%{ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * bootscanner.lex-- * a lexical scanner for the bootstrap parser * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/bootstrap/bootscanner.l,v 1.2 1996/08/28 07:14:09 scrappy Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "bootstrap/bootstrap.h" #include "utils/portal.h" #include "access/xact.h" #include "parser/scansup.h" #include "bootstrap_tokens.h" /* some versions of lex define this as a macro */ #if defined(yywrap) #undef yywrap #endif /* yywrap */ YYSTYPE yylval; int yyline; /* keep track of the line number for error reporting */ %} D [0-9] oct \\{D}{D}{D} Exp [Ee][-+]?{D}+ id ([A-Za-z0-9_]|{oct}|\-)+ sid \"([^\"])*\" arrayid [A-Za-z0-9_]+\[{D}*\] %% open { return(OPEN); } close { return(XCLOSE); } create { return(XCREATE); } OID { return(OBJ_ID); } bootstrap { return(XBOOTSTRAP); } _null_ { return(NULLVAL); } insert { return(INSERT_TUPLE); } "," { return(COMMA); } "=" { return(EQUALS); } "(" { return(LPAREN); } ")" { return(RPAREN); } [\n] { yyline++; } [\t] ; " " ; ^\#[^\n]* ; /* drop everything after "#" for comments */ "declare" { return(XDECLARE); } "build" { return(XBUILD); } "indices" { return(INDICES); } "index" { return(INDEX); } "on" { return(ON); } "using" { return(USING); } {arrayid} { yylval.ival = EnterString(MapArrayTypeName((char*)yytext)); return(ID); } {id} { yylval.ival = EnterString(scanstr((char*)yytext)); return(ID); } {sid} { yylval.ival = EnterString(scanstr((char*)yytext)); return(ID); } (-)?{D}+"."{D}*({Exp})? | (-)?{D}*"."{D}+({Exp})? | (-)?{D}+{Exp} { yylval.ival = EnterString((char*)yytext); return(CONST); } . { printf("syntax error %d : -> %s\n", yyline, yytext); } %% yywrap() { return 1; } yyerror(str) char *str; { fprintf(stderr,"\tsyntax error %d : %s",yyline, str); }