-- predictability SET synchronous_commit = on; SELECT 'init' FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('regression_slot', 'test_decoding'); CREATE TABLE stats_test(data text); -- function to wait for counters to advance CREATE FUNCTION wait_for_decode_stats(check_reset bool) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE start_time timestamptz := clock_timestamp(); updated bool; BEGIN -- we don't want to wait forever; loop will exit after 30 seconds FOR i IN 1 .. 300 LOOP -- check to see if all updates have been reset/updated SELECT CASE WHEN check_reset THEN (spill_txns = 0) ELSE (spill_txns > 0) END INTO updated FROM pg_stat_replication_slots WHERE slot_name='regression_slot'; exit WHEN updated; -- wait a little perform pg_sleep_for('100 milliseconds'); -- reset stats snapshot so we can test again perform pg_stat_clear_snapshot(); END LOOP; -- report time waited in postmaster log (where it won't change test output) RAISE LOG 'wait_for_decode_stats delayed % seconds', extract(epoch from clock_timestamp() - start_time); END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- spilling the xact BEGIN; INSERT INTO stats_test SELECT 'serialize-topbig--1:'||g.i FROM generate_series(1, 5000) g(i); COMMIT; SELECT count(*) FROM pg_logical_slot_peek_changes('regression_slot', NULL, NULL, 'skip-empty-xacts', '1'); -- Check stats, wait for the stats collector to update. We can't test the -- exact stats count as that can vary if any background transaction (say by -- autovacuum) happens in parallel to the main transaction. SELECT wait_for_decode_stats(false); SELECT slot_name, spill_txns > 0 AS spill_txns, spill_count > 0 AS spill_count FROM pg_stat_replication_slots; -- reset the slot stats, and wait for stats collector to reset SELECT pg_stat_reset_replication_slot('regression_slot'); SELECT wait_for_decode_stats(true); SELECT slot_name, spill_txns, spill_count FROM pg_stat_replication_slots; -- decode and check stats again. SELECT count(*) FROM pg_logical_slot_peek_changes('regression_slot', NULL, NULL, 'skip-empty-xacts', '1'); SELECT wait_for_decode_stats(false); SELECT slot_name, spill_txns > 0 AS spill_txns, spill_count > 0 AS spill_count FROM pg_stat_replication_slots; DROP FUNCTION wait_for_decode_stats(bool); DROP TABLE stats_test; SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('regression_slot');