/**************************************************************************** * pending.c * $Id: pending.c,v 1.2 2002/09/04 20:31:06 momjian Exp $ * * This file contains a trigger for Postgresql-7.x to record changes to tables * to a pending table for mirroring. * All tables that should be mirrored should have this trigger hooked up to it. * * Written by Steven Singer (ssinger@navtechinc.com) * (c) 2001-2002 Navtech Systems Support Inc. * Released under the GNU Public License version 2. See COPYING. * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include enum FieldUsage { PRIMARY = 0, NONPRIMARY, ALL, NUM_FIELDUSAGE }; int storePending(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tBeforeTuple, HeapTuple tAfterTuple, TupleDesc tTupdesc, TriggerData *tpTrigdata, char cOp); int storeKeyInfo(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tTupleData, TupleDesc tTuplDesc, TriggerData *tpTrigdata); int storeData(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tTupleData, TupleDesc tTupleDesc, TriggerData *tpTrigData, int iIncludeKeyData); int2vector *getPrimaryKey(Oid tblOid); char *packageData(HeapTuple tTupleData, TupleDesc tTupleDecs, TriggerData *tTrigData, enum FieldUsage eKeyUsage); #define BUFFER_SIZE 256 #define MAX_OID_LEN 10 extern Datum recordchange(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(recordchange); /***************************************************************************** * The entry point for the trigger function. * The Trigger takes a single SQL 'text' argument indicating the name of the * table the trigger was applied to. If this name is incorrect so will the * mirroring. ****************************************************************************/ Datum recordchange(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TriggerData *trigdata; TupleDesc tupdesc; HeapTuple beforeTuple = NULL; HeapTuple afterTuple = NULL; HeapTuple retTuple = NULL; char *tblname; char op; if (fcinfo->context != NULL) { if (SPI_connect() < 0) { elog(NOTICE, "storePending could not connect to SPI"); return -1; } trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context; /* Extract the table name */ tblname = SPI_getrelname(trigdata->tg_relation); tupdesc = trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att; if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event)) { retTuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple; beforeTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; afterTuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple; op = 'u'; } else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event)) { retTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; afterTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; op = 'i'; } else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event)) { retTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; beforeTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; op = 'd'; } if (storePending(tblname, beforeTuple, afterTuple, tupdesc, trigdata, op)) { /* An error occoured. Skip the operation. */ elog(ERROR, "Operation could not be mirrored"); return PointerGetDatum(NULL); } #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT elog(NOTICE, "Returning on success"); #endif SPI_finish(); return PointerGetDatum(retTuple); } else { /* * Not being called as a trigger. */ return PointerGetDatum(NULL); } } /***************************************************************************** * Constructs and executes an SQL query to write a record of this tuple change * to the pending table. *****************************************************************************/ int storePending(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tBeforeTuple, HeapTuple tAfterTuple, TupleDesc tTupDesc, TriggerData *tpTrigData, char cOp) { char *cpQueryBase = "INSERT INTO \"Pending\" (\"TableName\",\"Op\",\"XID\") VALUES ($1,$2,$3)"; int iResult = 0; HeapTuple tCurTuple; //Points the current tuple(before or after) Datum saPlanData[4]; Oid taPlanArgTypes[3] = {NAMEOID, CHAROID, INT4OID}; void *vpPlan; tCurTuple = tBeforeTuple ? tBeforeTuple : tAfterTuple; vpPlan = SPI_prepare(cpQueryBase, 3, taPlanArgTypes); if (vpPlan == NULL) elog(NOTICE, "Error creating plan"); /* SPI_saveplan(vpPlan); */ saPlanData[0] = PointerGetDatum(cpTableName); saPlanData[1] = CharGetDatum(cOp); saPlanData[2] = Int32GetDatum(GetCurrentTransactionId()); iResult = SPI_execp(vpPlan, saPlanData, NULL, 1); if (iResult < 0) elog(NOTICE, "storedPending fired (%s) returned %d", cpQueryBase, iResult); #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT elog(NOTICE, "row successfully stored in pending table"); #endif if (cOp == 'd') { /** * This is a record of a delete operation. * Just store the key data. */ iResult = storeKeyInfo(cpTableName, tBeforeTuple, tTupDesc, tpTrigData); } else if (cOp == 'i') { /** * An Insert operation. * Store all data */ iResult = storeData(cpTableName, tAfterTuple, tTupDesc, tpTrigData, TRUE); } else { /* op must be an update. */ iResult = storeKeyInfo(cpTableName, tBeforeTuple, tTupDesc, tpTrigData); iResult = iResult ? iResult : storeData(cpTableName, tAfterTuple, tTupDesc, tpTrigData, TRUE); } #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT elog(NOTICE, "DOne storing keyinfo"); #endif return iResult; } int storeKeyInfo(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tTupleData, TupleDesc tTupleDesc, TriggerData *tpTrigData) { Oid saPlanArgTypes[1] = {NAMEOID}; char *insQuery = "INSERT INTO \"PendingData\" (\"SeqId\",\"IsKey\",\"Data\") VALUES(currval('\"Pending_SeqId_seq\"'),'t',$1)"; void *pplan; Datum saPlanData[1]; char *cpKeyData; int iRetCode; pplan = SPI_prepare(insQuery, 1, saPlanArgTypes); if (pplan == NULL) { elog(NOTICE, "Could not prepare INSERT plan"); return -1; } /* pplan = SPI_saveplan(pplan); */ cpKeyData = packageData(tTupleData, tTupleDesc, tpTrigData, PRIMARY); #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT elog(NOTICE, cpKeyData); #endif saPlanData[0] = PointerGetDatum(cpKeyData); iRetCode = SPI_execp(pplan, saPlanData, NULL, 1); if (cpKeyData != NULL) SPI_pfree(cpKeyData); if (iRetCode != SPI_OK_INSERT) { elog(NOTICE, "Error inserting row in pendingDelete"); return -1; } #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT elog(NOTICE, "INSERT SUCCESFULL"); #endif return 0; } int2vector * getPrimaryKey(Oid tblOid) { char *queryBase; char *query; bool isNull; int2vector *resultKey; int2vector *tpResultKey; HeapTuple resTuple; Datum resDatum; int ret; queryBase = "SELECT indkey FROM pg_index WHERE indisprimary='t' AND indrelid="; query = SPI_palloc(strlen(queryBase) + MAX_OID_LEN + 1); sprintf(query, "%s%d", queryBase, tblOid); ret = SPI_exec(query, 1); if (ret != SPI_OK_SELECT || SPI_processed != 1) { elog(NOTICE, "Could not select primary index key"); return NULL; } resTuple = SPI_tuptable->vals[0]; resDatum = SPI_getbinval(resTuple, SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1, &isNull); tpResultKey = (int2vector *) DatumGetPointer(resDatum); resultKey = SPI_palloc(sizeof(int2vector)); memcpy(resultKey, tpResultKey, sizeof(int2vector)); SPI_pfree(query); return resultKey; } /****************************************************************************** * Stores a copy of the non-key data for the row. *****************************************************************************/ int storeData(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tTupleData, TupleDesc tTupleDesc, TriggerData *tpTrigData, int iIncludeKeyData) { Oid planArgTypes[1] = {NAMEOID}; char *insQuery = "INSERT INTO \"PendingData\" (\"SeqId\",\"IsKey\",\"Data\") VALUES(currval('\"Pending_SeqId_seq\"'),'f',$1)"; void *pplan; Datum planData[1]; char *cpKeyData; int iRetValue; pplan = SPI_prepare(insQuery, 1, planArgTypes); if (pplan == NULL) { elog(NOTICE, "Could not prepare INSERT plan"); return -1; } /* pplan = SPI_saveplan(pplan); */ if (iIncludeKeyData == 0) cpKeyData = packageData(tTupleData, tTupleDesc, tpTrigData, NONPRIMARY); else cpKeyData = packageData(tTupleData, tTupleDesc, tpTrigData, ALL); planData[0] = PointerGetDatum(cpKeyData); iRetValue = SPI_execp(pplan, planData, NULL, 1); if (cpKeyData != 0) SPI_pfree(cpKeyData); if (iRetValue != SPI_OK_INSERT) { elog(NOTICE, "Error inserting row in pendingDelete"); return -1; } #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT elog(NOTICE, "INSERT SUCCESFULL"); #endif return 0; } /** * Packages the data in tTupleData into a string of the format * FieldName='value text' where any quotes inside of value text * are escaped with a backslash and any backslashes in value text * are esacped by a second back slash. * * tTupleDesc should be a description of the tuple stored in * tTupleData. * * eFieldUsage specifies which fields to use. * PRIMARY implies include only primary key fields. * NONPRIMARY implies include only non-primary key fields. * ALL implies include all fields. */ char * packageData(HeapTuple tTupleData, TupleDesc tTupleDesc, TriggerData *tpTrigData, enum FieldUsage eKeyUsage) { int iNumCols; int2vector *tpPKeys = NULL; int iColumnCounter; char *cpDataBlock; int iDataBlockSize; int iUsedDataBlock; iNumCols = tTupleDesc->natts; if (eKeyUsage != ALL) { tpPKeys = getPrimaryKey(tpTrigData->tg_relation->rd_id); if (tpPKeys == NULL) return NULL; } #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT if (tpPKeys != NULL) elog(NOTICE, "Have primary keys"); #endif cpDataBlock = SPI_palloc(BUFFER_SIZE); iDataBlockSize = BUFFER_SIZE; iUsedDataBlock = 0; /* To account for the null */ for (iColumnCounter = 1; iColumnCounter <= iNumCols; iColumnCounter++) { int iIsPrimaryKey; int iPrimaryKeyIndex; char *cpUnFormatedPtr; char *cpFormatedPtr; char *cpFieldName; char *cpFieldData; if (eKeyUsage != ALL) { /* Determine if this is a primary key or not. */ iIsPrimaryKey = 0; for (iPrimaryKeyIndex = 0; (*tpPKeys)[iPrimaryKeyIndex] != 0; iPrimaryKeyIndex++) { if ((*tpPKeys)[iPrimaryKeyIndex] == iColumnCounter) { iIsPrimaryKey = 1; break; } } if (iIsPrimaryKey ? (eKeyUsage != PRIMARY) : (eKeyUsage != NONPRIMARY)) { /** * Don't use. */ #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT elog(NOTICE, "Skipping column"); #endif continue; } } /* KeyUsage!=ALL */ cpFieldName = DatumGetPointer(NameGetDatum(&tTupleDesc->attrs [iColumnCounter - 1]->attname)); #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT elog(NOTICE, cpFieldName); #endif while (iDataBlockSize - iUsedDataBlock < strlen(cpFieldName) + 4) { cpDataBlock = SPI_repalloc(cpDataBlock, iDataBlockSize + BUFFER_SIZE); iDataBlockSize = iDataBlockSize + BUFFER_SIZE; } sprintf(cpDataBlock + iUsedDataBlock, "\"%s\"=", cpFieldName); iUsedDataBlock = iUsedDataBlock + strlen(cpFieldName) + 3; cpFieldData = SPI_getvalue(tTupleData, tTupleDesc, iColumnCounter); cpUnFormatedPtr = cpFieldData; cpFormatedPtr = cpDataBlock + iUsedDataBlock; if (cpFieldData != NULL) { *cpFormatedPtr = '\''; iUsedDataBlock++; cpFormatedPtr++; } else { *cpFormatedPtr = ' '; iUsedDataBlock++; cpFormatedPtr++; continue; } #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT elog(NOTICE, cpFieldData); elog(NOTICE, "Starting format loop"); #endif while (*cpUnFormatedPtr != 0) { while (iDataBlockSize - iUsedDataBlock < 2) { cpDataBlock = SPI_repalloc(cpDataBlock, iDataBlockSize + BUFFER_SIZE); iDataBlockSize = iDataBlockSize + BUFFER_SIZE; cpFormatedPtr = cpDataBlock + iUsedDataBlock; } if (*cpUnFormatedPtr == '\\' || *cpUnFormatedPtr == '\'') { *cpFormatedPtr = '\\'; cpFormatedPtr++; iUsedDataBlock++; } *cpFormatedPtr = *cpUnFormatedPtr; cpFormatedPtr++; cpUnFormatedPtr++; iUsedDataBlock++; } SPI_pfree(cpFieldData); while (iDataBlockSize - iUsedDataBlock < 3) { cpDataBlock = SPI_repalloc(cpDataBlock, iDataBlockSize + BUFFER_SIZE); iDataBlockSize = iDataBlockSize + BUFFER_SIZE; cpFormatedPtr = cpDataBlock + iUsedDataBlock; } sprintf(cpFormatedPtr, "' "); iUsedDataBlock = iUsedDataBlock + 2; #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT elog(NOTICE, cpDataBlock); #endif } /* for iColumnCounter */ if (tpPKeys != NULL) SPI_pfree(tpPKeys); #if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT elog(NOTICE, "Returning"); #endif memset(cpDataBlock + iUsedDataBlock, 0, iDataBlockSize - iUsedDataBlock); return cpDataBlock; }