# Copyright (c) 2021-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group # Test CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY with concurrent prepared-xact modifications use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster; use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils; use Test::More; Test::More->builder->todo_start('filesystem bug') if PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::has_wal_read_bug; my ($node, $result); # # Test set-up # $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('CIC_2PC_test'); $node->init; $node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', 'max_prepared_transactions = 10'); $node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', 'lock_timeout = ' . (1000 * $PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default)); $node->start; $node->safe_psql('postgres', q(CREATE EXTENSION amcheck)); $node->safe_psql('postgres', q(CREATE TABLE tbl(i int))); # # Run 3 overlapping 2PC transactions with CIC # # We have two concurrent background psql processes: $main_h for INSERTs and # $cic_h for CIC. Also, we use non-background psql for some COMMIT PREPARED # statements. # my $main_h = $node->background_psql('postgres'); $main_h->query_safe( q( BEGIN; INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(0); )); my $cic_h = $node->background_psql('postgres'); $cic_h->query_until( qr/start/, q( \echo start CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx ON tbl(i); )); $main_h->query_safe( q( PREPARE TRANSACTION 'a'; )); $main_h->query_safe( q( BEGIN; INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(0); )); $node->safe_psql('postgres', q(COMMIT PREPARED 'a';)); $main_h->query_safe( q( PREPARE TRANSACTION 'b'; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(0); )); $node->safe_psql('postgres', q(COMMIT PREPARED 'b';)); $main_h->query_safe( q( PREPARE TRANSACTION 'c'; COMMIT PREPARED 'c'; )); $main_h->quit; $cic_h->quit; $result = $node->psql('postgres', q(SELECT bt_index_check('idx',true))); is($result, '0', 'bt_index_check after overlapping 2PC'); # # Server restart shall not change whether prepared xact blocks CIC # $node->safe_psql( 'postgres', q( BEGIN; INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(0); PREPARE TRANSACTION 'spans_restart'; BEGIN; CREATE TABLE unused (); PREPARE TRANSACTION 'persists_forever'; )); $node->restart; my $reindex_h = $node->background_psql('postgres'); $reindex_h->query_until( qr/start/, q( \echo start DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx; CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx ON tbl(i); )); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "COMMIT PREPARED 'spans_restart'"); $reindex_h->quit; $result = $node->psql('postgres', q(SELECT bt_index_check('idx',true))); is($result, '0', 'bt_index_check after 2PC and restart'); # # Stress CIC+2PC with pgbench # # pgbench might try to launch more than one instance of the CIC # transaction concurrently. That would deadlock, so use an advisory # lock to ensure only one CIC runs at a time. # Fix broken index first $node->safe_psql('postgres', q(REINDEX TABLE tbl;)); # Run pgbench. $node->pgbench( '--no-vacuum --client=5 --transactions=100', 0, [qr{actually processed}], [qr{^$}], 'concurrent INSERTs w/ 2PC and CIC', { '003_pgbench_concurrent_2pc' => q( BEGIN; INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(0); PREPARE TRANSACTION 'c:client_id'; COMMIT PREPARED 'c:client_id'; ), '003_pgbench_concurrent_2pc_savepoint' => q( BEGIN; SAVEPOINT s1; INSERT INTO tbl VALUES(0); PREPARE TRANSACTION 'c:client_id'; COMMIT PREPARED 'c:client_id'; ), '003_pgbench_concurrent_cic' => q( SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(42)::integer AS gotlock \gset \if :gotlock DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx; CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx ON tbl(i); SELECT bt_index_check('idx',true); SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(42); \endif ), '004_pgbench_concurrent_ric' => q( SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(42)::integer AS gotlock \gset \if :gotlock REINDEX INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx; SELECT bt_index_check('idx',true); SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(42); \endif ) }); $node->stop; done_testing();