%allfiles; ]> PostgreSQL Covering v6.5 for general release The PostgreSQL Development Team Thomas Lockhart Caltech/JPL (last updated 1999-06-01) PostgreSQL is Copyright © 1996-9 by the Postgres Global Development Group. Summary Postgres, developed originally in the UC Berkeley Computer Science Department, pioneered many of the object-relational concepts now becoming available in some commercial databases. It provides SQL92/SQL3 language support, transaction integrity, and type extensibility. PostgreSQL is an open-source descendant of this original Berkeley code. User's Guide Information for users. &intro; &syntax; &datatype; &oper; &func; &typeconv; &indices; &array; &inherit; &mvcc; &environ; &manage; &storage; &commands; Administrator's Guide Installation and maintenance information. &ports; &config; &layout; &install; &installw; &runtime; &security; &start-ag; &manage-ag; &trouble; &recovery; ®ress; &release; Programmer's Guide Information for extending Postgres. &arch-pg; &extend; &xfunc; &xtypes; &xoper; &xaggr; &rules; &xindex; &gist; &dfunc; &trigger; &spi; &xplang; Interfaces User and programmer interfaces. &func-ref; &lobj; &ecpg; &libpq; &libpqpp; &libpgtcl; &odbc; &jdbc; &lisp; Developer's Guide The Developer's Guide includes discussion of design decisions and suggestions for future development. &sources; &arch-dev; &options; &geqo; &protocol; &signals; &compiler; &bki; &page; Tutorial Introduction for new users. &sql; &arch; &start; &query; &advanced; Appendices Additional related information. &datetime; &cvs; &docguide; &biblio;