/* Test inheritance of structure (LIKE) */ CREATE TABLE inhx (xx text DEFAULT 'text'); /* * Test double inheritance * * Ensure that defaults are NOT included unless * INCLUDING DEFAULTS is specified */ CREATE TABLE ctla (aa TEXT); CREATE TABLE ctlb (bb TEXT) INHERITS (ctla); CREATE TABLE foo (LIKE nonexistent); CREATE TABLE inhe (ee text, LIKE inhx) inherits (ctlb); INSERT INTO inhe VALUES ('ee-col1', 'ee-col2', DEFAULT, 'ee-col4'); SELECT * FROM inhe; /* Columns aa, bb, xx value NULL, ee */ SELECT * FROM inhx; /* Empty set since LIKE inherits structure only */ SELECT * FROM ctlb; /* Has ee entry */ SELECT * FROM ctla; /* Has ee entry */ CREATE TABLE inhf (LIKE inhx, LIKE inhx); /* Throw error */ CREATE TABLE inhf (LIKE inhx INCLUDING DEFAULTS INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS); INSERT INTO inhf DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT * FROM inhf; /* Single entry with value 'text' */ ALTER TABLE inhx add constraint foo CHECK (xx = 'text'); ALTER TABLE inhx ADD PRIMARY KEY (xx); CREATE TABLE inhg (LIKE inhx); /* Doesn't copy constraint */ INSERT INTO inhg VALUES ('foo'); DROP TABLE inhg; CREATE TABLE inhg (x text, LIKE inhx INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS, y text); /* Copies constraints */ INSERT INTO inhg VALUES ('x', 'text', 'y'); /* Succeeds */ INSERT INTO inhg VALUES ('x', 'text', 'y'); /* Succeeds -- Unique constraints not copied */ INSERT INTO inhg VALUES ('x', 'foo', 'y'); /* fails due to constraint */ SELECT * FROM inhg; /* Two records with three columns in order x=x, xx=text, y=y */ DROP TABLE inhg; CREATE TABLE test_like_id_1 (a bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, b text); \d test_like_id_1 INSERT INTO test_like_id_1 (b) VALUES ('b1'); SELECT * FROM test_like_id_1; CREATE TABLE test_like_id_2 (LIKE test_like_id_1); \d test_like_id_2 INSERT INTO test_like_id_2 (b) VALUES ('b2'); SELECT * FROM test_like_id_2; -- identity was not copied CREATE TABLE test_like_id_3 (LIKE test_like_id_1 INCLUDING IDENTITY); \d test_like_id_3 INSERT INTO test_like_id_3 (b) VALUES ('b3'); SELECT * FROM test_like_id_3; -- identity was copied and applied DROP TABLE test_like_id_1, test_like_id_2, test_like_id_3; CREATE TABLE inhg (x text, LIKE inhx INCLUDING INDEXES, y text); /* copies indexes */ INSERT INTO inhg VALUES (5, 10); INSERT INTO inhg VALUES (20, 10); -- should fail DROP TABLE inhg; /* Multiple primary keys creation should fail */ CREATE TABLE inhg (x text, LIKE inhx INCLUDING INDEXES, PRIMARY KEY(x)); /* fails */ CREATE TABLE inhz (xx text DEFAULT 'text', yy int UNIQUE); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX inhz_xx_idx on inhz (xx) WHERE xx <> 'test'; /* Ok to create multiple unique indexes */ CREATE TABLE inhg (x text UNIQUE, LIKE inhz INCLUDING INDEXES); INSERT INTO inhg (xx, yy, x) VALUES ('test', 5, 10); INSERT INTO inhg (xx, yy, x) VALUES ('test', 10, 15); INSERT INTO inhg (xx, yy, x) VALUES ('foo', 10, 15); -- should fail DROP TABLE inhg; DROP TABLE inhz; -- including storage and comments CREATE TABLE ctlt1 (a text CHECK (length(a) > 2) PRIMARY KEY, b text); CREATE INDEX ctlt1_b_key ON ctlt1 (b); CREATE INDEX ctlt1_fnidx ON ctlt1 ((a || b)); CREATE STATISTICS ctlt1_a_b_stat ON a,b FROM ctlt1; COMMENT ON STATISTICS ctlt1_a_b_stat IS 'ab stats'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ctlt1.a IS 'A'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ctlt1.b IS 'B'; COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT ctlt1_a_check ON ctlt1 IS 't1_a_check'; COMMENT ON INDEX ctlt1_pkey IS 'index pkey'; COMMENT ON INDEX ctlt1_b_key IS 'index b_key'; ALTER TABLE ctlt1 ALTER COLUMN a SET STORAGE MAIN; CREATE TABLE ctlt2 (c text); ALTER TABLE ctlt2 ALTER COLUMN c SET STORAGE EXTERNAL; COMMENT ON COLUMN ctlt2.c IS 'C'; CREATE TABLE ctlt3 (a text CHECK (length(a) < 5), c text); ALTER TABLE ctlt3 ALTER COLUMN c SET STORAGE EXTERNAL; ALTER TABLE ctlt3 ALTER COLUMN a SET STORAGE MAIN; COMMENT ON COLUMN ctlt3.a IS 'A3'; COMMENT ON COLUMN ctlt3.c IS 'C'; COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT ctlt3_a_check ON ctlt3 IS 't3_a_check'; CREATE TABLE ctlt4 (a text, c text); ALTER TABLE ctlt4 ALTER COLUMN c SET STORAGE EXTERNAL; CREATE TABLE ctlt12_storage (LIKE ctlt1 INCLUDING STORAGE, LIKE ctlt2 INCLUDING STORAGE); \d+ ctlt12_storage CREATE TABLE ctlt12_comments (LIKE ctlt1 INCLUDING COMMENTS, LIKE ctlt2 INCLUDING COMMENTS); \d+ ctlt12_comments CREATE TABLE ctlt1_inh (LIKE ctlt1 INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS INCLUDING COMMENTS) INHERITS (ctlt1); \d+ ctlt1_inh SELECT description FROM pg_description, pg_constraint c WHERE classoid = 'pg_constraint'::regclass AND objoid = c.oid AND c.conrelid = 'ctlt1_inh'::regclass; CREATE TABLE ctlt13_inh () INHERITS (ctlt1, ctlt3); \d+ ctlt13_inh CREATE TABLE ctlt13_like (LIKE ctlt3 INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS INCLUDING COMMENTS INCLUDING STORAGE) INHERITS (ctlt1); \d+ ctlt13_like SELECT description FROM pg_description, pg_constraint c WHERE classoid = 'pg_constraint'::regclass AND objoid = c.oid AND c.conrelid = 'ctlt13_like'::regclass; CREATE TABLE ctlt_all (LIKE ctlt1 INCLUDING ALL); \d+ ctlt_all SELECT c.relname, objsubid, description FROM pg_description, pg_index i, pg_class c WHERE classoid = 'pg_class'::regclass AND objoid = i.indexrelid AND c.oid = i.indexrelid AND i.indrelid = 'ctlt_all'::regclass ORDER BY c.relname, objsubid; SELECT s.stxname, objsubid, description FROM pg_description, pg_statistic_ext s WHERE classoid = 'pg_statistic_ext'::regclass AND objoid = s.oid AND s.stxrelid = 'ctlt_all'::regclass ORDER BY s.stxname, objsubid; CREATE TABLE inh_error1 () INHERITS (ctlt1, ctlt4); CREATE TABLE inh_error2 (LIKE ctlt4 INCLUDING STORAGE) INHERITS (ctlt1); DROP TABLE ctlt1, ctlt2, ctlt3, ctlt4, ctlt12_storage, ctlt12_comments, ctlt1_inh, ctlt13_inh, ctlt13_like, ctlt_all, ctla, ctlb CASCADE; /* LIKE with other relation kinds */ CREATE TABLE ctlt4 (a int, b text); CREATE SEQUENCE ctlseq1; CREATE TABLE ctlt10 (LIKE ctlseq1); -- fail CREATE VIEW ctlv1 AS SELECT * FROM ctlt4; CREATE TABLE ctlt11 (LIKE ctlv1); CREATE TABLE ctlt11a (LIKE ctlv1 INCLUDING ALL); CREATE TYPE ctlty1 AS (a int, b text); CREATE TABLE ctlt12 (LIKE ctlty1); DROP SEQUENCE ctlseq1; DROP TYPE ctlty1; DROP VIEW ctlv1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ctlt4, ctlt10, ctlt11, ctlt11a, ctlt12;