-- -- COPY -- -- directory paths are passed to us in environment variables \getenv abs_srcdir PG_ABS_SRCDIR \getenv abs_builddir PG_ABS_BUILDDIR --- test copying in CSV mode with various styles --- of embedded line ending characters create temp table copytest ( style text, test text, filler int); insert into copytest values('DOS',E'abc\r\ndef',1); insert into copytest values('Unix',E'abc\ndef',2); insert into copytest values('Mac',E'abc\rdef',3); insert into copytest values(E'esc\\ape',E'a\\r\\\r\\\n\\nb',4); \set filename :abs_builddir '/results/copytest.csv' copy copytest to :'filename' csv; create temp table copytest2 (like copytest); copy copytest2 from :'filename' csv; select * from copytest except select * from copytest2; style | test | filler -------+------+-------- (0 rows) truncate copytest2; --- same test but with an escape char different from quote char copy copytest to :'filename' csv quote '''' escape E'\\'; copy copytest2 from :'filename' csv quote '''' escape E'\\'; select * from copytest except select * from copytest2; style | test | filler -------+------+-------- (0 rows) -- test header line feature create temp table copytest3 ( c1 int, "col with , comma" text, "col with "" quote" int); copy copytest3 from stdin csv header; copy copytest3 to stdout csv header; c1,"col with , comma","col with "" quote" 1,a,1 2,b,2 create temp table copytest4 ( c1 int, "colname with tab: " text); copy copytest4 from stdin (header); copy copytest4 to stdout (header); c1 colname with tab: \t 1 a 2 b -- test copy from with a partitioned table create table parted_copytest ( a int, b int, c text ) partition by list (b); create table parted_copytest_a1 (c text, b int, a int); create table parted_copytest_a2 (a int, c text, b int); alter table parted_copytest attach partition parted_copytest_a1 for values in(1); alter table parted_copytest attach partition parted_copytest_a2 for values in(2); -- We must insert enough rows to trigger multi-inserts. These are only -- enabled adaptively when there are few enough partition changes. insert into parted_copytest select x,1,'One' from generate_series(1,1000) x; insert into parted_copytest select x,2,'Two' from generate_series(1001,1010) x; insert into parted_copytest select x,1,'One' from generate_series(1011,1020) x; \set filename :abs_builddir '/results/parted_copytest.csv' copy (select * from parted_copytest order by a) to :'filename'; truncate parted_copytest; copy parted_copytest from :'filename'; -- Ensure COPY FREEZE errors for partitioned tables. begin; truncate parted_copytest; copy parted_copytest from :'filename' (freeze); ERROR: cannot perform COPY FREEZE on a partitioned table rollback; select tableoid::regclass,count(*),sum(a) from parted_copytest group by tableoid order by tableoid::regclass::name; tableoid | count | sum --------------------+-------+-------- parted_copytest_a1 | 1010 | 510655 parted_copytest_a2 | 10 | 10055 (2 rows) truncate parted_copytest; -- create before insert row trigger on parted_copytest_a2 create function part_ins_func() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ begin return new; end; $$; create trigger part_ins_trig before insert on parted_copytest_a2 for each row execute procedure part_ins_func(); copy parted_copytest from :'filename'; select tableoid::regclass,count(*),sum(a) from parted_copytest group by tableoid order by tableoid::regclass::name; tableoid | count | sum --------------------+-------+-------- parted_copytest_a1 | 1010 | 510655 parted_copytest_a2 | 10 | 10055 (2 rows) truncate table parted_copytest; create index on parted_copytest (b); drop trigger part_ins_trig on parted_copytest_a2; copy parted_copytest from stdin; -- Ensure index entries were properly added during the copy. select * from parted_copytest where b = 1; a | b | c ---+---+------ 1 | 1 | str1 (1 row) select * from parted_copytest where b = 2; a | b | c ---+---+------ 2 | 2 | str2 (1 row) drop table parted_copytest; -- -- Progress reporting for COPY -- create table tab_progress_reporting ( name text, age int4, location point, salary int4, manager name ); -- Add a trigger to catch and print the contents of the catalog view -- pg_stat_progress_copy during data insertion. This allows to test -- the validation of some progress reports for COPY FROM where the trigger -- would fire. create function notice_after_tab_progress_reporting() returns trigger AS $$ declare report record; begin -- The fields ignored here are the ones that may not remain -- consistent across multiple runs. The sizes reported may differ -- across platforms, so just check if these are strictly positive. with progress_data as ( select relid::regclass::text as relname, command, type, bytes_processed > 0 as has_bytes_processed, bytes_total > 0 as has_bytes_total, tuples_processed, tuples_excluded from pg_stat_progress_copy where pid = pg_backend_pid()) select into report (to_jsonb(r)) as value from progress_data r; raise info 'progress: %', report.value::text; return new; end; $$ language plpgsql; create trigger check_after_tab_progress_reporting after insert on tab_progress_reporting for each statement execute function notice_after_tab_progress_reporting(); -- Generate COPY FROM report with PIPE. copy tab_progress_reporting from stdin; INFO: progress: {"type": "PIPE", "command": "COPY FROM", "relname": "tab_progress_reporting", "has_bytes_total": false, "tuples_excluded": 0, "tuples_processed": 3, "has_bytes_processed": true} -- Generate COPY FROM report with FILE, with some excluded tuples. truncate tab_progress_reporting; \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/emp.data' copy tab_progress_reporting from :'filename' where (salary < 2000); INFO: progress: {"type": "FILE", "command": "COPY FROM", "relname": "tab_progress_reporting", "has_bytes_total": true, "tuples_excluded": 1, "tuples_processed": 2, "has_bytes_processed": true} drop trigger check_after_tab_progress_reporting on tab_progress_reporting; drop function notice_after_tab_progress_reporting(); drop table tab_progress_reporting; -- Test header matching feature create table header_copytest ( a int, b int, c text ); -- Make sure it works with dropped columns alter table header_copytest drop column c; alter table header_copytest add column c text; copy header_copytest to stdout with (header match); ERROR: cannot use "match" with HEADER in COPY TO copy header_copytest from stdin with (header wrong_choice); ERROR: header requires a Boolean value or "match" -- works copy header_copytest from stdin with (header match); copy header_copytest (c, a, b) from stdin with (header match); copy header_copytest from stdin with (header match, format csv); -- errors copy header_copytest (c, b, a) from stdin with (header match); ERROR: column name mismatch in header line field 1: got "a", expected "c" CONTEXT: COPY header_copytest, line 1: "a b c" copy header_copytest from stdin with (header match); ERROR: column name mismatch in header line field 3: got null value ("\N"), expected "c" CONTEXT: COPY header_copytest, line 1: "a b \N" copy header_copytest from stdin with (header match); ERROR: wrong number of fields in header line: got 2, expected 3 CONTEXT: COPY header_copytest, line 1: "a b" copy header_copytest from stdin with (header match); ERROR: wrong number of fields in header line: got 4, expected 3 CONTEXT: COPY header_copytest, line 1: "a b c d" copy header_copytest from stdin with (header match); ERROR: column name mismatch in header line field 3: got "d", expected "c" CONTEXT: COPY header_copytest, line 1: "a b d" SELECT * FROM header_copytest ORDER BY a; a | b | c ---+---+----- 1 | 2 | foo 3 | 4 | bar 5 | 6 | baz (3 rows) -- Drop an extra column, in the middle of the existing set. alter table header_copytest drop column b; -- works copy header_copytest (c, a) from stdin with (header match); copy header_copytest (a, c) from stdin with (header match); -- errors copy header_copytest from stdin with (header match); ERROR: wrong number of fields in header line: got 3, expected 2 CONTEXT: COPY header_copytest, line 1: "a ........pg.dropped.2........ c" copy header_copytest (a, c) from stdin with (header match); ERROR: wrong number of fields in header line: got 3, expected 2 CONTEXT: COPY header_copytest, line 1: "a c b" SELECT * FROM header_copytest ORDER BY a; a | c ---+----- 1 | foo 3 | bar 5 | baz 7 | foo 8 | foo (5 rows) drop table header_copytest; -- test COPY with overlong column defaults create temp table oversized_column_default ( col1 varchar(5) DEFAULT 'more than 5 chars', col2 varchar(5)); -- normal COPY should work copy oversized_column_default from stdin; -- error if the column is excluded copy oversized_column_default (col2) from stdin; ERROR: value too long for type character varying(5) \. invalid command \. -- error if the DEFAULT option is given copy oversized_column_default from stdin (default ''); ERROR: value too long for type character varying(5) \. invalid command \. drop table oversized_column_default; -- -- Create partitioned table that does not allow bulk insertions, to test bugs -- related to the reuse of BulkInsertState across partitions (only done when -- not using bulk insert). Switching between partitions often makes it more -- likely to encounter these bugs, so we just switch on roughly every insert -- by having an even/odd number partition and inserting evenly distributed -- data. -- CREATE TABLE parted_si ( id int not null, data text not null, -- prevent use of bulk insert by having a volatile function rand float8 not null default random() ) PARTITION BY LIST((id % 2)); CREATE TABLE parted_si_p_even PARTITION OF parted_si FOR VALUES IN (0); CREATE TABLE parted_si_p_odd PARTITION OF parted_si FOR VALUES IN (1); -- Test that bulk relation extension handles reusing a single BulkInsertState -- across partitions. Without the fix applied, this reliably reproduces -- #18130 unless shared_buffers is extremely small (preventing any use use of -- bulk relation extension). See -- https://postgr.es/m/18130-7a86a7356a75209d%40postgresql.org -- https://postgr.es/m/257696.1695670946%40sss.pgh.pa.us \set filename :abs_srcdir '/data/desc.data' COPY parted_si(id, data) FROM :'filename'; -- An earlier bug (see commit b1ecb9b3fcf) could end up using a buffer from -- the wrong partition. This test is *not* guaranteed to trigger that bug, but -- does so when shared_buffers is small enough. To test if we encountered the -- bug, check that the partition condition isn't violated. SELECT tableoid::regclass, id % 2 = 0 is_even, count(*) from parted_si GROUP BY 1, 2 ORDER BY 1; tableoid | is_even | count ------------------+---------+------- parted_si_p_even | t | 5000 parted_si_p_odd | f | 5000 (2 rows) DROP TABLE parted_si;