#include "postgres_fe.h" #include #include #include #include "extern.h" #include "dt.h" #include "pgtypes_error.h" #include "pgtypes_date.h" Date PGTYPESdate_from_timestamp(Timestamp dt) { Date dDate; dDate = 0; /* suppress compiler warning */ if (TIMESTAMP_NOT_FINITE(dt)) return #ifdef HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP /* Microseconds to days */ dDate = (dt / INT64CONST(86400000000)); #else /* Seconds to days */ dDate = (dt / 86400.0); #endif return dDate; } Date PGTYPESdate_from_asc(char *str, char **endptr) { Date dDate; fsec_t fsec; struct tm tt, *tm = &tt; int tzp; int dtype; int nf; char *field[MAXDATEFIELDS]; int ftype[MAXDATEFIELDS]; char lowstr[MAXDATELEN + 1]; char *realptr; char **ptr = (endptr != NULL) ? endptr : &realptr; bool EuroDates = FALSE; errno = 0; if (strlen(str) >= sizeof(lowstr)) { errno = PGTYPES_DATE_BAD_DATE; return 0; } if ((ParseDateTime(str, lowstr, field, ftype, MAXDATEFIELDS, &nf, ptr) != 0) || (DecodeDateTime(field, ftype, nf, &dtype, tm, &fsec, &tzp, EuroDates) != 0)) { errno = PGTYPES_DATE_BAD_DATE; return 0; } switch (dtype) { case DTK_DATE: break; case DTK_EPOCH: GetEpochTime(tm); break; default: errno = PGTYPES_DATE_BAD_DATE; return -1; } dDate = (date2j(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday) - date2j(2000, 1, 1)); return dDate; } char * PGTYPESdate_to_asc(Date dDate) { struct tm tt, *tm = &tt; char buf[MAXDATELEN + 1]; int DateStyle=1; bool EuroDates = FALSE; j2date((dDate + date2j(2000, 1, 1)), &(tm->tm_year), &(tm->tm_mon), &(tm->tm_mday)); EncodeDateOnly(tm, DateStyle, buf, EuroDates); return pgtypes_strdup(buf); } void PGTYPESdate_julmdy(Date jd, int* mdy) { int y, m, d; j2date((int) (jd + date2j(2000, 1, 1)), &y, &m, &d); mdy[0] = m; mdy[1] = d; mdy[2] = y; } void PGTYPESdate_mdyjul(int* mdy, Date *jdate) { /* month is mdy[0] */ /* day is mdy[1] */ /* year is mdy[2] */ *jdate = (Date) (date2j(mdy[2], mdy[0], mdy[1]) - date2j(2000, 1, 1)); } int PGTYPESdate_dayofweek(Date dDate) { /* Sunday: 0 Monday: 1 Tuesday: 2 Wednesday: 3 Thursday: 4 Friday: 5 Saturday: 6 */ return 6-j2day(dDate+3); } void PGTYPESdate_today (Date *d) { struct tm ts; GetCurrentDateTime(&ts); *d = date2j(ts.tm_year, ts.tm_mon, ts.tm_mday) - date2j(2000, 1, 1); return; } #define PGTYPES_DATE_NUM_MAX_DIGITS 20 /* should suffice for most years... */ #define PGTYPES_FMTDATE_DAY_DIGITS_LZ 1 /* LZ means "leading zeroes" */ #define PGTYPES_FMTDATE_DOW_LITERAL_SHORT 2 #define PGTYPES_FMTDATE_MONTH_DIGITS_LZ 3 #define PGTYPES_FMTDATE_MONTH_LITERAL_SHORT 4 #define PGTYPES_FMTDATE_YEAR_DIGITS_SHORT 5 #define PGTYPES_FMTDATE_YEAR_DIGITS_LONG 6 int PGTYPESdate_fmt_asc(Date dDate, char* fmtstring, char* outbuf) { static struct { char* format; int component; } mapping[] = { /* format items have to be sorted according to their length, * since the first pattern that matches gets replaced by its * value */ {"ddd", PGTYPES_FMTDATE_DOW_LITERAL_SHORT }, {"dd", PGTYPES_FMTDATE_DAY_DIGITS_LZ }, {"mmm", PGTYPES_FMTDATE_MONTH_LITERAL_SHORT }, {"mm", PGTYPES_FMTDATE_MONTH_DIGITS_LZ }, {"yyyy", PGTYPES_FMTDATE_YEAR_DIGITS_LONG }, {"yy", PGTYPES_FMTDATE_YEAR_DIGITS_SHORT }, { NULL, 0 } }; union un_fmt_comb replace_val; int replace_type; int i; int dow; char* start_pattern; struct tm tm; /* XXX error handling ? */ /* copy the string over */ strcpy(outbuf, fmtstring); /* get the date */ j2date((dDate + date2j(2000, 1, 1)), &(tm.tm_year), &(tm.tm_mon), &(tm.tm_mday)); dow = PGTYPESdate_dayofweek(dDate); for (i = 0; mapping[i].format != NULL; i++) { while ((start_pattern = strstr(outbuf, mapping[i].format)) != NULL) { switch(mapping[i].component) { case PGTYPES_FMTDATE_DOW_LITERAL_SHORT: replace_val.str_val = pgtypes_date_weekdays_short[dow]; replace_type = PGTYPES_TYPE_STRING_CONSTANT; break; case PGTYPES_FMTDATE_DAY_DIGITS_LZ: replace_val.uint_val = tm.tm_mday; replace_type = PGTYPES_TYPE_UINT_2_LZ; break; case PGTYPES_FMTDATE_MONTH_LITERAL_SHORT: replace_val.str_val = months[tm.tm_mon-1]; replace_type = PGTYPES_TYPE_STRING_CONSTANT; break; case PGTYPES_FMTDATE_MONTH_DIGITS_LZ: replace_val.uint_val = tm.tm_mon; replace_type = PGTYPES_TYPE_UINT_2_LZ; break; case PGTYPES_FMTDATE_YEAR_DIGITS_LONG: replace_val.uint_val = tm.tm_year; replace_type = PGTYPES_TYPE_UINT_4_LZ; break; case PGTYPES_FMTDATE_YEAR_DIGITS_SHORT: replace_val.uint_val = tm.tm_year % 1000; replace_type = PGTYPES_TYPE_UINT_2_LZ; break; default: /* should not happen, set something * anyway */ replace_val.str_val = " "; replace_type = PGTYPES_TYPE_STRING_CONSTANT; } switch(replace_type) { case PGTYPES_TYPE_STRING_MALLOCED: case PGTYPES_TYPE_STRING_CONSTANT: strncpy(start_pattern, replace_val.str_val, strlen(replace_val.str_val)); if (replace_type == PGTYPES_TYPE_STRING_MALLOCED) { free(replace_val.str_val); } break; case PGTYPES_TYPE_UINT: { char* t = pgtypes_alloc(PGTYPES_DATE_NUM_MAX_DIGITS); if (!t) { return -1; } snprintf(t, PGTYPES_DATE_NUM_MAX_DIGITS, "%u", replace_val.uint_val); strncpy(start_pattern, t, strlen(t)); free(t); } break; case PGTYPES_TYPE_UINT_2_LZ: { char* t = pgtypes_alloc(PGTYPES_DATE_NUM_MAX_DIGITS); if (!t) { return -1; } snprintf(t, PGTYPES_DATE_NUM_MAX_DIGITS, "%02u", replace_val.uint_val); strncpy(start_pattern, t, strlen(t)); free(t); } break; case PGTYPES_TYPE_UINT_4_LZ: { char* t = pgtypes_alloc(PGTYPES_DATE_NUM_MAX_DIGITS); if (!t) { return -1; } snprintf(t, PGTYPES_DATE_NUM_MAX_DIGITS, "%04u", replace_val.uint_val); strncpy(start_pattern, t, strlen(t)); free(t); } break; default: /* doesn't happen (we set * replace_type to * PGTYPES_TYPE_STRING_CONSTANT * in case of an error above) */ break; } } } return 0; } /* * PGTYPESdate_defmt_asc * * function works as follows: * - first we analyze the paramters * - if this is a special case with no delimiters, add delimters * - find the tokens. First we look for numerical values. If we have found * less than 3 tokens, we check for the months' names and thereafter for * the abbreviations of the months' names. * - then we see which parameter should be the date, the month and the * year and from these values we calculate the date */ #define PGTYPES_DATE_MONTH_MAXLENGTH 20 /* probably even less :-) */ int PGTYPESdate_defmt_asc(Date *d, char *fmt, char *str) { /* token[2] = { 4,6 } means that token 2 starts at * position 4 and ends at (including) position 6 */ int token[3][2]; int token_values[3] = { -1, -1, -1 }; char* fmt_token_order; char* fmt_ystart, *fmt_mstart, *fmt_dstart; int i; int reading_digit; int token_count; char* str_copy; struct tm tm; if (!d || !str || !fmt) { errno = PGTYPES_DATE_ERR_EARGS; return -1; } /* analyze the fmt string */ fmt_ystart = strstr(fmt, "yy"); fmt_mstart = strstr(fmt, "mm"); fmt_dstart = strstr(fmt, "dd"); if (!fmt_ystart || !fmt_mstart || !fmt_dstart) { errno = PGTYPES_DATE_ERR_EARGS; return -1; } if (fmt_ystart < fmt_mstart) { /* y m */ if (fmt_dstart < fmt_ystart) { /* d y m */ fmt_token_order = "dym"; } else if (fmt_dstart > fmt_mstart) { /* y m d */ fmt_token_order = "ymd"; } else { /* y d m */ fmt_token_order = "ydm"; } } else { /* fmt_ystart > fmt_mstart */ /* m y */ if (fmt_dstart < fmt_mstart) { /* d m y */ fmt_token_order = "dmy"; } else if (fmt_dstart > fmt_ystart) { /* m y d */ fmt_token_order = "myd"; } else { /* m d y */ fmt_token_order = "mdy"; } } /* handle the special cases where there is no delimiter between the * digits. If we see this: * * only digits, 6 or 8 bytes then it might be ddmmyy and ddmmyyyy * (or similar) * * we reduce it to a string with delimiters and continue processing * */ /* check if we have only digits */ reading_digit = 1; for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) { if (!isdigit(str[i])) { reading_digit = 0; break; } } if (reading_digit) { int frag_length[3]; int target_pos; i = strlen(str); if (i != 8 && i != 6) { errno = PGTYPES_DATE_ERR_ENOSHORTDATE; return -1; } /* okay, this really is the special case */ /* as long as the string, one additional byte for the * terminator and 2 for the delimiters between the 3 fiedls * */ str_copy = pgtypes_alloc(strlen(str) + 1 + 2); if (!str_copy) { return -1; } /* determine length of the fragments */ if (i == 6) { frag_length[0] = 2; frag_length[1] = 2; frag_length[2] = 2; } else { if (fmt_token_order[0] == 'y') { frag_length[0] = 4; frag_length[1] = 2; frag_length[2] = 2; } else if (fmt_token_order[1] == 'y') { frag_length[0] = 2; frag_length[1] = 4; frag_length[2] = 2; } else { frag_length[0] = 2; frag_length[1] = 2; frag_length[2] = 4; } } target_pos = 0; /* XXX: Here we could calculate the positions of the tokens * and save the for loop down there where we again check * with isdigit() for digits. */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int start_pos = 0; if (i >= 1) { start_pos += frag_length[0]; } if (i == 2) { start_pos += frag_length[1]; } strncpy(str_copy + target_pos, str + start_pos, frag_length[i]); target_pos += frag_length[i]; if (i != 2) { str_copy[target_pos] = ' '; target_pos++; } } str_copy[target_pos] = '\0'; } else { str_copy = pgtypes_strdup(str); if (!str_copy) { return -1; } /* convert the whole string to lower case */ for (i = 0; str_copy[i]; i++) { str_copy[i] = (char) tolower(str_copy[i]); } } /* look for numerical tokens */ reading_digit = 0; token_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < strlen(str_copy); i++) { if (!isdigit(str_copy[i]) && reading_digit) { /* the token is finished */ token[token_count][1] = i-1; reading_digit = 0; token_count++; } else if (isdigit(str_copy[i]) && !reading_digit) { /* we have found a token */ token[token_count][0] = i; reading_digit = 1; } } /* we're at the end of the input string, but maybe we are still reading a * number... */ if (reading_digit) { token[token_count][1] = i-1; token_count++; } if (token_count < 2) { /* not all tokens found, no way to find 2 missing tokens * with string matches */ free(str_copy); errno = PGTYPES_DATE_ERR_ENOTDMY; return -1; } if (token_count != 3) { /* not all tokens found but we may find another one with * string matches by testing for the months names and months * abbreviations */ char *month_lower_tmp = pgtypes_alloc(PGTYPES_DATE_MONTH_MAXLENGTH); char *start_pos; int j; int offset; int found = 0; char** list; if (!month_lower_tmp) { /* free variables we alloc'ed before */ free(str_copy); return -1; } list = pgtypes_date_months; for (i = 0; list[i]; i++) { for (j = 0; j < PGTYPES_DATE_MONTH_MAXLENGTH; j++) { month_lower_tmp[j] = (char) tolower(list[i][j]); if (!month_lower_tmp[j]) { /* properly terminated */ break; } } if ((start_pos = strstr(str_copy, month_lower_tmp))) { offset = start_pos - str_copy; /* sort the new token into the numeric * tokens, shift them if necessary */ if (offset < token[0][0]) { token[2][0] = token[1][0]; token[2][1] = token[1][1]; token[1][0] = token[0][0]; token[1][1] = token[0][1]; token_count = 0; } else if (offset < token[1][0]) { token[2][0] = token[1][0]; token[2][1] = token[1][1]; token_count = 1; } else { token_count = 2; } token[token_count][0] = offset; token[token_count][1] = offset + strlen(month_lower_tmp) - 1; /* the value is the index of the month in * the array of months + 1 (January is month * 0) */ token_values[token_count] = i+1; found = 1; break; } /* evil[tm] hack: * if we read the pgtypes_date_months and haven't * found a match, reset list to point to * pgtypes_date_months_short and reset the counter * variable i */ if (list == pgtypes_date_months) { if (list[i+1] == NULL) { list = months; i = -1; } } } if (!found) { free(month_lower_tmp); free(str_copy); errno = PGTYPES_DATE_ERR_ENOTDMY; return -1; } /* here we found a month. token[token_count] and * token_values[token_count] reflect the month's details. * * only the month can be specified with a literal. Here we can do a * quick check if the month is at the right position according to * the format string because we can check if the token that * we expect to be the month is at the position of the only * token that already has a value. If we wouldn't check here * we could say "December 4 1990" with a fmt string of * "dd mm yy" for 12 April 1990. */ if (fmt_token_order[token_count] != 'm') { /* deal with the error later on */ token_values[token_count] = -1; } free(month_lower_tmp); } /* terminate the tokens with ASCII-0 and get their values */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { *(str_copy + token[i][1] + 1) = '\0'; /* A month already has a value set, check for token_value == -1 */ if (token_values[i] == -1) { errno = 0; token_values[i] = strtol(str_copy + token[i][0], (char **) NULL, 10); /* strtol sets errno in case of an error */ if (errno) { token_values[i] = -1; } } if (fmt_token_order[i] == 'd') { tm.tm_mday = token_values[i]; } else if (fmt_token_order[i] == 'm') { tm.tm_mon = token_values[i]; } else if (fmt_token_order[i] == 'y') { tm.tm_year = token_values[i]; } } free(str_copy); if (tm.tm_mday < 1 || tm.tm_mday > 31) { errno = PGTYPES_DATE_BAD_DAY; return -1; } if (tm.tm_mon < 1 || tm.tm_mon > 12) { errno = PGTYPES_DATE_BAD_MONTH; return -1; } if (tm.tm_mday == 31 && (tm.tm_mon == 4 || tm.tm_mon == 6 || tm.tm_mon == 9 || tm.tm_mon ==11)) { errno = PGTYPES_DATE_BAD_DAY; return -1; } if (tm.tm_mon == 2 && tm.tm_mday > 29) { errno = PGTYPES_DATE_BAD_DAY; return -1; } /* XXX: DBCENTURY ? */ *d = date2j(tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday) - date2j(2000, 1, 1); return 0; }