-- -- Test foreign-data wrapper and server management. -- -- Clean up in case a prior regression run failed -- Suppress NOTICE messages when roles don't exist SET client_min_messages TO 'error'; DROP ROLE IF EXISTS foreign_data_user, regress_test_role, regress_test_role2, regress_test_role_super, regress_test_indirect, unpriviled_role; RESET client_min_messages; CREATE ROLE foreign_data_user LOGIN SUPERUSER; SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION 'foreign_data_user'; CREATE ROLE regress_test_role; CREATE ROLE regress_test_role2; CREATE ROLE regress_test_role_super SUPERUSER; CREATE ROLE regress_test_indirect; CREATE ROLE unprivileged_role; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql LIBRARY 'postgresql_fdw' LANGUAGE C; -- At this point we should have 2 built-in wrappers and no servers. SELECT fdwname, fdwlibrary, fdwoptions FROM pg_foreign_data_wrapper ORDER BY 1, 2, 3; fdwname | fdwlibrary | fdwoptions ------------+----------------+------------ dummy | dummy_fdw | postgresql | postgresql_fdw | (2 rows) SELECT srvname, srvoptions FROM pg_foreign_server; srvname | srvoptions ---------+------------ (0 rows) SELECT * FROM pg_user_mapping; umuser | umserver | umoptions --------+----------+----------- (0 rows) -- CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY '' LANGUAGE C; -- ERROR ERROR: could not access file "": No such file or directory CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'plpgsql' LANGUAGE C; DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C; \dew List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library ------------+-------------------+---------------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw foo | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw (3 rows) CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C; -- duplicate ERROR: foreign-data wrapper "foo" already exists CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER "Foo" LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C; DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER "Foo"; DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C OPTIONS (testing '1'); \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------+----------------+-------------------+------------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | foo | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | {testing=1} postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (3 rows) DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C OPTIONS (testing '1', testing '2'); -- ERROR ERROR: option "testing" provided more than once CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C OPTIONS (testing '1', another '2'); \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | foo | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | {testing=1,another=2} postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (3 rows) DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; SET ROLE regress_test_role; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to create foreign-data wrapper "foo" HINT: Must be superuser to create a foreign-data wrapper. RESET ROLE; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'postgresql_fdw' LANGUAGE C; \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------+----------------+-------------------+--------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | foo | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (3 rows) -- ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY ''; -- ERROR ERROR: could not access file "": No such file or directory ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'plpgsql'; WARNING: changing the foreign-data wrapper library can cause the options for dependent objects to become invalid ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw'; WARNING: changing the foreign-data wrapper library can cause the options for dependent objects to become invalid \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------+----------------+-------------------+--------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | foo | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (3 rows) ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (a '1', b '2'); ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (SET c '4'); -- ERROR ERROR: option "c" not found ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (DROP c); -- ERROR ERROR: option "c" not found ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (ADD x '1', DROP x); \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | foo | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | {a=1,b=2} postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (3 rows) ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (DROP a, SET b '3', ADD c '4'); \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------+----------------+-------------------+----------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | foo | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | {b=3,c=4} postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (3 rows) ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (a '2'); ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (b '4'); -- ERROR ERROR: option "b" provided more than once \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------+----------------+-------------------+--------------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | foo | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | {b=3,c=4,a=2} postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (3 rows) SET ROLE regress_test_role; ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (ADD d '5'); -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to alter foreign-data wrapper "foo" HINT: Must be superuser to alter a foreign-data wrapper. SET ROLE regress_test_role_super; ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (ADD d '5'); \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------+----------------+-------------------+------------------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | foo | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | {b=3,c=4,a=2,d=5} postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (3 rows) ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OWNER TO regress_test_role; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to change owner of foreign-data wrapper "foo" HINT: The owner of a foreign-data wrapper must be a superuser. ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OWNER TO regress_test_role_super; ALTER ROLE regress_test_role_super NOSUPERUSER; SET ROLE regress_test_role_super; ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (ADD e '6'); -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to alter foreign-data wrapper "foo" HINT: Must be superuser to alter a foreign-data wrapper. RESET ROLE; \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------------+----------------+-------------------+------------------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | foo | regress_test_role_super | dummy_fdw | | {b=3,c=4,a=2,d=5} postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (3 rows) -- DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER nonexistent; -- ERROR ERROR: foreign-data wrapper "nonexistent" does not exist DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER IF EXISTS nonexistent; NOTICE: foreign-data wrapper "nonexistent" does not exist, skipping \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------------+----------------+-------------------+------------------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | foo | regress_test_role_super | dummy_fdw | | {b=3,c=4,a=2,d=5} postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (3 rows) DROP ROLE regress_test_role_super; -- ERROR ERROR: role "regress_test_role_super" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it DETAIL: owner of foreign-data wrapper foo SET ROLE regress_test_role_super; DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to drop foreign-data wrapper "foo" HINT: Must be superuser to drop a foreign-data wrapper. RESET ROLE; ALTER ROLE regress_test_role_super SUPERUSER; DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; DROP ROLE regress_test_role_super; \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------+----------------+-------------------+--------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (2 rows) CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C; CREATE SERVER s1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; CREATE USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s1; \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------+----------------+-------------------+--------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | foo | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (3 rows) \des+ List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type | Version | Options ------+-------------------+----------------------+-------------------+------+---------+--------- s1 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | | (1 row) \deu+ List of user mappings Server | Username | Options --------+-------------------+--------- s1 | foreign_data_user | (1 row) DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; -- ERROR ERROR: cannot drop foreign-data wrapper foo because other objects depend on it DETAIL: server s1 depends on foreign-data wrapper foo user mapping for foreign_data_user depends on server s1 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. SET ROLE regress_test_role; DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo CASCADE; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to drop foreign-data wrapper "foo" HINT: Must be superuser to drop a foreign-data wrapper. RESET ROLE; DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 2 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to server s1 drop cascades to user mapping for foreign_data_user \dew+ List of foreign-data wrappers Name | Owner | Library | Access privileges | Options ------------+-------------------+----------------+-------------------+--------- dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | | postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | | (2 rows) \des+ List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type | Version | Options ------+-------+----------------------+-------------------+------+---------+--------- (0 rows) \deu+ List of user mappings Server | Username | Options --------+----------+--------- (0 rows) -- exercise CREATE SERVER CREATE SERVER s1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; -- ERROR ERROR: foreign-data wrapper "foo" does not exist CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C OPTIONS (test_wrapper 'true'); CREATE SERVER s1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; CREATE SERVER s1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; -- ERROR ERROR: server "s1" already exists CREATE SERVER s2 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (host 'a', dbname 'b'); CREATE SERVER s3 TYPE 'oracle' FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; CREATE SERVER s4 TYPE 'oracle' FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (host 'a', dbname 'b'); CREATE SERVER s5 VERSION '15.0' FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; CREATE SERVER s6 VERSION '16.0' FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (host 'a', dbname 'b'); CREATE SERVER s7 TYPE 'oracle' VERSION '17.0' FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (host 'a', dbname 'b'); CREATE SERVER s8 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql OPTIONS (foo '1'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "foo" to server HINT: valid server options are: authtype, service, connect_timeout, dbname, host, hostaddr, port, tty, options, requiressl, sslmode, gsslib CREATE SERVER s8 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql OPTIONS (host 'localhost', dbname 's8db'); \des+ List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type | Version | Options ------+-------------------+----------------------+-------------------+--------+---------+------------------------------ s1 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | | s2 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | | {host=a,dbname=b} s3 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | | s4 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | | {host=a,dbname=b} s5 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | 15.0 | s6 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | 16.0 | {host=a,dbname=b} s7 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | 17.0 | {host=a,dbname=b} s8 | foreign_data_user | postgresql | | | | {host=localhost,dbname=s8db} (8 rows) SET ROLE regress_test_role; CREATE SERVER st1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; -- ERROR: no usage on FDW ERROR: permission denied for foreign-data wrapper foo RESET ROLE; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo TO regress_test_role; SET ROLE regress_test_role; CREATE SERVER st1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; RESET ROLE; \des+ List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type | Version | Options ------+-------------------+----------------------+-------------------+--------+---------+------------------------------ s1 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | | s2 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | | {host=a,dbname=b} s3 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | | s4 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | | {host=a,dbname=b} s5 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | 15.0 | s6 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | 16.0 | {host=a,dbname=b} s7 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | 17.0 | {host=a,dbname=b} s8 | foreign_data_user | postgresql | | | | {host=localhost,dbname=s8db} st1 | regress_test_role | foo | | | | (9 rows) REVOKE USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo FROM regress_test_role; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo TO regress_test_indirect; SET ROLE regress_test_role; CREATE SERVER st2 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign-data wrapper foo RESET ROLE; GRANT regress_test_indirect TO regress_test_role; SET ROLE regress_test_role; CREATE SERVER st2 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; \des+ List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type | Version | Options ------+-------------------+----------------------+-------------------+--------+---------+------------------------------ s1 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | | s2 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | | {host=a,dbname=b} s3 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | | s4 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | | {host=a,dbname=b} s5 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | 15.0 | s6 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | 16.0 | {host=a,dbname=b} s7 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | 17.0 | {host=a,dbname=b} s8 | foreign_data_user | postgresql | | | | {host=localhost,dbname=s8db} st1 | regress_test_role | foo | | | | st2 | regress_test_role | foo | | | | (10 rows) RESET ROLE; REVOKE regress_test_indirect FROM regress_test_role; -- ALTER SERVER ALTER SERVER s0; -- ERROR ERROR: syntax error at or near ";" LINE 1: ALTER SERVER s0; ^ ALTER SERVER s0 OPTIONS (a '1'); -- ERROR ERROR: server "s0" does not exist ALTER SERVER s1 VERSION '1.0' OPTIONS (servername 's1'); ALTER SERVER s2 VERSION '1.1'; ALTER SERVER s3 OPTIONS (tnsname 'orcl', port '1521'); GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s1 TO regress_test_role; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s6 TO regress_test_role2 WITH GRANT OPTION; \des+ List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type | Version | Options ------+-------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------+------------------------------ s1 | foreign_data_user | foo | foreign_data_user=U/foreign_data_user | | 1.0 | {servername=s1} : regress_test_role=U/foreign_data_user s2 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | 1.1 | {host=a,dbname=b} s3 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | | {tnsname=orcl,port=1521} s4 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | | {host=a,dbname=b} s5 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | 15.0 | s6 | foreign_data_user | foo | foreign_data_user=U/foreign_data_user | | 16.0 | {host=a,dbname=b} : regress_test_role2=U*/foreign_data_user s7 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | 17.0 | {host=a,dbname=b} s8 | foreign_data_user | postgresql | | | | {host=localhost,dbname=s8db} st1 | regress_test_role | foo | | | | st2 | regress_test_role | foo | | | | (10 rows) SET ROLE regress_test_role; ALTER SERVER s1 VERSION '1.1'; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s1 ALTER SERVER s1 OWNER TO regress_test_role; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s1 RESET ROLE; ALTER SERVER s1 OWNER TO regress_test_role; GRANT regress_test_role2 TO regress_test_role; SET ROLE regress_test_role; ALTER SERVER s1 VERSION '1.1'; ALTER SERVER s1 OWNER TO regress_test_role2; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign-data wrapper foo RESET ROLE; ALTER SERVER s8 OPTIONS (foo '1'); -- ERROR option validation ERROR: invalid option "foo" to server HINT: valid server options are: authtype, service, connect_timeout, dbname, host, hostaddr, port, tty, options, requiressl, sslmode, gsslib ALTER SERVER s8 OPTIONS (connect_timeout '30', SET dbname 'db1', DROP host); SET ROLE regress_test_role; ALTER SERVER s1 OWNER TO regress_test_indirect; -- ERROR ERROR: must be member of role "regress_test_indirect" RESET ROLE; GRANT regress_test_indirect TO regress_test_role; SET ROLE regress_test_role; ALTER SERVER s1 OWNER TO regress_test_indirect; RESET ROLE; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo TO regress_test_indirect; SET ROLE regress_test_role; ALTER SERVER s1 OWNER TO regress_test_indirect; RESET ROLE; DROP ROLE regress_test_indirect; -- ERROR ERROR: role "regress_test_indirect" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it DETAIL: owner of server s1 access to foreign-data wrapper foo \des+ List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper | Access privileges | Type | Version | Options ------+-----------------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+--------+---------+--------------------------------- s1 | regress_test_indirect | foo | foreign_data_user=U/foreign_data_user | | 1.1 | {servername=s1} : regress_test_role=U/foreign_data_user s2 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | 1.1 | {host=a,dbname=b} s3 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | | {tnsname=orcl,port=1521} s4 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | | {host=a,dbname=b} s5 | foreign_data_user | foo | | | 15.0 | s6 | foreign_data_user | foo | foreign_data_user=U/foreign_data_user | | 16.0 | {host=a,dbname=b} : regress_test_role2=U*/foreign_data_user s7 | foreign_data_user | foo | | oracle | 17.0 | {host=a,dbname=b} s8 | foreign_data_user | postgresql | | | | {dbname=db1,connect_timeout=30} st1 | regress_test_role | foo | | | | st2 | regress_test_role | foo | | | | (10 rows) -- DROP SERVER DROP SERVER nonexistent; -- ERROR ERROR: server "nonexistent" does not exist DROP SERVER IF EXISTS nonexistent; NOTICE: server "nonexistent" does not exist, skipping \des List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper ------+-----------------------+---------------------- s1 | regress_test_indirect | foo s2 | foreign_data_user | foo s3 | foreign_data_user | foo s4 | foreign_data_user | foo s5 | foreign_data_user | foo s6 | foreign_data_user | foo s7 | foreign_data_user | foo s8 | foreign_data_user | postgresql st1 | regress_test_role | foo st2 | regress_test_role | foo (10 rows) SET ROLE regress_test_role; DROP SERVER s2; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s2 DROP SERVER s1; RESET ROLE; \des List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper ------+-------------------+---------------------- s2 | foreign_data_user | foo s3 | foreign_data_user | foo s4 | foreign_data_user | foo s5 | foreign_data_user | foo s6 | foreign_data_user | foo s7 | foreign_data_user | foo s8 | foreign_data_user | postgresql st1 | regress_test_role | foo st2 | regress_test_role | foo (9 rows) ALTER SERVER s2 OWNER TO regress_test_role; SET ROLE regress_test_role; DROP SERVER s2; RESET ROLE; \des List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper ------+-------------------+---------------------- s3 | foreign_data_user | foo s4 | foreign_data_user | foo s5 | foreign_data_user | foo s6 | foreign_data_user | foo s7 | foreign_data_user | foo s8 | foreign_data_user | postgresql st1 | regress_test_role | foo st2 | regress_test_role | foo (8 rows) CREATE USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s3; \deu List of user mappings Server | Username --------+------------------- s3 | foreign_data_user (1 row) DROP SERVER s3; -- ERROR ERROR: cannot drop server s3 because other objects depend on it DETAIL: user mapping for foreign_data_user depends on server s3 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. DROP SERVER s3 CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to user mapping for foreign_data_user \des List of foreign servers Name | Owner | Foreign-data wrapper ------+-------------------+---------------------- s4 | foreign_data_user | foo s5 | foreign_data_user | foo s6 | foreign_data_user | foo s7 | foreign_data_user | foo s8 | foreign_data_user | postgresql st1 | regress_test_role | foo st2 | regress_test_role | foo (7 rows) \deu List of user mappings Server | Username --------+---------- (0 rows) -- CREATE USER MAPPING CREATE USER MAPPING FOR baz SERVER s1; -- ERROR ERROR: role "baz" does not exist CREATE USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s1; -- ERROR ERROR: server "s1" does not exist CREATE USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s4; CREATE USER MAPPING FOR user SERVER s4; -- ERROR duplicate ERROR: user mapping "foreign_data_user" already exists for server s4 CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s4 OPTIONS (mapping 'is public'); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (username 'test', password 'secret'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "username" to user mapping HINT: valid user mapping options are: user, password CREATE USER MAPPING FOR user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (user 'test', password 'secret'); ALTER SERVER s5 OWNER TO regress_test_role; ALTER SERVER s6 OWNER TO regress_test_indirect; SET ROLE regress_test_role; CREATE USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s5; CREATE USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s6 OPTIONS (username 'test'); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s7; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign server s7 CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s8; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s8 RESET ROLE; ALTER SERVER st1 OWNER TO regress_test_indirect; SET ROLE regress_test_role; CREATE USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER st1 OPTIONS (username 'bob', password 'boo'); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER st1; RESET ROLE; \deu List of user mappings Server | Username --------+------------------- s4 | foreign_data_user s4 | public s5 | regress_test_role s6 | regress_test_role s8 | foreign_data_user st1 | public st1 | regress_test_role (7 rows) -- ALTER USER MAPPING ALTER USER MAPPING FOR bob SERVER s4 OPTIONS (gotcha 'true'); -- ERROR ERROR: role "bob" does not exist ALTER USER MAPPING FOR user SERVER ss4 OPTIONS (gotcha 'true'); -- ERROR ERROR: server "ss4" does not exist ALTER USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s5 OPTIONS (gotcha 'true'); -- ERROR ERROR: user mapping "public" does not exist for the server ALTER USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (username 'test'); -- ERROR ERROR: invalid option "username" to user mapping HINT: valid user mapping options are: user, password ALTER USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s8 OPTIONS (DROP user, SET password 'public'); SET ROLE regress_test_role; ALTER USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s5 OPTIONS (ADD modified '1'); ALTER USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s4 OPTIONS (ADD modified '1'); -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s4 ALTER USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER st1 OPTIONS (ADD modified '1'); RESET ROLE; \deu+ List of user mappings Server | Username | Options --------+-------------------+----------------------------- s4 | foreign_data_user | s4 | public | {"mapping=is public"} s5 | regress_test_role | {modified=1} s6 | regress_test_role | {username=test} s8 | foreign_data_user | {password=public} st1 | public | {modified=1} st1 | regress_test_role | {username=bob,password=boo} (7 rows) -- DROP USER MAPPING DROP USER MAPPING FOR bob SERVER s4; -- ERROR ERROR: role "bob" does not exist DROP USER MAPPING FOR user SERVER ss4; ERROR: server "ss4" does not exist DROP USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s7; -- ERROR ERROR: user mapping "public" does not exist for the server DROP USER MAPPING IF EXISTS FOR bob SERVER s4; NOTICE: role "bob" does not exist, skipping DROP USER MAPPING IF EXISTS FOR user SERVER ss4; NOTICE: server does not exist, skipping DROP USER MAPPING IF EXISTS FOR public SERVER s7; NOTICE: user mapping "public" does not exist for the server, skipping CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s8; SET ROLE regress_test_role; DROP USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s8; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s8 RESET ROLE; DROP SERVER s7; \deu List of user mappings Server | Username --------+------------------- s4 | foreign_data_user s4 | public s5 | regress_test_role s6 | regress_test_role s8 | foreign_data_user s8 | public st1 | public st1 | regress_test_role (8 rows) -- Information schema SELECT * FROM information_schema.foreign_data_wrappers ORDER BY 1, 2; foreign_data_wrapper_catalog | foreign_data_wrapper_name | authorization_identifier | library_name | foreign_data_wrapper_language ------------------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------+----------------+------------------------------- regression | dummy | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | c regression | foo | foreign_data_user | dummy_fdw | c regression | postgresql | foreign_data_user | postgresql_fdw | c (3 rows) SELECT * FROM information_schema.foreign_data_wrapper_options ORDER BY 1, 2, 3; foreign_data_wrapper_catalog | foreign_data_wrapper_name | option_name | option_value ------------------------------+---------------------------+--------------+-------------- regression | foo | test_wrapper | true (1 row) SELECT * FROM information_schema.foreign_servers ORDER BY 1, 2; foreign_server_catalog | foreign_server_name | foreign_data_wrapper_catalog | foreign_data_wrapper_name | foreign_server_type | foreign_server_version | authorization_identifier ------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------+------------------------+-------------------------- regression | s4 | regression | foo | oracle | | foreign_data_user regression | s5 | regression | foo | | 15.0 | regress_test_role regression | s6 | regression | foo | | 16.0 | regress_test_indirect regression | s8 | regression | postgresql | | | foreign_data_user regression | st1 | regression | foo | | | regress_test_indirect regression | st2 | regression | foo | | | regress_test_role (6 rows) SELECT * FROM information_schema.foreign_server_options ORDER BY 1, 2, 3; foreign_server_catalog | foreign_server_name | option_name | option_value ------------------------+---------------------+-----------------+-------------- regression | s4 | dbname | b regression | s4 | host | a regression | s6 | dbname | b regression | s6 | host | a regression | s8 | connect_timeout | 30 regression | s8 | dbname | db1 (6 rows) SELECT * FROM information_schema.user_mappings ORDER BY lower(authorization_identifier), 2, 3; authorization_identifier | foreign_server_catalog | foreign_server_name --------------------------+------------------------+--------------------- foreign_data_user | regression | s4 foreign_data_user | regression | s8 PUBLIC | regression | s4 PUBLIC | regression | s8 PUBLIC | regression | st1 regress_test_role | regression | s5 regress_test_role | regression | s6 regress_test_role | regression | st1 (8 rows) SELECT * FROM information_schema.user_mapping_options ORDER BY lower(authorization_identifier), 2, 3, 4; authorization_identifier | foreign_server_catalog | foreign_server_name | option_name | option_value --------------------------+------------------------+---------------------+-------------+-------------- foreign_data_user | regression | s8 | password | public PUBLIC | regression | s4 | mapping | is public PUBLIC | regression | st1 | modified | 1 regress_test_role | regression | s5 | modified | 1 regress_test_role | regression | s6 | username | test regress_test_role | regression | st1 | password | boo regress_test_role | regression | st1 | username | bob (7 rows) SELECT * FROM information_schema.usage_privileges WHERE object_type LIKE 'FOREIGN%' ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; grantor | grantee | object_catalog | object_schema | object_name | object_type | privilege_type | is_grantable -------------------+-----------------------+----------------+---------------+-------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------- foreign_data_user | foreign_data_user | regression | | foo | FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER | USAGE | YES foreign_data_user | foreign_data_user | regression | | s6 | FOREIGN SERVER | USAGE | YES foreign_data_user | regress_test_indirect | regression | | foo | FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER | USAGE | NO foreign_data_user | regress_test_role2 | regression | | s6 | FOREIGN SERVER | USAGE | YES (4 rows) SELECT * FROM information_schema.role_usage_grants WHERE object_type LIKE 'FOREIGN%' ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; grantor | grantee | object_catalog | object_schema | object_name | object_type | privilege_type | is_grantable -------------------+-----------------------+----------------+---------------+-------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------- foreign_data_user | foreign_data_user | regression | | foo | FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER | USAGE | YES foreign_data_user | foreign_data_user | regression | | s6 | FOREIGN SERVER | USAGE | YES foreign_data_user | regress_test_indirect | regression | | foo | FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER | USAGE | NO foreign_data_user | regress_test_role2 | regression | | s6 | FOREIGN SERVER | USAGE | YES (4 rows) SET ROLE regress_test_role; SELECT * FROM information_schema.user_mapping_options ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4; authorization_identifier | foreign_server_catalog | foreign_server_name | option_name | option_value --------------------------+------------------------+---------------------+-------------+-------------- PUBLIC | regression | st1 | modified | 1 regress_test_role | regression | s5 | modified | 1 regress_test_role | regression | s6 | username | test regress_test_role | regression | st1 | password | boo regress_test_role | regression | st1 | username | bob (5 rows) SELECT * FROM information_schema.usage_privileges WHERE object_type LIKE 'FOREIGN%' ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; grantor | grantee | object_catalog | object_schema | object_name | object_type | privilege_type | is_grantable -------------------+-----------------------+----------------+---------------+-------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------- foreign_data_user | regress_test_indirect | regression | | foo | FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER | USAGE | NO foreign_data_user | regress_test_role2 | regression | | s6 | FOREIGN SERVER | USAGE | YES (2 rows) SELECT * FROM information_schema.role_usage_grants WHERE object_type LIKE 'FOREIGN%' ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; grantor | grantee | object_catalog | object_schema | object_name | object_type | privilege_type | is_grantable -------------------+-----------------------+----------------+---------------+-------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------- foreign_data_user | regress_test_indirect | regression | | foo | FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER | USAGE | NO foreign_data_user | regress_test_role2 | regression | | s6 | FOREIGN SERVER | USAGE | YES (2 rows) DROP USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER st1; SET ROLE regress_test_role2; SELECT * FROM information_schema.user_mapping_options ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4; authorization_identifier | foreign_server_catalog | foreign_server_name | option_name | option_value --------------------------+------------------------+---------------------+-------------+-------------- regress_test_role | regression | s6 | username | (1 row) RESET ROLE; -- has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege SELECT has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege('regress_test_role', (SELECT oid FROM pg_foreign_data_wrapper WHERE fdwname='foo'), 'USAGE'); has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege ------------------------------------ t (1 row) SELECT has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege('regress_test_role', 'foo', 'USAGE'); has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege ------------------------------------ t (1 row) SELECT has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege( (SELECT oid FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='regress_test_role'), (SELECT oid FROM pg_foreign_data_wrapper WHERE fdwname='foo'), 'USAGE'); has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege ------------------------------------ t (1 row) SELECT has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege( (SELECT oid FROM pg_foreign_data_wrapper WHERE fdwname='foo'), 'USAGE'); has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege ------------------------------------ t (1 row) SELECT has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege( (SELECT oid FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='regress_test_role'), 'foo', 'USAGE'); has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege ------------------------------------ t (1 row) SELECT has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege('foo', 'USAGE'); has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege ------------------------------------ t (1 row) GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo TO regress_test_role; SELECT has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege('regress_test_role', 'foo', 'USAGE'); has_foreign_data_wrapper_privilege ------------------------------------ t (1 row) -- has_server_privilege SELECT has_server_privilege('regress_test_role', (SELECT oid FROM pg_foreign_server WHERE srvname='s8'), 'USAGE'); has_server_privilege ---------------------- f (1 row) SELECT has_server_privilege('regress_test_role', 's8', 'USAGE'); has_server_privilege ---------------------- f (1 row) SELECT has_server_privilege( (SELECT oid FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='regress_test_role'), (SELECT oid FROM pg_foreign_server WHERE srvname='s8'), 'USAGE'); has_server_privilege ---------------------- f (1 row) SELECT has_server_privilege( (SELECT oid FROM pg_foreign_server WHERE srvname='s8'), 'USAGE'); has_server_privilege ---------------------- t (1 row) SELECT has_server_privilege( (SELECT oid FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='regress_test_role'), 's8', 'USAGE'); has_server_privilege ---------------------- f (1 row) SELECT has_server_privilege('s8', 'USAGE'); has_server_privilege ---------------------- t (1 row) GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s8 TO regress_test_role; SELECT has_server_privilege('regress_test_role', 's8', 'USAGE'); has_server_privilege ---------------------- t (1 row) REVOKE USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s8 FROM regress_test_role; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s4 TO regress_test_role; DROP USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s4; ALTER SERVER s6 OPTIONS (DROP host, DROP dbname); ALTER USER MAPPING FOR regress_test_role SERVER s6 OPTIONS (DROP username); ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'plpgsql'; WARNING: changing the foreign-data wrapper library can cause the options for dependent objects to become invalid ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo LIBRARY 'default_fdw'; ERROR: could not access file "default_fdw": No such file or directory -- Privileges SET ROLE unprivileged_role; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foobar LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to create foreign-data wrapper "foobar" HINT: Must be superuser to create a foreign-data wrapper. ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (gotcha 'true'); -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to alter foreign-data wrapper "foo" HINT: Must be superuser to alter a foreign-data wrapper. ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OWNER TO unprivileged_role; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to change owner of foreign-data wrapper "foo" HINT: Must be superuser to change owner of a foreign-data wrapper. DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to drop foreign-data wrapper "foo" HINT: Must be superuser to drop a foreign-data wrapper. GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo TO regress_test_role; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign-data wrapper foo CREATE SERVER s9 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign-data wrapper foo ALTER SERVER s4 VERSION '0.5'; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s4 ALTER SERVER s4 OWNER TO unprivileged_role; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s4 DROP SERVER s4; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s4 GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s4 TO regress_test_role; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign server s4 CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s4; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s4 ALTER USER MAPPING FOR regress_test_role SERVER s6 OPTIONS (gotcha 'true'); -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s6 DROP USER MAPPING FOR regress_test_role SERVER s6; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s6 RESET ROLE; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql TO unprivileged_role; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo TO unprivileged_role WITH GRANT OPTION; SET ROLE unprivileged_role; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foobar LIBRARY 'dummy_fdw' LANGUAGE C; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to create foreign-data wrapper "foobar" HINT: Must be superuser to create a foreign-data wrapper. ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo OPTIONS (gotcha 'true'); -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to alter foreign-data wrapper "foo" HINT: Must be superuser to alter a foreign-data wrapper. DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied to drop foreign-data wrapper "foo" HINT: Must be superuser to drop a foreign-data wrapper. GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql TO regress_test_role; -- WARNING WARNING: no privileges were granted for "postgresql" GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo TO regress_test_role; CREATE SERVER s9 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql; ALTER SERVER s6 VERSION '0.5'; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s6 DROP SERVER s6; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s6 GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s6 TO regress_test_role; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign server s6 GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s9 TO regress_test_role; CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s6; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s6 CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER s9; ALTER USER MAPPING FOR regress_test_role SERVER s6 OPTIONS (gotcha 'true'); -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s6 DROP USER MAPPING FOR regress_test_role SERVER s6; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s6 RESET ROLE; REVOKE USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo FROM unprivileged_role; -- ERROR ERROR: dependent privileges exist HINT: Use CASCADE to revoke them too. REVOKE USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo FROM unprivileged_role CASCADE; SET ROLE unprivileged_role; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo TO regress_test_role; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign-data wrapper foo CREATE SERVER s10 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; -- ERROR ERROR: permission denied for foreign-data wrapper foo ALTER SERVER s9 VERSION '1.1'; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s9 TO regress_test_role; CREATE USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s9; DROP SERVER s9 CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 2 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to user mapping for public drop cascades to user mapping for unprivileged_role RESET ROLE; CREATE SERVER s9 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s9 TO unprivileged_role; SET ROLE unprivileged_role; ALTER SERVER s9 VERSION '1.2'; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s9 GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s9 TO regress_test_role; -- WARNING WARNING: no privileges were granted for "s9" CREATE USER MAPPING FOR current_user SERVER s9; DROP SERVER s9 CASCADE; -- ERROR ERROR: must be owner of foreign server s9 RESET ROLE; -- Cleanup DROP ROLE regress_test_role; -- ERROR ERROR: role "regress_test_role" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it DETAIL: access to server s4 access to foreign-data wrapper foo owner of user mapping for regress_test_role owner of user mapping for regress_test_role owner of server s5 owner of server st2 DROP SERVER s5 CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to user mapping for regress_test_role DROP SERVER st1 CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to user mapping for public DROP SERVER st2; DROP USER MAPPING FOR regress_test_role SERVER s6; DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foo CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 5 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to server s4 drop cascades to user mapping for foreign_data_user drop cascades to server s6 drop cascades to server s9 drop cascades to user mapping for unprivileged_role DROP SERVER s8 CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 2 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to user mapping for foreign_data_user drop cascades to user mapping for public DROP ROLE regress_test_indirect; DROP ROLE regress_test_role; DROP ROLE unprivileged_role; -- ERROR ERROR: role "unprivileged_role" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it DETAIL: access to foreign-data wrapper postgresql REVOKE ALL ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql FROM unprivileged_role; DROP ROLE unprivileged_role; DROP ROLE regress_test_role2; DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql CASCADE; DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy CASCADE; \c DROP ROLE foreign_data_user; -- At this point we should have no wrappers, no servers, and no mappings. SELECT fdwname, fdwlibrary, fdwoptions FROM pg_foreign_data_wrapper; fdwname | fdwlibrary | fdwoptions ---------+------------+------------ (0 rows) SELECT srvname, srvoptions FROM pg_foreign_server; srvname | srvoptions ---------+------------ (0 rows) SELECT * FROM pg_user_mapping; umuser | umserver | umoptions --------+----------+----------- (0 rows)