-- predictability SET synchronous_commit = on; -- fail because we're creating a slot while in an xact with xid BEGIN; SELECT txid_current() = 0; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) SELECT 'init' FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('regression_slot', 'test_decoding'); ERROR: cannot create logical replication slot in transaction that has performed writes ROLLBACK; -- fail because we're creating a slot while in an subxact whose topxact has a xid BEGIN; SELECT txid_current() = 0; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) SAVEPOINT barf; SELECT 'init' FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('regression_slot', 'test_decoding'); ERROR: cannot create logical replication slot in transaction that has performed writes ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT barf; ROLLBACK; -- succeed, outside tx. SELECT 'init' FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('regression_slot', 'test_decoding'); ?column? ---------- init (1 row) SELECT 'stop' FROM pg_drop_replication_slot('regression_slot'); ?column? ---------- stop (1 row) -- succeed, in tx without xid. BEGIN; SELECT 'init' FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('regression_slot', 'test_decoding'); ?column? ---------- init (1 row) COMMIT; CREATE TABLE nobarf(id serial primary key, data text); INSERT INTO nobarf(data) VALUES('1'); -- decoding works in transaction with xid BEGIN; SELECT txid_current() = 0; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) -- don't show yet, haven't committed INSERT INTO nobarf(data) VALUES('2'); SELECT data FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('regression_slot', NULL, NULL, 'include-xids', '0'); data ----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN COMMIT BEGIN table public.nobarf: INSERT: id[integer]:1 data[text]:'1' COMMIT (5 rows) COMMIT; INSERT INTO nobarf(data) VALUES('3'); SELECT data FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('regression_slot', NULL, NULL, 'include-xids', '0'); data ----------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN table public.nobarf: INSERT: id[integer]:2 data[text]:'2' COMMIT BEGIN table public.nobarf: INSERT: id[integer]:3 data[text]:'3' COMMIT (6 rows) SELECT 'stop' FROM pg_drop_replication_slot('regression_slot'); ?column? ---------- stop (1 row)