/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * nodeGather.c * Support routines for scanning a plan via multiple workers. * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2015, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * A Gather executor launches parallel workers to run multiple copies of a * plan. It can also run the plan itself, if the workers are not available * or have not started up yet. It then merges all of the results it produces * and the results from the workers into a single output stream. Therefore, * it will normally be used with a plan where running multiple copies of the * same plan does not produce duplicate output, such as PartialSeqScan. * * Alternatively, a Gather node can be configured to use just one worker * and the single-copy flag can be set. In this case, the Gather node will * run the plan in one worker and will not execute the plan itself. In * this case, it simply returns whatever tuples were returned by the worker. * If a worker cannot be obtained, then it will run the plan itself and * return the results. Therefore, a plan used with a single-copy Gather * node need not be parallel-aware. * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/executor/nodeGather.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/relscan.h" #include "access/xact.h" #include "executor/execdebug.h" #include "executor/execParallel.h" #include "executor/nodeGather.h" #include "executor/nodeSubplan.h" #include "executor/tqueue.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/rel.h" static TupleTableSlot *gather_getnext(GatherState *gatherstate); static HeapTuple gather_readnext(GatherState *gatherstate); static void ExecShutdownGatherWorkers(GatherState *node); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecInitGather * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ GatherState * ExecInitGather(Gather *node, EState *estate, int eflags) { GatherState *gatherstate; Plan *outerNode; bool hasoid; TupleDesc tupDesc; /* Gather node doesn't have innerPlan node. */ Assert(innerPlan(node) == NULL); /* * create state structure */ gatherstate = makeNode(GatherState); gatherstate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node; gatherstate->ps.state = estate; gatherstate->need_to_scan_locally = !node->single_copy; /* * Miscellaneous initialization * * create expression context for node */ ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &gatherstate->ps); /* * initialize child expressions */ gatherstate->ps.targetlist = (List *) ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->plan.targetlist, (PlanState *) gatherstate); gatherstate->ps.qual = (List *) ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->plan.qual, (PlanState *) gatherstate); /* * tuple table initialization */ gatherstate->funnel_slot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate); ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &gatherstate->ps); /* * now initialize outer plan */ outerNode = outerPlan(node); outerPlanState(gatherstate) = ExecInitNode(outerNode, estate, eflags); gatherstate->ps.ps_TupFromTlist = false; /* * Initialize result tuple type and projection info. */ ExecAssignResultTypeFromTL(&gatherstate->ps); ExecAssignProjectionInfo(&gatherstate->ps, NULL); /* * Initialize funnel slot to same tuple descriptor as outer plan. */ if (!ExecContextForcesOids(&gatherstate->ps, &hasoid)) hasoid = false; tupDesc = ExecTypeFromTL(outerNode->targetlist, hasoid); ExecSetSlotDescriptor(gatherstate->funnel_slot, tupDesc); return gatherstate; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecGather(node) * * Scans the relation via multiple workers and returns * the next qualifying tuple. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ TupleTableSlot * ExecGather(GatherState *node) { TupleTableSlot *fslot = node->funnel_slot; int i; TupleTableSlot *slot; TupleTableSlot *resultSlot; ExprDoneCond isDone; ExprContext *econtext; /* * Initialize the parallel context and workers on first execution. We do * this on first execution rather than during node initialization, as it * needs to allocate large dynamic segement, so it is better to do if it * is really needed. */ if (!node->initialized) { EState *estate = node->ps.state; Gather *gather = (Gather *) node->ps.plan; /* * Sometimes we might have to run without parallelism; but if * parallel mode is active then we can try to fire up some workers. */ if (gather->num_workers > 0 && IsInParallelMode()) { ParallelContext *pcxt; bool got_any_worker = false; /* Initialize the workers required to execute Gather node. */ if (!node->pei) node->pei = ExecInitParallelPlan(node->ps.lefttree, estate, gather->num_workers); /* * Register backend workers. We might not get as many as we * requested, or indeed any at all. */ pcxt = node->pei->pcxt; LaunchParallelWorkers(pcxt); /* Set up tuple queue readers to read the results. */ if (pcxt->nworkers > 0) { node->nreaders = 0; node->reader = palloc(pcxt->nworkers * sizeof(TupleQueueReader *)); for (i = 0; i < pcxt->nworkers; ++i) { if (pcxt->worker[i].bgwhandle == NULL) continue; shm_mq_set_handle(node->pei->tqueue[i], pcxt->worker[i].bgwhandle); node->reader[node->nreaders++] = CreateTupleQueueReader(node->pei->tqueue[i], fslot->tts_tupleDescriptor); got_any_worker = true; } } /* No workers? Then never mind. */ if (!got_any_worker) ExecShutdownGather(node); } /* Run plan locally if no workers or not single-copy. */ node->need_to_scan_locally = (node->reader == NULL) || !gather->single_copy; node->initialized = true; } /* * Check to see if we're still projecting out tuples from a previous scan * tuple (because there is a function-returning-set in the projection * expressions). If so, try to project another one. */ if (node->ps.ps_TupFromTlist) { resultSlot = ExecProject(node->ps.ps_ProjInfo, &isDone); if (isDone == ExprMultipleResult) return resultSlot; /* Done with that source tuple... */ node->ps.ps_TupFromTlist = false; } /* * Reset per-tuple memory context to free any expression evaluation * storage allocated in the previous tuple cycle. Note we can't do this * until we're done projecting. */ econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext; ResetExprContext(econtext); /* Get and return the next tuple, projecting if necessary. */ for (;;) { /* * Get next tuple, either from one of our workers, or by running the * plan ourselves. */ slot = gather_getnext(node); if (TupIsNull(slot)) return NULL; /* * form the result tuple using ExecProject(), and return it --- unless * the projection produces an empty set, in which case we must loop * back around for another tuple */ econtext->ecxt_outertuple = slot; resultSlot = ExecProject(node->ps.ps_ProjInfo, &isDone); if (isDone != ExprEndResult) { node->ps.ps_TupFromTlist = (isDone == ExprMultipleResult); return resultSlot; } } return slot; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecEndGather * * frees any storage allocated through C routines. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecEndGather(GatherState *node) { ExecShutdownGather(node); ExecFreeExprContext(&node->ps); ExecClearTuple(node->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot); ExecEndNode(outerPlanState(node)); } /* * Read the next tuple. We might fetch a tuple from one of the tuple queues * using gather_readnext, or if no tuple queue contains a tuple and the * single_copy flag is not set, we might generate one locally instead. */ static TupleTableSlot * gather_getnext(GatherState *gatherstate) { PlanState *outerPlan = outerPlanState(gatherstate); TupleTableSlot *outerTupleSlot; TupleTableSlot *fslot = gatherstate->funnel_slot; HeapTuple tup; while (gatherstate->reader != NULL || gatherstate->need_to_scan_locally) { if (gatherstate->reader != NULL) { tup = gather_readnext(gatherstate); if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup)) { ExecStoreTuple(tup, /* tuple to store */ fslot, /* slot in which to store the tuple */ InvalidBuffer, /* buffer associated with this * tuple */ true); /* pfree this pointer if not from heap */ return fslot; } } if (gatherstate->need_to_scan_locally) { outerTupleSlot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan); if (!TupIsNull(outerTupleSlot)) return outerTupleSlot; gatherstate->need_to_scan_locally = false; } } return ExecClearTuple(fslot); } /* * Attempt to read a tuple from one of our parallel workers. */ static HeapTuple gather_readnext(GatherState *gatherstate) { int waitpos = gatherstate->nextreader; for (;;) { TupleQueueReader *reader; HeapTuple tup; bool readerdone; /* Make sure we've read all messages from workers. */ HandleParallelMessages(); /* Attempt to read a tuple, but don't block if none is available. */ reader = gatherstate->reader[gatherstate->nextreader]; tup = TupleQueueReaderNext(reader, true, &readerdone); /* * If this reader is done, remove it. If all readers are done, * clean up remaining worker state. */ if (readerdone) { DestroyTupleQueueReader(reader); --gatherstate->nreaders; if (gatherstate->nreaders == 0) { ExecShutdownGatherWorkers(gatherstate); return NULL; } else { memmove(&gatherstate->reader[gatherstate->nextreader], &gatherstate->reader[gatherstate->nextreader + 1], sizeof(TupleQueueReader *) * (gatherstate->nreaders - gatherstate->nextreader)); if (gatherstate->nextreader >= gatherstate->nreaders) gatherstate->nextreader = 0; if (gatherstate->nextreader < waitpos) --waitpos; } continue; } /* Advance nextreader pointer in round-robin fashion. */ gatherstate->nextreader = (gatherstate->nextreader + 1) % gatherstate->nreaders; /* If we got a tuple, return it. */ if (tup) return tup; /* Have we visited every TupleQueueReader? */ if (gatherstate->nextreader == waitpos) { /* * If (still) running plan locally, return NULL so caller can * generate another tuple from the local copy of the plan. */ if (gatherstate->need_to_scan_locally) return NULL; /* Nothing to do except wait for developments. */ WaitLatch(MyLatch, WL_LATCH_SET, 0); CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); ResetLatch(MyLatch); } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecShutdownGatherWorkers * * Destroy the parallel workers. Collect all the stats after * workers are stopped, else some work done by workers won't be * accounted. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void ExecShutdownGatherWorkers(GatherState *node) { /* Shut down tuple queue readers before shutting down workers. */ if (node->reader != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < node->nreaders; ++i) DestroyTupleQueueReader(node->reader[i]); node->reader = NULL; } /* Now shut down the workers. */ if (node->pei != NULL) ExecParallelFinish(node->pei); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecShutdownGather * * Destroy the setup for parallel workers including parallel context. * Collect all the stats after workers are stopped, else some work * done by workers won't be accounted. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecShutdownGather(GatherState *node) { ExecShutdownGatherWorkers(node); /* Now destroy the parallel context. */ if (node->pei != NULL) { ExecParallelCleanup(node->pei); node->pei = NULL; } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Join Support * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecReScanGather * * Re-initialize the workers and rescans a relation via them. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecReScanGather(GatherState *node) { /* * Re-initialize the parallel workers to perform rescan of relation. * We want to gracefully shutdown all the workers so that they * should be able to propagate any error or other information to master * backend before dying. Parallel context will be reused for rescan. */ ExecShutdownGatherWorkers(node); node->initialized = false; if (node->pei) ExecParallelReinitialize(node->pei); ExecReScan(node->ps.lefttree); }