.\" This is -*-nroff-*- .\" XXX standard disclaimer belongs here.... .\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/drop.l,v 1.1 1996/11/14 10:16:43 scrappy Exp $ .TH "DROP TABLE" SQL 11/05/95 Postgres95 Postgres95 .SH NAME drop table \(em destroy existing classes .SH SYNOPSIS .nf \fBdrop table\fR classname-1 { \fB,\fR classname-i } .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .BR "Drop Table" removes classes from the data base. Only its owner may destroy a class. A class may be emptied of instances, but not destroyed, by using .IR delete (l). .PP If a class being destroyed has secondary indices on it, then they will be removed first. The removal of just a secondary index will not affect the indexed class. .PP The destruction of classes is not reversable. Thus, a destroyed class will not be recovered if a transaction which destroys this class fails to commit. In addition, historical access to instances in a destroyed class is not possible. .SH EXAMPLE .nf -- --Destroy the emp class -- drop table emp .fi .nf -- --Destroy the emp and parts classes -- drop table emp, parts .fi .SH "SEE ALSO" delete(l), drop index(l).