-- sanity check of system catalog SELECT attrelid, attname, attgenerated FROM pg_attribute WHERE attgenerated NOT IN ('', 's'); attrelid | attname | attgenerated ----------+---------+-------------- (0 rows) CREATE TABLE gtest0 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (55) STORED); CREATE TABLE gtest1 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED); SELECT table_name, column_name, column_default, is_nullable, is_generated, generation_expression FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name LIKE 'gtest_' ORDER BY 1, 2; table_name | column_name | column_default | is_nullable | is_generated | generation_expression ------------+-------------+----------------+-------------+--------------+----------------------- gtest0 | a | | NO | NEVER | gtest0 | b | | YES | ALWAYS | 55 gtest1 | a | | NO | NEVER | gtest1 | b | | YES | ALWAYS | (a * 2) (4 rows) SELECT table_name, column_name, dependent_column FROM information_schema.column_column_usage ORDER BY 1, 2, 3; table_name | column_name | dependent_column ------------+-------------+------------------ gtest1 | a | b (1 row) \d gtest1 Table "public.gtest1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------ a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | | generated always as (a * 2) stored Indexes: "gtest1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) -- duplicate generated CREATE TABLE gtest_err_1 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 3) STORED); ERROR: multiple generation clauses specified for column "b" of table "gtest_err_1" LINE 1: ...ARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED GENERATED ... ^ -- references to other generated columns, including self-references CREATE TABLE gtest_err_2a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (b * 2) STORED); ERROR: cannot use generated column "b" in column generation expression LINE 1: ...2a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (b * 2) STO... ^ DETAIL: A generated column cannot reference another generated column. CREATE TABLE gtest_err_2b (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED, c int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (b * 3) STORED); ERROR: cannot use generated column "b" in column generation expression LINE 1: ...AYS AS (a * 2) STORED, c int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (b * 3) STO... ^ DETAIL: A generated column cannot reference another generated column. -- invalid reference CREATE TABLE gtest_err_3 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (c * 2) STORED); ERROR: column "c" does not exist LINE 1: ..._3 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (c * 2) STO... ^ -- generation expression must be immutable CREATE TABLE gtest_err_4 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b double precision GENERATED ALWAYS AS (random()) STORED); ERROR: generation expression is not immutable -- cannot have default/identity and generated CREATE TABLE gtest_err_5a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int DEFAULT 5 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED); ERROR: both default and generation expression specified for column "b" of table "gtest_err_5a" LINE 1: ... gtest_err_5a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int DEFAULT 5 GENERATED ... ^ CREATE TABLE gtest_err_5b (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS identity GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED); ERROR: both identity and generation expression specified for column "b" of table "gtest_err_5b" LINE 1: ...t PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS identity GENERATED ... ^ -- reference to system column not allowed in generated column CREATE TABLE gtest_err_6a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b bool GENERATED ALWAYS AS (xmin <> 37) STORED); ERROR: cannot use system column "xmin" in column generation expression LINE 1: ...a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b bool GENERATED ALWAYS AS (xmin <> 37... ^ -- various prohibited constructs CREATE TABLE gtest_err_7a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (avg(a)) STORED); ERROR: aggregate functions are not allowed in column generation expressions LINE 1: ...7a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (avg(a)) ST... ^ CREATE TABLE gtest_err_7b (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (row_number() OVER (ORDER BY a)) STORED); ERROR: window functions are not allowed in column generation expressions LINE 1: ...7b (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (row_number... ^ CREATE TABLE gtest_err_7c (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS ((SELECT a)) STORED); ERROR: cannot use subquery in column generation expression LINE 1: ...7c (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS ((SELECT a)... ^ CREATE TABLE gtest_err_7d (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (generate_series(1, a)) STORED); ERROR: set-returning functions are not allowed in column generation expressions LINE 1: ...7d (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (generate_s... ^ -- GENERATED BY DEFAULT not allowed CREATE TABLE gtest_err_8 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS (a * 2) STORED); ERROR: for a generated column, GENERATED ALWAYS must be specified LINE 1: ...E gtest_err_8 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED BY DEFAULT... ^ INSERT INTO gtest1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO gtest1 VALUES (2, DEFAULT); INSERT INTO gtest1 VALUES (3, 33); -- error ERROR: cannot insert into column "b" DETAIL: Column "b" is a generated column. SELECT * FROM gtest1 ORDER BY a; a | b ---+--- 1 | 2 2 | 4 (2 rows) UPDATE gtest1 SET b = DEFAULT WHERE a = 1; UPDATE gtest1 SET b = 11 WHERE a = 1; -- error ERROR: column "b" can only be updated to DEFAULT DETAIL: Column "b" is a generated column. SELECT * FROM gtest1 ORDER BY a; a | b ---+--- 1 | 2 2 | 4 (2 rows) SELECT a, b, b * 2 AS b2 FROM gtest1 ORDER BY a; a | b | b2 ---+---+---- 1 | 2 | 4 2 | 4 | 8 (2 rows) SELECT a, b FROM gtest1 WHERE b = 4 ORDER BY a; a | b ---+--- 2 | 4 (1 row) -- test that overflow error happens on write INSERT INTO gtest1 VALUES (2000000000); ERROR: integer out of range SELECT * FROM gtest1; a | b ---+--- 2 | 4 1 | 2 (2 rows) DELETE FROM gtest1 WHERE a = 2000000000; -- test with joins CREATE TABLE gtestx (x int, y int); INSERT INTO gtestx VALUES (11, 1), (22, 2), (33, 3); SELECT * FROM gtestx, gtest1 WHERE gtestx.y = gtest1.a; x | y | a | b ----+---+---+--- 11 | 1 | 1 | 2 22 | 2 | 2 | 4 (2 rows) DROP TABLE gtestx; -- test UPDATE/DELETE quals SELECT * FROM gtest1 ORDER BY a; a | b ---+--- 1 | 2 2 | 4 (2 rows) UPDATE gtest1 SET a = 3 WHERE b = 4; SELECT * FROM gtest1 ORDER BY a; a | b ---+--- 1 | 2 3 | 6 (2 rows) DELETE FROM gtest1 WHERE b = 2; SELECT * FROM gtest1 ORDER BY a; a | b ---+--- 3 | 6 (1 row) -- views CREATE VIEW gtest1v AS SELECT * FROM gtest1; SELECT * FROM gtest1v; a | b ---+--- 3 | 6 (1 row) INSERT INTO gtest1v VALUES (4, 8); -- fails ERROR: cannot insert into column "b" DETAIL: Column "b" is a generated column. DROP VIEW gtest1v; -- CTEs WITH foo AS (SELECT * FROM gtest1) SELECT * FROM foo; a | b ---+--- 3 | 6 (1 row) -- inheritance CREATE TABLE gtest1_1 () INHERITS (gtest1); SELECT * FROM gtest1_1; a | b ---+--- (0 rows) \d gtest1_1 Table "public.gtest1_1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------ a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | | generated always as (a * 2) stored Inherits: gtest1 INSERT INTO gtest1_1 VALUES (4); SELECT * FROM gtest1_1; a | b ---+--- 4 | 8 (1 row) SELECT * FROM gtest1; a | b ---+--- 3 | 6 4 | 8 (2 rows) -- test inheritance mismatch CREATE TABLE gtesty (x int, b int); CREATE TABLE gtest1_2 () INHERITS (gtest1, gtesty); -- error NOTICE: merging multiple inherited definitions of column "b" ERROR: inherited column "b" has a generation conflict DROP TABLE gtesty; -- test stored update CREATE TABLE gtest3 (a int, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 3) STORED); INSERT INTO gtest3 (a) VALUES (1), (2), (3), (NULL); SELECT * FROM gtest3 ORDER BY a; a | b ---+--- 1 | 3 2 | 6 3 | 9 | (4 rows) UPDATE gtest3 SET a = 22 WHERE a = 2; SELECT * FROM gtest3 ORDER BY a; a | b ----+---- 1 | 3 3 | 9 22 | 66 | (4 rows) CREATE TABLE gtest3a (a text, b text GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a || '+' || a) STORED); INSERT INTO gtest3a (a) VALUES ('a'), ('b'), ('c'), (NULL); SELECT * FROM gtest3a ORDER BY a; a | b ---+----- a | a+a b | b+b c | c+c | (4 rows) UPDATE gtest3a SET a = 'bb' WHERE a = 'b'; SELECT * FROM gtest3a ORDER BY a; a | b ----+------- a | a+a bb | bb+bb c | c+c | (4 rows) -- COPY TRUNCATE gtest1; INSERT INTO gtest1 (a) VALUES (1), (2); COPY gtest1 TO stdout; 1 2 COPY gtest1 (a, b) TO stdout; ERROR: column "b" is a generated column DETAIL: Generated columns cannot be used in COPY. COPY gtest1 FROM stdin; COPY gtest1 (a, b) FROM stdin; ERROR: column "b" is a generated column DETAIL: Generated columns cannot be used in COPY. SELECT * FROM gtest1 ORDER BY a; a | b ---+--- 1 | 2 2 | 4 3 | 6 4 | 8 (4 rows) TRUNCATE gtest3; INSERT INTO gtest3 (a) VALUES (1), (2); COPY gtest3 TO stdout; 1 2 COPY gtest3 (a, b) TO stdout; ERROR: column "b" is a generated column DETAIL: Generated columns cannot be used in COPY. COPY gtest3 FROM stdin; COPY gtest3 (a, b) FROM stdin; ERROR: column "b" is a generated column DETAIL: Generated columns cannot be used in COPY. SELECT * FROM gtest3 ORDER BY a; a | b ---+---- 1 | 3 2 | 6 3 | 9 4 | 12 (4 rows) -- null values CREATE TABLE gtest2 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (NULL) STORED); INSERT INTO gtest2 VALUES (1); SELECT * FROM gtest2; a | b ---+--- 1 | (1 row) -- composite types CREATE TYPE double_int as (a int, b int); CREATE TABLE gtest4 ( a int, b double_int GENERATED ALWAYS AS ((a * 2, a * 3)) STORED ); INSERT INTO gtest4 VALUES (1), (6); SELECT * FROM gtest4; a | b ---+--------- 1 | (2,3) 6 | (12,18) (2 rows) DROP TABLE gtest4; DROP TYPE double_int; -- using tableoid is allowed CREATE TABLE gtest_tableoid ( a int PRIMARY KEY, b bool GENERATED ALWAYS AS (tableoid <> 0) STORED ); INSERT INTO gtest_tableoid VALUES (1), (2); SELECT * FROM gtest_tableoid; a | b ---+--- 1 | t 2 | t (2 rows) -- drop column behavior CREATE TABLE gtest10 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int, c int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (b * 2) STORED); ALTER TABLE gtest10 DROP COLUMN b; \d gtest10 Table "public.gtest10" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | not null | Indexes: "gtest10_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) CREATE TABLE gtest10a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED); ALTER TABLE gtest10a DROP COLUMN b; INSERT INTO gtest10a (a) VALUES (1); -- privileges CREATE USER regress_user11; CREATE TABLE gtest11s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int, c int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (b * 2) STORED); INSERT INTO gtest11s VALUES (1, 10), (2, 20); GRANT SELECT (a, c) ON gtest11s TO regress_user11; CREATE FUNCTION gf1(a int) RETURNS int AS $$ SELECT a * 3 $$ IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE SQL; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION gf1(int) FROM PUBLIC; CREATE TABLE gtest12s (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int, c int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (gf1(b)) STORED); INSERT INTO gtest12s VALUES (1, 10), (2, 20); GRANT SELECT (a, c) ON gtest12s TO regress_user11; SET ROLE regress_user11; SELECT a, b FROM gtest11s; -- not allowed ERROR: permission denied for table gtest11s SELECT a, c FROM gtest11s; -- allowed a | c ---+---- 1 | 20 2 | 40 (2 rows) SELECT gf1(10); -- not allowed ERROR: permission denied for function gf1 SELECT a, c FROM gtest12s; -- allowed a | c ---+---- 1 | 30 2 | 60 (2 rows) RESET ROLE; DROP TABLE gtest11s, gtest12s; DROP FUNCTION gf1(int); DROP USER regress_user11; -- check constraints CREATE TABLE gtest20 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED CHECK (b < 50)); INSERT INTO gtest20 (a) VALUES (10); -- ok INSERT INTO gtest20 (a) VALUES (30); -- violates constraint ERROR: new row for relation "gtest20" violates check constraint "gtest20_b_check" DETAIL: Failing row contains (30, 60). CREATE TABLE gtest20a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED); INSERT INTO gtest20a (a) VALUES (10); INSERT INTO gtest20a (a) VALUES (30); ALTER TABLE gtest20a ADD CHECK (b < 50); -- fails on existing row ERROR: check constraint "gtest20a_b_check" of relation "gtest20a" is violated by some row CREATE TABLE gtest20b (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED); INSERT INTO gtest20b (a) VALUES (10); INSERT INTO gtest20b (a) VALUES (30); ALTER TABLE gtest20b ADD CONSTRAINT chk CHECK (b < 50) NOT VALID; ALTER TABLE gtest20b VALIDATE CONSTRAINT chk; -- fails on existing row ERROR: check constraint "chk" of relation "gtest20b" is violated by some row -- not-null constraints CREATE TABLE gtest21a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (nullif(a, 0)) STORED NOT NULL); INSERT INTO gtest21a (a) VALUES (1); -- ok INSERT INTO gtest21a (a) VALUES (0); -- violates constraint ERROR: null value in column "b" of relation "gtest21a" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (0, null). CREATE TABLE gtest21b (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (nullif(a, 0)) STORED); ALTER TABLE gtest21b ALTER COLUMN b SET NOT NULL; INSERT INTO gtest21b (a) VALUES (1); -- ok INSERT INTO gtest21b (a) VALUES (0); -- violates constraint ERROR: null value in column "b" of relation "gtest21b" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (0, null). ALTER TABLE gtest21b ALTER COLUMN b DROP NOT NULL; INSERT INTO gtest21b (a) VALUES (0); -- ok now -- index constraints CREATE TABLE gtest22a (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a / 2) STORED UNIQUE); INSERT INTO gtest22a VALUES (2); INSERT INTO gtest22a VALUES (3); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "gtest22a_b_key" DETAIL: Key (b)=(1) already exists. INSERT INTO gtest22a VALUES (4); CREATE TABLE gtest22b (a int, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a / 2) STORED, PRIMARY KEY (a, b)); INSERT INTO gtest22b VALUES (2); INSERT INTO gtest22b VALUES (2); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "gtest22b_pkey" DETAIL: Key (a, b)=(2, 1) already exists. -- indexes CREATE TABLE gtest22c (a int, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED); CREATE INDEX gtest22c_b_idx ON gtest22c (b); CREATE INDEX gtest22c_expr_idx ON gtest22c ((b * 3)); CREATE INDEX gtest22c_pred_idx ON gtest22c (a) WHERE b > 0; \d gtest22c Table "public.gtest22c" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------ a | integer | | | b | integer | | | generated always as (a * 2) stored Indexes: "gtest22c_b_idx" btree (b) "gtest22c_expr_idx" btree ((b * 3)) "gtest22c_pred_idx" btree (a) WHERE b > 0 INSERT INTO gtest22c VALUES (1), (2), (3); SET enable_seqscan TO off; SET enable_bitmapscan TO off; EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM gtest22c WHERE b = 4; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------- Index Scan using gtest22c_b_idx on gtest22c Index Cond: (b = 4) (2 rows) SELECT * FROM gtest22c WHERE b = 4; a | b ---+--- 2 | 4 (1 row) EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM gtest22c WHERE b * 3 = 6; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------ Index Scan using gtest22c_expr_idx on gtest22c Index Cond: ((b * 3) = 6) (2 rows) SELECT * FROM gtest22c WHERE b * 3 = 6; a | b ---+--- 1 | 2 (1 row) EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM gtest22c WHERE a = 1 AND b > 0; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------ Index Scan using gtest22c_pred_idx on gtest22c Index Cond: (a = 1) (2 rows) SELECT * FROM gtest22c WHERE a = 1 AND b > 0; a | b ---+--- 1 | 2 (1 row) RESET enable_seqscan; RESET enable_bitmapscan; -- foreign keys CREATE TABLE gtest23a (x int PRIMARY KEY, y int); INSERT INTO gtest23a VALUES (1, 11), (2, 22), (3, 33); CREATE TABLE gtest23x (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED REFERENCES gtest23a (x) ON UPDATE CASCADE); -- error ERROR: invalid ON UPDATE action for foreign key constraint containing generated column CREATE TABLE gtest23x (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED REFERENCES gtest23a (x) ON DELETE SET NULL); -- error ERROR: invalid ON DELETE action for foreign key constraint containing generated column CREATE TABLE gtest23b (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED REFERENCES gtest23a (x)); \d gtest23b Table "public.gtest23b" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------ a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | | generated always as (a * 2) stored Indexes: "gtest23b_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) Foreign-key constraints: "gtest23b_b_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (b) REFERENCES gtest23a(x) INSERT INTO gtest23b VALUES (1); -- ok INSERT INTO gtest23b VALUES (5); -- error ERROR: insert or update on table "gtest23b" violates foreign key constraint "gtest23b_b_fkey" DETAIL: Key (b)=(10) is not present in table "gtest23a". DROP TABLE gtest23b; DROP TABLE gtest23a; CREATE TABLE gtest23p (x int, y int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (x * 2) STORED, PRIMARY KEY (y)); INSERT INTO gtest23p VALUES (1), (2), (3); CREATE TABLE gtest23q (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int REFERENCES gtest23p (y)); INSERT INTO gtest23q VALUES (1, 2); -- ok INSERT INTO gtest23q VALUES (2, 5); -- error ERROR: insert or update on table "gtest23q" violates foreign key constraint "gtest23q_b_fkey" DETAIL: Key (b)=(5) is not present in table "gtest23p". -- domains CREATE DOMAIN gtestdomain1 AS int CHECK (VALUE < 10); CREATE TABLE gtest24 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b gtestdomain1 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED); INSERT INTO gtest24 (a) VALUES (4); -- ok INSERT INTO gtest24 (a) VALUES (6); -- error ERROR: value for domain gtestdomain1 violates check constraint "gtestdomain1_check" -- typed tables (currently not supported) CREATE TYPE gtest_type AS (f1 integer, f2 text, f3 bigint); CREATE TABLE gtest28 OF gtest_type (f1 WITH OPTIONS GENERATED ALWAYS AS (f2 *2) STORED); ERROR: generated columns are not supported on typed tables DROP TYPE gtest_type CASCADE; -- table partitions (currently not supported) CREATE TABLE gtest_parent (f1 date NOT NULL, f2 text, f3 bigint) PARTITION BY RANGE (f1); CREATE TABLE gtest_child PARTITION OF gtest_parent ( f3 WITH OPTIONS GENERATED ALWAYS AS (f2 * 2) STORED ) FOR VALUES FROM ('2016-07-01') TO ('2016-08-01'); -- error ERROR: generated columns are not supported on partitions DROP TABLE gtest_parent; -- partitioned table CREATE TABLE gtest_parent (f1 date NOT NULL, f2 bigint, f3 bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS (f2 * 2) STORED) PARTITION BY RANGE (f1); CREATE TABLE gtest_child PARTITION OF gtest_parent FOR VALUES FROM ('2016-07-01') TO ('2016-08-01'); INSERT INTO gtest_parent (f1, f2) VALUES ('2016-07-15', 1); SELECT * FROM gtest_parent; f1 | f2 | f3 ------------+----+---- 07-15-2016 | 1 | 2 (1 row) SELECT * FROM gtest_child; f1 | f2 | f3 ------------+----+---- 07-15-2016 | 1 | 2 (1 row) DROP TABLE gtest_parent; -- generated columns in partition key (not allowed) CREATE TABLE gtest_parent (f1 date NOT NULL, f2 bigint, f3 bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS (f2 * 2) STORED) PARTITION BY RANGE (f3); ERROR: cannot use generated column in partition key LINE 1: ...ENERATED ALWAYS AS (f2 * 2) STORED) PARTITION BY RANGE (f3); ^ DETAIL: Column "f3" is a generated column. CREATE TABLE gtest_parent (f1 date NOT NULL, f2 bigint, f3 bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS (f2 * 2) STORED) PARTITION BY RANGE ((f3 * 3)); ERROR: cannot use generated column in partition key LINE 1: ...ED ALWAYS AS (f2 * 2) STORED) PARTITION BY RANGE ((f3 * 3)); ^ DETAIL: Column "f3" is a generated column. -- ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN CREATE TABLE gtest25 (a int PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO gtest25 VALUES (3), (4); ALTER TABLE gtest25 ADD COLUMN b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 3) STORED; SELECT * FROM gtest25 ORDER BY a; a | b ---+---- 3 | 9 4 | 12 (2 rows) ALTER TABLE gtest25 ADD COLUMN x int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (b * 4) STORED; -- error ERROR: cannot use generated column "b" in column generation expression DETAIL: A generated column cannot reference another generated column. ALTER TABLE gtest25 ADD COLUMN x int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (z * 4) STORED; -- error ERROR: column "z" does not exist ALTER TABLE gtest25 ADD COLUMN c int DEFAULT 42, ADD COLUMN x int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (c * 4) STORED; ALTER TABLE gtest25 ADD COLUMN d int DEFAULT 101; ALTER TABLE gtest25 ALTER COLUMN d SET DATA TYPE float8, ADD COLUMN y float8 GENERATED ALWAYS AS (d * 4) STORED; SELECT * FROM gtest25 ORDER BY a; a | b | c | x | d | y ---+----+----+-----+-----+----- 3 | 9 | 42 | 168 | 101 | 404 4 | 12 | 42 | 168 | 101 | 404 (2 rows) \d gtest25 Table "public.gtest25" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------------------------ a | integer | | not null | b | integer | | | generated always as (a * 3) stored c | integer | | | 42 x | integer | | | generated always as (c * 4) stored d | double precision | | | 101 y | double precision | | | generated always as (d * 4::double precision) stored Indexes: "gtest25_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a) -- ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN CREATE TABLE gtest27 ( a int, b int, x int GENERATED ALWAYS AS ((a + b) * 2) STORED ); INSERT INTO gtest27 (a, b) VALUES (3, 7), (4, 11); ALTER TABLE gtest27 ALTER COLUMN a TYPE text; -- error ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a generated column DETAIL: Column "a" is used by generated column "x". ALTER TABLE gtest27 ALTER COLUMN x TYPE numeric; \d gtest27 Table "public.gtest27" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+-------------------------------------------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | x | numeric | | | generated always as (((a + b) * 2)) stored SELECT * FROM gtest27; a | b | x ---+----+---- 3 | 7 | 20 4 | 11 | 30 (2 rows) ALTER TABLE gtest27 ALTER COLUMN x TYPE boolean USING x <> 0; -- error ERROR: generation expression for column "x" cannot be cast automatically to type boolean ALTER TABLE gtest27 ALTER COLUMN x DROP DEFAULT; -- error ERROR: column "x" of relation "gtest27" is a generated column HINT: Use ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN ... DROP EXPRESSION instead. -- It's possible to alter the column types this way: ALTER TABLE gtest27 DROP COLUMN x, ALTER COLUMN a TYPE bigint, ALTER COLUMN b TYPE bigint, ADD COLUMN x bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS ((a + b) * 2) STORED; \d gtest27 Table "public.gtest27" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+--------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------------ a | bigint | | | b | bigint | | | x | bigint | | | generated always as ((a + b) * 2) stored -- Ideally you could just do this, but not today (and should x change type?): ALTER TABLE gtest27 ALTER COLUMN a TYPE float8, ALTER COLUMN b TYPE float8; -- error ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a generated column DETAIL: Column "a" is used by generated column "x". \d gtest27 Table "public.gtest27" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+--------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------------ a | bigint | | | b | bigint | | | x | bigint | | | generated always as ((a + b) * 2) stored SELECT * FROM gtest27; a | b | x ---+----+---- 3 | 7 | 20 4 | 11 | 30 (2 rows) -- ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN ... DROP EXPRESSION CREATE TABLE gtest29 ( a int, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED ); INSERT INTO gtest29 (a) VALUES (3), (4); ALTER TABLE gtest29 ALTER COLUMN a DROP EXPRESSION; -- error ERROR: column "a" of relation "gtest29" is not a stored generated column ALTER TABLE gtest29 ALTER COLUMN a DROP EXPRESSION IF EXISTS; -- notice NOTICE: column "a" of relation "gtest29" is not a stored generated column, skipping ALTER TABLE gtest29 ALTER COLUMN b DROP EXPRESSION; INSERT INTO gtest29 (a) VALUES (5); INSERT INTO gtest29 (a, b) VALUES (6, 66); SELECT * FROM gtest29; a | b ---+---- 3 | 6 4 | 8 5 | 6 | 66 (4 rows) \d gtest29 Table "public.gtest29" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | -- check that dependencies between columns have also been removed ALTER TABLE gtest29 DROP COLUMN a; -- should not drop b \d gtest29 Table "public.gtest29" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- b | integer | | | -- with inheritance CREATE TABLE gtest30 ( a int, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED ); CREATE TABLE gtest30_1 () INHERITS (gtest30); ALTER TABLE gtest30 ALTER COLUMN b DROP EXPRESSION; \d gtest30 Table "public.gtest30" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | Number of child tables: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d gtest30_1 Table "public.gtest30_1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | Inherits: gtest30 DROP TABLE gtest30 CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to table gtest30_1 CREATE TABLE gtest30 ( a int, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED ); CREATE TABLE gtest30_1 () INHERITS (gtest30); ALTER TABLE ONLY gtest30 ALTER COLUMN b DROP EXPRESSION; \d gtest30 Table "public.gtest30" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------- a | integer | | | b | integer | | | Number of child tables: 1 (Use \d+ to list them.) \d gtest30_1 Table "public.gtest30_1" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------ a | integer | | | b | integer | | | generated always as (a * 2) stored Inherits: gtest30 ALTER TABLE gtest30_1 ALTER COLUMN b DROP EXPRESSION; -- error ERROR: cannot drop generation expression from inherited column -- triggers CREATE TABLE gtest26 ( a int PRIMARY KEY, b int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * 2) STORED ); CREATE FUNCTION gtest_trigger_func() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN IF tg_op IN ('DELETE', 'UPDATE') THEN RAISE INFO '%: %: old = %', TG_NAME, TG_WHEN, OLD; END IF; IF tg_op IN ('INSERT', 'UPDATE') THEN RAISE INFO '%: %: new = %', TG_NAME, TG_WHEN, NEW; END IF; IF tg_op = 'DELETE' THEN RETURN OLD; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; END $$; CREATE TRIGGER gtest1 BEFORE DELETE OR UPDATE ON gtest26 FOR EACH ROW WHEN (OLD.b < 0) -- ok EXECUTE PROCEDURE gtest_trigger_func(); CREATE TRIGGER gtest2a BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON gtest26 FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.b < 0) -- error EXECUTE PROCEDURE gtest_trigger_func(); ERROR: BEFORE trigger's WHEN condition cannot reference NEW generated columns LINE 3: WHEN (NEW.b < 0) ^ DETAIL: Column "b" is a generated column. CREATE TRIGGER gtest2b BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON gtest26 FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.* IS NOT NULL) -- error EXECUTE PROCEDURE gtest_trigger_func(); ERROR: BEFORE trigger's WHEN condition cannot reference NEW generated columns LINE 3: WHEN (NEW.* IS NOT NULL) ^ DETAIL: A whole-row reference is used and the table contains generated columns. CREATE TRIGGER gtest2 BEFORE INSERT ON gtest26 FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.a < 0) EXECUTE PROCEDURE gtest_trigger_func(); CREATE TRIGGER gtest3 AFTER DELETE OR UPDATE ON gtest26 FOR EACH ROW WHEN (OLD.b < 0) -- ok EXECUTE PROCEDURE gtest_trigger_func(); CREATE TRIGGER gtest4 AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON gtest26 FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW.b < 0) -- ok EXECUTE PROCEDURE gtest_trigger_func(); INSERT INTO gtest26 (a) VALUES (-2), (0), (3); INFO: gtest2: BEFORE: new = (-2,) INFO: gtest4: AFTER: new = (-2,-4) SELECT * FROM gtest26 ORDER BY a; a | b ----+---- -2 | -4 0 | 0 3 | 6 (3 rows) UPDATE gtest26 SET a = a * -2; INFO: gtest1: BEFORE: old = (-2,-4) INFO: gtest1: BEFORE: new = (4,) INFO: gtest3: AFTER: old = (-2,-4) INFO: gtest3: AFTER: new = (4,8) INFO: gtest4: AFTER: old = (3,6) INFO: gtest4: AFTER: new = (-6,-12) SELECT * FROM gtest26 ORDER BY a; a | b ----+----- -6 | -12 0 | 0 4 | 8 (3 rows) DELETE FROM gtest26 WHERE a = -6; INFO: gtest1: BEFORE: old = (-6,-12) INFO: gtest3: AFTER: old = (-6,-12) SELECT * FROM gtest26 ORDER BY a; a | b ---+--- 0 | 0 4 | 8 (2 rows) DROP TRIGGER gtest1 ON gtest26; DROP TRIGGER gtest2 ON gtest26; DROP TRIGGER gtest3 ON gtest26; -- Check that an UPDATE of "a" fires the trigger for UPDATE OF b, per -- SQL standard. CREATE FUNCTION gtest_trigger_func3() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'OK'; RETURN NEW; END $$; CREATE TRIGGER gtest11 BEFORE UPDATE OF b ON gtest26 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE gtest_trigger_func3(); UPDATE gtest26 SET a = 1 WHERE a = 0; NOTICE: OK DROP TRIGGER gtest11 ON gtest26; TRUNCATE gtest26; -- check that modifications of stored generated columns in triggers do -- not get propagated CREATE FUNCTION gtest_trigger_func4() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN NEW.a = 10; NEW.b = 300; RETURN NEW; END; $$; CREATE TRIGGER gtest12_01 BEFORE UPDATE ON gtest26 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE gtest_trigger_func(); CREATE TRIGGER gtest12_02 BEFORE UPDATE ON gtest26 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE gtest_trigger_func4(); CREATE TRIGGER gtest12_03 BEFORE UPDATE ON gtest26 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE gtest_trigger_func(); INSERT INTO gtest26 (a) VALUES (1); UPDATE gtest26 SET a = 11 WHERE a = 1; INFO: gtest12_01: BEFORE: old = (1,2) INFO: gtest12_01: BEFORE: new = (11,) INFO: gtest12_03: BEFORE: old = (1,2) INFO: gtest12_03: BEFORE: new = (10,) SELECT * FROM gtest26 ORDER BY a; a | b ----+---- 10 | 20 (1 row) -- LIKE INCLUDING GENERATED and dropped column handling CREATE TABLE gtest28a ( a int, b int, c int, x int GENERATED ALWAYS AS (b * 2) STORED ); ALTER TABLE gtest28a DROP COLUMN a; CREATE TABLE gtest28b (LIKE gtest28a INCLUDING GENERATED); \d gtest28* Table "public.gtest28a" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------ b | integer | | | c | integer | | | x | integer | | | generated always as (b * 2) stored Table "public.gtest28b" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+---------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------ b | integer | | | c | integer | | | x | integer | | | generated always as (b * 2) stored