CREATE GROUP SQL - Language Statements CREATE GROUP Creates a new group 2000-01-14 CREATE GROUP name [ WITH [ SYSID gid ] [ USER username [, ...] ] ] 2000-01-14 Inputs name The name of the group. gid The SYSID clause can be used to choose the Postgres group id of the new group. It is not necessary to do so, however. If this is not specified, the highest assigned group id plus one, starting at 1, will be used as default. username A list of users to include in the group. The users must already exist. 2000-01-14 Outputs CREATE GROUP Message returned if the command completes successfully. 2000-01-14 Description CREATE GROUP will create a new group in the database installation. Refer to the adminstrator's guide for information about using groups for authentication. You must be a database superuser to use this command. Use to change a group's membership, and to remove a group. Usage Create an empty group: CREATE GROUP staff Create a group with members: CREATE GROUP marketing WITH USER jonathan, david Compatibility 2000-01-14 SQL92 There is no CREATE GROUP statement in SQL92. Roles are similar in concept to groups.