%{ /*#define YYDEBUG 1*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * gram.y * POSTGRES SQL YACC rules/actions * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/gram.y,v 2.398 2003/02/03 14:04:24 momjian Exp $ * * HISTORY * AUTHOR DATE MAJOR EVENT * Andrew Yu Sept, 1994 POSTQUEL to SQL conversion * Andrew Yu Oct, 1994 lispy code conversion * * NOTES * CAPITALS are used to represent terminal symbols. * non-capitals are used to represent non-terminals. * SQL92-specific syntax is separated from plain SQL/Postgres syntax * to help isolate the non-extensible portions of the parser. * * In general, nothing in this file should initiate database accesses * nor depend on changeable state (such as SET variables). If you do * database accesses, your code will fail when we have aborted the * current transaction and are just parsing commands to find the next * ROLLBACK or COMMIT. If you make use of SET variables, then you * will do the wrong thing in multi-query strings like this: * SET SQL_inheritance TO off; SELECT * FROM foo; * because the entire string is parsed by gram.y before the SET gets * executed. Anything that depends on the database or changeable state * should be handled inside parse_analyze() so that it happens at the * right time not the wrong time. The handling of SQL_inheritance is * a good example. * * WARNINGS * If you use a list, make sure the datum is a node so that the printing * routines work. * * Sometimes we assign constants to makeStrings. Make sure we don't free * those. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include #include #include "access/htup.h" #include "catalog/index.h" #include "catalog/namespace.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "nodes/params.h" #include "nodes/parsenodes.h" #include "parser/gramparse.h" #include "storage/lmgr.h" #include "utils/numeric.h" #include "utils/datetime.h" #include "utils/date.h" extern List *parsetree; /* final parse result is delivered here */ static bool QueryIsRule = FALSE; /* * If you need access to certain yacc-generated variables and find that * they're static by default, uncomment the next line. (this is not a * problem, yet.) */ /*#define __YYSCLASS*/ static Node *makeTypeCast(Node *arg, TypeName *typename); static Node *makeStringConst(char *str, TypeName *typename); static Node *makeIntConst(int val); static Node *makeFloatConst(char *str); static Node *makeAConst(Value *v); static Node *makeRowExpr(List *opr, List *largs, List *rargs); static Node *makeDistinctExpr(List *largs, List *rargs); static Node *makeRowNullTest(NullTestType test, List *args); static DefElem *makeDefElem(char *name, Node *arg); static A_Const *makeBoolConst(bool state); static FuncCall *makeOverlaps(List *largs, List *rargs); static SelectStmt *findLeftmostSelect(SelectStmt *node); static void insertSelectOptions(SelectStmt *stmt, List *sortClause, List *forUpdate, Node *limitOffset, Node *limitCount); static Node *makeSetOp(SetOperation op, bool all, Node *larg, Node *rarg); static Node *doNegate(Node *n); static void doNegateFloat(Value *v); %} %union { int ival; char chr; char *str; const char *keyword; bool boolean; JoinType jtype; DropBehavior dbehavior; OnCommitAction oncommit; List *list; Node *node; Value *value; ColumnRef *columnref; TypeName *typnam; DefElem *defelt; SortGroupBy *sortgroupby; JoinExpr *jexpr; IndexElem *ielem; Alias *alias; RangeVar *range; A_Indices *aind; ResTarget *target; PrivTarget *privtarget; InsertStmt *istmt; VariableSetStmt *vsetstmt; } %type stmt schema_stmt AlterDatabaseSetStmt AlterDomainStmt AlterGroupStmt AlterTableStmt AlterUserStmt AlterUserSetStmt AnalyzeStmt ClosePortalStmt ClusterStmt CommentStmt ConstraintsSetStmt CopyStmt CreateAsStmt CreateCastStmt CreateDomainStmt CreateGroupStmt CreateOpClassStmt CreatePLangStmt CreateSchemaStmt CreateSeqStmt CreateStmt CreateAssertStmt CreateTrigStmt CreateUserStmt CreatedbStmt CursorStmt DefineStmt DeleteStmt DropGroupStmt DropOpClassStmt DropPLangStmt DropStmt DropAssertStmt DropTrigStmt DropRuleStmt DropCastStmt DropUserStmt DropdbStmt ExplainStmt FetchStmt GrantStmt IndexStmt InsertStmt ListenStmt LoadStmt LockStmt NotifyStmt OptimizableStmt CreateFunctionStmt ReindexStmt RemoveAggrStmt RemoveFuncStmt RemoveOperStmt RenameStmt RevokeStmt RuleActionStmt RuleActionStmtOrEmpty RuleStmt SelectStmt TransactionStmt TruncateStmt UnlistenStmt UpdateStmt VacuumStmt VariableResetStmt VariableSetStmt VariableShowStmt ViewStmt CheckPointStmt CreateConversionStmt DeallocateStmt PrepareStmt ExecuteStmt %type select_no_parens select_with_parens select_clause simple_select %type alter_column_default opclass_item %type add_drop %type opt_drop_behavior %type createdb_opt_list copy_opt_list %type createdb_opt_item copy_opt_item %type opt_lock lock_type cast_context %type opt_force opt_or_replace transaction_access_mode opt_grant_grant_option opt_revoke_grant_option %type user_list %type OptGroupList %type OptGroupElem %type OptUserList %type OptUserElem %type OptSchemaName %type OptSchemaEltList %type TriggerActionTime TriggerForSpec opt_trusted %type opt_lancompiler %type TriggerEvents %type TriggerFuncArg %type relation_name copy_file_name database_name access_method_clause access_method attr_name index_name name function_name file_name %type func_name handler_name qual_Op qual_all_Op OptUseOp opt_class opt_validator %type qualified_name OptConstrFromTable %type opt_id all_Op MathOp opt_name SpecialRuleRelation %type iso_level opt_encoding %type grantee %type grantee_list %type privilege %type privileges privilege_list %type privilege_target %type function_with_argtypes %type function_with_argtypes_list %type TriggerOneEvent %type stmtblock stmtmulti OptTableElementList TableElementList OptInherit definition opt_distinct opt_definition func_args func_args_list func_as createfunc_opt_list oper_argtypes RuleActionList RuleActionMulti opt_column_list columnList opt_name_list sort_clause opt_sort_clause sortby_list index_params index_list name_list from_clause from_list opt_array_bounds qualified_name_list any_name any_name_list any_operator expr_list dotted_name attrs target_list update_target_list insert_column_list insert_target_list def_list opt_indirection group_clause TriggerFuncArgs select_limit opt_select_limit opclass_item_list transaction_mode_list transaction_mode_list_or_empty TableFuncElementList prep_type_clause prep_type_list execute_param_clause %type into_clause OptTempTableName %type createfunc_opt_item %type func_arg func_return func_type aggr_argtype %type opt_arg TriggerForType OptTemp OptWithOids %type OnCommitOption %type for_update_clause opt_for_update_clause update_list %type opt_all %type join_outer join_qual %type join_type %type extract_list overlay_list position_list %type substr_list trim_list %type opt_interval %type overlay_placing substr_from substr_for %type opt_instead opt_cursor opt_analyze %type index_opt_unique opt_verbose opt_full %type opt_freeze opt_default opt_recheck %type opt_binary opt_oids copy_delimiter %type copy_from %type direction reindex_type drop_type opt_column event comment_type %type fetch_how_many %type select_limit_value select_offset_value %type OptSeqList %type OptSeqElem %type insert_rest %type set_rest %type TableElement ConstraintElem TableFuncElement %type columnDef %type def_elem %type def_arg columnElem where_clause insert_column_item a_expr b_expr c_expr r_expr AexprConst in_expr having_clause func_table %type row row_descriptor type_list %type case_expr case_arg when_clause case_default %type when_clause_list %type sub_type %type OptCreateAs CreateAsList %type CreateAsElement %type NumericOnly FloatOnly IntegerOnly %type columnref %type alias_clause %type sortby %type index_elem func_index %type table_ref %type joined_table %type relation_expr %type target_el insert_target_el update_target_el %type Typename SimpleTypename ConstTypename GenericType Numeric opt_float Character ConstCharacter CharacterWithLength CharacterWithoutLength ConstDatetime ConstInterval Bit ConstBit BitWithLength BitWithoutLength %type character %type extract_arg %type opt_charset opt_collate %type opt_numeric opt_decimal %type opt_varying opt_timezone %type Iconst %type Sconst comment_text %type UserId opt_boolean ColId_or_Sconst %type var_list var_list_or_default %type ColId ColLabel type_name %type var_value zone_value %type unreserved_keyword func_name_keyword %type col_name_keyword reserved_keyword %type TableConstraint TableLikeClause %type ColQualList %type ColConstraint ColConstraintElem ConstraintAttr %type key_actions key_delete key_match key_update key_action %type ConstraintAttributeSpec ConstraintDeferrabilitySpec ConstraintTimeSpec %type constraints_set_list %type constraints_set_mode /* * If you make any token changes, update the keyword table in * parser/keywords.c and add new keywords to the appropriate one of * the reserved-or-not-so-reserved keyword lists, below. */ /* ordinary key words in alphabetical order */ %token ABORT_TRANS ABSOLUTE ACCESS ACTION ADD AFTER AGGREGATE ALL ALTER ANALYSE ANALYZE AND ANY AS ASC ASSERTION ASSIGNMENT AT AUTHORIZATION BACKWARD BEFORE BEGIN_TRANS BETWEEN BIGINT BINARY BIT BOOLEAN BOTH BY CACHE CALLED CASCADE CASE CAST CHAIN CHAR_P CHARACTER CHARACTERISTICS CHECK CHECKPOINT CLASS CLOSE CLUSTER COALESCE COLLATE COLUMN COMMENT COMMIT COMMITTED CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINTS CONVERSION_P CONVERT COPY CREATE CREATEDB CREATEUSER CROSS CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP CURRENT_USER CURSOR CYCLE DATABASE DAY_P DEALLOCATE DEC DECIMAL DECLARE DEFAULT DEFERRABLE DEFERRED DEFINER DELETE_P DELIMITER DELIMITERS DESC DISTINCT DO DOMAIN_P DOUBLE DROP EACH ELSE ENCODING ENCRYPTED END_TRANS ESCAPE EXCEPT EXCLUSIVE EXECUTE EXISTS EXPLAIN EXTERNAL EXTRACT FALSE_P FETCH FLOAT_P FOR FORCE FOREIGN FORWARD FREEZE FROM FULL FUNCTION GET GLOBAL GRANT GROUP_P HANDLER HAVING HOUR_P ILIKE IMMEDIATE IMMUTABLE IMPLICIT_P IN_P INCREMENT INDEX INHERITS INITIALLY INNER_P INOUT INPUT INSENSITIVE INSERT INSTEAD INT INTEGER INTERSECT INTERVAL INTO INVOKER IS ISNULL ISOLATION JOIN KEY LANCOMPILER LANGUAGE LEADING LEFT LEVEL LIKE LIMIT LISTEN LOAD LOCAL LOCALTIME LOCALTIMESTAMP LOCATION LOCK_P MATCH MAXVALUE MINUTE_P MINVALUE MODE MONTH_P MOVE NAMES NATIONAL NATURAL NCHAR NEW NEXT NO NOCREATEDB NOCREATEUSER NONE NOT NOTHING NOTIFY NOTNULL NULL_P NULLIF NUMERIC OF OFF OFFSET OIDS OLD ON ONLY OPERATOR OPTION OR ORDER OUT_P OUTER_P OVERLAPS OVERLAY OWNER PARTIAL PASSWORD PATH_P PENDANT PLACING POSITION PRECISION PRESERVE PREPARE PRIMARY PRIOR PRIVILEGES PROCEDURAL PROCEDURE READ REAL RECHECK REFERENCES REINDEX RELATIVE RENAME REPLACE RESET RESTRICT RETURNS REVOKE RIGHT ROLLBACK ROW ROWS RULE SCHEMA SCROLL SECOND_P SECURITY SELECT SEQUENCE SERIALIZABLE SESSION SESSION_USER SET SETOF SHARE SHOW SIMILAR SIMPLE SMALLINT SOME STABLE START STATEMENT STATISTICS STDIN STDOUT STORAGE STRICT SUBSTRING SYSID TABLE TEMP TEMPLATE TEMPORARY THEN TIME TIMESTAMP TO TOAST TRAILING TRANSACTION TREAT TRIGGER TRIM TRUE_P TRUNCATE TRUSTED TYPE_P UNENCRYPTED UNION UNIQUE UNKNOWN UNLISTEN UNTIL UPDATE USAGE USER USING VACUUM VALID VALIDATOR VALUES VARCHAR VARYING VERBOSE VERSION VIEW VOLATILE WHEN WHERE WITH WITHOUT WORK WRITE YEAR_P ZONE /* The grammar thinks these are keywords, but they are not in the keywords.c * list and so can never be entered directly. The filter in parser.c * creates these tokens when required. */ %token UNIONJOIN /* Special keywords, not in the query language - see the "lex" file */ %token IDENT FCONST SCONST NCONST BCONST XCONST Op %token ICONST PARAM /* these are not real. they are here so that they get generated as #define's*/ %token OP /* precedence: lowest to highest */ %left UNION EXCEPT %left INTERSECT %left OR %left AND %right NOT %right '=' %nonassoc '<' '>' %nonassoc LIKE ILIKE SIMILAR %nonassoc ESCAPE %nonassoc OVERLAPS %nonassoc BETWEEN %nonassoc IN_P %left POSTFIXOP /* dummy for postfix Op rules */ %left Op OPERATOR /* multi-character ops and user-defined operators */ %nonassoc NOTNULL %nonassoc ISNULL %nonassoc IS NULL_P TRUE_P FALSE_P UNKNOWN /* sets precedence for IS NULL, etc */ %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %left '^' /* Unary Operators */ %left AT ZONE /* sets precedence for AT TIME ZONE */ %right UMINUS %left '[' ']' %left '(' ')' %left COLLATE %left TYPECAST %left '.' /* * These might seem to be low-precedence, but actually they are not part * of the arithmetic hierarchy at all in their use as JOIN operators. * We make them high-precedence to support their use as function names. * They wouldn't be given a precedence at all, were it not that we need * left-associativity among the JOIN rules themselves. */ %left JOIN UNIONJOIN CROSS LEFT FULL RIGHT INNER_P NATURAL %% /* * Handle comment-only lines, and ;; SELECT * FROM pg_class ;;; * psql already handles such cases, but other interfaces don't. * bjm 1999/10/05 */ stmtblock: stmtmulti { parsetree = $1; } ; /* the thrashing around here is to discard "empty" statements... */ stmtmulti: stmtmulti ';' stmt { if ($3 != (Node *)NULL) $$ = lappend($1, $3); else $$ = $1; } | stmt { if ($1 != (Node *)NULL) $$ = makeList1($1); else $$ = NIL; } ; stmt : AlterDatabaseSetStmt | AlterDomainStmt | AlterGroupStmt | AlterTableStmt | AlterUserStmt | AlterUserSetStmt | ClosePortalStmt | CopyStmt | CreateStmt | CreateAsStmt | CreateCastStmt | CreateDomainStmt | CreateFunctionStmt | CreateSchemaStmt | CreateGroupStmt | CreateSeqStmt | CreateOpClassStmt | CreatePLangStmt | CreateAssertStmt | CreateTrigStmt | CreateUserStmt | ClusterStmt | DeallocateStmt | DefineStmt | DropStmt | TruncateStmt | CommentStmt | DropCastStmt | DropGroupStmt | DropOpClassStmt | DropPLangStmt | DropAssertStmt | DropTrigStmt | DropRuleStmt | DropUserStmt | ExecuteStmt | ExplainStmt | FetchStmt | GrantStmt | IndexStmt | ListenStmt | UnlistenStmt | LockStmt | NotifyStmt | PrepareStmt | ReindexStmt | RemoveAggrStmt | RemoveOperStmt | RemoveFuncStmt | RenameStmt | RevokeStmt | OptimizableStmt | RuleStmt | TransactionStmt | ViewStmt | LoadStmt | CreatedbStmt | DropdbStmt | VacuumStmt | AnalyzeStmt | VariableSetStmt | VariableShowStmt | VariableResetStmt | ConstraintsSetStmt | CheckPointStmt | CreateConversionStmt | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = (Node *)NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Create a new Postgres DBMS user * * *****************************************************************************/ CreateUserStmt: CREATE USER UserId opt_with OptUserList { CreateUserStmt *n = makeNode(CreateUserStmt); n->user = $3; n->options = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_with: WITH {} | /*EMPTY*/ {} ; /***************************************************************************** * * Alter a postgresql DBMS user * * *****************************************************************************/ AlterUserStmt: ALTER USER UserId opt_with OptUserList { AlterUserStmt *n = makeNode(AlterUserStmt); n->user = $3; n->options = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; AlterUserSetStmt: ALTER USER UserId SET set_rest { AlterUserSetStmt *n = makeNode(AlterUserSetStmt); n->user = $3; n->variable = $5->name; n->value = $5->args; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ALTER USER UserId VariableResetStmt { AlterUserSetStmt *n = makeNode(AlterUserSetStmt); n->user = $3; n->variable = ((VariableResetStmt *)$4)->name; n->value = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Drop a postgresql DBMS user * * XXX Ideally this would have CASCADE/RESTRICT options, but since a user * might own objects in multiple databases, there is presently no way to * implement either cascading or restricting. Caveat DBA. *****************************************************************************/ DropUserStmt: DROP USER user_list { DropUserStmt *n = makeNode(DropUserStmt); n->users = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * Options for CREATE USER and ALTER USER */ OptUserList: OptUserList OptUserElem { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; OptUserElem: PASSWORD Sconst { $$ = makeDefElem("password", (Node *)makeString($2)); } | ENCRYPTED PASSWORD Sconst { $$ = makeDefElem("encryptedPassword", (Node *)makeString($3)); } | UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD Sconst { $$ = makeDefElem("unencryptedPassword", (Node *)makeString($3)); } | SYSID Iconst { $$ = makeDefElem("sysid", (Node *)makeInteger($2)); } | CREATEDB { $$ = makeDefElem("createdb", (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE)); } | NOCREATEDB { $$ = makeDefElem("createdb", (Node *)makeInteger(FALSE)); } | CREATEUSER { $$ = makeDefElem("createuser", (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE)); } | NOCREATEUSER { $$ = makeDefElem("createuser", (Node *)makeInteger(FALSE)); } | IN_P GROUP_P user_list { $$ = makeDefElem("groupElts", (Node *)$3); } | VALID UNTIL Sconst { $$ = makeDefElem("validUntil", (Node *)makeString($3)); } ; user_list: user_list ',' UserId { $$ = lappend($1, makeString($3)); } | UserId { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Create a postgresql group * * *****************************************************************************/ CreateGroupStmt: CREATE GROUP_P UserId opt_with OptGroupList { CreateGroupStmt *n = makeNode(CreateGroupStmt); n->name = $3; n->options = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * Options for CREATE GROUP */ OptGroupList: OptGroupList OptGroupElem { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; OptGroupElem: USER user_list { $$ = makeDefElem("userElts", (Node *)$2); } | SYSID Iconst { $$ = makeDefElem("sysid", (Node *)makeInteger($2)); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Alter a postgresql group * * *****************************************************************************/ AlterGroupStmt: ALTER GROUP_P UserId add_drop USER user_list { AlterGroupStmt *n = makeNode(AlterGroupStmt); n->name = $3; n->action = $4; n->listUsers = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; add_drop: ADD { $$ = +1; } | DROP { $$ = -1; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Drop a postgresql group * * XXX see above notes about cascading DROP USER; groups have same problem. *****************************************************************************/ DropGroupStmt: DROP GROUP_P UserId { DropGroupStmt *n = makeNode(DropGroupStmt); n->name = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Manipulate a schema * *****************************************************************************/ CreateSchemaStmt: CREATE SCHEMA OptSchemaName AUTHORIZATION UserId OptSchemaEltList { CreateSchemaStmt *n = makeNode(CreateSchemaStmt); /* One can omit the schema name or the authorization id. */ if ($3 != NULL) n->schemaname = $3; else n->schemaname = $5; n->authid = $5; n->schemaElts = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE SCHEMA ColId OptSchemaEltList { CreateSchemaStmt *n = makeNode(CreateSchemaStmt); /* ...but not both */ n->schemaname = $3; n->authid = NULL; n->schemaElts = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; OptSchemaName: ColId { $$ = $1; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } ; OptSchemaEltList: OptSchemaEltList schema_stmt { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; /* * schema_stmt are the ones that can show up inside a CREATE SCHEMA * statement (in addition to by themselves). */ schema_stmt: CreateStmt | GrantStmt | ViewStmt ; /***************************************************************************** * * Set PG internal variable * SET name TO 'var_value' * Include SQL92 syntax (thomas 1997-10-22): * SET TIME ZONE 'var_value' * *****************************************************************************/ VariableSetStmt: SET set_rest { VariableSetStmt *n = $2; n->is_local = false; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SET LOCAL set_rest { VariableSetStmt *n = $3; n->is_local = true; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SET SESSION set_rest { VariableSetStmt *n = $3; n->is_local = false; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; set_rest: ColId TO var_list_or_default { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = $1; n->args = $3; $$ = n; } | ColId '=' var_list_or_default { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = $1; n->args = $3; $$ = n; } | TIME ZONE zone_value { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "timezone"; if ($3 != NULL) n->args = makeList1($3); $$ = n; } | TRANSACTION transaction_mode_list { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "TRANSACTION"; n->args = $2; $$ = n; } | SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION transaction_mode_list { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "SESSION CHARACTERISTICS"; n->args = $5; $$ = n; } | NAMES opt_encoding { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "client_encoding"; if ($2 != NULL) n->args = makeList1(makeStringConst($2, NULL)); $$ = n; } | SESSION AUTHORIZATION ColId_or_Sconst { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "session_authorization"; n->args = makeList1(makeStringConst($3, NULL)); $$ = n; } | SESSION AUTHORIZATION DEFAULT { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "session_authorization"; n->args = NIL; $$ = n; } ; var_list_or_default: var_list { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = NIL; } ; var_list: var_value { $$ = makeList1($1); } | var_list ',' var_value { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; var_value: opt_boolean { $$ = makeStringConst($1, NULL); } | ColId_or_Sconst { $$ = makeStringConst($1, NULL); } | NumericOnly { $$ = makeAConst($1); } ; iso_level: READ COMMITTED { $$ = "read committed"; } | SERIALIZABLE { $$ = "serializable"; } ; opt_boolean: TRUE_P { $$ = "true"; } | FALSE_P { $$ = "false"; } | ON { $$ = "on"; } | OFF { $$ = "off"; } ; /* Timezone values can be: * - a string such as 'pst8pdt' * - an identifier such as "pst8pdt" * - an integer or floating point number * - a time interval per SQL99 * ColId gives reduce/reduce errors against ConstInterval and LOCAL, * so use IDENT and reject anything which is a reserved word. */ zone_value: Sconst { $$ = makeStringConst($1, NULL); } | IDENT { $$ = makeStringConst($1, NULL); } | ConstInterval Sconst opt_interval { A_Const *n = (A_Const *) makeStringConst($2, $1); if ($3 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE) { if (($3 & ~(INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR) | INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE))) != 0) elog(ERROR, "Time zone interval" " must be HOUR or HOUR TO MINUTE"); n->typename->typmod = INTERVAL_TYPMOD(INTERVAL_FULL_PRECISION, $3); } $$ = (Node *)n; } | ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' Sconst opt_interval { A_Const *n = (A_Const *) makeStringConst($5, $1); if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > MAX_INTERVAL_PRECISION)) elog(ERROR, "INTERVAL(%d) precision must be between %d and %d", $3, 0, MAX_INTERVAL_PRECISION); if (($6 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE) && (($6 & ~(INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR) | INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE))) != 0)) elog(ERROR, "Time zone interval" " must be HOUR or HOUR TO MINUTE"); n->typename->typmod = INTERVAL_TYPMOD($3, $6); $$ = (Node *)n; } | NumericOnly { $$ = makeAConst($1); } | DEFAULT { $$ = NULL; } | LOCAL { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_encoding: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = NULL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; ColId_or_Sconst: ColId { $$ = $1; } | SCONST { $$ = $1; } ; VariableShowStmt: SHOW ColId { VariableShowStmt *n = makeNode(VariableShowStmt); n->name = $2; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SHOW TIME ZONE { VariableShowStmt *n = makeNode(VariableShowStmt); n->name = "timezone"; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SHOW TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL { VariableShowStmt *n = makeNode(VariableShowStmt); n->name = "transaction_isolation"; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SHOW SESSION AUTHORIZATION { VariableShowStmt *n = makeNode(VariableShowStmt); n->name = "session_authorization"; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SHOW ALL { VariableShowStmt *n = makeNode(VariableShowStmt); n->name = "all"; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; VariableResetStmt: RESET ColId { VariableResetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableResetStmt); n->name = $2; $$ = (Node *) n; } | RESET TIME ZONE { VariableResetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableResetStmt); n->name = "timezone"; $$ = (Node *) n; } | RESET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL { VariableResetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableResetStmt); n->name = "transaction_isolation"; $$ = (Node *) n; } | RESET SESSION AUTHORIZATION { VariableResetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableResetStmt); n->name = "session_authorization"; $$ = (Node *) n; } | RESET ALL { VariableResetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableResetStmt); n->name = "all"; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; ConstraintsSetStmt: SET CONSTRAINTS constraints_set_list constraints_set_mode { ConstraintsSetStmt *n = makeNode(ConstraintsSetStmt); n->constraints = $3; n->deferred = $4; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; constraints_set_list: ALL { $$ = NIL; } | name_list { $$ = $1; } ; constraints_set_mode: DEFERRED { $$ = TRUE; } | IMMEDIATE { $$ = FALSE; } ; /* * Checkpoint statement */ CheckPointStmt: CHECKPOINT { CheckPointStmt *n = makeNode(CheckPointStmt); $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * ALTER TABLE variations * *****************************************************************************/ AlterTableStmt: /* ALTER TABLE ADD [COLUMN] */ ALTER TABLE relation_expr ADD opt_column columnDef { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'A'; n->relation = $3; n->def = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] {SET DEFAULT |DROP DEFAULT} */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr ALTER opt_column ColId alter_column_default { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'T'; n->relation = $3; n->name = $6; n->def = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] DROP NOT NULL */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr ALTER opt_column ColId DROP NOT NULL_P { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'N'; n->relation = $3; n->name = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] SET NOT NULL */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr ALTER opt_column ColId SET NOT NULL_P { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'O'; n->relation = $3; n->name = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] SET STATISTICS */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr ALTER opt_column ColId SET STATISTICS IntegerOnly { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'S'; n->relation = $3; n->name = $6; n->def = (Node *) $9; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE ALTER [COLUMN] SET STORAGE */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr ALTER opt_column ColId SET STORAGE ColId { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'M'; n->relation = $3; n->name = $6; n->def = (Node *) makeString($9); $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE DROP [COLUMN] [RESTRICT|CASCADE] */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr DROP opt_column ColId opt_drop_behavior { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'D'; n->relation = $3; n->name = $6; n->behavior = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT ... */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr ADD TableConstraint { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'C'; n->relation = $3; n->def = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT [RESTRICT|CASCADE] */ | ALTER TABLE relation_expr DROP CONSTRAINT name opt_drop_behavior { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'X'; n->relation = $3; n->name = $6; n->behavior = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE CREATE TOAST TABLE */ | ALTER TABLE qualified_name CREATE TOAST TABLE { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'E'; $3->inhOpt = INH_NO; n->relation = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER TABLE OWNER TO UserId */ | ALTER TABLE qualified_name OWNER TO UserId { AlterTableStmt *n = makeNode(AlterTableStmt); n->subtype = 'U'; $3->inhOpt = INH_NO; n->relation = $3; n->name = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; alter_column_default: SET DEFAULT a_expr { /* Treat SET DEFAULT NULL the same as DROP DEFAULT */ if (exprIsNullConstant($3)) $$ = NULL; else $$ = $3; } | DROP DEFAULT { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_drop_behavior: CASCADE { $$ = DROP_CASCADE; } | RESTRICT { $$ = DROP_RESTRICT; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = DROP_RESTRICT; /* default */ } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * close * *****************************************************************************/ ClosePortalStmt: CLOSE opt_id { ClosePortalStmt *n = makeNode(ClosePortalStmt); n->portalname = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_id: ColId { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * COPY ['(' columnList ')'] FROM/TO [WITH options] * * BINARY, OIDS, and DELIMITERS kept in old locations * for backward compatibility. 2002-06-18 * *****************************************************************************/ CopyStmt: COPY opt_binary qualified_name opt_column_list opt_oids copy_from copy_file_name copy_delimiter opt_with copy_opt_list { CopyStmt *n = makeNode(CopyStmt); n->relation = $3; n->attlist = $4; n->is_from = $6; n->filename = $7; n->options = NIL; /* Concatenate user-supplied flags */ if ($2) n->options = lappend(n->options, $2); if ($5) n->options = lappend(n->options, $5); if ($8) n->options = lappend(n->options, $8); if ($10) n->options = nconc(n->options, $10); $$ = (Node *)n; } ; copy_from: FROM { $$ = TRUE; } | TO { $$ = FALSE; } ; /* * copy_file_name NULL indicates stdio is used. Whether stdin or stdout is * used depends on the direction. (It really doesn't make sense to copy from * stdout. We silently correct the "typo". - AY 9/94 */ copy_file_name: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | STDIN { $$ = NULL; } | STDOUT { $$ = NULL; } ; copy_opt_list: copy_opt_list copy_opt_item { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; copy_opt_item: BINARY { $$ = makeDefElem("binary", (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE)); } | OIDS { $$ = makeDefElem("oids", (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE)); } | DELIMITER opt_as Sconst { $$ = makeDefElem("delimiter", (Node *)makeString($3)); } | NULL_P opt_as Sconst { $$ = makeDefElem("null", (Node *)makeString($3)); } ; /* The following exist for backward compatibility */ opt_binary: BINARY { $$ = makeDefElem("binary", (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE)); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_oids: WITH OIDS { $$ = makeDefElem("oids", (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE)); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; copy_delimiter: /* USING DELIMITERS kept for backward compatibility. 2002-06-15 */ opt_using DELIMITERS Sconst { $$ = makeDefElem("delimiter", (Node *)makeString($3)); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_using: USING {} | /*EMPTY*/ {} ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * CREATE TABLE relname * *****************************************************************************/ CreateStmt: CREATE OptTemp TABLE qualified_name '(' OptTableElementList ')' OptInherit OptWithOids OnCommitOption { CreateStmt *n = makeNode(CreateStmt); $4->istemp = $2; n->relation = $4; n->tableElts = $6; n->inhRelations = $8; n->constraints = NIL; n->hasoids = $9; n->oncommit = $10; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE OptTemp TABLE qualified_name OF qualified_name '(' OptTableElementList ')' OptWithOids OnCommitOption { /* SQL99 CREATE TABLE OF (cols) seems to be satisfied * by our inheritance capabilities. Let's try it... */ CreateStmt *n = makeNode(CreateStmt); $4->istemp = $2; n->relation = $4; n->tableElts = $8; n->inhRelations = makeList1($6); n->constraints = NIL; n->hasoids = $10; n->oncommit = $11; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * Redundancy here is needed to avoid shift/reduce conflicts, * since TEMP is not a reserved word. See also OptTempTableName. */ OptTemp: TEMPORARY { $$ = TRUE; } | TEMP { $$ = TRUE; } | LOCAL TEMPORARY { $$ = TRUE; } | LOCAL TEMP { $$ = TRUE; } | GLOBAL TEMPORARY { elog(ERROR, "GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE is not currently supported"); $$ = TRUE; } | GLOBAL TEMP { elog(ERROR, "GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE is not currently supported"); $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; OptTableElementList: TableElementList { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; TableElementList: TableElement { $$ = makeList1($1); } | TableElementList ',' TableElement { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; TableElement: columnDef { $$ = $1; } | TableLikeClause { $$ = $1; } | TableConstraint { $$ = $1; } ; columnDef: ColId Typename ColQualList opt_collate { ColumnDef *n = makeNode(ColumnDef); n->colname = $1; n->typename = $2; n->constraints = $3; n->is_local = true; if ($4 != NULL) elog(NOTICE, "CREATE TABLE / COLLATE %s not yet implemented; " "clause ignored", $4); $$ = (Node *)n; } ; ColQualList: ColQualList ColConstraint { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; ColConstraint: CONSTRAINT name ColConstraintElem { switch (nodeTag($3)) { case T_Constraint: { Constraint *n = (Constraint *)$3; n->name = $2; } break; case T_FkConstraint: { FkConstraint *n = (FkConstraint *)$3; n->constr_name = $2; } break; default: break; } $$ = $3; } | ColConstraintElem { $$ = $1; } | ConstraintAttr { $$ = $1; } ; /* DEFAULT NULL is already the default for Postgres. * But define it here and carry it forward into the system * to make it explicit. * - thomas 1998-09-13 * * WITH NULL and NULL are not SQL92-standard syntax elements, * so leave them out. Use DEFAULT NULL to explicitly indicate * that a column may have that value. WITH NULL leads to * shift/reduce conflicts with WITH TIME ZONE anyway. * - thomas 1999-01-08 * * DEFAULT expression must be b_expr not a_expr to prevent shift/reduce * conflict on NOT (since NOT might start a subsequent NOT NULL constraint, * or be part of a_expr NOT LIKE or similar constructs). */ ColConstraintElem: NOT NULL_P { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_NOTNULL; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | NULL_P { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_NULL; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | UNIQUE { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_UNIQUE; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | PRIMARY KEY { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_PRIMARY; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CHECK '(' a_expr ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_CHECK; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = $3; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | DEFAULT b_expr { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_DEFAULT; n->name = NULL; if (exprIsNullConstant($2)) { /* DEFAULT NULL should be reported as empty expr */ n->raw_expr = NULL; } else { n->raw_expr = $2; } n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | REFERENCES qualified_name opt_column_list key_match key_actions { FkConstraint *n = makeNode(FkConstraint); n->constr_name = NULL; n->pktable = $2; n->fk_attrs = NIL; n->pk_attrs = $3; n->fk_matchtype = $4; n->fk_upd_action = (char) ($5 >> 8); n->fk_del_action = (char) ($5 & 0xFF); n->deferrable = FALSE; n->initdeferred = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * ConstraintAttr represents constraint attributes, which we parse as if * they were independent constraint clauses, in order to avoid shift/reduce * conflicts (since NOT might start either an independent NOT NULL clause * or an attribute). analyze.c is responsible for attaching the attribute * information to the preceding "real" constraint node, and for complaining * if attribute clauses appear in the wrong place or wrong combinations. * * See also ConstraintAttributeSpec, which can be used in places where * there is no parsing conflict. */ ConstraintAttr: DEFERRABLE { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRABLE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | NOT DEFERRABLE { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_ATTR_NOT_DEFERRABLE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | INITIALLY DEFERRED { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_ATTR_DEFERRED; $$ = (Node *)n; } | INITIALLY IMMEDIATE { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_ATTR_IMMEDIATE; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* SQL99 supports wholesale borrowing of a table definition via the LIKE clause. * This seems to be a poor man's inheritance capability, with the resulting * tables completely decoupled except for the original commonality in definitions. * Seems to have much in common with CREATE TABLE AS. - thomas 2002-06-19 */ TableLikeClause: LIKE any_name { elog(ERROR, "LIKE in table definitions not yet supported"); $$ = NULL; } ; /* ConstraintElem specifies constraint syntax which is not embedded into * a column definition. ColConstraintElem specifies the embedded form. * - thomas 1997-12-03 */ TableConstraint: CONSTRAINT name ConstraintElem { switch (nodeTag($3)) { case T_Constraint: { Constraint *n = (Constraint *)$3; n->name = $2; } break; case T_FkConstraint: { FkConstraint *n = (FkConstraint *)$3; n->constr_name = $2; } break; default: break; } $$ = $3; } | ConstraintElem { $$ = $1; } ; ConstraintElem: CHECK '(' a_expr ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_CHECK; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = $3; n->cooked_expr = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | UNIQUE '(' columnList ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_UNIQUE; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | PRIMARY KEY '(' columnList ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_PRIMARY; n->name = NULL; n->raw_expr = NULL; n->cooked_expr = NULL; n->keys = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FOREIGN KEY '(' columnList ')' REFERENCES qualified_name opt_column_list key_match key_actions ConstraintAttributeSpec { FkConstraint *n = makeNode(FkConstraint); n->constr_name = NULL; n->pktable = $7; n->fk_attrs = $4; n->pk_attrs = $8; n->fk_matchtype = $9; n->fk_upd_action = (char) ($10 >> 8); n->fk_del_action = (char) ($10 & 0xFF); n->deferrable = ($11 & 1) != 0; n->initdeferred = ($11 & 2) != 0; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_column_list: '(' columnList ')' { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; columnList: columnElem { $$ = makeList1($1); } | columnList ',' columnElem { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; columnElem: ColId { $$ = (Node *) makeString($1); } ; key_match: MATCH FULL { $$ = FKCONSTR_MATCH_FULL; } | MATCH PARTIAL { elog(ERROR, "FOREIGN KEY/MATCH PARTIAL not yet implemented"); $$ = FKCONSTR_MATCH_PARTIAL; } | MATCH SIMPLE { $$ = FKCONSTR_MATCH_UNSPECIFIED; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FKCONSTR_MATCH_UNSPECIFIED; } ; /* * We combine the update and delete actions into one value temporarily * for simplicity of parsing, and then break them down again in the * calling production. update is in the left 8 bits, delete in the right. * Note that NOACTION is the default. */ key_actions: key_update { $$ = ($1 << 8) | (FKCONSTR_ACTION_NOACTION & 0xFF); } | key_delete { $$ = (FKCONSTR_ACTION_NOACTION << 8) | ($1 & 0xFF); } | key_update key_delete { $$ = ($1 << 8) | ($2 & 0xFF); } | key_delete key_update { $$ = ($2 << 8) | ($1 & 0xFF); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = (FKCONSTR_ACTION_NOACTION << 8) | (FKCONSTR_ACTION_NOACTION & 0xFF); } ; key_update: ON UPDATE key_action { $$ = $3; } ; key_delete: ON DELETE_P key_action { $$ = $3; } ; key_action: NO ACTION { $$ = FKCONSTR_ACTION_NOACTION; } | RESTRICT { $$ = FKCONSTR_ACTION_RESTRICT; } | CASCADE { $$ = FKCONSTR_ACTION_CASCADE; } | SET NULL_P { $$ = FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETNULL; } | SET DEFAULT { $$ = FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETDEFAULT; } ; OptInherit: INHERITS '(' qualified_name_list ')' { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; OptWithOids: WITH OIDS { $$ = TRUE; } | WITHOUT OIDS { $$ = FALSE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = TRUE; } ; OnCommitOption: ON COMMIT DROP { $$ = ONCOMMIT_DROP; } | ON COMMIT DELETE_P ROWS { $$ = ONCOMMIT_DELETE_ROWS; } | ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS { $$ = ONCOMMIT_PRESERVE_ROWS; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = ONCOMMIT_NOOP; } ; /* * Note: CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ... is just another spelling for * SELECT ... INTO. */ CreateAsStmt: CREATE OptTemp TABLE qualified_name OptCreateAs AS SelectStmt { /* * When the SelectStmt is a set-operation tree, we must * stuff the INTO information into the leftmost component * Select, because that's where analyze.c will expect * to find it. Similarly, the output column names must * be attached to that Select's target list. */ SelectStmt *n = findLeftmostSelect((SelectStmt *) $7); if (n->into != NULL) elog(ERROR, "CREATE TABLE AS may not specify INTO"); $4->istemp = $2; n->into = $4; n->intoColNames = $5; $$ = $7; } ; OptCreateAs: '(' CreateAsList ')' { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; CreateAsList: CreateAsElement { $$ = makeList1($1); } | CreateAsList ',' CreateAsElement { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; CreateAsElement: ColId { ColumnDef *n = makeNode(ColumnDef); n->colname = $1; n->typename = NULL; n->inhcount = 0; n->is_local = true; n->is_not_null = false; n->raw_default = NULL; n->cooked_default = NULL; n->constraints = NIL; n->support = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * CREATE SEQUENCE seqname * *****************************************************************************/ CreateSeqStmt: CREATE OptTemp SEQUENCE qualified_name OptSeqList { CreateSeqStmt *n = makeNode(CreateSeqStmt); $4->istemp = $2; n->sequence = $4; n->options = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; OptSeqList: OptSeqList OptSeqElem { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; OptSeqElem: CACHE NumericOnly { $$ = makeDefElem("cache", (Node *)$2); } | CYCLE { $$ = makeDefElem("cycle", (Node *)true); } | NO CYCLE { $$ = makeDefElem("cycle", (Node *)false); } | INCREMENT opt_by NumericOnly { $$ = makeDefElem("increment", (Node *)$3); } | MAXVALUE NumericOnly { $$ = makeDefElem("maxvalue", (Node *)$2); } | MINVALUE NumericOnly { $$ = makeDefElem("minvalue", (Node *)$2); } | START opt_with NumericOnly { $$ = makeDefElem("start", (Node *)$3); } ; opt_by: BY {} | /* empty */ {} ; NumericOnly: FloatOnly { $$ = $1; } | IntegerOnly { $$ = $1; } ; FloatOnly: FCONST { $$ = makeFloat($1); } | '-' FCONST { $$ = makeFloat($2); doNegateFloat($$); } ; IntegerOnly: Iconst { $$ = makeInteger($1); } | '-' Iconst { $$ = makeInteger($2); $$->val.ival = - $$->val.ival; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERIES : * CREATE PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE ... * DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE ... * *****************************************************************************/ CreatePLangStmt: CREATE opt_trusted opt_procedural LANGUAGE ColId_or_Sconst HANDLER handler_name opt_validator opt_lancompiler { CreatePLangStmt *n = makeNode(CreatePLangStmt); n->plname = $5; n->plhandler = $7; n->plvalidator = $8; n->pltrusted = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_trusted: TRUSTED { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /* This ought to be just func_name, but that causes reduce/reduce conflicts * (CREATE LANGUAGE is the only place where func_name isn't followed by '('). * Work around by using name and dotted_name separately. */ handler_name: name { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } | dotted_name { $$ = $1; } ; opt_lancompiler: LANCOMPILER Sconst { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = ""; } ; opt_validator: VALIDATOR handler_name { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; DropPLangStmt: DROP opt_procedural LANGUAGE ColId_or_Sconst opt_drop_behavior { DropPLangStmt *n = makeNode(DropPLangStmt); n->plname = $4; n->behavior = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_procedural: PROCEDURAL {} | /*EMPTY*/ {} ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERIES : * CREATE TRIGGER ... * DROP TRIGGER ... * *****************************************************************************/ CreateTrigStmt: CREATE TRIGGER name TriggerActionTime TriggerEvents ON qualified_name TriggerForSpec EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_name '(' TriggerFuncArgs ')' { CreateTrigStmt *n = makeNode(CreateTrigStmt); n->trigname = $3; n->relation = $7; n->funcname = $11; n->args = $13; n->before = $4; n->row = $8; memcpy(n->actions, $5, 4); n->isconstraint = FALSE; n->deferrable = FALSE; n->initdeferred = FALSE; n->constrrel = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER name AFTER TriggerEvents ON qualified_name OptConstrFromTable ConstraintAttributeSpec FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE func_name '(' TriggerFuncArgs ')' { CreateTrigStmt *n = makeNode(CreateTrigStmt); n->trigname = $4; n->relation = $8; n->funcname = $16; n->args = $18; n->before = FALSE; n->row = TRUE; memcpy(n->actions, $6, 4); n->isconstraint = TRUE; n->deferrable = ($10 & 1) != 0; n->initdeferred = ($10 & 2) != 0; n->constrrel = $9; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; TriggerActionTime: BEFORE { $$ = TRUE; } | AFTER { $$ = FALSE; } ; TriggerEvents: TriggerOneEvent { char *e = palloc(4); e[0] = $1; e[1] = '\0'; $$ = e; } | TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent { char *e = palloc(4); e[0] = $1; e[1] = $3; e[2] = '\0'; $$ = e; } | TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent { char *e = palloc(4); e[0] = $1; e[1] = $3; e[2] = $5; e[3] = '\0'; $$ = e; } ; TriggerOneEvent: INSERT { $$ = 'i'; } | DELETE_P { $$ = 'd'; } | UPDATE { $$ = 'u'; } ; TriggerForSpec: FOR TriggerForOpt TriggerForType { $$ = $3; } | /* EMPTY */ { /* * If ROW/STATEMENT not specified, default to * STATEMENT, per SQL */ $$ = FALSE; } ; TriggerForOpt: EACH {} | /*EMPTY*/ {} ; TriggerForType: ROW { $$ = TRUE; } | STATEMENT { $$ = FALSE; } ; TriggerFuncArgs: TriggerFuncArg { $$ = makeList1($1); } | TriggerFuncArgs ',' TriggerFuncArg { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; TriggerFuncArg: ICONST { char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", $1); $$ = makeString(pstrdup(buf)); } | FCONST { $$ = makeString($1); } | Sconst { $$ = makeString($1); } | BCONST { $$ = makeString($1); } | XCONST { $$ = makeString($1); } | ColId { $$ = makeString($1); } ; OptConstrFromTable: FROM qualified_name { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; ConstraintAttributeSpec: ConstraintDeferrabilitySpec { $$ = $1; } | ConstraintDeferrabilitySpec ConstraintTimeSpec { if ($1 == 0 && $2 != 0) elog(ERROR, "INITIALLY DEFERRED constraint must be DEFERRABLE"); $$ = $1 | $2; } | ConstraintTimeSpec { if ($1 != 0) $$ = 3; else $$ = 0; } | ConstraintTimeSpec ConstraintDeferrabilitySpec { if ($2 == 0 && $1 != 0) elog(ERROR, "INITIALLY DEFERRED constraint must be DEFERRABLE"); $$ = $1 | $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = 0; } ; ConstraintDeferrabilitySpec: NOT DEFERRABLE { $$ = 0; } | DEFERRABLE { $$ = 1; } ; ConstraintTimeSpec: INITIALLY IMMEDIATE { $$ = 0; } | INITIALLY DEFERRED { $$ = 2; } ; DropTrigStmt: DROP TRIGGER name ON qualified_name opt_drop_behavior { DropPropertyStmt *n = makeNode(DropPropertyStmt); n->relation = $5; n->property = $3; n->behavior = $6; n->removeType = DROP_TRIGGER; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERIES : * CREATE ASSERTION ... * DROP ASSERTION ... * *****************************************************************************/ CreateAssertStmt: CREATE ASSERTION name CHECK '(' a_expr ')' ConstraintAttributeSpec { CreateTrigStmt *n = makeNode(CreateTrigStmt); n->trigname = $3; n->args = makeList1($6); n->isconstraint = TRUE; n->deferrable = ($8 & 1) != 0; n->initdeferred = ($8 & 2) != 0; elog(ERROR, "CREATE ASSERTION is not yet supported"); $$ = (Node *)n; } ; DropAssertStmt: DROP ASSERTION name opt_drop_behavior { DropPropertyStmt *n = makeNode(DropPropertyStmt); n->relation = NULL; n->property = $3; n->behavior = $4; n->removeType = DROP_TRIGGER; /* XXX */ elog(ERROR, "DROP ASSERTION is not yet supported"); $$ = (Node *) n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * define (aggregate,operator,type) * *****************************************************************************/ DefineStmt: CREATE AGGREGATE func_name definition { DefineStmt *n = makeNode(DefineStmt); n->defType = AGGREGATE; n->defnames = $3; n->definition = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE OPERATOR any_operator definition { DefineStmt *n = makeNode(DefineStmt); n->defType = OPERATOR; n->defnames = $3; n->definition = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE TYPE_P any_name definition { DefineStmt *n = makeNode(DefineStmt); n->defType = TYPE_P; n->defnames = $3; n->definition = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE TYPE_P any_name AS '(' TableFuncElementList ')' { CompositeTypeStmt *n = makeNode(CompositeTypeStmt); RangeVar *r = makeNode(RangeVar); /* can't use qualified_name, sigh */ switch (length($3)) { case 1: r->catalogname = NULL; r->schemaname = NULL; r->relname = strVal(lfirst($3)); break; case 2: r->catalogname = NULL; r->schemaname = strVal(lfirst($3)); r->relname = strVal(lsecond($3)); break; case 3: r->catalogname = strVal(lfirst($3)); r->schemaname = strVal(lsecond($3)); r->relname = strVal(lfirst(lnext(lnext($3)))); break; default: elog(ERROR, "Improper qualified name (too many dotted names): %s", NameListToString($3)); break; } n->typevar = r; n->coldeflist = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE CHARACTER SET opt_as any_name GET definition opt_collate { DefineStmt *n = makeNode(DefineStmt); n->defType = CHARACTER; n->defnames = $5; n->definition = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; definition: '(' def_list ')' { $$ = $2; } ; def_list: def_elem { $$ = makeList1($1); } | def_list ',' def_elem { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; def_elem: ColLabel '=' def_arg { $$ = makeDefElem($1, (Node *)$3); } | ColLabel { $$ = makeDefElem($1, (Node *)NULL); } ; /* Note: any simple identifier will be returned as a type name! */ def_arg: func_return { $$ = (Node *)$1; } | qual_all_Op { $$ = (Node *)$1; } | NumericOnly { $$ = (Node *)$1; } | Sconst { $$ = (Node *)makeString($1); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERIES : * CREATE OPERATOR CLASS ... * DROP OPERATOR CLASS ... * *****************************************************************************/ CreateOpClassStmt: CREATE OPERATOR CLASS any_name opt_default FOR TYPE_P Typename USING access_method AS opclass_item_list { CreateOpClassStmt *n = makeNode(CreateOpClassStmt); n->opclassname = $4; n->isDefault = $5; n->datatype = $8; n->amname = $10; n->items = $12; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; opclass_item_list: opclass_item { $$ = makeList1($1); } | opclass_item_list ',' opclass_item { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; opclass_item: OPERATOR Iconst any_operator opt_recheck { CreateOpClassItem *n = makeNode(CreateOpClassItem); n->itemtype = OPCLASS_ITEM_OPERATOR; n->name = $3; n->args = NIL; n->number = $2; n->recheck = $4; $$ = (Node *) n; } | OPERATOR Iconst any_operator '(' oper_argtypes ')' opt_recheck { CreateOpClassItem *n = makeNode(CreateOpClassItem); n->itemtype = OPCLASS_ITEM_OPERATOR; n->name = $3; n->args = $5; n->number = $2; n->recheck = $7; $$ = (Node *) n; } | FUNCTION Iconst func_name func_args { CreateOpClassItem *n = makeNode(CreateOpClassItem); n->itemtype = OPCLASS_ITEM_FUNCTION; n->name = $3; n->args = $4; n->number = $2; $$ = (Node *) n; } | STORAGE Typename { CreateOpClassItem *n = makeNode(CreateOpClassItem); n->itemtype = OPCLASS_ITEM_STORAGETYPE; n->storedtype = $2; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; opt_default: DEFAULT { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_recheck: RECHECK { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; DropOpClassStmt: DROP OPERATOR CLASS any_name USING access_method opt_drop_behavior { RemoveOpClassStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveOpClassStmt); n->opclassname = $4; n->amname = $6; n->behavior = $7; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * * DROP itemtype itemname [, itemname ...] [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] * *****************************************************************************/ DropStmt: DROP drop_type any_name_list opt_drop_behavior { DropStmt *n = makeNode(DropStmt); n->removeType = $2; n->objects = $3; n->behavior = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; drop_type: TABLE { $$ = DROP_TABLE; } | SEQUENCE { $$ = DROP_SEQUENCE; } | VIEW { $$ = DROP_VIEW; } | INDEX { $$ = DROP_INDEX; } | TYPE_P { $$ = DROP_TYPE; } | DOMAIN_P { $$ = DROP_DOMAIN; } | CONVERSION_P { $$ = DROP_CONVERSION; } | SCHEMA { $$ = DROP_SCHEMA; } ; any_name_list: any_name { $$ = makeList1($1); } | any_name_list ',' any_name { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; any_name: ColId { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } | dotted_name { $$ = $1; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * truncate table relname * *****************************************************************************/ TruncateStmt: TRUNCATE opt_table qualified_name { TruncateStmt *n = makeNode(TruncateStmt); n->relation = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * The COMMENT ON statement can take different forms based upon the type of * the object associated with the comment. The form of the statement is: * * COMMENT ON [ [ DATABASE | DOMAIN | INDEX | SEQUENCE | TABLE | TYPE | VIEW ] * | AGGREGATE () | FUNCTION * (arg1, arg2, ...) | OPERATOR * (leftoperand_typ rightoperand_typ) | TRIGGER ON * | RULE ON ] IS 'text' * *****************************************************************************/ CommentStmt: COMMENT ON comment_type any_name IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = $3; n->objname = $4; n->objargs = NIL; n->comment = $6; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON AGGREGATE func_name '(' aggr_argtype ')' IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = COMMENT_ON_AGGREGATE; n->objname = $4; n->objargs = makeList1($6); n->comment = $9; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON FUNCTION func_name func_args IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = COMMENT_ON_FUNCTION; n->objname = $4; n->objargs = $5; n->comment = $7; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON OPERATOR any_operator '(' oper_argtypes ')' IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = COMMENT_ON_OPERATOR; n->objname = $4; n->objargs = $6; n->comment = $9; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT name ON any_name IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = COMMENT_ON_CONSTRAINT; n->objname = lappend($6, makeString($4)); n->objargs = NIL; n->comment = $8; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON RULE name ON any_name IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = COMMENT_ON_RULE; n->objname = lappend($6, makeString($4)); n->objargs = NIL; n->comment = $8; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON RULE name IS comment_text { /* Obsolete syntax supported for awhile for compatibility */ CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = COMMENT_ON_RULE; n->objname = makeList1(makeString($4)); n->objargs = NIL; n->comment = $6; $$ = (Node *) n; } | COMMENT ON TRIGGER name ON any_name IS comment_text { CommentStmt *n = makeNode(CommentStmt); n->objtype = COMMENT_ON_TRIGGER; n->objname = lappend($6, makeString($4)); n->objargs = NIL; n->comment = $8; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; comment_type: COLUMN { $$ = COMMENT_ON_COLUMN; } | DATABASE { $$ = COMMENT_ON_DATABASE; } | SCHEMA { $$ = COMMENT_ON_SCHEMA; } | INDEX { $$ = COMMENT_ON_INDEX; } | SEQUENCE { $$ = COMMENT_ON_SEQUENCE; } | TABLE { $$ = COMMENT_ON_TABLE; } | DOMAIN_P { $$ = COMMENT_ON_TYPE; } | TYPE_P { $$ = COMMENT_ON_TYPE; } | VIEW { $$ = COMMENT_ON_VIEW; } ; comment_text: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | NULL_P { $$ = NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * fetch/move [forward | backward] [ # | all ] [ in ] * fetch [ forward | backward | absolute | relative ] * [ # | all | next | prior ] [ [ in | from ] ] * *****************************************************************************/ FetchStmt: FETCH direction fetch_how_many from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); if ($3 < 0) { $3 = -$3; $2 = (($2 == FORWARD) ? BACKWARD : FORWARD); } n->direction = $2; n->howMany = $3; n->portalname = $5; n->ismove = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FETCH fetch_how_many from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); if ($2 < 0) { n->howMany = -$2; n->direction = BACKWARD; } else { n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = $2; } n->portalname = $4; n->ismove = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FETCH direction from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = $2; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $4; n->ismove = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FETCH from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $3; n->ismove = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FETCH name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $2; n->ismove = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | MOVE direction fetch_how_many from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); if ($3 < 0) { $3 = -$3; $2 = (($2 == FORWARD) ? BACKWARD : FORWARD); } n->direction = $2; n->howMany = $3; n->portalname = $5; n->ismove = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | MOVE fetch_how_many from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); if ($2 < 0) { n->howMany = -$2; n->direction = BACKWARD; } else { n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = $2; } n->portalname = $4; n->ismove = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | MOVE direction from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = $2; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $4; n->ismove = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | MOVE from_in name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $3; n->ismove = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | MOVE name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = FORWARD; n->howMany = 1; n->portalname = $2; n->ismove = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; direction: FORWARD { $$ = FORWARD; } | BACKWARD { $$ = BACKWARD; } | RELATIVE { $$ = FORWARD; } | ABSOLUTE { elog(NOTICE, "FETCH / ABSOLUTE not supported, using RELATIVE"); $$ = FORWARD; } ; fetch_how_many: Iconst { $$ = $1; } | '-' Iconst { $$ = - $2; } | ALL { $$ = INT_MAX; } | NEXT { $$ = 1; } | PRIOR { $$ = -1; } ; from_in: IN_P {} | FROM {} ; /***************************************************************************** * * GRANT and REVOKE statements * *****************************************************************************/ GrantStmt: GRANT privileges ON privilege_target TO grantee_list opt_grant_grant_option { GrantStmt *n = makeNode(GrantStmt); n->is_grant = true; n->privileges = $2; n->objtype = ($4)->objtype; n->objects = ($4)->objs; n->grantees = $6; n->grant_option = $7; $$ = (Node*)n; } ; RevokeStmt: REVOKE opt_revoke_grant_option privileges ON privilege_target FROM grantee_list opt_drop_behavior { GrantStmt *n = makeNode(GrantStmt); n->is_grant = false; n->privileges = $3; n->objtype = ($5)->objtype; n->objects = ($5)->objs; n->grantees = $7; n->grant_option = $2; n->behavior = $8; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* either ALL [PRIVILEGES] or a list of individual privileges */ privileges: privilege_list { $$ = $1; } | ALL { $$ = makeListi1(ACL_ALL_RIGHTS); } | ALL PRIVILEGES { $$ = makeListi1(ACL_ALL_RIGHTS); } ; privilege_list: privilege { $$ = makeListi1($1); } | privilege_list ',' privilege { $$ = lappendi($1, $3); } ; /* Not all of these privilege types apply to all objects, but that * gets sorted out later. */ privilege: SELECT { $$ = ACL_SELECT; } | INSERT { $$ = ACL_INSERT; } | UPDATE { $$ = ACL_UPDATE; } | DELETE_P { $$ = ACL_DELETE; } | RULE { $$ = ACL_RULE; } | REFERENCES { $$ = ACL_REFERENCES; } | TRIGGER { $$ = ACL_TRIGGER; } | EXECUTE { $$ = ACL_EXECUTE; } | USAGE { $$ = ACL_USAGE; } | CREATE { $$ = ACL_CREATE; } | TEMPORARY { $$ = ACL_CREATE_TEMP; } | TEMP { $$ = ACL_CREATE_TEMP; } ; /* Don't bother trying to fold the first two rules into one using opt_table. You're going to get conflicts. */ privilege_target: qualified_name_list { PrivTarget *n = makeNode(PrivTarget); n->objtype = ACL_OBJECT_RELATION; n->objs = $1; $$ = n; } | TABLE qualified_name_list { PrivTarget *n = makeNode(PrivTarget); n->objtype = ACL_OBJECT_RELATION; n->objs = $2; $$ = n; } | FUNCTION function_with_argtypes_list { PrivTarget *n = makeNode(PrivTarget); n->objtype = ACL_OBJECT_FUNCTION; n->objs = $2; $$ = n; } | DATABASE name_list { PrivTarget *n = makeNode(PrivTarget); n->objtype = ACL_OBJECT_DATABASE; n->objs = $2; $$ = n; } | LANGUAGE name_list { PrivTarget *n = makeNode(PrivTarget); n->objtype = ACL_OBJECT_LANGUAGE; n->objs = $2; $$ = n; } | SCHEMA name_list { PrivTarget *n = makeNode(PrivTarget); n->objtype = ACL_OBJECT_NAMESPACE; n->objs = $2; $$ = n; } ; grantee_list: grantee { $$ = makeList1($1); } | grantee_list ',' grantee { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; grantee: ColId { PrivGrantee *n = makeNode(PrivGrantee); /* This hack lets us avoid reserving PUBLIC as a keyword*/ if (strcmp($1, "public") == 0) n->username = NULL; else n->username = $1; n->groupname = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | GROUP_P ColId { PrivGrantee *n = makeNode(PrivGrantee); /* Treat GROUP PUBLIC as a synonym for PUBLIC */ if (strcmp($2, "public") == 0) n->groupname = NULL; else n->groupname = $2; n->username = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_grant_grant_option: WITH GRANT OPTION { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_revoke_grant_option: GRANT OPTION FOR { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; function_with_argtypes_list: function_with_argtypes { $$ = makeList1($1); } | function_with_argtypes_list ',' function_with_argtypes { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; function_with_argtypes: func_name func_args { FuncWithArgs *n = makeNode(FuncWithArgs); n->funcname = $1; n->funcargs = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * create index on * [ using ] "(" ( with )+ ")" * [ where ] * *****************************************************************************/ IndexStmt: CREATE index_opt_unique INDEX index_name ON qualified_name access_method_clause '(' index_params ')' where_clause { IndexStmt *n = makeNode(IndexStmt); n->unique = $2; n->idxname = $4; n->relation = $6; n->accessMethod = $7; n->indexParams = $9; n->whereClause = $11; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; index_opt_unique: UNIQUE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; access_method_clause: USING access_method { $$ = $2; } /* If btree changes as our default, update pg_get_indexdef() */ | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = DEFAULT_INDEX_TYPE; } ; index_params: index_list { $$ = $1; } | func_index { $$ = makeList1($1); } ; index_list: index_elem { $$ = makeList1($1); } | index_list ',' index_elem { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; func_index: func_name '(' name_list ')' opt_class { $$ = makeNode(IndexElem); $$->name = NULL; $$->funcname = $1; $$->args = $3; $$->opclass = $5; } ; index_elem: attr_name opt_class { $$ = makeNode(IndexElem); $$->name = $1; $$->funcname = NIL; $$->args = NIL; $$->opclass = $2; } ; opt_class: any_name { /* * Release 7.0 removed network_ops, timespan_ops, and * datetime_ops, so we suppress it from being passed to * the parser so the default *_ops is used. This can be * removed in some later release. bjm 2000/02/07 * * Release 7.1 removes lztext_ops, so suppress that too * for a while. tgl 2000/07/30 * * Release 7.2 renames timestamp_ops to timestamptz_ops, * so suppress that too for awhile. I'm starting to * think we need a better approach. tgl 2000/10/01 */ if (length($1) == 1) { char *claname = strVal(lfirst($1)); if (strcmp(claname, "network_ops") != 0 && strcmp(claname, "timespan_ops") != 0 && strcmp(claname, "datetime_ops") != 0 && strcmp(claname, "lztext_ops") != 0 && strcmp(claname, "timestamp_ops") != 0) $$ = $1; else $$ = NIL; } else $$ = $1; } | USING any_name { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * create [or replace] function * [( { , })] * returns * as * language [with parameters] * *****************************************************************************/ CreateFunctionStmt: CREATE opt_or_replace FUNCTION func_name func_args RETURNS func_return createfunc_opt_list opt_definition { CreateFunctionStmt *n = makeNode(CreateFunctionStmt); n->replace = $2; n->funcname = $4; n->argTypes = $5; n->returnType = $7; n->options = $8; n->withClause = $9; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_or_replace: OR REPLACE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; func_args: '(' func_args_list ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' ')' { $$ = NIL; } ; func_args_list: func_arg { $$ = makeList1($1); } | func_args_list ',' func_arg { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; func_arg: opt_arg func_type { /* We can catch over-specified arguments here if we want to, * but for now better to silently swallow typmod, etc. * - thomas 2000-03-22 */ $$ = $2; } | func_type { $$ = $1; } ; opt_arg: IN_P { $$ = FALSE; } | OUT_P { elog(ERROR, "CREATE FUNCTION / OUT parameters are not supported"); $$ = TRUE; } | INOUT { elog(ERROR, "CREATE FUNCTION / INOUT parameters are not supported"); $$ = FALSE; } ; func_return: func_type { /* We can catch over-specified arguments here if we want to, * but for now better to silently swallow typmod, etc. * - thomas 2000-03-22 */ $$ = $1; } ; /* * We would like to make the second production here be ColId attrs etc, * but that causes reduce/reduce conflicts. type_name is next best choice. */ func_type: Typename { $$ = $1; } | type_name attrs '%' TYPE_P { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->names = lcons(makeString($1), $2); $$->pct_type = true; $$->typmod = -1; } ; createfunc_opt_list: /* Must be at least one to prevent conflict */ createfunc_opt_item { $$ = makeList1($1); } | createfunc_opt_list createfunc_opt_item { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } ; createfunc_opt_item: AS func_as { $$ = makeDefElem("as", (Node *)$2); } | LANGUAGE ColId_or_Sconst { $$ = makeDefElem("language", (Node *)makeString($2)); } | IMMUTABLE { $$ = makeDefElem("volatility", (Node *)makeString("immutable")); } | STABLE { $$ = makeDefElem("volatility", (Node *)makeString("stable")); } | VOLATILE { $$ = makeDefElem("volatility", (Node *)makeString("volatile")); } | CALLED ON NULL_P INPUT { $$ = makeDefElem("strict", (Node *)makeInteger(FALSE)); } | RETURNS NULL_P ON NULL_P INPUT { $$ = makeDefElem("strict", (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE)); } | STRICT { $$ = makeDefElem("strict", (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE)); } | EXTERNAL SECURITY DEFINER { $$ = makeDefElem("security", (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE)); } | EXTERNAL SECURITY INVOKER { $$ = makeDefElem("security", (Node *)makeInteger(FALSE)); } | SECURITY DEFINER { $$ = makeDefElem("security", (Node *)makeInteger(TRUE)); } | SECURITY INVOKER { $$ = makeDefElem("security", (Node *)makeInteger(FALSE)); } ; func_as: Sconst { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } | Sconst ',' Sconst { $$ = makeList2(makeString($1), makeString($3)); } ; opt_definition: WITH definition { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * * DROP FUNCTION funcname (arg1, arg2, ...) [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] * DROP AGGREGATE aggname (aggtype) [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] * DROP OPERATOR opname (leftoperand_typ, rightoperand_typ) [ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] * *****************************************************************************/ RemoveFuncStmt: DROP FUNCTION func_name func_args opt_drop_behavior { RemoveFuncStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveFuncStmt); n->funcname = $3; n->args = $4; n->behavior = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; RemoveAggrStmt: DROP AGGREGATE func_name '(' aggr_argtype ')' opt_drop_behavior { RemoveAggrStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveAggrStmt); n->aggname = $3; n->aggtype = $5; n->behavior = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; aggr_argtype: Typename { $$ = $1; } | '*' { $$ = NULL; } ; RemoveOperStmt: DROP OPERATOR any_operator '(' oper_argtypes ')' opt_drop_behavior { RemoveOperStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveOperStmt); n->opname = $3; n->args = $5; n->behavior = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; oper_argtypes: Typename { elog(ERROR,"parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators)"); } | Typename ',' Typename { $$ = makeList2($1, $3); } | NONE ',' Typename /* left unary */ { $$ = makeList2(NULL, $3); } | Typename ',' NONE /* right unary */ { $$ = makeList2($1, NULL); } ; any_operator: all_Op { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } | ColId '.' any_operator { $$ = lcons(makeString($1), $3); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * CREATE CAST / DROP CAST * *****************************************************************************/ CreateCastStmt: CREATE CAST '(' ConstTypename AS ConstTypename ')' WITH FUNCTION function_with_argtypes cast_context { CreateCastStmt *n = makeNode(CreateCastStmt); n->sourcetype = $4; n->targettype = $6; n->func = (FuncWithArgs *) $10; n->context = (CoercionContext) $11; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CREATE CAST '(' ConstTypename AS ConstTypename ')' WITHOUT FUNCTION cast_context { CreateCastStmt *n = makeNode(CreateCastStmt); n->sourcetype = $4; n->targettype = $6; n->func = NULL; n->context = (CoercionContext) $10; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; cast_context: AS IMPLICIT_P { $$ = COERCION_IMPLICIT; } | AS ASSIGNMENT { $$ = COERCION_ASSIGNMENT; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = COERCION_EXPLICIT; } ; DropCastStmt: DROP CAST '(' ConstTypename AS ConstTypename ')' opt_drop_behavior { DropCastStmt *n = makeNode(DropCastStmt); n->sourcetype = $4; n->targettype = $6; n->behavior = $8; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * * REINDEX type [FORCE] [ALL] * *****************************************************************************/ ReindexStmt: REINDEX reindex_type qualified_name opt_force { ReindexStmt *n = makeNode(ReindexStmt); n->reindexType = $2; n->relation = $3; n->name = NULL; n->force = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | REINDEX DATABASE name opt_force { ReindexStmt *n = makeNode(ReindexStmt); n->reindexType = DATABASE; n->name = $3; n->relation = NULL; n->force = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; reindex_type: INDEX { $$ = INDEX; } | TABLE { $$ = TABLE; } ; opt_force: FORCE { $$ = TRUE; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * rename in [*] to * rename to * *****************************************************************************/ RenameStmt: ALTER TABLE relation_expr RENAME opt_column opt_name TO name { RenameStmt *n = makeNode(RenameStmt); n->relation = $3; n->oldname = $6; n->newname = $8; if ($6 == NULL) n->renameType = RENAME_TABLE; else n->renameType = RENAME_COLUMN; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ALTER TRIGGER name ON relation_expr RENAME TO name { RenameStmt *n = makeNode(RenameStmt); n->relation = $5; n->oldname = $3; n->newname = $8; n->renameType = RENAME_TRIGGER; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_name: name { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_column: COLUMN { $$ = COLUMN; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = 0; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: Define Rewrite Rule * *****************************************************************************/ RuleStmt: CREATE opt_or_replace RULE name AS { QueryIsRule=TRUE; } ON event TO qualified_name where_clause DO opt_instead RuleActionList { RuleStmt *n = makeNode(RuleStmt); n->replace = $2; n->relation = $10; n->rulename = $4; n->whereClause = $11; n->event = $8; n->instead = $13; n->actions = $14; $$ = (Node *)n; QueryIsRule=FALSE; } ; RuleActionList: NOTHING { $$ = NIL; } | RuleActionStmt { $$ = makeList1($1); } | '(' RuleActionMulti ')' { $$ = $2; } ; /* the thrashing around here is to discard "empty" statements... */ RuleActionMulti: RuleActionMulti ';' RuleActionStmtOrEmpty { if ($3 != (Node *) NULL) $$ = lappend($1, $3); else $$ = $1; } | RuleActionStmtOrEmpty { if ($1 != (Node *) NULL) $$ = makeList1($1); else $$ = NIL; } ; RuleActionStmt: SelectStmt | InsertStmt | UpdateStmt | DeleteStmt | NotifyStmt ; RuleActionStmtOrEmpty: RuleActionStmt { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = (Node *)NULL; } ; /* change me to select, update, etc. some day */ event: SELECT { $$ = CMD_SELECT; } | UPDATE { $$ = CMD_UPDATE; } | DELETE_P { $$ = CMD_DELETE; } | INSERT { $$ = CMD_INSERT; } ; opt_instead: INSTEAD { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; DropRuleStmt: DROP RULE name ON qualified_name opt_drop_behavior { DropPropertyStmt *n = makeNode(DropPropertyStmt); n->relation = $5; n->property = $3; n->behavior = $6; n->removeType = DROP_RULE; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * NOTIFY can appear both in rule bodies and * as a query-level command * *****************************************************************************/ NotifyStmt: NOTIFY qualified_name { NotifyStmt *n = makeNode(NotifyStmt); n->relation = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; ListenStmt: LISTEN qualified_name { ListenStmt *n = makeNode(ListenStmt); n->relation = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; UnlistenStmt: UNLISTEN qualified_name { UnlistenStmt *n = makeNode(UnlistenStmt); n->relation = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } | UNLISTEN '*' { UnlistenStmt *n = makeNode(UnlistenStmt); n->relation = makeNode(RangeVar); n->relation->relname = "*"; n->relation->schemaname = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Transactions: * * BEGIN / COMMIT / ROLLBACK * (also older versions END / ABORT) * *****************************************************************************/ TransactionStmt: ABORT_TRANS opt_transaction { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = ROLLBACK; n->options = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | BEGIN_TRANS opt_transaction { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = BEGIN_TRANS; n->options = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | START TRANSACTION transaction_mode_list_or_empty { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = START; n->options = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | COMMIT opt_transaction { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = COMMIT; n->options = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | END_TRANS opt_transaction { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = COMMIT; n->options = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ROLLBACK opt_transaction { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = ROLLBACK; n->options = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_transaction: WORK {} | TRANSACTION {} | /*EMPTY*/ {} ; transaction_mode_list: ISOLATION LEVEL iso_level { $$ = makeList1(makeDefElem("transaction_isolation", makeStringConst($3, NULL))); } | transaction_access_mode { $$ = makeList1(makeDefElem("transaction_read_only", makeIntConst($1))); } | ISOLATION LEVEL iso_level transaction_access_mode { $$ = makeList2(makeDefElem("transaction_isolation", makeStringConst($3, NULL)), makeDefElem("transaction_read_only", makeIntConst($4))); } | transaction_access_mode ISOLATION LEVEL iso_level { $$ = makeList2(makeDefElem("transaction_read_only", makeIntConst($1)), makeDefElem("transaction_isolation", makeStringConst($4, NULL))); } ; transaction_mode_list_or_empty: transaction_mode_list | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; transaction_access_mode: READ ONLY { $$ = TRUE; } | READ WRITE { $$ = FALSE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * create view '('target-list ')' AS * *****************************************************************************/ ViewStmt: CREATE opt_or_replace VIEW qualified_name opt_column_list AS SelectStmt { ViewStmt *n = makeNode(ViewStmt); n->replace = $2; n->view = $4; n->aliases = $5; n->query = (Query *) $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * load "filename" * *****************************************************************************/ LoadStmt: LOAD file_name { LoadStmt *n = makeNode(LoadStmt); n->filename = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * CREATE DATABASE * *****************************************************************************/ CreatedbStmt: CREATE DATABASE database_name opt_with createdb_opt_list { CreatedbStmt *n = makeNode(CreatedbStmt); n->dbname = $3; n->options = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; createdb_opt_list: createdb_opt_list createdb_opt_item { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; createdb_opt_item: LOCATION opt_equal Sconst { $$ = makeDefElem("location", (Node *)makeString($3)); } | LOCATION opt_equal DEFAULT { $$ = makeDefElem("location", NULL); } | TEMPLATE opt_equal name { $$ = makeDefElem("template", (Node *)makeString($3)); } | TEMPLATE opt_equal DEFAULT { $$ = makeDefElem("template", NULL); } | ENCODING opt_equal Sconst { $$ = makeDefElem("encoding", (Node *)makeString($3)); } | ENCODING opt_equal Iconst { $$ = makeDefElem("encoding", (Node *)makeInteger($3)); } | ENCODING opt_equal DEFAULT { $$ = makeDefElem("encoding", NULL); } | OWNER opt_equal name { $$ = makeDefElem("owner", (Node *)makeString($3)); } | OWNER opt_equal DEFAULT { $$ = makeDefElem("owner", NULL); } ; /* * Though the equals sign doesn't match other WITH options, pg_dump uses * equals for backward compability, and it doesn't seem worth removing it. * 2002-02-25 */ opt_equal: '=' {} | /*EMPTY*/ {} ; /***************************************************************************** * * ALTER DATABASE * *****************************************************************************/ AlterDatabaseSetStmt: ALTER DATABASE database_name SET set_rest { AlterDatabaseSetStmt *n = makeNode(AlterDatabaseSetStmt); n->dbname = $3; n->variable = $5->name; n->value = $5->args; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ALTER DATABASE database_name VariableResetStmt { AlterDatabaseSetStmt *n = makeNode(AlterDatabaseSetStmt); n->dbname = $3; n->variable = ((VariableResetStmt *)$4)->name; n->value = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * DROP DATABASE * * This is implicitly CASCADE, no need for drop behavior *****************************************************************************/ DropdbStmt: DROP DATABASE database_name { DropdbStmt *n = makeNode(DropdbStmt); n->dbname = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Manipulate a domain * *****************************************************************************/ CreateDomainStmt: CREATE DOMAIN_P any_name opt_as Typename ColQualList opt_collate { CreateDomainStmt *n = makeNode(CreateDomainStmt); n->domainname = $3; n->typename = $5; n->constraints = $6; if ($7 != NULL) elog(NOTICE,"CREATE DOMAIN / COLLATE %s not yet " "implemented; clause ignored", $7); $$ = (Node *)n; } ; AlterDomainStmt: /* ALTER DOMAIN {SET DEFAULT |DROP DEFAULT} */ ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name alter_column_default { AlterDomainStmt *n = makeNode(AlterDomainStmt); n->subtype = 'T'; n->typename = $3; n->def = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER DOMAIN DROP NOT NULL */ | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name DROP NOT NULL_P { AlterDomainStmt *n = makeNode(AlterDomainStmt); n->subtype = 'N'; n->typename = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER DOMAIN SET NOT NULL */ | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name SET NOT NULL_P { AlterDomainStmt *n = makeNode(AlterDomainStmt); n->subtype = 'O'; n->typename = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER DOMAIN ADD CONSTRAINT ... */ | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name ADD TableConstraint { AlterDomainStmt *n = makeNode(AlterDomainStmt); n->subtype = 'C'; n->typename = $3; n->def = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER DOMAIN DROP CONSTRAINT [RESTRICT|CASCADE] */ | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name DROP CONSTRAINT name opt_drop_behavior { AlterDomainStmt *n = makeNode(AlterDomainStmt); n->subtype = 'X'; n->typename = $3; n->name = $6; n->behavior = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* ALTER DOMAIN OWNER TO UserId */ | ALTER DOMAIN_P any_name OWNER TO UserId { AlterDomainStmt *n = makeNode(AlterDomainStmt); n->subtype = 'U'; n->typename = $3; n->name = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_as: AS {} | /* EMPTY */ {} ; /***************************************************************************** * * Manipulate a conversion * * CREATE [DEFAULT] CONVERSION * FOR TO FROM * *****************************************************************************/ CreateConversionStmt: CREATE opt_default CONVERSION_P any_name FOR Sconst TO Sconst FROM any_name { CreateConversionStmt *n = makeNode(CreateConversionStmt); n->conversion_name = $4; n->for_encoding_name = $6; n->to_encoding_name = $8; n->func_name = $10; n->def = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * cluster on * cluster * cluster * *****************************************************************************/ ClusterStmt: CLUSTER index_name ON qualified_name { ClusterStmt *n = makeNode(ClusterStmt); n->relation = $4; n->indexname = $2; $$ = (Node*)n; } | CLUSTER qualified_name { ClusterStmt *n = makeNode(ClusterStmt); n->relation = $2; n->indexname = NULL; $$ = (Node*)n; } | CLUSTER { ClusterStmt *n = makeNode(ClusterStmt); n->relation = NULL; n->indexname = NULL; $$ = (Node*)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * vacuum * analyze * *****************************************************************************/ VacuumStmt: VACUUM opt_full opt_freeze opt_verbose { VacuumStmt *n = makeNode(VacuumStmt); n->vacuum = true; n->analyze = false; n->full = $2; n->freeze = $3; n->verbose = $4; n->relation = NULL; n->va_cols = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | VACUUM opt_full opt_freeze opt_verbose qualified_name { VacuumStmt *n = makeNode(VacuumStmt); n->vacuum = true; n->analyze = false; n->full = $2; n->freeze = $3; n->verbose = $4; n->relation = $5; n->va_cols = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | VACUUM opt_full opt_freeze opt_verbose AnalyzeStmt { VacuumStmt *n = (VacuumStmt *) $5; n->vacuum = true; n->full = $2; n->freeze = $3; n->verbose |= $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; AnalyzeStmt: analyze_keyword opt_verbose { VacuumStmt *n = makeNode(VacuumStmt); n->vacuum = false; n->analyze = true; n->full = false; n->freeze = false; n->verbose = $2; n->relation = NULL; n->va_cols = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | analyze_keyword opt_verbose qualified_name opt_name_list { VacuumStmt *n = makeNode(VacuumStmt); n->vacuum = false; n->analyze = true; n->full = false; n->freeze = false; n->verbose = $2; n->relation = $3; n->va_cols = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; analyze_keyword: ANALYZE {} | ANALYSE /* British */ {} ; opt_verbose: VERBOSE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_full: FULL { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_freeze: FREEZE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_name_list: '(' name_list ')' { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * EXPLAIN [ANALYZE] [VERBOSE] query * *****************************************************************************/ ExplainStmt: EXPLAIN opt_analyze opt_verbose OptimizableStmt { ExplainStmt *n = makeNode(ExplainStmt); n->analyze = $2; n->verbose = $3; n->query = (Query*)$4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | EXPLAIN opt_analyze opt_verbose ExecuteStmt { ExplainStmt *n = makeNode(ExplainStmt); n->analyze = $2; n->verbose = $3; n->query = (Query*)$4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_analyze: analyze_keyword { $$ = TRUE; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * PREPARE [(args, ...)] AS * *****************************************************************************/ PrepareStmt: PREPARE name prep_type_clause AS OptimizableStmt { PrepareStmt *n = makeNode(PrepareStmt); n->name = $2; n->argtypes = $3; n->query = (Query *) $5; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; prep_type_clause: '(' prep_type_list ')' { $$ = $2; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; prep_type_list: Typename { $$ = makeList1($1); } | prep_type_list ',' Typename { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * EXECUTE [(params, ...)] [INTO ...] * *****************************************************************************/ ExecuteStmt: EXECUTE name execute_param_clause into_clause { ExecuteStmt *n = makeNode(ExecuteStmt); n->name = $2; n->params = $3; n->into = $4; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; execute_param_clause: '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = $2; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * DEALLOCATE [PREPARE] * *****************************************************************************/ DeallocateStmt: DEALLOCATE name { DeallocateStmt *n = makeNode(DeallocateStmt); n->name = $2; $$ = (Node *) n; } | DEALLOCATE PREPARE name { DeallocateStmt *n = makeNode(DeallocateStmt); n->name = $3; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * * Optimizable Stmts: * * * * one of the five queries processed by the planner * * * * [ultimately] produces query-trees as specified * * in the query-spec document in ~postgres/ref * * * *****************************************************************************/ OptimizableStmt: SelectStmt | CursorStmt | UpdateStmt | InsertStmt | DeleteStmt /* by default all are $$=$1 */ ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * INSERT STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ InsertStmt: INSERT INTO qualified_name insert_rest { $4->relation = $3; $$ = (Node *) $4; } ; insert_rest: VALUES '(' insert_target_list ')' { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->cols = NIL; $$->targetList = $3; $$->selectStmt = NULL; } | DEFAULT VALUES { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->cols = NIL; $$->targetList = NIL; $$->selectStmt = NULL; } | SelectStmt { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->cols = NIL; $$->targetList = NIL; $$->selectStmt = $1; } | '(' insert_column_list ')' VALUES '(' insert_target_list ')' { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->cols = $2; $$->targetList = $6; $$->selectStmt = NULL; } | '(' insert_column_list ')' SelectStmt { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->cols = $2; $$->targetList = NIL; $$->selectStmt = $4; } ; insert_column_list: insert_column_item { $$ = makeList1($1); } | insert_column_list ',' insert_column_item { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; insert_column_item: ColId opt_indirection { ResTarget *n = makeNode(ResTarget); n->name = $1; n->indirection = $2; n->val = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * DELETE STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ DeleteStmt: DELETE_P FROM relation_expr where_clause { DeleteStmt *n = makeNode(DeleteStmt); n->relation = $3; n->whereClause = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; LockStmt: LOCK_P opt_table qualified_name_list opt_lock { LockStmt *n = makeNode(LockStmt); n->relations = $3; n->mode = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_lock: IN_P lock_type MODE { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = AccessExclusiveLock; } ; lock_type: ACCESS SHARE { $$ = AccessShareLock; } | ROW SHARE { $$ = RowShareLock; } | ROW EXCLUSIVE { $$ = RowExclusiveLock; } | SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE { $$ = ShareUpdateExclusiveLock; } | SHARE { $$ = ShareLock; } | SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE { $$ = ShareRowExclusiveLock; } | EXCLUSIVE { $$ = ExclusiveLock; } | ACCESS EXCLUSIVE { $$ = AccessExclusiveLock; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * UpdateStmt (UPDATE) * *****************************************************************************/ UpdateStmt: UPDATE relation_expr SET update_target_list from_clause where_clause { UpdateStmt *n = makeNode(UpdateStmt); n->relation = $2; n->targetList = $4; n->fromClause = $5; n->whereClause = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * CURSOR STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ CursorStmt: DECLARE name opt_cursor CURSOR FOR SelectStmt { SelectStmt *n = (SelectStmt *)$6; n->portalname = $2; n->binary = $3; $$ = $6; } ; opt_cursor: BINARY { $$ = TRUE; } | INSENSITIVE { $$ = FALSE; } | SCROLL { $$ = FALSE; } | INSENSITIVE SCROLL { $$ = FALSE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * SELECT STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ /* A complete SELECT statement looks like this. * * The rule returns either a single SelectStmt node or a tree of them, * representing a set-operation tree. * * There is an ambiguity when a sub-SELECT is within an a_expr and there * are excess parentheses: do the parentheses belong to the sub-SELECT or * to the surrounding a_expr? We don't really care, but yacc wants to know. * To resolve the ambiguity, we are careful to define the grammar so that * the decision is staved off as long as possible: as long as we can keep * absorbing parentheses into the sub-SELECT, we will do so, and only when * it's no longer possible to do that will we decide that parens belong to * the expression. For example, in "SELECT (((SELECT 2)) + 3)" the extra * parentheses are treated as part of the sub-select. The necessity of doing * it that way is shown by "SELECT (((SELECT 2)) UNION SELECT 2)". Had we * parsed "((SELECT 2))" as an a_expr, it'd be too late to go back to the * SELECT viewpoint when we see the UNION. * * This approach is implemented by defining a nonterminal select_with_parens, * which represents a SELECT with at least one outer layer of parentheses, * and being careful to use select_with_parens, never '(' SelectStmt ')', * in the expression grammar. We will then have shift-reduce conflicts * which we can resolve in favor of always treating '(' nonterminal to something else. We use UMINUS * precedence for this, which is a fairly arbitrary choice. * * To be able to define select_with_parens itself without ambiguity, we need * a nonterminal select_no_parens that represents a SELECT structure with no * outermost parentheses. This is a little bit tedious, but it works. * * In non-expression contexts, we use SelectStmt which can represent a SELECT * with or without outer parentheses. */ SelectStmt: select_no_parens %prec UMINUS | select_with_parens %prec UMINUS ; select_with_parens: '(' select_no_parens ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' select_with_parens ')' { $$ = $2; } ; /* * FOR UPDATE may be before or after LIMIT/OFFSET. * In <=7.2.X, LIMIT/OFFSET had to be after FOR UPDATE * We now support both orderings, but prefer LIMIT/OFFSET before FOR UPDATE * 2002-08-28 bjm */ select_no_parens: simple_select { $$ = $1; } | select_clause sort_clause { insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, $2, NIL, NULL, NULL); $$ = $1; } | select_clause opt_sort_clause for_update_clause opt_select_limit { insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, $2, $3, nth(0, $4), nth(1, $4)); $$ = $1; } | select_clause opt_sort_clause select_limit opt_for_update_clause { insertSelectOptions((SelectStmt *) $1, $2, $4, nth(0, $3), nth(1, $3)); $$ = $1; } ; select_clause: simple_select { $$ = $1; } | select_with_parens { $$ = $1; } ; /* * This rule parses SELECT statements that can appear within set operations, * including UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT. '(' and ')' can be used to specify * the ordering of the set operations. Without '(' and ')' we want the * operations to be ordered per the precedence specs at the head of this file. * * As with select_no_parens, simple_select cannot have outer parentheses, * but can have parenthesized subclauses. * * Note that sort clauses cannot be included at this level --- SQL92 requires * SELECT foo UNION SELECT bar ORDER BY baz * to be parsed as * (SELECT foo UNION SELECT bar) ORDER BY baz * not * SELECT foo UNION (SELECT bar ORDER BY baz) * Likewise FOR UPDATE and LIMIT. Therefore, those clauses are described * as part of the select_no_parens production, not simple_select. * This does not limit functionality, because you can reintroduce sort and * limit clauses inside parentheses. * * NOTE: only the leftmost component SelectStmt should have INTO. * However, this is not checked by the grammar; parse analysis must check it. */ simple_select: SELECT opt_distinct target_list into_clause from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause { SelectStmt *n = makeNode(SelectStmt); n->distinctClause = $2; n->targetList = $3; n->into = $4; n->intoColNames = NIL; n->fromClause = $5; n->whereClause = $6; n->groupClause = $7; n->havingClause = $8; $$ = (Node *)n; } | select_clause UNION opt_all select_clause { $$ = makeSetOp(SETOP_UNION, $3, $1, $4); } | select_clause INTERSECT opt_all select_clause { $$ = makeSetOp(SETOP_INTERSECT, $3, $1, $4); } | select_clause EXCEPT opt_all select_clause { $$ = makeSetOp(SETOP_EXCEPT, $3, $1, $4); } ; into_clause: INTO OptTempTableName { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /* * Redundancy here is needed to avoid shift/reduce conflicts, * since TEMP is not a reserved word. See also OptTemp. */ OptTempTableName: TEMPORARY opt_table qualified_name { $$ = $3; $$->istemp = true; } | TEMP opt_table qualified_name { $$ = $3; $$->istemp = true; } | LOCAL TEMPORARY opt_table qualified_name { $$ = $4; $$->istemp = true; } | LOCAL TEMP opt_table qualified_name { $$ = $4; $$->istemp = true; } | GLOBAL TEMPORARY opt_table qualified_name { elog(ERROR, "GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE is not currently supported"); $$ = $4; $$->istemp = true; } | GLOBAL TEMP opt_table qualified_name { elog(ERROR, "GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE is not currently supported"); $$ = $4; $$->istemp = true; } | TABLE qualified_name { $$ = $2; $$->istemp = false; } | qualified_name { $$ = $1; $$->istemp = false; } ; opt_table: TABLE {} | /*EMPTY*/ {} ; opt_all: ALL { $$ = TRUE; } | DISTINCT { $$ = FALSE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /* We use (NIL) as a placeholder to indicate that all target expressions * should be placed in the DISTINCT list during parsetree analysis. */ opt_distinct: DISTINCT { $$ = makeList1(NIL); } | DISTINCT ON '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = $4; } | ALL { $$ = NIL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; opt_sort_clause: sort_clause { $$ = $1;} | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; sort_clause: ORDER BY sortby_list { $$ = $3; } ; sortby_list: sortby { $$ = makeList1($1); } | sortby_list ',' sortby { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; sortby: a_expr OptUseOp { $$ = makeNode(SortGroupBy); $$->node = $1; $$->useOp = $2; } ; OptUseOp: USING qual_all_Op { $$ = $2; } | ASC { $$ = makeList1(makeString("<")); } | DESC { $$ = makeList1(makeString(">")); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = makeList1(makeString("<")); /*default*/ } ; select_limit: LIMIT select_limit_value OFFSET select_offset_value { $$ = makeList2($4, $2); } | OFFSET select_offset_value LIMIT select_limit_value { $$ = makeList2($2, $4); } | LIMIT select_limit_value { $$ = makeList2(NULL, $2); } | OFFSET select_offset_value { $$ = makeList2($2, NULL); } | LIMIT select_limit_value ',' select_offset_value /* Disabled because it was too confusing, bjm 2002-02-18 */ { elog(ERROR, "LIMIT #,# syntax not supported.\n\tUse separate LIMIT and OFFSET clauses."); } ; opt_select_limit: select_limit { $$ = $1; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = makeList2(NULL,NULL); } ; select_limit_value: Iconst { Const *n = makeNode(Const); if ($1 < 0) elog(ERROR, "LIMIT must not be negative"); n->consttype = INT4OID; n->constlen = sizeof(int4); n->constvalue = Int32GetDatum($1); n->constisnull = FALSE; n->constbyval = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ALL { /* LIMIT ALL is represented as a NULL constant */ Const *n = makeNode(Const); n->consttype = INT4OID; n->constlen = sizeof(int4); n->constvalue = (Datum) 0; n->constisnull = TRUE; n->constbyval = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | PARAM { Param *n = makeNode(Param); n->paramkind = PARAM_NUM; n->paramid = $1; n->paramtype = INT4OID; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; select_offset_value: Iconst { Const *n = makeNode(Const); if ($1 < 0) elog(ERROR, "OFFSET must not be negative"); n->consttype = INT4OID; n->constlen = sizeof(int4); n->constvalue = Int32GetDatum($1); n->constisnull = FALSE; n->constbyval = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | PARAM { Param *n = makeNode(Param); n->paramkind = PARAM_NUM; n->paramid = $1; n->paramtype = INT4OID; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * jimmy bell-style recursive queries aren't supported in the * current system. * * ...however, recursive addattr and rename supported. make special * cases for these. */ group_clause: GROUP_P BY expr_list { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; having_clause: HAVING a_expr { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; for_update_clause: FOR UPDATE update_list { $$ = $3; } | FOR READ ONLY { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_for_update_clause: for_update_clause { $$ = $1; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } ; update_list: OF name_list { $$ = $2; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = makeList1(NULL); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * clauses common to all Optimizable Stmts: * from_clause - allow list of both JOIN expressions and table names * where_clause - qualifications for joins or restrictions * *****************************************************************************/ from_clause: FROM from_list { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; from_list: table_ref { $$ = makeList1($1); } | from_list ',' table_ref { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; /* * table_ref is where an alias clause can be attached. Note we cannot make * alias_clause have an empty production because that causes parse conflicts * between table_ref := '(' joined_table ')' alias_clause * and joined_table := '(' joined_table ')'. So, we must have the * redundant-looking productions here instead. */ table_ref: relation_expr { $$ = (Node *) $1; } | relation_expr alias_clause { $1->alias = $2; $$ = (Node *) $1; } | func_table { RangeFunction *n = makeNode(RangeFunction); n->funccallnode = $1; n->coldeflist = NIL; $$ = (Node *) n; } | func_table alias_clause { RangeFunction *n = makeNode(RangeFunction); n->funccallnode = $1; n->alias = $2; n->coldeflist = NIL; $$ = (Node *) n; } | func_table AS '(' TableFuncElementList ')' { RangeFunction *n = makeNode(RangeFunction); n->funccallnode = $1; n->coldeflist = $4; $$ = (Node *) n; } | func_table AS ColId '(' TableFuncElementList ')' { RangeFunction *n = makeNode(RangeFunction); Alias *a = makeNode(Alias); n->funccallnode = $1; a->aliasname = $3; n->alias = a; n->coldeflist = $5; $$ = (Node *) n; } | func_table ColId '(' TableFuncElementList ')' { RangeFunction *n = makeNode(RangeFunction); Alias *a = makeNode(Alias); n->funccallnode = $1; a->aliasname = $2; n->alias = a; n->coldeflist = $4; $$ = (Node *) n; } | select_with_parens { /* * The SQL spec does not permit a subselect * () without an alias clause, * so we don't either. This avoids the problem * of needing to invent a unique refname for it. * That could be surmounted if there's sufficient * popular demand, but for now let's just implement * the spec and see if anyone complains. * However, it does seem like a good idea to emit * an error message that's better than "parse error". */ elog(ERROR, "sub-SELECT in FROM must have an alias" "\n\tFor example, FROM (SELECT ...) [AS] foo"); $$ = NULL; } | select_with_parens alias_clause { RangeSubselect *n = makeNode(RangeSubselect); n->subquery = $1; n->alias = $2; $$ = (Node *) n; } | joined_table { $$ = (Node *) $1; } | '(' joined_table ')' alias_clause { $2->alias = $4; $$ = (Node *) $2; } ; /* * It may seem silly to separate joined_table from table_ref, but there is * method in SQL92's madness: if you don't do it this way you get reduce- * reduce conflicts, because it's not clear to the parser generator whether * to expect alias_clause after ')' or not. For the same reason we must * treat 'JOIN' and 'join_type JOIN' separately, rather than allowing * join_type to expand to empty; if we try it, the parser generator can't * figure out when to reduce an empty join_type right after table_ref. * * Note that a CROSS JOIN is the same as an unqualified * INNER JOIN, and an INNER JOIN/ON has the same shape * but a qualification expression to limit membership. * A NATURAL JOIN implicitly matches column names between * tables and the shape is determined by which columns are * in common. We'll collect columns during the later transformations. */ joined_table: '(' joined_table ')' { $$ = $2; } | table_ref CROSS JOIN table_ref { /* CROSS JOIN is same as unqualified inner join */ JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = JOIN_INNER; n->isNatural = FALSE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $4; n->using = NIL; n->quals = NULL; $$ = n; } | table_ref UNIONJOIN table_ref { /* UNION JOIN is made into 1 token to avoid shift/reduce * conflict against regular UNION keyword. */ JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = JOIN_UNION; n->isNatural = FALSE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $3; n->using = NIL; n->quals = NULL; $$ = n; } | table_ref join_type JOIN table_ref join_qual { JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = $2; n->isNatural = FALSE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $4; if ($5 != NULL && IsA($5, List)) n->using = (List *) $5; /* USING clause */ else n->quals = $5; /* ON clause */ $$ = n; } | table_ref JOIN table_ref join_qual { /* letting join_type reduce to empty doesn't work */ JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = JOIN_INNER; n->isNatural = FALSE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $3; if ($4 != NULL && IsA($4, List)) n->using = (List *) $4; /* USING clause */ else n->quals = $4; /* ON clause */ $$ = n; } | table_ref NATURAL join_type JOIN table_ref { JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = $3; n->isNatural = TRUE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $5; n->using = NIL; /* figure out which columns later... */ n->quals = NULL; /* fill later */ $$ = n; } | table_ref NATURAL JOIN table_ref { /* letting join_type reduce to empty doesn't work */ JoinExpr *n = makeNode(JoinExpr); n->jointype = JOIN_INNER; n->isNatural = TRUE; n->larg = $1; n->rarg = $4; n->using = NIL; /* figure out which columns later... */ n->quals = NULL; /* fill later */ $$ = n; } ; alias_clause: AS ColId '(' name_list ')' { $$ = makeNode(Alias); $$->aliasname = $2; $$->colnames = $4; } | AS ColId { $$ = makeNode(Alias); $$->aliasname = $2; } | ColId '(' name_list ')' { $$ = makeNode(Alias); $$->aliasname = $1; $$->colnames = $3; } | ColId { $$ = makeNode(Alias); $$->aliasname = $1; } ; join_type: FULL join_outer { $$ = JOIN_FULL; } | LEFT join_outer { $$ = JOIN_LEFT; } | RIGHT join_outer { $$ = JOIN_RIGHT; } | INNER_P { $$ = JOIN_INNER; } ; /* OUTER is just noise... */ join_outer: OUTER_P { $$ = NULL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /* JOIN qualification clauses * Possibilities are: * USING ( column list ) allows only unqualified column names, * which must match between tables. * ON expr allows more general qualifications. * * We return USING as a List node, while an ON-expr will not be a List. */ join_qual: USING '(' name_list ')' { $$ = (Node *) $3; } | ON a_expr { $$ = $2; } ; relation_expr: qualified_name { /* default inheritance */ $$ = $1; $$->inhOpt = INH_DEFAULT; $$->alias = NULL; } | qualified_name '*' { /* inheritance query */ $$ = $1; $$->inhOpt = INH_YES; $$->alias = NULL; } | ONLY qualified_name { /* no inheritance */ $$ = $2; $$->inhOpt = INH_NO; $$->alias = NULL; } | ONLY '(' qualified_name ')' { /* no inheritance, SQL99-style syntax */ $$ = $3; $$->inhOpt = INH_NO; $$->alias = NULL; } ; func_table: func_name '(' ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = NIL; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | func_name '(' expr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; where_clause: WHERE a_expr { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; TableFuncElementList: TableFuncElement { $$ = makeList1($1); } | TableFuncElementList ',' TableFuncElement { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; TableFuncElement: ColId Typename { ColumnDef *n = makeNode(ColumnDef); n->colname = $1; n->typename = $2; n->constraints = NIL; n->is_local = true; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Type syntax * SQL92 introduces a large amount of type-specific syntax. * Define individual clauses to handle these cases, and use * the generic case to handle regular type-extensible Postgres syntax. * - thomas 1997-10-10 * *****************************************************************************/ Typename: SimpleTypename opt_array_bounds { $$ = $1; $$->arrayBounds = $2; } | SETOF SimpleTypename { $$ = $2; $$->setof = TRUE; } ; opt_array_bounds: opt_array_bounds '[' ']' { $$ = lappend($1, makeInteger(-1)); } | opt_array_bounds '[' Iconst ']' { $$ = lappend($1, makeInteger($3)); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; /* * XXX ideally, the production for a qualified typename should be ColId attrs * (there's no obvious reason why the first name should need to be restricted) * and should be an alternative of GenericType (so that it can be used to * specify a type for a literal in AExprConst). However doing either causes * reduce/reduce conflicts that I haven't been able to find a workaround * for. FIXME later. */ SimpleTypename: GenericType { $$ = $1; } | Numeric { $$ = $1; } | Bit { $$ = $1; } | Character { $$ = $1; } | ConstDatetime { $$ = $1; } | ConstInterval opt_interval { $$ = $1; if ($2 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE) $$->typmod = INTERVAL_TYPMOD(INTERVAL_FULL_PRECISION, $2); } | ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' opt_interval { $$ = $1; if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > MAX_INTERVAL_PRECISION)) elog(ERROR, "INTERVAL(%d) precision must be between %d and %d", $3, 0, MAX_INTERVAL_PRECISION); $$->typmod = INTERVAL_TYPMOD($3, $5); } | type_name attrs { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->names = lcons(makeString($1), $2); $$->typmod = -1; } ; /* We have a separate ConstTypename to allow defaulting fixed-length * types such as CHAR() and BIT() to an unspecified length. * SQL9x requires that these default to a length of one, but this * makes no sense for constructs like CHAR 'hi' and BIT '0101', * where there is an obvious better choice to make. * Note that ConstInterval is not included here since it must * be pushed up higher in the rules to accomodate the postfix * options (e.g. INTERVAL '1' YEAR). */ ConstTypename: GenericType { $$ = $1; } | Numeric { $$ = $1; } | ConstBit { $$ = $1; } | ConstCharacter { $$ = $1; } | ConstDatetime { $$ = $1; } ; GenericType: type_name { $$ = makeTypeName($1); } ; /* SQL92 numeric data types * Check FLOAT() precision limits assuming IEEE floating types. * Provide real DECIMAL() and NUMERIC() implementations now - Jan 1998-12-30 * - thomas 1997-09-18 */ Numeric: INT { $$ = SystemTypeName("int4"); } | INTEGER { $$ = SystemTypeName("int4"); } | SMALLINT { $$ = SystemTypeName("int2"); } | BIGINT { $$ = SystemTypeName("int8"); } | REAL { $$ = SystemTypeName("float4"); } | FLOAT_P opt_float { $$ = $2; } | DOUBLE PRECISION { $$ = SystemTypeName("float8"); } | DECIMAL opt_decimal { $$ = SystemTypeName("numeric"); $$->typmod = $2; } | DEC opt_decimal { $$ = SystemTypeName("numeric"); $$->typmod = $2; } | NUMERIC opt_numeric { $$ = SystemTypeName("numeric"); $$->typmod = $2; } | BOOLEAN { $$ = SystemTypeName("bool"); } ; opt_float: '(' Iconst ')' { if ($2 < 1) elog(ERROR, "precision for FLOAT must be at least 1"); else if ($2 < 7) $$ = SystemTypeName("float4"); else if ($2 < 16) $$ = SystemTypeName("float8"); else elog(ERROR, "precision for FLOAT must be less than 16"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = SystemTypeName("float8"); } ; opt_numeric: '(' Iconst ',' Iconst ')' { if ($2 < 1 || $2 > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION) elog(ERROR, "NUMERIC precision %d must be between 1 and %d", $2, NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION); if ($4 < 0 || $4 > $2) elog(ERROR, "NUMERIC scale %d must be between 0 and precision %d", $4,$2); $$ = (($2 << 16) | $4) + VARHDRSZ; } | '(' Iconst ')' { if ($2 < 1 || $2 > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION) elog(ERROR, "NUMERIC precision %d must be between 1 and %d", $2, NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION); $$ = ($2 << 16) + VARHDRSZ; } | /*EMPTY*/ { /* Insert "-1" meaning "no limit" */ $$ = -1; } ; opt_decimal: '(' Iconst ',' Iconst ')' { if ($2 < 1 || $2 > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION) elog(ERROR, "DECIMAL precision %d must be between 1 and %d", $2, NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION); if ($4 < 0 || $4 > $2) elog(ERROR, "DECIMAL scale %d must be between 0 and precision %d", $4,$2); $$ = (($2 << 16) | $4) + VARHDRSZ; } | '(' Iconst ')' { if ($2 < 1 || $2 > NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION) elog(ERROR, "DECIMAL precision %d must be between 1 and %d", $2, NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION); $$ = ($2 << 16) + VARHDRSZ; } | /*EMPTY*/ { /* Insert "-1" meaning "no limit" */ $$ = -1; } ; /* * SQL92 bit-field data types * The following implements BIT() and BIT VARYING(). */ Bit: BitWithLength { $$ = $1; } | BitWithoutLength { $$ = $1; } ; ConstBit: BitWithLength { $$ = $1; } | BitWithoutLength { $$->typmod = -1; $$ = $1; } ; BitWithLength: BIT opt_varying '(' Iconst ')' { char *typname; typname = $2 ? "varbit" : "bit"; $$ = SystemTypeName(typname); if ($4 < 1) elog(ERROR, "length for type '%s' must be at least 1", typname); else if ($4 > (MaxAttrSize * BITS_PER_BYTE)) elog(ERROR, "length for type '%s' cannot exceed %d", typname, (MaxAttrSize * BITS_PER_BYTE)); $$->typmod = $4; } ; BitWithoutLength: BIT opt_varying { /* bit defaults to bit(1), varbit to no limit */ if ($2) { $$ = SystemTypeName("varbit"); $$->typmod = -1; } else { $$ = SystemTypeName("bit"); $$->typmod = 1; } } ; /* * SQL92 character data types * The following implements CHAR() and VARCHAR(). */ Character: CharacterWithLength { $$ = $1; } | CharacterWithoutLength { $$ = $1; } ; ConstCharacter: CharacterWithLength { $$ = $1; } | CharacterWithoutLength { /* Length was not specified so allow to be unrestricted. * This handles problems with fixed-length (bpchar) strings * which in column definitions must default to a length * of one, but should not be constrained if the length * was not specified. */ $1->typmod = -1; $$ = $1; } ; CharacterWithLength: character '(' Iconst ')' opt_charset { if (($5 != NULL) && (strcmp($5, "sql_text") != 0)) { char *type; type = palloc(strlen($1) + 1 + strlen($5) + 1); strcpy(type, $1); strcat(type, "_"); strcat(type, $5); $1 = type; } $$ = SystemTypeName($1); if ($3 < 1) elog(ERROR, "length for type '%s' must be at least 1", $1); else if ($3 > MaxAttrSize) elog(ERROR, "length for type '%s' cannot exceed %d", $1, MaxAttrSize); /* we actually implement these like a varlen, so * the first 4 bytes is the length. (the difference * between these and "text" is that we blank-pad and * truncate where necessary) */ $$->typmod = VARHDRSZ + $3; } ; CharacterWithoutLength: character opt_charset { if (($2 != NULL) && (strcmp($2, "sql_text") != 0)) { char *type; type = palloc(strlen($1) + 1 + strlen($2) + 1); strcpy(type, $1); strcat(type, "_"); strcat(type, $2); $1 = type; } $$ = SystemTypeName($1); /* char defaults to char(1), varchar to no limit */ if (strcmp($1, "bpchar") == 0) $$->typmod = VARHDRSZ + 1; else $$->typmod = -1; } ; character: CHARACTER opt_varying { $$ = $2 ? "varchar": "bpchar"; } | CHAR_P opt_varying { $$ = $2 ? "varchar": "bpchar"; } | VARCHAR { $$ = "varchar"; } | NATIONAL CHARACTER opt_varying { $$ = $3 ? "varchar": "bpchar"; } | NATIONAL CHAR_P opt_varying { $$ = $3 ? "varchar": "bpchar"; } | NCHAR opt_varying { $$ = $2 ? "varchar": "bpchar"; } ; opt_varying: VARYING { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_charset: CHARACTER SET ColId { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_collate: COLLATE ColId { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; ConstDatetime: TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' opt_timezone { if ($5) $$ = SystemTypeName("timestamptz"); else $$ = SystemTypeName("timestamp"); /* XXX the timezone field seems to be unused * - thomas 2001-09-06 */ $$->timezone = $5; if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION)) elog(ERROR, "TIMESTAMP(%d)%s precision must be between %d and %d", $3, ($5 ? " WITH TIME ZONE": ""), 0, MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION); $$->typmod = $3; } | TIMESTAMP opt_timezone { if ($2) $$ = SystemTypeName("timestamptz"); else $$ = SystemTypeName("timestamp"); /* XXX the timezone field seems to be unused * - thomas 2001-09-06 */ $$->timezone = $2; /* SQL99 specified a default precision of six * for schema definitions. But for timestamp * literals we don't want to throw away precision * so leave this as unspecified for now. * Later, we may want a different production * for schemas. - thomas 2001-12-07 */ $$->typmod = -1; } | TIME '(' Iconst ')' opt_timezone { if ($5) $$ = SystemTypeName("timetz"); else $$ = SystemTypeName("time"); if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > MAX_TIME_PRECISION)) elog(ERROR, "TIME(%d)%s precision must be between %d and %d", $3, ($5 ? " WITH TIME ZONE": ""), 0, MAX_TIME_PRECISION); $$->typmod = $3; } | TIME opt_timezone { if ($2) $$ = SystemTypeName("timetz"); else $$ = SystemTypeName("time"); /* SQL99 specified a default precision of zero. * See comments for timestamp above on why we will * leave this unspecified for now. - thomas 2001-12-07 */ $$->typmod = -1; } ; ConstInterval: INTERVAL { $$ = SystemTypeName("interval"); } ; opt_timezone: WITH TIME ZONE { $$ = TRUE; } | WITHOUT TIME ZONE { $$ = FALSE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_interval: YEAR_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(YEAR); } | MONTH_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(MONTH); } | DAY_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(DAY); } | HOUR_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR); } | MINUTE_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE); } | SECOND_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(SECOND); } | YEAR_P TO MONTH_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(YEAR) | INTERVAL_MASK(MONTH); } | DAY_P TO HOUR_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(DAY) | INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR); } | DAY_P TO MINUTE_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(DAY) | INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR) | INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE); } | DAY_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(DAY) | INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR) | INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE) | INTERVAL_MASK(SECOND); } | HOUR_P TO MINUTE_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR) | INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE); } | HOUR_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(HOUR) | INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE) | INTERVAL_MASK(SECOND); } | MINUTE_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = INTERVAL_MASK(MINUTE) | INTERVAL_MASK(SECOND); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * expression grammar * *****************************************************************************/ /* Expressions using row descriptors * Define row_descriptor to allow yacc to break the reduce/reduce conflict * with singleton expressions. Use SQL99's ROW keyword to allow rows of * one element. */ r_expr: row IN_P select_with_parens { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->subLinkType = ANY_SUBLINK; n->lefthand = $1; n->operName = makeList1(makeString("=")); n->subselect = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | row NOT IN_P select_with_parens { /* Make an IN node */ SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->subLinkType = ANY_SUBLINK; n->lefthand = $1; n->operName = makeList1(makeString("=")); n->subselect = $4; /* Stick a NOT on top */ $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(NOT, NIL, NULL, (Node *) n); } | row qual_all_Op sub_type select_with_parens %prec Op { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->subLinkType = $3; n->lefthand = $1; n->operName = $2; n->subselect = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | row qual_all_Op select_with_parens %prec Op { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->subLinkType = MULTIEXPR_SUBLINK; n->lefthand = $1; n->operName = $2; n->subselect = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | row qual_all_Op row %prec Op { $$ = makeRowExpr($2, $1, $3); } | row IS NULL_P { $$ = makeRowNullTest(IS_NULL, $1); } | row IS NOT NULL_P { $$ = makeRowNullTest(IS_NOT_NULL, $1); } | row OVERLAPS row { $$ = (Node *)makeOverlaps($1, $3); } | row IS DISTINCT FROM row %prec IS { /* IS DISTINCT FROM has the following rules for non-array types: * a) the row lengths must be equal * b) if both rows are zero-length, then they are not distinct * c) if any element is distinct, the rows are distinct * The rules for an element being distinct: * a) if the elements are both NULL, then they are not distinct * b) if the elements compare to be equal, then they are not distinct * c) otherwise, they are distinct */ List *largs = $1; List *rargs = $5; /* lengths don't match? then complain */ if (length(largs) != length(rargs)) { elog(ERROR, "Unequal number of entries in row expression"); } /* both are zero-length rows? then they are not distinct */ else if (length(largs) <= 0) { $$ = (Node *)makeBoolConst(FALSE); } /* otherwise, we need to compare each element */ else { $$ = (Node *)makeDistinctExpr(largs, rargs); } } ; /* Explicit row production. * SQL99 allows an optional ROW keyword, so we can now do single-element productions * without conflicting with the parenthesized a_expr production. */ row: ROW '(' row_descriptor ')' { $$ = $3; } | ROW '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = makeList1($3); } | ROW '(' ')' { $$ = NULL; } | '(' row_descriptor ')' { $$ = $2; } ; row_descriptor: expr_list ',' a_expr { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; sub_type: ANY { $$ = ANY_SUBLINK; } | SOME { $$ = ANY_SUBLINK; } | ALL { $$ = ALL_SUBLINK; } ; all_Op: Op { $$ = $1; } | MathOp { $$ = $1; } ; MathOp: '+' { $$ = "+"; } | '-' { $$ = "-"; } | '*' { $$ = "*"; } | '/' { $$ = "/"; } | '%' { $$ = "%"; } | '^' { $$ = "^"; } | '<' { $$ = "<"; } | '>' { $$ = ">"; } | '=' { $$ = "="; } ; qual_Op: Op { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } | OPERATOR '(' any_operator ')' { $$ = $3; } ; qual_all_Op: all_Op { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } | OPERATOR '(' any_operator ')' { $$ = $3; } ; /* * General expressions * This is the heart of the expression syntax. * * We have two expression types: a_expr is the unrestricted kind, and * b_expr is a subset that must be used in some places to avoid shift/reduce * conflicts. For example, we can't do BETWEEN as "BETWEEN a_expr AND a_expr" * because that use of AND conflicts with AND as a boolean operator. So, * b_expr is used in BETWEEN and we remove boolean keywords from b_expr. * * Note that '(' a_expr ')' is a b_expr, so an unrestricted expression can * always be used by surrounding it with parens. * * c_expr is all the productions that are common to a_expr and b_expr; * it's factored out just to eliminate redundant coding. */ a_expr: c_expr { $$ = $1; } | a_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = makeTypeCast($1, $3); } | a_expr COLLATE ColId { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName($3); n->args = makeList1($1); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *) n; } | a_expr AT TIME ZONE c_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("timezone"); n->args = makeList2($5, $1); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *) n; } /* * These operators must be called out explicitly in order to make use * of yacc/bison's automatic operator-precedence handling. All other * operator names are handled by the generic productions using "Op", * below; and all those operators will have the same precedence. * * If you add more explicitly-known operators, be sure to add them * also to b_expr and to the MathOp list above. */ | '+' a_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "+", NULL, $2); } | '-' a_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = doNegate($2); } | '%' a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "%", NULL, $2); } | '^' a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "^", NULL, $2); } | a_expr '%' { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "%", $1, NULL); } | a_expr '^' { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "^", $1, NULL); } | a_expr '+' a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "+", $1, $3); } | a_expr '-' a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "-", $1, $3); } | a_expr '*' a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "*", $1, $3); } | a_expr '/' a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "/", $1, $3); } | a_expr '%' a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "%", $1, $3); } | a_expr '^' a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "^", $1, $3); } | a_expr '<' a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "<", $1, $3); } | a_expr '>' a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, ">", $1, $3); } | a_expr '=' a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "=", $1, $3); } | a_expr qual_Op a_expr %prec Op { $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OP, $2, $1, $3); } | qual_Op a_expr %prec Op { $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OP, $1, NULL, $2); } | a_expr qual_Op %prec POSTFIXOP { $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OP, $2, $1, NULL); } | a_expr AND a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(AND, NIL, $1, $3); } | a_expr OR a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OR, NIL, $1, $3); } | NOT a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(NOT, NIL, NULL, $2); } | a_expr LIKE a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "~~", $1, $3); } | a_expr LIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("like_escape"); n->args = makeList2($3, $5); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "~~", $1, (Node *) n); } | a_expr NOT LIKE a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "!~~", $1, $4); } | a_expr NOT LIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("like_escape"); n->args = makeList2($4, $6); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "!~~", $1, (Node *) n); } | a_expr ILIKE a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "~~*", $1, $3); } | a_expr ILIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("like_escape"); n->args = makeList2($3, $5); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "~~*", $1, (Node *) n); } | a_expr NOT ILIKE a_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "!~~*", $1, $4); } | a_expr NOT ILIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("like_escape"); n->args = makeList2($4, $6); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "!~~*", $1, (Node *) n); } | a_expr SIMILAR TO a_expr %prec SIMILAR { A_Const *c = makeNode(A_Const); FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); c->val.type = T_Null; n->funcname = SystemFuncName("similar_escape"); n->args = makeList2($4, (Node *) c); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "~", $1, (Node *) n); } | a_expr SIMILAR TO a_expr ESCAPE a_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("similar_escape"); n->args = makeList2($4, $6); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "~", $1, (Node *) n); } | a_expr NOT SIMILAR TO a_expr %prec SIMILAR { A_Const *c = makeNode(A_Const); FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); c->val.type = T_Null; n->funcname = SystemFuncName("similar_escape"); n->args = makeList2($5, (Node *) c); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "!~", $1, (Node *) n); } | a_expr NOT SIMILAR TO a_expr ESCAPE a_expr { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("similar_escape"); n->args = makeList2($5, $7); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "!~", $1, (Node *) n); } /* NullTest clause * Define SQL92-style Null test clause. * Allow two forms described in the standard: * a IS NULL * a IS NOT NULL * Allow two SQL extensions * a ISNULL * a NOTNULL */ | a_expr ISNULL { NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->arg = (Expr *) $1; n->nulltesttype = IS_NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | a_expr IS NULL_P { NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->arg = (Expr *) $1; n->nulltesttype = IS_NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | a_expr NOTNULL { NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->arg = (Expr *) $1; n->nulltesttype = IS_NOT_NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | a_expr IS NOT NULL_P { NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->arg = (Expr *) $1; n->nulltesttype = IS_NOT_NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | a_expr IS TRUE_P { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = (Expr *) $1; b->booltesttype = IS_TRUE; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr IS NOT TRUE_P { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = (Expr *) $1; b->booltesttype = IS_NOT_TRUE; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr IS FALSE_P { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = (Expr *) $1; b->booltesttype = IS_FALSE; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr IS NOT FALSE_P { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = (Expr *) $1; b->booltesttype = IS_NOT_FALSE; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr IS UNKNOWN { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = (Expr *) $1; b->booltesttype = IS_UNKNOWN; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr IS NOT UNKNOWN { BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest); b->arg = (Expr *) $1; b->booltesttype = IS_NOT_UNKNOWN; $$ = (Node *)b; } | a_expr IS DISTINCT FROM a_expr %prec IS { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(DISTINCT, "=", $1, $5); } | a_expr IS OF '(' type_list ')' %prec IS { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OF, "=", $1, (Node *) $5); } | a_expr IS NOT OF '(' type_list ')' %prec IS { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OF, "!=", $1, (Node *) $6); } | a_expr BETWEEN b_expr AND b_expr %prec BETWEEN { $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(AND, NIL, (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, ">=", $1, $3), (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "<=", $1, $5)); } | a_expr NOT BETWEEN b_expr AND b_expr %prec BETWEEN { $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OR, NIL, (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "<", $1, $4), (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, ">", $1, $6)); } | a_expr IN_P in_expr { /* in_expr returns a SubLink or a list of a_exprs */ if (IsA($3, SubLink)) { SubLink *n = (SubLink *)$3; n->subLinkType = ANY_SUBLINK; n->lefthand = makeList1($1); n->operName = makeList1(makeString("=")); $$ = (Node *)n; } else { Node *n = NULL; List *l; foreach(l, (List *) $3) { Node *cmp; cmp = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "=", $1, lfirst(l)); if (n == NULL) n = cmp; else n = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OR, NIL, n, cmp); } $$ = n; } } | a_expr NOT IN_P in_expr { /* in_expr returns a SubLink or a list of a_exprs */ if (IsA($4, SubLink)) { /* Make an IN node */ SubLink *n = (SubLink *)$4; n->subLinkType = ANY_SUBLINK; n->lefthand = makeList1($1); n->operName = makeList1(makeString("=")); /* Stick a NOT on top */ $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(NOT, NIL, NULL, (Node *) n); } else { Node *n = NULL; List *l; foreach(l, (List *) $4) { Node *cmp; cmp = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "<>", $1, lfirst(l)); if (n == NULL) n = cmp; else n = (Node *) makeA_Expr(AND, NIL, n, cmp); } $$ = n; } } | a_expr qual_all_Op sub_type select_with_parens %prec Op { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->subLinkType = $3; n->lefthand = makeList1($1); n->operName = $2; n->subselect = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | UNIQUE select_with_parens %prec Op { /* Not sure how to get rid of the parentheses * but there are lots of shift/reduce errors without them. * * Should be able to implement this by plopping the entire * select into a node, then transforming the target expressions * from whatever they are into count(*), and testing the * entire result equal to one. * But, will probably implement a separate node in the executor. */ elog(ERROR, "UNIQUE predicate is not yet implemented"); } | r_expr { $$ = $1; } ; /* * Restricted expressions * * b_expr is a subset of the complete expression syntax defined by a_expr. * * Presently, AND, NOT, IS, and IN are the a_expr keywords that would * cause trouble in the places where b_expr is used. For simplicity, we * just eliminate all the boolean-keyword-operator productions from b_expr. */ b_expr: c_expr { $$ = $1; } | b_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = makeTypeCast($1, $3); } | '+' b_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "+", NULL, $2); } | '-' b_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = doNegate($2); } | '%' b_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "%", NULL, $2); } | '^' b_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "^", NULL, $2); } | b_expr '%' { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "%", $1, NULL); } | b_expr '^' { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "^", $1, NULL); } | b_expr '+' b_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "+", $1, $3); } | b_expr '-' b_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "-", $1, $3); } | b_expr '*' b_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "*", $1, $3); } | b_expr '/' b_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "/", $1, $3); } | b_expr '%' b_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "%", $1, $3); } | b_expr '^' b_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "^", $1, $3); } | b_expr '<' b_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "<", $1, $3); } | b_expr '>' b_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, ">", $1, $3); } | b_expr '=' b_expr { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "=", $1, $3); } | b_expr qual_Op b_expr %prec Op { $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OP, $2, $1, $3); } | qual_Op b_expr %prec Op { $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OP, $1, NULL, $2); } | b_expr qual_Op %prec POSTFIXOP { $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OP, $2, $1, NULL); } | b_expr IS DISTINCT FROM b_expr %prec IS { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(DISTINCT, "=", $1, $5); } | b_expr IS OF '(' type_list ')' %prec IS { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OF, "=", $1, (Node *) $5); } | b_expr IS NOT OF '(' type_list ')' %prec IS { $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OF, "!=", $1, (Node *) $6); } ; /* * Productions that can be used in both a_expr and b_expr. * * Note: productions that refer recursively to a_expr or b_expr mostly * cannot appear here. However, it's OK to refer to a_exprs that occur * inside parentheses, such as function arguments; that cannot introduce * ambiguity to the b_expr syntax. */ c_expr: columnref { $$ = (Node *) $1; } | AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | PARAM attrs opt_indirection { /* * PARAM without field names is considered a constant, * but with 'em, it is not. Not very consistent ... */ ParamRef *n = makeNode(ParamRef); n->number = $1; n->fields = $2; n->indirection = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' a_expr ')' attrs opt_indirection { ExprFieldSelect *n = makeNode(ExprFieldSelect); n->arg = $2; n->fields = $4; n->indirection = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } | case_expr { $$ = $1; } | func_name '(' ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = NIL; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | func_name '(' expr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | func_name '(' ALL expr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = $4; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; /* Ideally we'd mark the FuncCall node to indicate * "must be an aggregate", but there's no provision * for that in FuncCall at the moment. */ $$ = (Node *)n; } | func_name '(' DISTINCT expr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = $4; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | func_name '(' '*' ')' { /* * For now, we transform AGGREGATE(*) into AGGREGATE(1). * * This does the right thing for COUNT(*) (in fact, * any certainly-non-null expression would do for COUNT), * and there are no other aggregates in SQL92 that accept * '*' as parameter. * * The FuncCall node is also marked agg_star = true, * so that later processing can detect what the argument * really was. */ FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); A_Const *star = makeNode(A_Const); star->val.type = T_Integer; star->val.val.ival = 1; n->funcname = $1; n->args = makeList1(star); n->agg_star = TRUE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CURRENT_DATE { /* * Translate as "'now'::text::date". * * We cannot use "'now'::date" because coerce_type() will * immediately reduce that to a constant representing * today's date. We need to delay the conversion until * runtime, else the wrong things will happen when * CURRENT_DATE is used in a column default value or rule. * * This could be simplified if we had a way to generate * an expression tree representing runtime application * of type-input conversion functions... */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *d; s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = SystemTypeName("text"); d = SystemTypeName("date"); $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | CURRENT_TIME { /* * Translate as "'now'::text::timetz". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *d; s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = SystemTypeName("text"); d = SystemTypeName("timetz"); /* SQL99 mandates a default precision of zero for TIME * fields in schemas. However, for CURRENT_TIME * let's preserve the microsecond precision we * might see from the system clock. - thomas 2001-12-07 */ d->typmod = 6; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | CURRENT_TIME '(' Iconst ')' { /* * Translate as "'now'::text::timetz(n)". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *d; s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = SystemTypeName("text"); d = SystemTypeName("timetz"); if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > MAX_TIME_PRECISION)) elog(ERROR, "CURRENT_TIME(%d) precision must be between %d and %d", $3, 0, MAX_TIME_PRECISION); d->typmod = $3; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { /* * Translate as "'now'::text::timestamptz". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *d; s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = SystemTypeName("text"); d = SystemTypeName("timestamptz"); /* SQL99 mandates a default precision of 6 for timestamp. * Also, that is about as precise as we will get since * we are using a microsecond time interface. * - thomas 2001-12-07 */ d->typmod = 6; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' { /* * Translate as "'now'::text::timestamptz(n)". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *d; s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = SystemTypeName("text"); d = SystemTypeName("timestamptz"); if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION)) elog(ERROR, "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(%d) precision " "must be between %d and %d", $3, 0, MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION); d->typmod = $3; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | LOCALTIME { /* * Translate as "'now'::text::time". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *d; s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = SystemTypeName("text"); d = SystemTypeName("time"); /* SQL99 mandates a default precision of zero for TIME * fields in schemas. However, for LOCALTIME * let's preserve the microsecond precision we * might see from the system clock. - thomas 2001-12-07 */ d->typmod = 6; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | LOCALTIME '(' Iconst ')' { /* * Translate as "'now'::text::time(n)". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *d; s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = SystemTypeName("text"); d = SystemTypeName("time"); if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > MAX_TIME_PRECISION)) elog(ERROR, "LOCALTIME(%d) precision must be between %d and %d", $3, 0, MAX_TIME_PRECISION); d->typmod = $3; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | LOCALTIMESTAMP { /* * Translate as "'now'::text::timestamp". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *d; s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = SystemTypeName("text"); d = SystemTypeName("timestamp"); /* SQL99 mandates a default precision of 6 for timestamp. * Also, that is about as precise as we will get since * we are using a microsecond time interface. * - thomas 2001-12-07 */ d->typmod = 6; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | LOCALTIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' { /* * Translate as "'now'::text::timestamp(n)". * See comments for CURRENT_DATE. */ A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *d; s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = SystemTypeName("text"); d = SystemTypeName("timestamp"); if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION)) elog(ERROR, "LOCALTIMESTAMP(%d) precision must be " "between %d and %d", $3, 0, MAX_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION); d->typmod = $3; $$ = (Node *)makeTypeCast((Node *)s, d); } | CURRENT_USER { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("current_user"); n->args = NIL; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | SESSION_USER { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("session_user"); n->args = NIL; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | USER { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("current_user"); n->args = NIL; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CAST '(' a_expr AS Typename ')' { $$ = makeTypeCast($3, $5); } | EXTRACT '(' extract_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("date_part"); n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | OVERLAY '(' overlay_list ')' { /* overlay(A PLACING B FROM C FOR D) is converted to * substring(A, 1, C-1) || B || substring(A, C+1, C+D) * overlay(A PLACING B FROM C) is converted to * substring(A, 1, C-1) || B || substring(A, C+1, C+char_length(B)) */ FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("overlay"); n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | POSITION '(' position_list ')' { /* position(A in B) is converted to position(B, A) */ FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("position"); n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | SUBSTRING '(' substr_list ')' { /* substring(A from B for C) is converted to * substring(A, B, C) - thomas 2000-11-28 */ FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("substring"); n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TREAT '(' a_expr AS Typename ')' { /* TREAT(expr AS target) converts expr of a particular type to target, * which is defined to be a subtype of the original expression. * In SQL99, this is intended for use with structured UDTs, * but let's make this a generally useful form allowing stronger * coersions than are handled by implicit casting. */ FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); /* Convert SystemTypeName() to SystemFuncName() even though * at the moment they result in the same thing. */ n->funcname = SystemFuncName(((Value *)llast($5->names))->val.str); n->args = makeList1($3); $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' BOTH trim_list ')' { /* various trim expressions are defined in SQL92 * - thomas 1997-07-19 */ FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("btrim"); n->args = $4; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' LEADING trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("ltrim"); n->args = $4; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' TRAILING trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("rtrim"); n->args = $4; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("btrim"); n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CONVERT '(' a_expr USING any_name ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); A_Const *c = makeNode(A_Const); c->val.type = T_String; c->val.val.str = NameListToQuotedString($5); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("convert_using"); n->args = makeList2($3, c); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CONVERT '(' expr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("convert"); n->args = $3; n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | select_with_parens %prec UMINUS { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->subLinkType = EXPR_SUBLINK; n->lefthand = NIL; n->operName = NIL; n->subselect = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | EXISTS select_with_parens { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->subLinkType = EXISTS_SUBLINK; n->lefthand = NIL; n->operName = NIL; n->subselect = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* * Supporting nonterminals for expressions. */ opt_indirection: opt_indirection '[' a_expr ']' { A_Indices *ai = makeNode(A_Indices); ai->lidx = NULL; ai->uidx = $3; $$ = lappend($1, ai); } | opt_indirection '[' a_expr ':' a_expr ']' { A_Indices *ai = makeNode(A_Indices); ai->lidx = $3; ai->uidx = $5; $$ = lappend($1, ai); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; expr_list: a_expr { $$ = makeList1($1); } | expr_list ',' a_expr { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; extract_list: extract_arg FROM a_expr { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $1; $$ = makeList2((Node *) n, $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; type_list: type_list ',' Typename { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | Typename { $$ = makeList1($1); } ; /* Allow delimited string SCONST in extract_arg as an SQL extension. * - thomas 2001-04-12 */ extract_arg: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | YEAR_P { $$ = "year"; } | MONTH_P { $$ = "month"; } | DAY_P { $$ = "day"; } | HOUR_P { $$ = "hour"; } | MINUTE_P { $$ = "minute"; } | SECOND_P { $$ = "second"; } | SCONST { $$ = $1; } ; /* OVERLAY() arguments * SQL99 defines the OVERLAY() function: * o overlay(text placing text from int for int) * o overlay(text placing text from int) */ overlay_list: a_expr overlay_placing substr_from substr_for { $$ = makeList4($1, $2, $3, $4); } | a_expr overlay_placing substr_from { $$ = makeList3($1, $2, $3); } ; overlay_placing: PLACING a_expr { $$ = $2; } ; /* position_list uses b_expr not a_expr to avoid conflict with general IN */ position_list: b_expr IN_P b_expr { $$ = makeList2($3, $1); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; /* SUBSTRING() arguments * SQL9x defines a specific syntax for arguments to SUBSTRING(): * o substring(text from int for int) * o substring(text from int) get entire string from starting point "int" * o substring(text from pattern) get entire string matching pattern * o substring(text for int) get first "int" characters of string * We also want to implement generic substring functions which accept * the usual generic list of arguments. So we will accept both styles * here, and convert the SQL9x style to the generic list for further * processing. - thomas 2000-11-28 */ substr_list: a_expr substr_from substr_for { $$ = makeList3($1, $2, $3); } | a_expr substr_for substr_from { $$ = makeList3($1, $3, $2); } | a_expr substr_from { $$ = makeList2($1, $2); } | a_expr substr_for { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Integer; n->val.val.ival = 1; $$ = makeList3($1, (Node *)n, $2); } | expr_list { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; substr_from: FROM a_expr { $$ = $2; } ; substr_for: FOR a_expr { $$ = $2; } ; trim_list: a_expr FROM expr_list { $$ = lappend($3, $1); } | FROM expr_list { $$ = $2; } | expr_list { $$ = $1; } ; in_expr: select_with_parens { SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink); n->subselect = $1; /* other fields will be filled later */ $$ = (Node *)n; } | '(' expr_list ')' { $$ = (Node *)$2; } ; /* Case clause * Define SQL92-style case clause. * Allow all four forms described in the standard: * - Full specification * CASE WHEN a = b THEN c ... ELSE d END * - Implicit argument * CASE a WHEN b THEN c ... ELSE d END * - Conditional NULL * NULLIF(x,y) * same as CASE WHEN x = y THEN NULL ELSE x END * - Conditional substitution from list, use first non-null argument * COALESCE(a,b,...) * same as CASE WHEN a IS NOT NULL THEN a WHEN b IS NOT NULL THEN b ... END * - thomas 1998-11-09 */ case_expr: CASE case_arg when_clause_list case_default END_TRANS { CaseExpr *c = makeNode(CaseExpr); c->arg = (Expr *) $2; c->args = $3; c->defresult = (Expr *) $4; $$ = (Node *)c; } | NULLIF '(' a_expr ',' a_expr ')' { CaseExpr *c = makeNode(CaseExpr); CaseWhen *w = makeNode(CaseWhen); w->expr = (Expr *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "=", $3, $5); /* w->result is left NULL */ c->args = makeList1(w); c->defresult = (Expr *) $3; $$ = (Node *)c; } | COALESCE '(' expr_list ')' { CaseExpr *c = makeNode(CaseExpr); List *l; foreach (l,$3) { CaseWhen *w = makeNode(CaseWhen); NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->arg = lfirst(l); n->nulltesttype = IS_NOT_NULL; w->expr = (Expr *) n; w->result = lfirst(l); c->args = lappend(c->args, w); } $$ = (Node *)c; } ; when_clause_list: /* There must be at least one */ when_clause { $$ = makeList1($1); } | when_clause_list when_clause { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } ; when_clause: WHEN a_expr THEN a_expr { CaseWhen *w = makeNode(CaseWhen); w->expr = (Expr *) $2; w->result = (Expr *) $4; $$ = (Node *)w; } ; case_default: ELSE a_expr { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; case_arg: a_expr { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /* * columnref starts with relation_name not ColId, so that OLD and NEW * references can be accepted. Note that when there are more than two * dotted names, the first name is not actually a relation name... */ columnref: relation_name opt_indirection { $$ = makeNode(ColumnRef); $$->fields = makeList1(makeString($1)); $$->indirection = $2; } | dotted_name opt_indirection { $$ = makeNode(ColumnRef); $$->fields = $1; $$->indirection = $2; } ; dotted_name: relation_name attrs { $$ = lcons(makeString($1), $2); } ; attrs: '.' attr_name { $$ = makeList1(makeString($2)); } | '.' '*' { $$ = makeList1(makeString("*")); } | '.' attr_name attrs { $$ = lcons(makeString($2), $3); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * target lists * *****************************************************************************/ /* Target lists as found in SELECT ... and INSERT VALUES ( ... ) */ target_list: target_el { $$ = makeList1($1); } | target_list ',' target_el { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; /* AS is not optional because shift/red conflict with unary ops */ target_el: a_expr AS ColLabel { $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = $3; $$->indirection = NIL; $$->val = (Node *)$1; } | a_expr { $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = NULL; $$->indirection = NIL; $$->val = (Node *)$1; } | '*' { ColumnRef *n = makeNode(ColumnRef); n->fields = makeList1(makeString("*")); n->indirection = NIL; $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = NULL; $$->indirection = NIL; $$->val = (Node *)n; } ; /* Target list as found in UPDATE table SET ... | '(' row_ ')' = '(' row_ ')' { $$ = NULL; } */ update_target_list: update_target_el { $$ = makeList1($1); } | update_target_list ',' update_target_el { $$ = lappend($1,$3); } ; update_target_el: ColId opt_indirection '=' a_expr { $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = $1; $$->indirection = $2; $$->val = (Node *)$4; } ; insert_target_list: insert_target_el { $$ = makeList1($1); } | insert_target_list ',' insert_target_el { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; insert_target_el: target_el { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { InsertDefault *def = makeNode(InsertDefault); $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = NULL; $$->indirection = NULL; $$->val = (Node *)def; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Names and constants * *****************************************************************************/ relation_name: SpecialRuleRelation { $$ = $1; } | ColId { $$ = $1; } ; qualified_name_list: qualified_name { $$ = makeList1($1); } | qualified_name_list ',' qualified_name { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; qualified_name: relation_name { $$ = makeNode(RangeVar); $$->catalogname = NULL; $$->schemaname = NULL; $$->relname = $1; } | dotted_name { $$ = makeNode(RangeVar); switch (length($1)) { case 2: $$->catalogname = NULL; $$->schemaname = strVal(lfirst($1)); $$->relname = strVal(lsecond($1)); break; case 3: $$->catalogname = strVal(lfirst($1)); $$->schemaname = strVal(lsecond($1)); $$->relname = strVal(lfirst(lnext(lnext($1)))); break; default: elog(ERROR, "Improper qualified name " "(too many dotted names): %s", NameListToString($1)); break; } } ; name_list: name { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } | name_list ',' name { $$ = lappend($1, makeString($3)); } ; name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; database_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; access_method: ColId { $$ = $1; }; attr_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; index_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; file_name: Sconst { $$ = $1; }; func_name: function_name { $$ = makeList1(makeString($1)); } | dotted_name { $$ = $1; } ; /* * Constants */ AexprConst: Iconst { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Integer; n->val.val.ival = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FCONST { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Float; n->val.val.str = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | Sconst { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | BCONST { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_BitString; n->val.val.str = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | XCONST { /* This is a bit constant per SQL99: * Without Feature F511, "BIT data type", * a shall not be a * or a . */ A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_BitString; n->val.val.str = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ConstTypename Sconst { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->typename = $1; n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ConstInterval Sconst opt_interval { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->typename = $1; n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $2; /* precision is not specified, but fields may be... */ if ($3 != INTERVAL_FULL_RANGE) n->typename->typmod = INTERVAL_TYPMOD(INTERVAL_FULL_PRECISION, $3); $$ = (Node *)n; } | ConstInterval '(' Iconst ')' Sconst opt_interval { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->typename = $1; n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $5; /* precision specified, and fields may be... */ if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > MAX_INTERVAL_PRECISION)) elog(ERROR, "INTERVAL(%d) precision must be between %d and %d", $3, 0, MAX_INTERVAL_PRECISION); n->typename->typmod = INTERVAL_TYPMOD($3, $6); $$ = (Node *)n; } | PARAM opt_indirection { ParamRef *n = makeNode(ParamRef); n->number = $1; n->fields = NIL; n->indirection = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRUE_P { $$ = (Node *)makeBoolConst(TRUE); } | FALSE_P { $$ = (Node *)makeBoolConst(FALSE); } | NULL_P { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Null; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; Iconst: ICONST { $$ = $1; }; Sconst: SCONST { $$ = $1; }; UserId: ColId { $$ = $1; }; /* * Name classification hierarchy. * * IDENT is the lexeme returned by the lexer for identifiers that match * no known keyword. In most cases, we can accept certain keywords as * names, not only IDENTs. We prefer to accept as many such keywords * as possible to minimize the impact of "reserved words" on programmers. * So, we divide names into several possible classes. The classification * is chosen in part to make keywords acceptable as names wherever possible. */ /* Column identifier --- names that can be column, table, etc names. */ ColId: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = pstrdup($1); } | col_name_keyword { $$ = pstrdup($1); } ; /* Type identifier --- names that can be type names. */ type_name: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = pstrdup($1); } ; /* Function identifier --- names that can be function names. */ function_name: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = pstrdup($1); } | func_name_keyword { $$ = pstrdup($1); } ; /* Column label --- allowed labels in "AS" clauses. * This presently includes *all* Postgres keywords. */ ColLabel: IDENT { $$ = $1; } | unreserved_keyword { $$ = pstrdup($1); } | col_name_keyword { $$ = pstrdup($1); } | func_name_keyword { $$ = pstrdup($1); } | reserved_keyword { $$ = pstrdup($1); } ; /* * Keyword classification lists. Generally, every keyword present in * the Postgres grammar should appear in exactly one of these lists. * * Put a new keyword into the first list that it can go into without causing * shift or reduce conflicts. The earlier lists define "less reserved" * categories of keywords. */ /* "Unreserved" keywords --- available for use as any kind of name. */ unreserved_keyword: ABORT_TRANS | ABSOLUTE | ACCESS | ACTION | ADD | AFTER | AGGREGATE | ALTER | ASSERTION | ASSIGNMENT | AT | BACKWARD | BEFORE | BEGIN_TRANS | BY | CACHE | CALLED | CASCADE | CHAIN | CHARACTERISTICS | CHECKPOINT | CLASS | CLOSE | CLUSTER | COMMENT | COMMIT | COMMITTED | CONSTRAINTS | CONVERSION_P | COPY | CREATEDB | CREATEUSER | CURSOR | CYCLE | DATABASE | DAY_P | DEALLOCATE | DECLARE | DEFERRED | DEFINER | DELETE_P | DELIMITER | DELIMITERS | DOMAIN_P | DOUBLE | DROP | EACH | ENCODING | ENCRYPTED | ESCAPE | EXCLUSIVE | EXECUTE | EXPLAIN | EXTERNAL | FETCH | FORCE | FORWARD | FUNCTION | GET | GLOBAL | HANDLER | HOUR_P | IMMEDIATE | IMMUTABLE | IMPLICIT_P | INCREMENT | INDEX | INHERITS | INOUT | INPUT | INSENSITIVE | INSERT | INSTEAD | INVOKER | ISOLATION | KEY | LANCOMPILER | LANGUAGE | LEVEL | LISTEN | LOAD | LOCAL | LOCATION | LOCK_P | MATCH | MAXVALUE | MINUTE_P | MINVALUE | MODE | MONTH_P | MOVE | NAMES | NATIONAL | NEXT | NO | NOCREATEDB | NOCREATEUSER | NOTHING | NOTIFY | OF | OIDS | OPERATOR | OPTION | OUT_P | OWNER | PARTIAL | PASSWORD | PATH_P | PENDANT | PRECISION | PREPARE | PRESERVE | PRIOR | PRIVILEGES | PROCEDURAL | PROCEDURE | READ | RECHECK | REINDEX | RELATIVE | RENAME | REPLACE | RESET | RESTRICT | RETURNS | REVOKE | ROLLBACK | ROWS | RULE | SCHEMA | SCROLL | SECOND_P | SECURITY | SESSION | SEQUENCE | SERIALIZABLE | SET | SHARE | SHOW | SIMPLE | STABLE | START | STATEMENT | STATISTICS | STDIN | STDOUT | STORAGE | STRICT | SYSID | TEMP | TEMPLATE | TEMPORARY | TOAST | TRANSACTION | TRIGGER | TRUNCATE | TRUSTED | TYPE_P | UNENCRYPTED | UNKNOWN | UNLISTEN | UNTIL | UPDATE | USAGE | VACUUM | VALID | VALIDATOR | VALUES | VARYING | VERSION | VIEW | VOLATILE | WITH | WITHOUT | WRITE | WORK | YEAR_P | ZONE ; /* Column identifier --- keywords that can be column, table, etc names. * * Many of these keywords will in fact be recognized as type or function * names too; but they have special productions for the purpose, and so * can't be treated as "generic" type or function names. * * The type names appearing here are not usable as function names * because they can be followed by '(' in typename productions, which * looks too much like a function call for an LR(1) parser. */ col_name_keyword: BIGINT | BIT | BOOLEAN | CHAR_P | CHARACTER | COALESCE | CONVERT | DEC | DECIMAL | EXISTS | EXTRACT | FLOAT_P | INT | INTEGER | INTERVAL | NCHAR | NONE | NULLIF | NUMERIC | OVERLAY | POSITION | REAL | ROW | SETOF | SMALLINT | SUBSTRING | TIME | TIMESTAMP | TREAT | TRIM | VARCHAR ; /* Function identifier --- keywords that can be function names. * * Most of these are keywords that are used as operators in expressions; * in general such keywords can't be column names because they would be * ambiguous with variables, but they are unambiguous as function identifiers. * * Do not include POSITION, SUBSTRING, etc here since they have explicit * productions in a_expr to support the goofy SQL9x argument syntax. * - thomas 2000-11-28 */ func_name_keyword: AUTHORIZATION | BETWEEN | BINARY | CROSS | FREEZE | FULL | ILIKE | IN_P | INNER_P | IS | ISNULL | JOIN | LEFT | LIKE | NATURAL | NOTNULL | OUTER_P | OVERLAPS | RIGHT | SIMILAR | VERBOSE ; /* Reserved keyword --- these keywords are usable only as a ColLabel. * * Keywords appear here if they could not be distinguished from variable, * type, or function names in some contexts. Don't put things here unless * forced to. */ reserved_keyword: ALL | ANALYSE | ANALYZE | AND | ANY | AS | ASC | BOTH | CASE | CAST | CHECK | COLLATE | COLUMN | CONSTRAINT | CREATE | CURRENT_DATE | CURRENT_TIME | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | CURRENT_USER | DEFAULT | DEFERRABLE | DESC | DISTINCT | DO | ELSE | END_TRANS | EXCEPT | FALSE_P | FOR | FOREIGN | FROM | GRANT | GROUP_P | HAVING | INITIALLY | INTERSECT | INTO | LEADING | LIMIT | LOCALTIME | LOCALTIMESTAMP | NEW | NOT | NULL_P | OFF | OFFSET | OLD | ON | ONLY | OR | ORDER | PLACING | PRIMARY | REFERENCES | SELECT | SESSION_USER | SOME | TABLE | THEN | TO | TRAILING | TRUE_P | UNION | UNIQUE | USER | USING | WHEN | WHERE ; SpecialRuleRelation: OLD { if (QueryIsRule) $$ = "*OLD*"; else elog(ERROR, "OLD used in non-rule query"); } | NEW { if (QueryIsRule) $$ = "*NEW*"; else elog(ERROR, "NEW used in non-rule query"); } ; %% static Node * makeTypeCast(Node *arg, TypeName *typename) { /* * Simply generate a TypeCast node. * * Earlier we would determine whether an A_Const would * be acceptable, however Domains require coerce_type() * to process them -- applying constraints as required. */ TypeCast *n = makeNode(TypeCast); n->arg = arg; n->typename = typename; return (Node *) n; } static Node * makeStringConst(char *str, TypeName *typename) { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = str; n->typename = typename; return (Node *)n; } static Node * makeIntConst(int val) { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Integer; n->val.val.ival = val; n->typename = SystemTypeName("int4"); return (Node *)n; } static Node * makeFloatConst(char *str) { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Float; n->val.val.str = str; n->typename = SystemTypeName("float8"); return (Node *)n; } static Node * makeAConst(Value *v) { Node *n; switch (v->type) { case T_Float: n = makeFloatConst(v->val.str); break; case T_Integer: n = makeIntConst(v->val.ival); break; case T_String: default: n = makeStringConst(v->val.str, NULL); break; } return n; } /* makeDefElem() * Create a DefElem node and set contents. * Could be moved to nodes/makefuncs.c if this is useful elsewhere. */ static DefElem * makeDefElem(char *name, Node *arg) { DefElem *f = makeNode(DefElem); f->defname = name; f->arg = arg; return f; } /* makeBoolConst() * Create an A_Const node and initialize to a boolean constant. */ static A_Const * makeBoolConst(bool state) { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = (state? "t": "f"); n->typename = SystemTypeName("bool"); return n; } /* makeRowExpr() * Generate separate operator nodes for a single row descriptor expression. * Perhaps this should go deeper in the parser someday... * - thomas 1997-12-22 */ static Node * makeRowExpr(List *opr, List *largs, List *rargs) { Node *expr = NULL; Node *larg, *rarg; char *oprname; if (length(largs) != length(rargs)) elog(ERROR, "Unequal number of entries in row expression"); if (lnext(largs) != NIL) expr = makeRowExpr(opr, lnext(largs), lnext(rargs)); larg = lfirst(largs); rarg = lfirst(rargs); oprname = strVal(llast(opr)); if ((strcmp(oprname, "=") == 0) || (strcmp(oprname, "<") == 0) || (strcmp(oprname, "<=") == 0) || (strcmp(oprname, ">") == 0) || (strcmp(oprname, ">=") == 0)) { if (expr == NULL) expr = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg); else expr = (Node *) makeA_Expr(AND, NIL, expr, (Node *) makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg)); } else if (strcmp(oprname, "<>") == 0) { if (expr == NULL) expr = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg); else expr = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OR, NIL, expr, (Node *) makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg)); } else { elog(ERROR, "Operator '%s' not implemented for row expressions", oprname); } return expr; } /* makeDistinctExpr() * Generate separate operator nodes for a single row descriptor expression. * Same comments as for makeRowExpr(). */ static Node * makeDistinctExpr(List *largs, List *rargs) { Node *expr = NULL; Node *larg, *rarg; if (length(largs) != length(rargs)) elog(ERROR, "Unequal number of entries in row expression"); if (lnext(largs) != NIL) expr = makeDistinctExpr(lnext(largs), lnext(rargs)); larg = lfirst(largs); rarg = lfirst(rargs); if (expr == NULL) expr = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(DISTINCT, "=", larg, rarg); else expr = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OR, NIL, expr, (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(DISTINCT, "=", larg, rarg)); return expr; } /* makeRowNullTest() * Generate separate operator nodes for a single row descriptor test. */ static Node * makeRowNullTest(NullTestType test, List *args) { Node *expr = NULL; NullTest *n; if (lnext(args) != NIL) expr = makeRowNullTest(test, lnext(args)); n = makeNode(NullTest); n->arg = (Expr *) lfirst(args); n->nulltesttype = test; if (expr == NULL) expr = (Node *) n; else if (test == IS_NOT_NULL) expr = (Node *) makeA_Expr(OR, NIL, expr, (Node *)n); else expr = (Node *) makeA_Expr(AND, NIL, expr, (Node *)n); return expr; } /* makeOverlaps() * Create and populate a FuncCall node to support the OVERLAPS operator. */ static FuncCall * makeOverlaps(List *largs, List *rargs) { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = SystemFuncName("overlaps"); if (length(largs) == 1) largs = lappend(largs, largs); else if (length(largs) != 2) elog(ERROR, "Wrong number of parameters" " on left side of OVERLAPS expression"); if (length(rargs) == 1) rargs = lappend(rargs, rargs); else if (length(rargs) != 2) elog(ERROR, "Wrong number of parameters" " on right side of OVERLAPS expression"); n->args = nconc(largs, rargs); n->agg_star = FALSE; n->agg_distinct = FALSE; return n; } /* findLeftmostSelect() * Find the leftmost component SelectStmt in a set-operation parsetree. */ static SelectStmt * findLeftmostSelect(SelectStmt *node) { while (node && node->op != SETOP_NONE) node = node->larg; Assert(node && IsA(node, SelectStmt) && node->larg == NULL); return node; } /* insertSelectOptions() * Insert ORDER BY, etc into an already-constructed SelectStmt. * * This routine is just to avoid duplicating code in SelectStmt productions. */ static void insertSelectOptions(SelectStmt *stmt, List *sortClause, List *forUpdate, Node *limitOffset, Node *limitCount) { /* * Tests here are to reject constructs like * (SELECT foo ORDER BY bar) ORDER BY baz */ if (sortClause) { if (stmt->sortClause) elog(ERROR, "Multiple ORDER BY clauses not allowed"); stmt->sortClause = sortClause; } if (forUpdate) { if (stmt->forUpdate) elog(ERROR, "Multiple FOR UPDATE clauses not allowed"); stmt->forUpdate = forUpdate; } if (limitOffset) { if (stmt->limitOffset) elog(ERROR, "Multiple OFFSET clauses not allowed"); stmt->limitOffset = limitOffset; } if (limitCount) { if (stmt->limitCount) elog(ERROR, "Multiple LIMIT clauses not allowed"); stmt->limitCount = limitCount; } } static Node * makeSetOp(SetOperation op, bool all, Node *larg, Node *rarg) { SelectStmt *n = makeNode(SelectStmt); n->op = op; n->all = all; n->larg = (SelectStmt *) larg; n->rarg = (SelectStmt *) rarg; return (Node *) n; } /* SystemFuncName() * Build a properly-qualified reference to a built-in function. */ List * SystemFuncName(char *name) { return makeList2(makeString("pg_catalog"), makeString(name)); } /* SystemTypeName() * Build a properly-qualified reference to a built-in type. * * typmod is defaulted, but may be changed afterwards by caller. */ TypeName * SystemTypeName(char *name) { TypeName *n = makeNode(TypeName); n->names = makeList2(makeString("pg_catalog"), makeString(name)); n->typmod = -1; return n; } /* parser_init() * Initialize to parse one query string */ void parser_init(void) { QueryIsRule = FALSE; } /* exprIsNullConstant() * Test whether an a_expr is a plain NULL constant or not. */ bool exprIsNullConstant(Node *arg) { if (arg && IsA(arg, A_Const)) { A_Const *con = (A_Const *) arg; if (con->val.type == T_Null && con->typename == NULL) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* doNegate() * Handle negation of a numeric constant. * * Formerly, we did this here because the optimizer couldn't cope with * indexquals that looked like "var = -4" --- it wants "var = const" * and a unary minus operator applied to a constant didn't qualify. * As of Postgres 7.0, that problem doesn't exist anymore because there * is a constant-subexpression simplifier in the optimizer. However, * there's still a good reason for doing this here, which is that we can * postpone committing to a particular internal representation for simple * negative constants. It's better to leave "-123.456" in string form * until we know what the desired type is. */ static Node * doNegate(Node *n) { if (IsA(n, A_Const)) { A_Const *con = (A_Const *)n; if (con->val.type == T_Integer) { con->val.val.ival = -con->val.val.ival; return n; } if (con->val.type == T_Float) { doNegateFloat(&con->val); return n; } } return (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "-", NULL, n); } static void doNegateFloat(Value *v) { char *oldval = v->val.str; Assert(IsA(v, Float)); if (*oldval == '+') oldval++; if (*oldval == '-') v->val.str = oldval+1; /* just strip the '-' */ else { char *newval = (char *) palloc(strlen(oldval) + 2); *newval = '-'; strcpy(newval+1, oldval); v->val.str = newval; } } #include "scan.c"