%{ /* NdBox = [(lowerleft),(upperright)] */ /* [(xLL(1)...xLL(N)),(xUR(1)...xUR(n))] */ #define YYERROR_VERBOSE #define YYPARSE_PARAM result /* need this to pass a pointer (void *) to yyparse */ #define YYSTYPE char * #define YYDEBUG 1 #include "postgres.h" #include "cubedata.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "utils/palloc.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #undef yylex /* falure to redefine yylex will result in a call to the */ #define yylex cube_yylex /* wrong scanner when running inside the postgres backend */ extern int yylex(); /* defined as cube_yylex in cubescan.c */ extern int errno; int cube_yyerror( char *msg ); int cube_yyparse(void *result); static int delim_count(char *s, char delim); static NDBOX * write_box(unsigned int dim, char *str1, char *str2); static NDBOX * write_point_as_box(char *s, int dim); %} /* BISON Declarations */ %token FLOAT O_PAREN C_PAREN O_BRACKET C_BRACKET COMMA %start box /* Grammar follows */ %% box: O_BRACKET paren_list COMMA paren_list C_BRACKET { int dim; int c = parse_buffer_curr_char(); int pos = parse_buffer_pos(); /* We can't let the parser recognize more than one valid expression: the job is done and memory is allocated. */ if ( c != '\0' ) { /* Not at EOF */ reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(0) bad cube representation; garbage at or before char %d, ('%c', \\%03o)\n", pos, c, c ); YYERROR; } dim = delim_count($2, ',') + 1; if ( (delim_count($4, ',') + 1) != dim ) { reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(1) bad cube representation; different point dimensions in (%s) and (%s)\n", $2, $4); YYABORT; } if (dim > CUBE_MAX_DIM) { reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(8) bad cube representation; more than %d dimensions\n", CUBE_MAX_DIM); YYABORT; } *((void **)result) = write_box( dim, $2, $4 ); } | paren_list COMMA paren_list { int dim; int c = parse_buffer_curr_char(); int pos = parse_buffer_pos(); if ( c != '\0' ) { /* Not at EOF */ reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(2) bad cube representation; garbage at or before char %d, ('%c', \\%03o)\n", pos, c, c ); YYABORT; } dim = delim_count($1, ',') + 1; if ( (delim_count($3, ',') + 1) != dim ) { reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(3) bad cube representation; different point dimensions in (%s) and (%s)\n", $1, $3); YYABORT; } if (dim > CUBE_MAX_DIM) { reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(8) bad cube representation; more than %d dimensions\n", CUBE_MAX_DIM); YYABORT; } *((void **)result) = write_box( dim, $1, $3 ); } | paren_list { int dim; int c = parse_buffer_curr_char(); int pos = parse_buffer_pos(); if ( c != '\0') { /* Not at EOF */ reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(4) bad cube representation; garbage at or before char %d, ('%c', \\%03o)\n", pos, c, c ); YYABORT; } if ( yychar != YYEOF) { /* There's still a lookahead token to be parsed */ reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(5) bad cube representation; garbage at or before char %d, ('end of input', \\%03o)\n", pos, c); YYABORT; } dim = delim_count($1, ',') + 1; if (dim > CUBE_MAX_DIM) { reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(8) bad cube representation; more than %d dimensions\n", CUBE_MAX_DIM); YYABORT; } *((void **)result) = write_point_as_box($1, dim); } | list { int dim; int c = parse_buffer_curr_char(); int pos = parse_buffer_pos(); if ( c != '\0') { /* Not at EOF */ reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(6) bad cube representation; garbage at or before char %d, ('%c', \\%03o)\n", pos, c, c); YYABORT; } if ( yychar != YYEOF) { /* There's still a lookahead token to be parsed */ reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(7) bad cube representation; garbage at or before char %d, ('end of input', \\%03o)\n", pos, c); YYABORT; } dim = delim_count($1, ',') + 1; if (dim > CUBE_MAX_DIM) { reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, "(8) bad cube representation; more than %d dimensions\n", CUBE_MAX_DIM); YYABORT; } *((void **)result) = write_point_as_box($1, dim); } ; paren_list: O_PAREN list C_PAREN { $$ = $2; } ; list: FLOAT { $$ = palloc(strlen(parse_buffer()) + 1); strcpy($$, $1); } | list COMMA FLOAT { $$ = $1; strcat($$, ","); strcat($$, $3); } ; %% int cube_yyerror ( char *msg ) { char *buf = (char *) palloc(256); int position; yyclearin; if ( !strcmp(msg, "parse error, expecting `$'") ) { msg = "expecting end of input"; } position = parse_buffer_pos() > parse_buffer_size() ? parse_buffer_pos() - 1 : parse_buffer_pos(); snprintf( buf, 256, "%s at or before position %d, character ('%c', \\%03o), input: '%s'\n", msg, position, parse_buffer()[position - 1], parse_buffer()[position - 1], parse_buffer() ); reset_parse_buffer(); elog(ERROR, buf); return 0; } static int delim_count(char *s, char delim) { int ndelim = 0; while ((s = strchr(s, delim)) != NULL) { ndelim++; s++; } return (ndelim); } static NDBOX * write_box(unsigned int dim, char *str1, char *str2) { NDBOX * bp; char * s; int i; int size = offsetof(NDBOX, x[0]) + sizeof(double) * dim * 2; bp = palloc(size); memset(bp, 0, size); bp->size = size; bp->dim = dim; s = str1; bp->x[i=0] = strtod(s, NULL); while ((s = strchr(s, ',')) != NULL) { s++; i++; bp->x[i] = strtod(s, NULL); } s = str2; bp->x[i=dim] = strtod(s, NULL); while ((s = strchr(s, ',')) != NULL) { s++; i++; bp->x[i] = strtod(s, NULL); } return(bp); } static NDBOX * write_point_as_box(char *str, int dim) { NDBOX * bp; int i, size; double x; char * s = str; size = offsetof(NDBOX, x[0]) + sizeof(double) * dim * 2; bp = palloc(size); memset(bp, 0, size); bp->size = size; bp->dim = dim; i = 0; x = strtod(s, NULL); bp->x[0] = x; bp->x[dim] = x; while ((s = strchr(s, ',')) != NULL) { s++; i++; x = strtod(s, NULL); bp->x[i] = x; bp->x[i+dim] = x; } return(bp); }