/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * syscache.c * System cache management routines * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/cache/syscache.c,v 1.43 1999/11/24 16:52:38 momjian Exp $ * * NOTES * These routines allow the parser/planner/executor to perform * rapid lookups on the contents of the system catalogs. * * see catalog/syscache.h for a list of the cache id's * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "catalog/catname.h" #include "catalog/pg_aggregate.h" #include "catalog/pg_amop.h" #include "catalog/pg_group.h" #include "catalog/pg_index.h" #include "catalog/pg_inherits.h" #include "catalog/pg_language.h" #include "catalog/pg_listener.h" #include "catalog/pg_opclass.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc.h" #include "catalog/pg_rewrite.h" #include "catalog/pg_shadow.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "utils/catcache.h" #include "utils/temprel.h" extern bool AMI_OVERRIDE; /* XXX style */ #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "catalog/indexing.h" typedef HeapTuple (*ScanFunc) (); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding system caches: Add your new cache to the list in include/utils/syscache.h. Keep the list sorted alphabetically and adjust the cache numbers accordingly. Add your entry to the cacheinfo[] array below. All cache lists are alphabetical, so add it in the proper place. Specify the relation name, number of arguments, argument names, size of tuple, index lookup function, and index name. In include/catalog/indexing.h, add a define for the number of indexes in the relation, add a define for the index name, add an extern array to hold the index names, define the index lookup function prototype, and use DECLARE_UNIQUE_INDEX to define the index. Cache lookups return only one row, so the index should be unique. In backend/catalog/indexing.c, initialize the relation array with the index names for the relation, fixed size of relation (or marking first non-fixed length field), and create the index lookup function. Pick one that takes similar arguments and use that one, but keep the function names in the same order as the cache list for clarity. Finally, any place your relation gets heap_insert() or heap_update calls, include code to do a CatalogIndexInsert() to update the system indexes. The heap_* calls do not update indexes. bjm 1999/11/22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct cachedesc cacheinfo[] = { {AggregateRelationName, /* AGGNAME */ 2, { Anum_pg_aggregate_aggname, Anum_pg_aggregate_aggbasetype, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_aggregate, agginitval1), AggregateNameTypeIndex, AggregateNameTypeIndexScan}, {AccessMethodRelationName, /* AMNAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_am_amname, 0, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_am), AmNameIndex, AmNameIndexScan}, {AccessMethodOperatorRelationName, /* AMOPOPID */ 3, { Anum_pg_amop_amopclaid, Anum_pg_amop_amopopr, Anum_pg_amop_amopid, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_amop), AccessMethodOpidIndex, AccessMethodOpidIndexScan}, {AccessMethodOperatorRelationName, /* AMOPSTRATEGY */ 3, { Anum_pg_amop_amopid, Anum_pg_amop_amopclaid, Anum_pg_amop_amopstrategy, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_amop), AccessMethodStrategyIndex, (ScanFunc) AccessMethodStrategyIndexScan}, {AttributeRelationName, /* ATTNAME */ 2, { Anum_pg_attribute_attrelid, Anum_pg_attribute_attname, 0, 0 }, ATTRIBUTE_TUPLE_SIZE, AttributeRelidNameIndex, AttributeRelidNameIndexScan}, {AttributeRelationName, /* ATTNUM */ 2, { Anum_pg_attribute_attrelid, Anum_pg_attribute_attnum, 0, 0 }, ATTRIBUTE_TUPLE_SIZE, AttributeRelidNumIndex, (ScanFunc) AttributeRelidNumIndexScan}, {OperatorClassRelationName, /* CLADEFTYPE */ 1, { Anum_pg_opclass_opcdeftype, 0, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_opclass), OpclassDeftypeIndex, OpclassDeftypeIndexScan}, {OperatorClassRelationName, /* CLANAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_opclass_opcname, 0, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_opclass), OpclassNameIndex, OpclassNameIndexScan}, {GroupRelationName, /* GRONAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_group_groname, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_group, grolist[0]), GroupNameIndex, GroupNameIndexScan}, {GroupRelationName, /* GROSYSID */ 1, { Anum_pg_group_grosysid, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_group, grolist[0]), GroupSysidIndex, GroupSysidIndexScan}, {IndexRelationName, /* INDEXRELID */ 1, { Anum_pg_index_indexrelid, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_index, indpred), IndexRelidIndex, IndexRelidIndexScan}, {InheritsRelationName, /* INHRELID */ 2, { Anum_pg_inherits_inhrelid, Anum_pg_inherits_inhseqno, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_inherits), InheritsRelidSeqnoIndex, InheritsRelidSeqnoIndexScan}, {LanguageRelationName, /* LANGNAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_language_lanname, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_language, lancompiler), LanguageNameIndex, LanguageNameIndexScan}, {LanguageRelationName, /* LANGOID */ 1, { ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_language, lancompiler), LanguageOidIndex, LanguageOidIndexScan}, {ListenerRelationName, /* LISTENREL */ 2, { Anum_pg_listener_relname, Anum_pg_listener_pid, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_listener), ListenerRelnamePidIndex, ListenerRelnamePidIndexScan}, {OperatorRelationName, /* OPERNAME */ 4, { Anum_pg_operator_oprname, Anum_pg_operator_oprleft, Anum_pg_operator_oprright, Anum_pg_operator_oprkind }, sizeof(FormData_pg_operator), OperatorNameIndex, (ScanFunc) OperatorNameIndexScan}, {OperatorRelationName, /* OPEROID */ 1, { ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_operator), OperatorOidIndex, OperatorOidIndexScan}, {ProcedureRelationName, /* PROCNAME */ 3, { Anum_pg_proc_proname, Anum_pg_proc_pronargs, Anum_pg_proc_proargtypes, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_proc, prosrc), ProcedureNameIndex, (ScanFunc) ProcedureNameIndexScan}, {ProcedureRelationName, /* PROCOID */ 1, { ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_proc, prosrc), ProcedureOidIndex, ProcedureOidIndexScan}, {RelationRelationName, /* RELNAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_class_relname, 0, 0, 0 }, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE, ClassNameIndex, ClassNameIndexScan}, {RelationRelationName, /* RELOID */ 1, { ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, 0, 0 }, CLASS_TUPLE_SIZE, ClassOidIndex, ClassOidIndexScan}, {RewriteRelationName, /* REWRITENAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_rewrite_rulename, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_rewrite, ev_qual), RewriteRulenameIndex, RewriteRulenameIndexScan}, {RewriteRelationName, /* RULEOID */ 1, { ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_rewrite, ev_qual), RewriteOidIndex, RewriteOidIndexScan}, {ShadowRelationName, /* SHADOWNAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_shadow_usename, 0, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_shadow), NULL,NULL /* ShadowNameIndex, ShadowNameIndexScan*/}, {ShadowRelationName, /* SHADOWSYSID */ 1, { Anum_pg_shadow_usesysid, 0, 0, 0 }, sizeof(FormData_pg_shadow), NULL,NULL /* ShadowSysidIndex, ShadowSysidIndexScan*/}, {StatisticRelationName, /* STATRELID */ 3, { Anum_pg_statistic_starelid, Anum_pg_statistic_staattnum, Anum_pg_statistic_staop, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_statistic, stacommonval), StatisticRelidAttnumOpIndex, StatisticRelidAttnumOpIndexScan}, {TypeRelationName, /* TYPENAME */ 1, { Anum_pg_type_typname, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_type, typalign) +sizeof(char), TypeNameIndex, TypeNameIndexScan}, {TypeRelationName, /* TYPEOID */ 1, { ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, 0, 0 }, offsetof(FormData_pg_type, typalign) +sizeof(char), TypeOidIndex, TypeOidIndexScan} }; static struct catcache *SysCache[lengthof(cacheinfo)]; static int32 SysCacheSize = lengthof(cacheinfo); /* * zerocaches * * Make sure the SysCache structure is zero'd. */ void zerocaches() { MemSet((char *) SysCache, 0, SysCacheSize * sizeof(struct catcache *)); } /* * Note: * This function was written because the initialized catalog caches * are used to determine which caches may contain tuples which need * to be invalidated in other backends. */ void InitCatalogCache() { int cacheId; /* XXX type */ if (!AMI_OVERRIDE) { for (cacheId = 0; cacheId < SysCacheSize; cacheId += 1) { Assert(!PointerIsValid((Pointer) SysCache[cacheId])); SysCache[cacheId] = InitSysCache(cacheinfo[cacheId].name, cacheinfo[cacheId].indname, cacheId, cacheinfo[cacheId].nkeys, cacheinfo[cacheId].key, cacheinfo[cacheId].iScanFunc); if (!PointerIsValid((char *) SysCache[cacheId])) { elog(ERROR, "InitCatalogCache: Can't init cache %s(%d)", cacheinfo[cacheId].name, cacheId); } } } } /* * SearchSysCacheTupleCopy * * This is like SearchSysCacheTuple, except it returns a copy of the tuple * that the user is required to pfree(). */ HeapTuple SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(int cacheId, /* cache selection code */ Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4) { HeapTuple cachetup; cachetup = SearchSysCacheTuple(cacheId, key1, key2, key3, key4); if (PointerIsValid(cachetup)) return heap_copytuple(cachetup); else return cachetup; /* NULL */ } /* * SearchSysCacheTuple * * A layer on top of SearchSysCache that does the initialization and * key-setting for you. * * Returns the cache copy of the tuple if one is found, NULL if not. * The tuple is the 'cache' copy. * * XXX The tuple that is returned is NOT supposed to be pfree'd! */ HeapTuple SearchSysCacheTuple(int cacheId,/* cache selection code */ Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4) { HeapTuple tp; if (cacheId < 0 || cacheId >= SysCacheSize) { elog(ERROR, "SearchSysCacheTuple: Bad cache id %d", cacheId); return (HeapTuple) NULL; } Assert(AMI_OVERRIDE || PointerIsValid(SysCache[cacheId])); if (!PointerIsValid(SysCache[cacheId])) { SysCache[cacheId] = InitSysCache(cacheinfo[cacheId].name, cacheinfo[cacheId].indname, cacheId, cacheinfo[cacheId].nkeys, cacheinfo[cacheId].key, cacheinfo[cacheId].iScanFunc); if (!PointerIsValid(SysCache[cacheId])) elog(ERROR, "InitCatalogCache: Can't init cache %s(%d)", cacheinfo[cacheId].name, cacheId); } /* temp table name remapping */ if (cacheId == RELNAME) { char *nontemp_relname; if ((nontemp_relname = get_temp_rel_by_username(DatumGetPointer(key1))) != NULL) key1 = PointerGetDatum(nontemp_relname); } tp = SearchSysCache(SysCache[cacheId], key1, key2, key3, key4); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) { #ifdef CACHEDEBUG elog(DEBUG, "SearchSysCacheTuple: Search %s(%d) %d %d %d %d failed", cacheinfo[cacheId].name, cacheId, key1, key2, key3, key4); #endif return (HeapTuple) NULL; } return tp; } /* * SearchSysCacheStruct * Fills 's' with the information retrieved by calling SearchSysCache() * with arguments key1...key4. Retrieves only the portion of the tuple * which is not variable-length. * * NOTE: we are assuming that non-variable-length fields in the system * catalogs will always be defined! * * Returns 1L if a tuple was found, 0L if not. */ int32 SearchSysCacheStruct(int cacheId, /* cache selection code */ char *returnStruct, /* (preallocated!) */ Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4) { HeapTuple tp; if (!PointerIsValid(returnStruct)) { elog(ERROR, "SearchSysCacheStruct: No receiving struct"); return 0; } tp = SearchSysCacheTuple(cacheId, key1, key2, key3, key4); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) return 0; memcpy(returnStruct, (char *) GETSTRUCT(tp), cacheinfo[cacheId].size); return 1; } /* * SearchSysCacheGetAttribute * Returns the attribute corresponding to 'attributeNumber' for * a given cached tuple. This routine usually needs to be used for * attributes that might be NULL or might be at a variable offset * in the tuple. * * XXX This re-opens the relation, so this is slower than just pulling * fixed-location fields out of the struct returned by SearchSysCacheTuple. * * [callers all assume this returns a (struct varlena *). -ay 10/94] */ void * SearchSysCacheGetAttribute(int cacheId, AttrNumber attributeNumber, Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4) { HeapTuple tp; char *cacheName; Relation relation; int32 attributeLength, attributeByValue; bool isNull; Datum attributeValue; void *returnValue; /* * Open the relation first, to ensure we are in sync with SI inval * events --- we don't want the tuple found in the cache to be * invalidated out from under us. */ cacheName = cacheinfo[cacheId].name; relation = heap_openr(cacheName, AccessShareLock); tp = SearchSysCacheTuple(cacheId, key1, key2, key3, key4); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) { heap_close(relation, AccessShareLock); #ifdef CACHEDEBUG elog(DEBUG, "SearchSysCacheGetAttribute: Lookup in %s(%d) failed", cacheName, cacheId); #endif /* defined(CACHEDEBUG) */ return NULL; } if (attributeNumber < 0 && attributeNumber > FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber) { attributeLength = heap_sysattrlen(attributeNumber); attributeByValue = heap_sysattrbyval(attributeNumber); } else if (attributeNumber > 0 && attributeNumber <= relation->rd_rel->relnatts) { attributeLength = relation->rd_att->attrs[attributeNumber - 1]->attlen; attributeByValue = relation->rd_att->attrs[attributeNumber - 1]->attbyval; } else { heap_close(relation, AccessShareLock); elog(ERROR, "SearchSysCacheGetAttribute: Bad attr # %d in %s(%d)", attributeNumber, cacheName, cacheId); return NULL; } attributeValue = heap_getattr(tp, attributeNumber, RelationGetDescr(relation), &isNull); if (isNull) { /* * Used to be an elog(DEBUG, ...) here and a claim that it should * be a FATAL error, I don't think either is warranted -mer 6/9/92 */ heap_close(relation, AccessShareLock); return NULL; } if (attributeByValue) returnValue = (void *) attributeValue; else { char *tmp; int size = (attributeLength < 0) ? VARSIZE((struct varlena *) attributeValue) /* variable length */ : attributeLength; /* fixed length */ tmp = (char *) palloc(size); memcpy(tmp, (void *) attributeValue, size); returnValue = (void *) tmp; } heap_close(relation, AccessShareLock); return returnValue; }