/* * server.c * * database server functions * * Copyright (c) 2010, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * contrib/pg_upgrade/server.c */ #include "pg_upgrade.h" #define POSTMASTER_UPTIME 20 #define STARTUP_WARNING_TRIES 2 static pgpid_t get_postmaster_pid(const char *datadir); static bool test_server_conn(ClusterInfo *cluster, int timeout); /* * connectToServer() * * Connects to the desired database on the designated server. * If the connection attempt fails, this function logs an error * message and calls exit_nicely() to kill the program. */ PGconn * connectToServer(ClusterInfo *cluster, const char *db_name) { unsigned short port = cluster->port; char connectString[MAXPGPATH]; PGconn *conn; snprintf(connectString, sizeof(connectString), "dbname = '%s' user = '%s' port = %d", db_name, os_info.user, port); conn = PQconnectdb(connectString); if (conn == NULL || PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK) { pg_log(PG_REPORT, "Connection to database failed: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn)); if (conn) PQfinish(conn); exit_nicely(true); } return conn; } /* * executeQueryOrDie() * * Formats a query string from the given arguments and executes the * resulting query. If the query fails, this function logs an error * message and calls exit_nicely() to kill the program. */ PGresult * executeQueryOrDie(PGconn *conn, const char *fmt,...) { static char command[8192]; va_list args; PGresult *result; ExecStatusType status; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(command, sizeof(command), fmt, args); va_end(args); pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "executing: %s\n", command); result = PQexec(conn, command); status = PQresultStatus(result); if ((status != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) && (status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)) { pg_log(PG_REPORT, "DB command failed\n%s\n%s\n", command, PQerrorMessage(conn)); PQclear(result); PQfinish(conn); exit_nicely(true); return NULL; /* Never get here, but keeps compiler happy */ } else return result; } /* * get_postmaster_pid() * * Returns the pid of the postmaster running on datadir. pid is retrieved * from the postmaster.pid file */ static pgpid_t get_postmaster_pid(const char *datadir) { FILE *pidf; long pid; char pid_file[MAXPGPATH]; snprintf(pid_file, sizeof(pid_file), "%s/postmaster.pid", datadir); pidf = fopen(pid_file, "r"); if (pidf == NULL) return (pgpid_t) 0; if (fscanf(pidf, "%ld", &pid) != 1) { fclose(pidf); pg_log(PG_FATAL, "%s: invalid data in PID file \"%s\"\n", os_info.progname, pid_file); } fclose(pidf); return (pgpid_t) pid; } /* * get_major_server_version() * * gets the version (in unsigned int form) for the given "datadir". Assumes * that datadir is an absolute path to a valid pgdata directory. The version * is retrieved by reading the PG_VERSION file. */ uint32 get_major_server_version(ClusterInfo *cluster) { const char *datadir = cluster->pgdata; FILE *version_fd; char ver_filename[MAXPGPATH]; int integer_version = 0; int fractional_version = 0; snprintf(ver_filename, sizeof(ver_filename), "%s/PG_VERSION", datadir); if ((version_fd = fopen(ver_filename, "r")) == NULL) return 0; if (fscanf(version_fd, "%63s", cluster->major_version_str) == 0 || sscanf(cluster->major_version_str, "%d.%d", &integer_version, &fractional_version) != 2) { pg_log(PG_FATAL, "could not get version from %s\n", datadir); fclose(version_fd); return 0; } return (100 * integer_version + fractional_version) * 100; } void start_postmaster(ClusterInfo *cluster, bool quiet) { char cmd[MAXPGPATH]; const char *bindir; const char *datadir; unsigned short port; bindir = cluster->bindir; datadir = cluster->pgdata; port = cluster->port; /* * On Win32, we can't send both pg_upgrade output and pg_ctl output to the * same file because we get the error: "The process cannot access the file * because it is being used by another process." so we have to send all * other output to 'nul'. */ snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), SYSTEMQUOTE "\"%s/pg_ctl\" -l \"%s\" -D \"%s\" " "-o \"-p %d -c autovacuum=off " "-c autovacuum_freeze_max_age=2000000000\" " "start >> \"%s\" 2>&1" SYSTEMQUOTE, bindir, #ifndef WIN32 log_opts.filename, datadir, port, log_opts.filename); #else DEVNULL, datadir, port, DEVNULL); #endif exec_prog(true, "%s", cmd); /* wait for the server to start properly */ if (test_server_conn(cluster, POSTMASTER_UPTIME) == false) pg_log(PG_FATAL, " Unable to start %s postmaster with the command: %s\nPerhaps pg_hba.conf was not set to \"trust\".", CLUSTER_NAME(cluster), cmd); if ((os_info.postmasterPID = get_postmaster_pid(datadir)) == 0) pg_log(PG_FATAL, " Unable to get postmaster pid\n"); os_info.running_cluster = cluster; } void stop_postmaster(bool fast, bool quiet) { char cmd[MAXPGPATH]; const char *bindir; const char *datadir; if (os_info.running_cluster == &old_cluster) { bindir = old_cluster.bindir; datadir = old_cluster.pgdata; } else if (os_info.running_cluster == &new_cluster) { bindir = new_cluster.bindir; datadir = new_cluster.pgdata; } else return; /* no cluster running */ /* See comment in start_postmaster() about why win32 output is ignored. */ snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), SYSTEMQUOTE "\"%s/pg_ctl\" -l \"%s\" -D \"%s\" %s stop >> " "\"%s\" 2>&1" SYSTEMQUOTE, bindir, #ifndef WIN32 log_opts.filename, datadir, fast ? "-m fast" : "", log_opts.filename); #else DEVNULL, datadir, fast ? "-m fast" : "", DEVNULL); #endif exec_prog(fast ? false : true, "%s", cmd); os_info.postmasterPID = 0; os_info.running_cluster = NULL; } /* * test_server_conn() * * tests whether postmaster is running or not by trying to connect * to it. If connection is unsuccessfull we do a sleep of 1 sec and then * try the connection again. This process continues "timeout" times. * * Returns true if the connection attempt was successfull, false otherwise. */ static bool test_server_conn(ClusterInfo *cluster, int timeout) { unsigned short port = cluster->port; PGconn *conn = NULL; char con_opts[MAX_STRING]; int tries; bool ret = false; snprintf(con_opts, sizeof(con_opts), "dbname = 'template1' user = '%s' port = %d ", os_info.user, port); for (tries = 0; tries < timeout; tries++) { sleep(1); if ((conn = PQconnectdb(con_opts)) != NULL && PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_OK) { PQfinish(conn); ret = true; break; } if (tries == STARTUP_WARNING_TRIES) prep_status("Trying to start %s server ", CLUSTER_NAME(cluster)); else if (tries > STARTUP_WARNING_TRIES) pg_log(PG_REPORT, "."); } if (tries > STARTUP_WARNING_TRIES) check_ok(); return ret; } /* * check_for_libpq_envvars() * * tests whether any libpq environment variables are set. * Since pg_upgrade connects to both the old and the new server, * it is potentially dangerous to have any of these set. * * If any are found, will log them and cancel. */ void check_for_libpq_envvars(void) { PQconninfoOption *option; PQconninfoOption *start; bool found = false; /* Get valid libpq env vars from the PQconndefaults function */ start = option = PQconndefaults(); while (option->keyword != NULL) { const char *value; if (option->envvar && (value = getenv(option->envvar)) && strlen(value) > 0) { found = true; pg_log(PG_WARNING, "libpq env var %-20s is currently set to: %s\n", option->envvar, value); } option++; } /* Free the memory that libpq allocated on our behalf */ PQconninfoFree(start); if (found) pg_log(PG_FATAL, "libpq env vars have been found and listed above, please unset them for pg_upgrade\n"); }