-- -- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file -- does not depend on contents of seg.sql. -- \set ECHO none \i tsearch.sql \set ECHO all --txtidx select '1'::txtidx; select '1 '::txtidx; select ' 1'::txtidx; select ' 1 '::txtidx; select '1 2'::txtidx; select '\'1 2\''::txtidx; select '\'1 \\\'2\''::txtidx; select '\'1 \\\'2\'3'::txtidx; select '\'1 \\\'2\' 3'::txtidx; select '\'1 \\\'2\' \' 3\' 4 '::txtidx; --query_txt select '1'::query_txt; select '1 '::query_txt; select ' 1'::query_txt; select ' 1 '::query_txt; select '\'1 2\''::query_txt; select '\'1 \\\'2\''::query_txt; select '!1'::query_txt; select '1|2'::query_txt; select '1|!2'::query_txt; select '!1|2'::query_txt; select '!1|!2'::query_txt; select '!(!1|!2)'::query_txt; select '!(!1|2)'::query_txt; select '!(1|!2)'::query_txt; select '!(1|2)'::query_txt; select '1&2'::query_txt; select '!1&2'::query_txt; select '1&!2'::query_txt; select '!1&!2'::query_txt; select '(1&2)'::query_txt; select '1&(2)'::query_txt; select '!(1)&2'::query_txt; select '!(1&2)'::query_txt; select '1|2&3'::query_txt; select '1|(2&3)'::query_txt; select '(1|2)&3'::query_txt; select '1|2&!3'::query_txt; select '1|!2&3'::query_txt; select '!1|2&3'::query_txt; select '!1|(2&3)'::query_txt; select '!(1|2)&3'::query_txt; select '(!1|2)&3'::query_txt; select '1|(2|(4|(5|6)))'::query_txt; select '1|2|4|5|6'::query_txt; select '1&(2&(4&(5&6)))'::query_txt; select '1&2&4&5&6'::query_txt; select '1&(2&(4&(5|6)))'::query_txt; select '1&(2&(4&(5|!6)))'::query_txt; select '1&(\'2\'&(\' 4\'&(\\|5 | \'6 \\\' !|&\')))'::query_txt; select '1'::mquery_txt; select '1 '::mquery_txt; select ' 1'::mquery_txt; select ' 1 '::mquery_txt; select '\'1 2\''::mquery_txt; select '\'1 \\\'2\''::mquery_txt; select '!1'::mquery_txt; select '1|2'::mquery_txt; select '1|!2'::mquery_txt; select '!1|2'::mquery_txt; select '!1|!2'::mquery_txt; select '!(!1|!2)'::mquery_txt; select '!(!1|2)'::mquery_txt; select '!(1|!2)'::mquery_txt; select '!(1|2)'::mquery_txt; select '1&2'::mquery_txt; select '!1&2'::mquery_txt; select '1&!2'::mquery_txt; select '!1&!2'::mquery_txt; select '(1&2)'::mquery_txt; select '1&(2)'::mquery_txt; select '!(1)&2'::mquery_txt; select '!(1&2)'::mquery_txt; select '1|2&3'::mquery_txt; select '1|(2&3)'::mquery_txt; select '(1|2)&3'::mquery_txt; select '1|2&!3'::mquery_txt; select '1|!2&3'::mquery_txt; select '!1|2&3'::mquery_txt; select '!1|(2&3)'::mquery_txt; select '!(1|2)&3'::mquery_txt; select '(!1|2)&3'::mquery_txt; select '1|(2|(4|(5|6)))'::mquery_txt; select '1|2|4|5|6'::mquery_txt; select '1&(2&(4&(5&6)))'::mquery_txt; select '1&2&4&5&6'::mquery_txt; select '1&(2&(4&(5|6)))'::mquery_txt; select '1&(2&(4&(5|!6)))'::mquery_txt; select '1&(\'2\'&(\' 4\'&(\\|5 | \'6 \\\' !|&\')))'::mquery_txt; select 'querty-fgries | http://www.google.com/index.html | www.rambler.ru/index.shtml'::mquery_txt; CREATE TABLE test_txtidx( t text, a txtidx ); \copy test_txtidx from 'data/test_tsearch.data' SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ 'wr|qh'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ 'wr&qh'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ 'eq&yt'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ 'eq|yt'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ '(eq&yt)|(wr&qh)'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ '(eq|yt)&(wr|qh)'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## 'wR|qh'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## 'wR&qh'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## 'eq&yt'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## 'eq|yt'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## '(eq&yt)|(wR&qh)'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## '(eq|yt)&(wR|qh)'; create index wowidx on test_txtidx using gist (a); SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ 'wr|qh'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ 'wr&qh'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ 'eq&yt'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ 'eq|yt'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ '(eq&yt)|(wr&qh)'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ '(eq|yt)&(wr|qh)'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## 'wR|qh'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## 'wR&qh'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## 'eq&yt'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## 'eq|yt'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## '(eq&yt)|(wR&qh)'; SELECT count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## '(eq|yt)&(wR|qh)'; select txt2txtidx('345 qwe@efd.r \' http://www.com/ http://aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw 1aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw 2aew.werc.ewr http://3aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw http://4aew.werc.ewr http://5aew.werc.ewr:8100/? ad=qwe&dw 6aew.werc.ewr:8100/?ad=qwe&dw 7aew.werc.ewr:8100/?ad=qwe&dw=%20%32 +4.0e-10 qwe qwe qwqwe 234.435 455 5.005 teodor@stack.net qwe-wer asdf qwer jf sdjk ewr1> ewri2 /usr/local/fff /awdf/dwqe/4325 rewt/ewr wefjn /wqe-324/ewr gist.h gist.h.c gist.c. readline 4.2 4.2. 4.2, readline-4.2 readline-4.2. 234 wow < jqw <> qwerty'); select txtidxsize(txt2txtidx('345 qw')); select txtidxsize(txt2txtidx('345 qwe@efd.r \' http://www.com/ http://aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw 1aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw 2aew.werc.ewr http://3aew.werc.ewr/?ad=qwe&dw http://4aew.werc.ewr http://5aew.werc.ewr:8100/? ad=qwe&dw 6aew.werc.ewr:8100/?ad=qwe&dw 7aew.werc.ewr:8100/?ad=qwe&dw=%20%32 +4.0e-10 qwe qwe qwqwe 234.435 455 5.005 teodor@stack.net qwe-wer asdf qwer jf sdjk ewr1> ewri2 /usr/local/fff /awdf/dwqe/4325 rewt/ewr wefjn /wqe-324/ewr gist.h gist.h.c gist.c. readline 4.2 4.2. 4.2, readline-4.2 readline-4.2. 234 wow < jqw <> qwerty')); insert into test_txtidx (a) values ('345 qwerty'); create trigger txtidxupdate before update or insert on test_txtidx for each row execute procedure tsearch(a, t); insert into test_txtidx (t) values ('345 qwerty'); select count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ '345&qwerty'; select count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## '345&qwerty'; update test_txtidx set t = null where t = '345 qwerty'; select count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a ## '345&qwerty'; select count(*) FROM test_txtidx WHERE a @@ '345&qwerty';