SHOW SQL - Language Statements SHOW show the value of a run-time parameter SHOW name SHOW ALL Inputs name The name of a run-time parameter. See for a list. ALL Show all current session parameters. Description SHOW will display the current setting of a run-time parameter. These variables can be set using the SET statement, by editing the postgresql.conf, through the PGOPTIONS environmental variable, or through a command-line flag when starting the postmaster. Even with autocommit set to off, SHOW does not start a new transaction block. See the autocommit section of the &cite-admin; for details. Diagnostics ERROR: Option 'name' is not recognized Message returned if name does not stand for an existing parameter. Examples Show the current DateStyle setting: SHOW DateStyle; DateStyle --------------------------------------- ISO with US (NonEuropean) conventions (1 row) Show whether the genetic query optimizer is enabled by displaying the geqo setting: SHOW GEQO; geqo ------ on (1 row) Show all settings: SHOW ALL; name | setting -------------------------------+--------------------------------------- australian_timezones | off authentication_timeout | 60 checkpoint_segments | 3 . . . wal_debug | 0 wal_sync_method | fdatasync (94 rows) Compatibility The SHOW command is a PostgreSQL extension. See Also The function current_setting produces equivalent output. See Miscellaneous Functions in the &cite-user;.