VACUUM; -- -- sanity check, if we don't have indices the test will take years to -- complete. But skip TOAST relations (since they will have varying -- names depending on the current OID counter) as well as temp tables -- of other backends (to avoid timing-dependent behavior). -- -- temporarily disable fancy output, so catalog changes create less diff noise \a\t SELECT relname, relhasindex FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = relnamespace WHERE relkind IN ('r', 'p') AND (nspname ~ '^pg_temp_') IS NOT TRUE ORDER BY relname; a|f a_star|f abstime_tbl|f aggtest|f array_index_op_test|t array_op_test|f b|f b_star|f box_tbl|f bprime|f bt_f8_heap|t bt_i4_heap|t bt_name_heap|t bt_txt_heap|t c|f c_star|f char_tbl|f check2_tbl|f check_tbl|f circle_tbl|t city|f copy_tbl|f d|f d_star|f date_tbl|f default_tbl|f defaultexpr_tbl|f dept|f dupindexcols|t e_star|f emp|f equipment_r|f f_star|f fast_emp4000|t float4_tbl|f float8_tbl|f func_index_heap|t hash_f8_heap|t hash_i4_heap|t hash_name_heap|t hash_txt_heap|t hobbies_r|f ihighway|t inet_tbl|f inhf|f inhx|t insert_tbl|f int2_tbl|f int4_tbl|f int8_tbl|f interval_tbl|f invalid_check_con|f invalid_check_con_child|f iportaltest|f kd_point_tbl|t line_tbl|f log_table|f lseg_tbl|f main_table|f mlparted|f mlparted1|f mlparted11|f mlparted12|f mlparted2|f mlparted3|f mlparted4|f money_data|f num_data|f num_exp_add|t num_exp_div|t num_exp_ln|t num_exp_log10|t num_exp_mul|t num_exp_power_10_ln|t num_exp_sqrt|t num_exp_sub|t num_input_test|f num_result|f onek|t onek2|t path_tbl|f person|f pg_aggregate|t pg_am|t pg_amop|t pg_amproc|t pg_attrdef|t pg_attribute|t pg_auth_members|t pg_authid|t pg_cast|t pg_class|t pg_collation|t pg_constraint|t pg_conversion|t pg_database|t pg_db_role_setting|t pg_default_acl|t pg_depend|t pg_description|t pg_enum|t pg_event_trigger|t pg_extension|t pg_foreign_data_wrapper|t pg_foreign_server|t pg_foreign_table|t pg_index|t pg_inherits|t pg_init_privs|t pg_language|t pg_largeobject|t pg_largeobject_metadata|t pg_namespace|t pg_opclass|t pg_operator|t pg_opfamily|t pg_partitioned_table|t pg_pltemplate|t pg_policy|t pg_proc|t pg_publication|t pg_publication_rel|t pg_range|t pg_replication_origin|t pg_rewrite|t pg_seclabel|t pg_sequence|t pg_shdepend|t pg_shdescription|t pg_shseclabel|t pg_statistic|t pg_subscription|t pg_tablespace|t pg_transform|t pg_trigger|t pg_ts_config|t pg_ts_config_map|t pg_ts_dict|t pg_ts_parser|t pg_ts_template|t pg_type|t pg_user_mapping|t point_tbl|t polygon_tbl|t quad_box_tbl|t quad_point_tbl|t radix_text_tbl|t ramp|f real_city|f reltime_tbl|f road|t shighway|t slow_emp4000|f sql_features|f sql_implementation_info|f sql_languages|f sql_packages|f sql_parts|f sql_sizing|f sql_sizing_profiles|f stud_emp|f student|f tenk1|t tenk2|t test_range_excl|t test_range_gist|t test_range_spgist|t test_tsvector|f testjsonb|f text_tbl|f time_tbl|f timestamp_tbl|f timestamptz_tbl|f timetz_tbl|f tinterval_tbl|f varchar_tbl|f -- restore normal output mode \a\t -- -- another sanity check: every system catalog that has OIDs should have -- a unique index on OID. This ensures that the OIDs will be unique, -- even after the OID counter wraps around. -- We exclude non-system tables from the check by looking at nspname. -- SELECT relname, nspname FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = relnamespace WHERE relhasoids AND ((nspname ~ '^pg_') IS NOT FALSE) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_index i WHERE indrelid = c.oid AND indkey[0] = -2 AND indnatts = 1 AND indisunique AND indimmediate); relname | nspname ---------+--------- (0 rows)