index tuple %u", indexrelid); return 0; } if (FunctionalSelectivity(nIndexKeys, attributeNumber)) { /* * Need to call the functions selectivity function here. For now, * use 1/Number of Tuples since functions don't currently have * selectivity functions */ ntuples = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(atp))->reltuples; if (ntuples > 0) tempData = 1.0 / (float64data) ntuples; else tempData = (float64data) (1.0 / 100.0); temp = &tempData; } else { RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(operatorObjectId); /* * Operators used for indexes should have selectivity estimators. * (An alternative is to default to 0.5, as the optimizer does in * dealing with operators occurring in WHERE clauses, but if you * are going to the trouble of making index support you probably * don't want to miss the benefits of a good selectivity estimate.) */ if (!oprrest) elog(ERROR, "Operator %u must have a restriction selectivity estimator to be used in a hash index", operatorObjectId); temp = (float64) fmgr(oprrest, (char *) operatorObjectId, (char *) indrelid, (char *) (int) attributeNumber, (char *) constValue, (char *) constFlag, NULL); } npage = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(atp))->relpages; result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data)); *result = *temp * npage; return result; } float64 rtsel(Oid operatorObjectId, Oid indrelid, AttrNumber attributeNumber, char *constValue, int32 constFlag, int32 nIndexKeys, Oid indexrelid) { return (btreesel(operatorObjectId, indrelid, attributeNumber, constValue, constFlag, nIndexKeys, indexrelid)); } float64 rtnpage(Oid operatorObjectId, Oid indrelid, AttrNumber attributeNumber, char *constValue, int32 constFlag, int32 nIndexKeys, Oid indexrelid) { return (btreenpage(operatorObjectId, indrelid, attributeNumber, constValue, constFlag, nIndexKeys, indexrelid)); } float64 gistsel(Oid operatorObjectId, Oid indrelid, AttrNumber attributeNumber, char *constValue, int32 constFlag, int32 nIndexKeys, Oid indexrelid) { return (btreesel(operatorObjectId, indrelid, attributeNumber, constValue, constFlag, nIndexKeys, indexrelid)); } float64 gistnpage(Oid operatorObjectId, Oid indrelid, AttrNumber attributeNumber, char *constValue, int32 constFlag, int32 nIndexKeys, Oid indexrelid) { return (btreenpage(operatorObjectId, indrelid, attributeNumber, constValue, constFlag, nIndexKeys, indexrelid)); }