/* * psql - the PostgreSQL interactive terminal * * Copyright 2000 by PostgreSQL Global Development Team * * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/psql/command.c,v 1.15 2000/01/23 01:27:37 petere Exp $ */ #include #include "command.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include /* for umask() */ #include /* for umask(), stat() */ #include /* for geteuid(), getpid(), stat() */ #endif #include #include #include #include "stringutils.h" #include "mainloop.h" #include "copy.h" #include "help.h" #include "settings.h" #include "common.h" #include "large_obj.h" #include "print.h" #include "describe.h" #include "input.h" #include "variables.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "../../interfaces/libpq/win32.h" #define popen(x,y) _popen(x,y) #define pclose(x) _pclose(x) #endif /* functions for use in this file */ static backslashResult exec_command(const char *cmd, char *const * options, const char *options_string, PQExpBuffer query_buf); static bool do_edit(const char *filename_arg, PQExpBuffer query_buf); static char * unescape(const char *source); static bool do_connect(const char *new_dbname, const char *new_user); static bool do_shell(const char *command); /* * Perhaps this should be changed to "infinity", * but there is no convincing reason to bother * at this point. */ #define NR_OPTIONS 16 /*---------- * HandleSlashCmds: * * Handles all the different commands that start with '\', * ordinarily called by MainLoop(). * * 'line' is the current input line, which should not start with a '\' * but with the actual command name * (that is taken care of by MainLoop) * * 'query_buf' contains the query-so-far, which may be modified by * execution of the backslash command (for example, \r clears it) * query_buf can be NULL if there is no query-so-far. * * Returns a status code indicating what action is desired, see command.h. *---------- */ backslashResult HandleSlashCmds(const char *line, PQExpBuffer query_buf, const char **end_of_cmd) { backslashResult status = CMD_SKIP_LINE; char *my_line; char *options[NR_OPTIONS+1]; char *token; const char *options_string = NULL; const char *cmd; size_t blank_loc; int i; const char *continue_parse = NULL; /* tell the mainloop where the * backslash command ended */ #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING assert(line); assert(query_buf); assert(end_of_cmd); #endif my_line = xstrdup(line); /* * Find the first whitespace. line[blank_loc] will now * be the whitespace character or the \0 at the end * * Also look for a backslash, so stuff like \p\g works. */ blank_loc = strcspn(my_line, " \t\\"); if (my_line[blank_loc] == '\\') { continue_parse = &my_line[blank_loc]; my_line[blank_loc] = '\0'; } /* do we have an option string? */ else if (my_line[blank_loc] != '\0') { options_string = &my_line[blank_loc + 1]; my_line[blank_loc] = '\0'; } options[0] = NULL; if (options_string) { char quote; unsigned int pos; options_string = &options_string[strspn(options_string, " \t")]; /* skip leading * whitespace */ i = 0; token = strtokx(options_string, " \t", "\"'`", '\\', "e, &pos, pset.encoding); for (i = 0; token && i < NR_OPTIONS; i++) { switch (quote) { case '"': options[i] = unescape(token); break; case '\'': options[i] = xstrdup(token); break; case '`': { bool error = false; FILE *fd = NULL; char *file = unescape(token); PQExpBufferData output; char buf[512]; size_t result; fd = popen(file, "r"); if (!fd) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); error = true; } if (!error) { initPQExpBuffer(&output); do { result = fread(buf, 1, 512, fd); if (ferror(fd)) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); error = true; break; } appendBinaryPQExpBuffer(&output, buf, result); } while (!feof(fd)); appendPQExpBufferChar(&output, '\0'); if (pclose(fd) == -1) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); error = true; } } if (!error) { if (output.data[strlen(output.data) - 1] == '\n') output.data[strlen(output.data) - 1] = '\0'; } free(file); if (!error) options[i] = output.data; else { options[i] = xstrdup(""); termPQExpBuffer(&output); } break; } case 0: default: if (token[0] == '\\') continue_parse = options_string + pos; else if (token[0] == '$') { const char * value = GetVariable(pset.vars, token+1); if (!value) value = ""; options[i] = xstrdup(value); } else options[i] = xstrdup(token); } if (continue_parse) break; token = strtokx(NULL, " \t", "\"'`", '\\', "e, &pos, pset.encoding); } /* for */ options[i] = NULL; } cmd = my_line; status = exec_command(cmd, options, options_string, query_buf); if (status == CMD_UNKNOWN) { /* * If the command was not recognized, try inserting a space after * the first letter and call again. The one letter commands allow * arguments to start immediately after the command, but that is * no longer encouraged. */ const char *new_options[NR_OPTIONS+1]; char new_cmd[2]; int i; for (i = 1; i < NR_OPTIONS+1; i++) new_options[i] = options[i - 1]; new_options[0] = cmd + 1; new_cmd[0] = cmd[0]; new_cmd[1] = '\0'; status = exec_command(new_cmd, (char *const *) new_options, my_line + 2, query_buf); } if (status == CMD_UNKNOWN) { if (pset.cur_cmd_interactive) fprintf(stderr, "Invalid command \\%s. Try \\? for help.\n", cmd); else psql_error("invalid command \\%s\n", cmd); status = CMD_ERROR; } if (continue_parse && *(continue_parse + 1) == '\\') continue_parse += 2; if (continue_parse) *end_of_cmd = line + (continue_parse - my_line); else *end_of_cmd = line + strlen(line); /* clean up */ for (i = 0; i < NR_OPTIONS && options[i]; i++) free(options[i]); free(my_line); return status; } static backslashResult exec_command(const char *cmd, char *const * options, const char *options_string, PQExpBuffer query_buf) { bool success = true; /* indicate here if the command ran ok or * failed */ bool quiet = QUIET(); backslashResult status = CMD_SKIP_LINE; /* \a -- toggle field alignment This makes little sense but we keep it around. */ if (strcmp(cmd, "a") == 0) { if (pset.popt.topt.format != PRINT_ALIGNED) success = do_pset("format", "aligned", &pset.popt, quiet); else success = do_pset("format", "unaligned", &pset.popt, quiet); } /* \C -- override table title (formerly change HTML caption) */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "C") == 0) success = do_pset("title", options[0], &pset.popt, quiet); /*---------- * \c or \connect -- connect to new database or as different user * * \c foo bar: connect to db "foo" as user "bar" * \c foo [-]: connect to db "foo" as current user * \c - bar: connect to current db as user "bar" * \c: connect to default db as default user *---------- */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "c") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "connect") == 0) { if (options[1]) /* gave username */ success = do_connect(options[0], options[1]); else { if (options[0]) /* gave database name */ success = do_connect(options[0], ""); /* empty string is same * username as before, * NULL would mean libpq * default */ else /* connect to default db as default user */ success = do_connect(NULL, NULL); } } /* \copy */ else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "copy") == 0) success = do_copy(options_string); /* \copyright */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "copyright") == 0) print_copyright(); /* \d* commands */ else if (cmd[0] == 'd') { bool show_verbose = strchr(cmd, '+') ? true : false; switch (cmd[1]) { case '\0': case '?': if (options[0]) success = describeTableDetails(options[0], show_verbose); else /* standard listing of interesting things */ success = listTables("tvs", NULL, show_verbose); break; case 'a': success = describeAggregates(options[0]); break; case 'd': success = objectDescription(options[0]); break; case 'f': success = describeFunctions(options[0], show_verbose); break; case 'l': success = do_lo_list(); break; case 'o': success = describeOperators(options[0]); break; case 'p': success = permissionsList(options[0]); break; case 'T': success = describeTypes(options[0], show_verbose); break; case 't': case 'v': case 'i': case 's': case 'S': if (cmd[1] == 'S' && cmd[2] == '\0') success = listTables("Stvs", NULL, show_verbose); else success = listTables(&cmd[1], options[0], show_verbose); break; default: status = CMD_UNKNOWN; } } /* * \e or \edit -- edit the current query buffer (or a file and make it * the query buffer */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "e") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "edit") == 0) status = do_edit(options[0], query_buf) ? CMD_NEWEDIT : CMD_ERROR; /* \echo */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "echo") == 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 16 && options[i]; i++) fputs(options[i], stdout); fputs("\n", stdout); } /* \f -- change field separator */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "f") == 0) success = do_pset("fieldsep", options[0], &pset.popt, quiet); /* \g means send query */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "g") == 0) { if (!options[0]) pset.gfname = NULL; else pset.gfname = xstrdup(options[0]); status = CMD_SEND; } /* help */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "h") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "help") == 0) { char buf[256] = ""; int i; for (i=0; options && options[i] && strlen(buf)<255; i++) { strncat(buf, options[i], 255 - strlen(buf)); if (strlen(buf)<255 && options[i+1]) strcat(buf, " "); } buf[255] = '\0'; helpSQL(buf); } /* HTML mode */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "H") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "html") == 0) { if (pset.popt.topt.format != PRINT_HTML) success = do_pset("format", "html", &pset.popt, quiet); else success = do_pset("format", "aligned", &pset.popt, quiet); } /* \i is include file */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "i") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "include") == 0) { if (!options[0]) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else success = process_file(options[0]); } /* \l is list databases */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "l") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "list") == 0) success = listAllDbs(false); else if (strcmp(cmd, "l+") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "list+") == 0) success = listAllDbs(true); /* large object things */ else if (strncmp(cmd, "lo_", 3) == 0) { if (strcmp(cmd + 3, "export") == 0) { if (!options[1]) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else success = do_lo_export(options[0], options[1]); } else if (strcmp(cmd + 3, "import") == 0) { if (!options[0]) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else success = do_lo_import(options[0], options[1]); } else if (strcmp(cmd + 3, "list") == 0) success = do_lo_list(); else if (strcmp(cmd + 3, "unlink") == 0) { if (!options[0]) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else success = do_lo_unlink(options[0]); } else status = CMD_UNKNOWN; } /* \o -- set query output */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "o") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "out") == 0) success = setQFout(options[0]); /* \p prints the current query buffer */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "p") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "print") == 0) { if (query_buf && query_buf->len > 0) puts(query_buf->data); else if (!quiet) puts("Query buffer is empty."); fflush(stdout); } /* \pset -- set printing parameters */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "pset") == 0) { if (!options[0]) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else success = do_pset(options[0], options[1], &pset.popt, quiet); } /* \q or \quit */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "q") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "quit") == 0) status = CMD_TERMINATE; /* \qecho */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "qecho") == 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 16 && options[i]; i++) fputs(options[i], pset.queryFout); fputs("\n", pset.queryFout); } /* reset(clear) the buffer */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "r") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "reset") == 0) { resetPQExpBuffer(query_buf); if (!quiet) puts("Query buffer reset (cleared)."); } /* \s save history in a file or show it on the screen */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "s") == 0) { const char *fname; if (!options[0]) fname = "/dev/tty"; else fname = options[0]; success = saveHistory(fname); if (success && !quiet && options[0]) printf("Wrote history to %s.\n", fname); } /* \set -- generalized set option command */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "set") == 0) { if (!options[0]) { /* list all variables */ /* * (This is in utter violation of the GetVariable abstraction, * but I have not dreamt up a better way.) */ struct _variable *ptr; for (ptr = pset.vars; ptr->next; ptr = ptr->next) fprintf(stdout, "%s = '%s'\n", ptr->next->name, ptr->next->value); success = true; } else { const char * val = options[1]; if (!val) val = ""; if (!SetVariable(pset.vars, options[0], val)) { psql_error("\\%s: error\n", cmd); success = false; } } } /* \t -- turn off headers and row count */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "t") == 0) success = do_pset("tuples_only", NULL, &pset.popt, quiet); /* \T -- define html attributes */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "T") == 0) success = do_pset("tableattr", options[0], &pset.popt, quiet); /* \unset */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "unset") == 0) { if (!SetVariable(pset.vars, options[0], NULL)) { psql_error("\\%s: error\n", cmd); success = false; } } /* \w -- write query buffer to file */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "w") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "write") == 0) { FILE *fd = NULL; bool pipe = false; if (!options[0]) { psql_error("\\%s: missing required argument\n", cmd); success = false; } else { if (options[0][0] == '|') { pipe = true; fd = popen(&options[0][1], "w"); } else { fd = fopen(options[0], "w"); } if (!fd) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", options[0], strerror(errno)); success = false; } } if (fd) { int result; if (query_buf && query_buf->len > 0) fprintf(fd, "%s\n", query_buf->data); if (pipe) result = pclose(fd); else result = fclose(fd); if (result == EOF) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", options[0], strerror(errno)); success = false; } } } /* \x -- toggle expanded table representation */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "x") == 0) success = do_pset("expanded", NULL, &pset.popt, quiet); /* list table rights (grant/revoke) */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "z") == 0) success = permissionsList(options[0]); else if (strcmp(cmd, "!") == 0) success = do_shell(options_string); else if (strcmp(cmd, "?") == 0) slashUsage(); #if 0 /* * These commands don't do anything. I just use them to test the * parser. */ else if (strcmp(cmd, "void") == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "#") == 0) { int i; fprintf(stderr, "+ optline = |%s|\n", options_string); for (i = 0; options[i]; i++) fprintf(stderr, "+ opt%d = |%s|\n", i, options[i]); } #endif else status = CMD_UNKNOWN; if (!success) status = CMD_ERROR; return status; } /* * unescape * * Replaces \n, \t, and the like. * Also interpolates ${variables}. * * The return value is malloc()'ed. */ static char * unescape(const char *source) { unsigned char *p; bool esc = false; /* Last character we saw was the escape * character */ char *destination, *tmp; size_t length; #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING assert(source); #endif length = strlen(source) + 1; tmp = destination = (char *) malloc(length); if (!tmp) { psql_error("out of memory\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (p = (char *) source; *p; p += PQmblen(p, pset.encoding)) { if (esc) { char c; switch (*p) { case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { long int l; char *end; l = strtol(p, &end, 0); c = l; p = end - 1; break; } default: c = *p; } *tmp++ = c; esc = false; } else if (*p == '\\') esc = true; else if (*p == '$') { if (*(p + 1) == '{') { unsigned int len; char *copy; const char *value; #ifndef WIN32 void *new; #else char *new; #endif len = strcspn(p + 2, "}"); copy = xstrdup(p + 2); copy[len] = '\0'; value = GetVariable(pset.vars, copy); if (!value) value = ""; length += strlen(value) - (len + 3); new = realloc(destination, length); if (!new) { psql_error("out of memory\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } tmp = new + (tmp - destination); destination = new; strcpy(tmp, value); tmp += strlen(value); p += len + 2; free(copy); } else *tmp++ = '$'; } else { *tmp++ = *p; esc = false; } } *tmp = '\0'; return destination; } /* do_connect * -- handler for \connect * * Connects to a database (new_dbname) as a certain user (new_user). * The new user can be NULL. A db name of "-" is the same as the old one. * (That is, the one currently in pset. But pset.db can also be NULL. A NULL * dbname is handled by libpq.) * Returns true if all ok, false if the new connection couldn't be established * but the old one was set back. Otherwise it terminates the program. */ static bool do_connect(const char *new_dbname, const char *new_user) { PGconn *oldconn = pset.db; const char *dbparam = NULL; const char *userparam = NULL; const char *pwparam = NULL; char *prompted_password = NULL; bool need_pass; bool success = false; /* Delete variables (in case we fail before setting them anew) */ SetVariable(pset.vars, "DBNAME", NULL); SetVariable(pset.vars, "USER", NULL); SetVariable(pset.vars, "HOST", NULL); SetVariable(pset.vars, "PORT", NULL); /* If dbname is "-" then use old name, else new one (even if NULL) */ if (oldconn && new_dbname && PQdb(oldconn) && strcmp(new_dbname, "-") == 0) dbparam = PQdb(oldconn); else dbparam = new_dbname; /* If user is "" then use the old one */ if (new_user && PQuser(oldconn) && strcmp(new_user, "")==0) userparam = PQuser(oldconn); else userparam = new_user; /* need to prompt for password? */ if (pset.getPassword) pwparam = prompted_password = simple_prompt("Password: ", 100, false); /* need to save for * free() */ /* * Use old password if no new one given (if you didn't have an old * one, fine) */ if (!pwparam && oldconn) pwparam = PQpass(oldconn); do { need_pass = false; pset.db = PQsetdbLogin(PQhost(oldconn), PQport(oldconn), NULL, NULL, dbparam, userparam, pwparam); if (PQstatus(pset.db) == CONNECTION_BAD && strcmp(PQerrorMessage(pset.db), "fe_sendauth: no password supplied\n") == 0) { need_pass = true; free(prompted_password); prompted_password = NULL; pwparam = prompted_password = simple_prompt("Password: ", 100, false); } } while (need_pass); free(prompted_password); /* * If connection failed, try at least keep the old one. That's * probably more convenient than just kicking you out of the program. */ if (!pset.db || PQstatus(pset.db) == CONNECTION_BAD) { if (pset.cur_cmd_interactive) { psql_error("%s", PQerrorMessage(pset.db)); PQfinish(pset.db); if (oldconn) { fputs("Previous connection kept\n", stderr); pset.db = oldconn; } else pset.db = NULL; } else { /* we don't want unpredictable things to * happen in scripting mode */ psql_error("\\connect: %s", PQerrorMessage(pset.db)); PQfinish(pset.db); if (oldconn) PQfinish(oldconn); pset.db = NULL; } } else { if (!QUIET()) { if (userparam != new_user) /* no new user */ printf("You are now connected to database %s.\n", dbparam); else if (dbparam != new_dbname) /* no new db */ printf("You are now connected as new user %s.\n", new_user); else /* both new */ printf("You are now connected to database %s as user %s.\n", PQdb(pset.db), PQuser(pset.db)); } if (oldconn) PQfinish(oldconn); success = true; } PQsetNoticeProcessor(pset.db, NoticeProcessor, NULL); pset.encoding = PQclientencoding(pset.db); /* Update variables */ SetVariable(pset.vars, "DBNAME", PQdb(pset.db)); SetVariable(pset.vars, "USER", PQuser(pset.db)); SetVariable(pset.vars, "HOST", PQhost(pset.db)); SetVariable(pset.vars, "PORT", PQport(pset.db)); return success; } /* * do_edit -- handler for \e * * If you do not specify a filename, the current query buffer will be copied * into a temporary one. */ static bool editFile(const char *fname) { char *editorName; char *sys; int result; #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING assert(fname); #else if (!fname) return false; #endif /* Find an editor to use */ editorName = getenv("PSQL_EDITOR"); if (!editorName) editorName = getenv("EDITOR"); if (!editorName) editorName = getenv("VISUAL"); if (!editorName) editorName = DEFAULT_EDITOR; sys = malloc(strlen(editorName) + strlen(fname) + 32 + 1); if (!sys) return false; sprintf(sys, "exec %s %s", editorName, fname); result = system(sys); if (result == -1) psql_error("could not start editor\n"); else if (result == 127) psql_error("could not start /bin/sh\n"); free(sys); return result == 0; } /* call this one */ static bool do_edit(const char *filename_arg, PQExpBuffer query_buf) { char fnametmp[MAXPGPATH]; FILE *stream; const char *fname; bool error = false; #ifndef WIN32 struct stat before, after; #endif #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING assert(query_buf); #else if (!query_buf) return false; #endif if (filename_arg) fname = filename_arg; else { /* make a temp file to edit */ #ifndef WIN32 mode_t oldumask; const char *tmpdirenv = getenv("TMPDIR"); sprintf(fnametmp, "%s/psql.edit.%ld.%ld", tmpdirenv ? tmpdirenv : "/tmp", (long) geteuid(), (long) getpid()); #else GetTempFileName(".", "psql", 0, fnametmp); #endif fname = (const char *) fnametmp; #ifndef WIN32 oldumask = umask(0177); #endif stream = fopen(fname, "w"); #ifndef WIN32 umask(oldumask); #endif if (!stream) { psql_error("couldn't open temp file %s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); error = true; } else { unsigned int ql = query_buf->len; if (ql == 0 || query_buf->data[ql - 1] != '\n') { appendPQExpBufferChar(query_buf, '\n'); ql++; } if (fwrite(query_buf->data, 1, ql, stream) != ql) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); fclose(stream); remove(fname); error = true; } else fclose(stream); } } #ifndef WIN32 if (!error && stat(fname, &before) != 0) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); error = true; } #endif /* call editor */ if (!error) error = !editFile(fname); #ifndef WIN32 if (!error && stat(fname, &after) != 0) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); error = true; } if (!error && before.st_mtime != after.st_mtime) { #else if (!error) { #endif stream = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!stream) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); error = true; } else { /* read file back in */ char line[1024]; size_t result; resetPQExpBuffer(query_buf); do { result = fread(line, 1, 1024, stream); if (ferror(stream)) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); error = true; break; } appendBinaryPQExpBuffer(query_buf, line, result); } while (!feof(stream)); appendPQExpBufferChar(query_buf, '\0'); fclose(stream); } /* remove temp file */ if (!filename_arg) { if (remove(fname)==-1) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); error=true; } } } return !error; } /* * process_file * * Read commands from filename and then them to the main processing loop * Handler for \i, but can be used for other things as well. */ bool process_file(char *filename) { FILE *fd; int result; char *oldfilename; if (!filename) return false; #ifdef __CYGWIN32__ fd = fopen(filename, "rb"); #else fd = fopen(filename, "r"); #endif if (!fd) { psql_error("%s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return false; } oldfilename = pset.inputfile; pset.inputfile = filename; result = MainLoop(fd); fclose(fd); pset.inputfile = oldfilename; return (result == EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* * do_pset * */ static const char * _align2string(enum printFormat in) { switch (in) { case PRINT_NOTHING: return "nothing"; break; case PRINT_UNALIGNED: return "unaligned"; break; case PRINT_ALIGNED: return "aligned"; break; case PRINT_HTML: return "html"; break; case PRINT_LATEX: return "latex"; break; } return "unknown"; } bool do_pset(const char *param, const char *value, printQueryOpt * popt, bool quiet) { size_t vallen = 0; #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING assert(param); #else if (!param) return false; #endif if (value) vallen = strlen(value); /* set format */ if (strcmp(param, "format") == 0) { if (!value) ; else if (strncasecmp("unaligned", value, vallen) == 0) popt->topt.format = PRINT_UNALIGNED; else if (strncasecmp("aligned", value, vallen) == 0) popt->topt.format = PRINT_ALIGNED; else if (strncasecmp("html", value, vallen) == 0) popt->topt.format = PRINT_HTML; else if (strncasecmp("latex", value, vallen) == 0) popt->topt.format = PRINT_LATEX; else { psql_error("\\pset: allowed formats are unaligned, aligned, html, latex\n"); return false; } if (!quiet) printf("Output format is %s.\n", _align2string(popt->topt.format)); } /* set border style/width */ else if (strcmp(param, "border") == 0) { if (value) popt->topt.border = atoi(value); if (!quiet) printf("Border style is %d.\n", popt->topt.border); } /* set expanded/vertical mode */ else if (strcmp(param, "x") == 0 || strcmp(param, "expanded") == 0 || strcmp(param, "vertical") == 0) { popt->topt.expanded = !popt->topt.expanded; if (!quiet) printf("Expanded display is %s.\n", popt->topt.expanded ? "on" : "off"); } /* null display */ else if (strcmp(param, "null") == 0) { if (value) { free(popt->nullPrint); popt->nullPrint = xstrdup(value); } if (!quiet) printf("Null display is \"%s\".\n", popt->nullPrint ? popt->nullPrint : ""); } /* field separator for unaligned text */ else if (strcmp(param, "fieldsep") == 0) { if (value) { free(popt->topt.fieldSep); popt->topt.fieldSep = xstrdup(value); } if (!quiet) printf("Field separator is '%s'.\n", popt->topt.fieldSep); } /* record separator for unaligned text */ else if (strcmp(param, "recordsep") == 0) { if (value) { free(popt->topt.recordSep); popt->topt.recordSep = xstrdup(value); } if (!quiet) { if (strcmp(popt->topt.recordSep, "\n")==0) printf("Record separator is ."); else printf("Record separator is '%s'.\n", popt->topt.recordSep); } } /* toggle between full and barebones format */ else if (strcmp(param, "t") == 0 || strcmp(param, "tuples_only") == 0) { popt->topt.tuples_only = !popt->topt.tuples_only; if (!quiet) { if (popt->topt.tuples_only) puts("Showing only tuples."); else puts("Tuples only is off."); } } /* set title override */ else if (strcmp(param, "title") == 0) { free(popt->title); if (!value) popt->title = NULL; else popt->title = xstrdup(value); if (!quiet) { if (popt->title) printf("Title is \"%s\".\n", popt->title); else printf("Title is unset.\n"); } } /* set HTML table tag options */ else if (strcmp(param, "T") == 0 || strcmp(param, "tableattr") == 0) { free(popt->topt.tableAttr); if (!value) popt->topt.tableAttr = NULL; else popt->topt.tableAttr = xstrdup(value); if (!quiet) { if (popt->topt.tableAttr) printf("Table attribute is \"%s\".\n", popt->topt.tableAttr); else printf("Table attributes unset.\n"); } } /* toggle use of pager */ else if (strcmp(param, "pager") == 0) { popt->topt.pager = !popt->topt.pager; if (!quiet) { if (popt->topt.pager) puts("Using pager is on."); else puts("Using pager is off."); } } else { psql_error("\\pset: unknown option: %s\n", param); return false; } return true; } #define DEFAULT_SHELL "/bin/sh" static bool do_shell(const char *command) { int result; if (!command) { char *sys; char *shellName; shellName = getenv("SHELL"); if (shellName == NULL) shellName = DEFAULT_SHELL; sys = malloc(strlen(shellName) + 16); if (!sys) { psql_error("out of memory\n"); if (pset.cur_cmd_interactive) return false; else exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sprintf(sys, "exec %s", shellName); result = system(sys); free(sys); } else result = system(command); if (result == 127 || result == -1) { psql_error("\\!: failed\n"); return false; } return true; }