%{ /* ** A scanner for EMP-style numeric ranges */ #include #include #include "segparse.h" #include "buffer.h" /* flex screws a couple symbols when used with the -P otion; fix those */ #define YY_DECL int seg_yylex YY_PROTO(( void )); \ int seg_yylex YY_PROTO(( void )) #define yylval seg_yylval /* redefined YY_INPUT reads byte-wise from the memory area defined in buffer.c */ #undef YY_INPUT #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \ { \ int c = read_parse_buffer(); \ result = (c == '\0') ? YY_NULL : (buf[0] = c, 1); \ } void seg_flush_scanner_buffer(void); %} %option 8bit %option never-interactive %option nounput %option noyywrap range (\.\.)(\.)? plumin (\'\+\-\')|(\(\+\-)\) integer [+-]?[0-9]+ real [+-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ float ({integer}|{real})([eE]{integer})? %% {range} yylval.text = yytext; return RANGE; {plumin} yylval.text = yytext; return PLUMIN; {float} yylval.text = yytext; return FLOAT; \< yylval.text = "<"; return EXTENSION; \> yylval.text = ">"; return EXTENSION; \~ yylval.text = "~"; return EXTENSION; [ ]+ /* discard spaces */ . return yytext[0]; /* alert parser of the garbage */ %% int seg_yylex(); void seg_flush_scanner_buffer(void) { YY_FLUSH_BUFFER; }