1998 May 25 This directory contains a set of tests for locales. I provided one C program test-ctype.c to test CTYPE support in libc and installed localedata. Then there are test-sort.pl and test-sort.py that tests collating. (Also there is test-sort.py but it is commented out in scripts; uncomment it if you have Python interpreter installed). To run a test for some locale (koi8, e.g) run make all test-$locale (for example) make all test-koi8 Currently, only tests for koi8 locale (russian cyrillic for UN*X) provided in koi8 directory. Script `runall' calls test-pgsql-locale to test whether locale support had been compiled into PotgreSQL, test-ctype to test libc and localedata, test-sort.pl (uncomment test-sort.py, if you have Python interpreter installed) and does tests on PostgreSQL with test-koi8*.sql.in. To add locale tests one need to create directory $locale and create Makefile (and other files) similar to koi8-r/*. Actually, the simplest (I think) method is just copy koi8-r directory and edit/replace files. Oleg. ---- Oleg Broytmann http://members.xoom.com/phd2/ phd2@earthling.net