/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * parse_expr.c * handle expressions in parser * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_expr.c,v 1.246 2009/10/27 17:11:18 tgl Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "commands/dbcommands.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h" #include "optimizer/var.h" #include "parser/analyze.h" #include "parser/parse_coerce.h" #include "parser/parse_expr.h" #include "parser/parse_func.h" #include "parser/parse_oper.h" #include "parser/parse_relation.h" #include "parser/parse_target.h" #include "parser/parse_type.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/xml.h" bool Transform_null_equals = false; static Node *transformParamRef(ParseState *pstate, ParamRef *pref); static Node *transformAExprOp(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a); static Node *transformAExprAnd(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a); static Node *transformAExprOr(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a); static Node *transformAExprNot(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a); static Node *transformAExprOpAny(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a); static Node *transformAExprOpAll(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a); static Node *transformAExprDistinct(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a); static Node *transformAExprNullIf(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a); static Node *transformAExprOf(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a); static Node *transformAExprIn(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a); static Node *transformFuncCall(ParseState *pstate, FuncCall *fn); static Node *transformCaseExpr(ParseState *pstate, CaseExpr *c); static Node *transformSubLink(ParseState *pstate, SubLink *sublink); static Node *transformArrayExpr(ParseState *pstate, A_ArrayExpr *a, Oid array_type, Oid element_type, int32 typmod); static Node *transformRowExpr(ParseState *pstate, RowExpr *r); static Node *transformCoalesceExpr(ParseState *pstate, CoalesceExpr *c); static Node *transformMinMaxExpr(ParseState *pstate, MinMaxExpr *m); static Node *transformXmlExpr(ParseState *pstate, XmlExpr *x); static Node *transformXmlSerialize(ParseState *pstate, XmlSerialize *xs); static Node *transformBooleanTest(ParseState *pstate, BooleanTest *b); static Node *transformCurrentOfExpr(ParseState *pstate, CurrentOfExpr *cexpr); static Node *transformColumnRef(ParseState *pstate, ColumnRef *cref); static Node *transformWholeRowRef(ParseState *pstate, char *schemaname, char *relname, int location); static Node *transformIndirection(ParseState *pstate, Node *basenode, List *indirection); static Node *transformTypeCast(ParseState *pstate, TypeCast *tc); static Node *make_row_comparison_op(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, List *largs, List *rargs, int location); static Node *make_row_distinct_op(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, RowExpr *lrow, RowExpr *rrow, int location); static Expr *make_distinct_op(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, Node *ltree, Node *rtree, int location); /* * transformExpr - * Analyze and transform expressions. Type checking and type casting is * done here. The optimizer and the executor cannot handle the original * (raw) expressions collected by the parse tree. Hence the transformation * here. * * NOTE: there are various cases in which this routine will get applied to * an already-transformed expression. Some examples: * 1. At least one construct (BETWEEN/AND) puts the same nodes * into two branches of the parse tree; hence, some nodes * are transformed twice. * 2. Another way it can happen is that coercion of an operator or * function argument to the required type (via coerce_type()) * can apply transformExpr to an already-transformed subexpression. * An example here is "SELECT count(*) + 1.0 FROM table". * While it might be possible to eliminate these cases, the path of * least resistance so far has been to ensure that transformExpr() does * no damage if applied to an already-transformed tree. This is pretty * easy for cases where the transformation replaces one node type with * another, such as A_Const => Const; we just do nothing when handed * a Const. More care is needed for node types that are used as both * input and output of transformExpr; see SubLink for example. */ Node * transformExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr) { Node *result = NULL; if (expr == NULL) return NULL; /* Guard against stack overflow due to overly complex expressions */ check_stack_depth(); switch (nodeTag(expr)) { case T_ColumnRef: result = transformColumnRef(pstate, (ColumnRef *) expr); break; case T_ParamRef: result = transformParamRef(pstate, (ParamRef *) expr); break; case T_A_Const: { A_Const *con = (A_Const *) expr; Value *val = &con->val; result = (Node *) make_const(pstate, val, con->location); break; } case T_A_Indirection: { A_Indirection *ind = (A_Indirection *) expr; result = transformExpr(pstate, ind->arg); result = transformIndirection(pstate, result, ind->indirection); break; } case T_A_ArrayExpr: result = transformArrayExpr(pstate, (A_ArrayExpr *) expr, InvalidOid, InvalidOid, -1); break; case T_TypeCast: { TypeCast *tc = (TypeCast *) expr; /* * If the subject of the typecast is an ARRAY[] construct and * the target type is an array type, we invoke * transformArrayExpr() directly so that we can pass down the * type information. This avoids some cases where * transformArrayExpr() might not infer the correct type. */ if (IsA(tc->arg, A_ArrayExpr)) { Oid targetType; Oid elementType; int32 targetTypmod; targetType = typenameTypeId(pstate, tc->typeName, &targetTypmod); elementType = get_element_type(targetType); if (OidIsValid(elementType)) { result = transformArrayExpr(pstate, (A_ArrayExpr *) tc->arg, targetType, elementType, targetTypmod); break; } /* * Corner case: ARRAY[] cast to a non-array type. Fall * through to do it the standard way. */ } result = transformTypeCast(pstate, tc); break; } case T_A_Expr: { A_Expr *a = (A_Expr *) expr; switch (a->kind) { case AEXPR_OP: result = transformAExprOp(pstate, a); break; case AEXPR_AND: result = transformAExprAnd(pstate, a); break; case AEXPR_OR: result = transformAExprOr(pstate, a); break; case AEXPR_NOT: result = transformAExprNot(pstate, a); break; case AEXPR_OP_ANY: result = transformAExprOpAny(pstate, a); break; case AEXPR_OP_ALL: result = transformAExprOpAll(pstate, a); break; case AEXPR_DISTINCT: result = transformAExprDistinct(pstate, a); break; case AEXPR_NULLIF: result = transformAExprNullIf(pstate, a); break; case AEXPR_OF: result = transformAExprOf(pstate, a); break; case AEXPR_IN: result = transformAExprIn(pstate, a); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized A_Expr kind: %d", a->kind); } break; } case T_FuncCall: result = transformFuncCall(pstate, (FuncCall *) expr); break; case T_NamedArgExpr: { NamedArgExpr *na = (NamedArgExpr *) expr; na->arg = (Expr *) transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) na->arg); result = expr; break; } case T_SubLink: result = transformSubLink(pstate, (SubLink *) expr); break; case T_CaseExpr: result = transformCaseExpr(pstate, (CaseExpr *) expr); break; case T_RowExpr: result = transformRowExpr(pstate, (RowExpr *) expr); break; case T_CoalesceExpr: result = transformCoalesceExpr(pstate, (CoalesceExpr *) expr); break; case T_MinMaxExpr: result = transformMinMaxExpr(pstate, (MinMaxExpr *) expr); break; case T_XmlExpr: result = transformXmlExpr(pstate, (XmlExpr *) expr); break; case T_XmlSerialize: result = transformXmlSerialize(pstate, (XmlSerialize *) expr); break; case T_NullTest: { NullTest *n = (NullTest *) expr; n->arg = (Expr *) transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) n->arg); /* the argument can be any type, so don't coerce it */ result = expr; break; } case T_BooleanTest: result = transformBooleanTest(pstate, (BooleanTest *) expr); break; case T_CurrentOfExpr: result = transformCurrentOfExpr(pstate, (CurrentOfExpr *) expr); break; /********************************************* * Quietly accept node types that may be presented when we are * called on an already-transformed tree. * * Do any other node types need to be accepted? For now we are * taking a conservative approach, and only accepting node * types that are demonstrably necessary to accept. *********************************************/ case T_Var: case T_Const: case T_Param: case T_Aggref: case T_WindowFunc: case T_ArrayRef: case T_FuncExpr: case T_OpExpr: case T_DistinctExpr: case T_ScalarArrayOpExpr: case T_NullIfExpr: case T_BoolExpr: case T_FieldSelect: case T_FieldStore: case T_RelabelType: case T_CoerceViaIO: case T_ArrayCoerceExpr: case T_ConvertRowtypeExpr: case T_CaseTestExpr: case T_CoerceToDomain: case T_CoerceToDomainValue: case T_SetToDefault: { result = (Node *) expr; break; } default: /* should not reach here */ elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(expr)); break; } return result; } static Node * transformIndirection(ParseState *pstate, Node *basenode, List *indirection) { Node *result = basenode; List *subscripts = NIL; ListCell *i; /* * We have to split any field-selection operations apart from * subscripting. Adjacent A_Indices nodes have to be treated as a single * multidimensional subscript operation. */ foreach(i, indirection) { Node *n = lfirst(i); if (IsA(n, A_Indices)) subscripts = lappend(subscripts, n); else if (IsA(n, A_Star)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("row expansion via \"*\" is not supported here"), parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(basenode)))); } else { Assert(IsA(n, String)); /* process subscripts before this field selection */ if (subscripts) result = (Node *) transformArraySubscripts(pstate, result, exprType(result), InvalidOid, exprTypmod(result), subscripts, NULL); subscripts = NIL; result = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, list_make1(n), list_make1(result), false, false, false, NULL, true, -1); } } /* process trailing subscripts, if any */ if (subscripts) result = (Node *) transformArraySubscripts(pstate, result, exprType(result), InvalidOid, exprTypmod(result), subscripts, NULL); return result; } static Node * transformColumnRef(ParseState *pstate, ColumnRef *cref) { int numnames = list_length(cref->fields); Node *node; int levels_up; /*---------- * The allowed syntaxes are: * * A First try to resolve as unqualified column name; * if no luck, try to resolve as unqualified table name (A.*). * A.B A is an unqualified table name; B is either a * column or function name (trying column name first). * A.B.C schema A, table B, col or func name C. * A.B.C.D catalog A, schema B, table C, col or func D. * A.* A is an unqualified table name; means whole-row value. * A.B.* whole-row value of table B in schema A. * A.B.C.* whole-row value of table C in schema B in catalog A. * * We do not need to cope with bare "*"; that will only be accepted by * the grammar at the top level of a SELECT list, and transformTargetList * will take care of it before it ever gets here. Also, "A.*" etc will * be expanded by transformTargetList if they appear at SELECT top level, * so here we are only going to see them as function or operator inputs. * * Currently, if a catalog name is given then it must equal the current * database name; we check it here and then discard it. *---------- */ switch (numnames) { case 1: { Node *field1 = (Node *) linitial(cref->fields); char *name1; Assert(IsA(field1, String)); name1 = strVal(field1); /* Try to identify as an unqualified column */ node = colNameToVar(pstate, name1, false, cref->location); if (node == NULL) { /* * Not known as a column of any range-table entry. * * Consider the possibility that it's VALUE in a domain * check expression. (We handle VALUE as a name, not a * keyword, to avoid breaking a lot of applications that * have used VALUE as a column name in the past.) */ if (pstate->p_value_substitute != NULL && strcmp(name1, "value") == 0) { node = (Node *) copyObject(pstate->p_value_substitute); /* * Try to propagate location knowledge. This should * be extended if p_value_substitute can ever take on * other node types. */ if (IsA(node, CoerceToDomainValue)) ((CoerceToDomainValue *) node)->location = cref->location; break; } /* * Try to find the name as a relation. Note that only * relations already entered into the rangetable will be * recognized. * * This is a hack for backwards compatibility with * PostQUEL-inspired syntax. The preferred form now is * "rel.*". */ if (refnameRangeTblEntry(pstate, NULL, name1, cref->location, &levels_up) != NULL) node = transformWholeRowRef(pstate, NULL, name1, cref->location); else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_COLUMN), errmsg("column \"%s\" does not exist", name1), parser_errposition(pstate, cref->location))); } break; } case 2: { Node *field1 = (Node *) linitial(cref->fields); Node *field2 = (Node *) lsecond(cref->fields); char *name1; char *name2; Assert(IsA(field1, String)); name1 = strVal(field1); /* Whole-row reference? */ if (IsA(field2, A_Star)) { node = transformWholeRowRef(pstate, NULL, name1, cref->location); break; } Assert(IsA(field2, String)); name2 = strVal(field2); /* Try to identify as a once-qualified column */ node = qualifiedNameToVar(pstate, NULL, name1, name2, cref->location); if (node == NULL) { /* * Not known as a column of any range-table entry, so try * it as a function call. */ node = transformWholeRowRef(pstate, NULL, name1, cref->location); node = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, list_make1(makeString(name2)), list_make1(node), false, false, false, NULL, true, cref->location); } break; } case 3: { Node *field1 = (Node *) linitial(cref->fields); Node *field2 = (Node *) lsecond(cref->fields); Node *field3 = (Node *) lthird(cref->fields); char *name1; char *name2; char *name3; Assert(IsA(field1, String)); name1 = strVal(field1); Assert(IsA(field2, String)); name2 = strVal(field2); /* Whole-row reference? */ if (IsA(field3, A_Star)) { node = transformWholeRowRef(pstate, name1, name2, cref->location); break; } Assert(IsA(field3, String)); name3 = strVal(field3); /* Try to identify as a twice-qualified column */ node = qualifiedNameToVar(pstate, name1, name2, name3, cref->location); if (node == NULL) { /* Try it as a function call */ node = transformWholeRowRef(pstate, name1, name2, cref->location); node = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, list_make1(makeString(name3)), list_make1(node), false, false, false, NULL, true, cref->location); } break; } case 4: { Node *field1 = (Node *) linitial(cref->fields); Node *field2 = (Node *) lsecond(cref->fields); Node *field3 = (Node *) lthird(cref->fields); Node *field4 = (Node *) lfourth(cref->fields); char *name1; char *name2; char *name3; char *name4; Assert(IsA(field1, String)); name1 = strVal(field1); Assert(IsA(field2, String)); name2 = strVal(field2); Assert(IsA(field3, String)); name3 = strVal(field3); /* * We check the catalog name and then ignore it. */ if (strcmp(name1, get_database_name(MyDatabaseId)) != 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cross-database references are not implemented: %s", NameListToString(cref->fields)), parser_errposition(pstate, cref->location))); /* Whole-row reference? */ if (IsA(field4, A_Star)) { node = transformWholeRowRef(pstate, name2, name3, cref->location); break; } Assert(IsA(field4, String)); name4 = strVal(field4); /* Try to identify as a twice-qualified column */ node = qualifiedNameToVar(pstate, name2, name3, name4, cref->location); if (node == NULL) { /* Try it as a function call */ node = transformWholeRowRef(pstate, name2, name3, cref->location); node = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, list_make1(makeString(name4)), list_make1(node), false, false, false, NULL, true, cref->location); } break; } default: ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("improper qualified name (too many dotted names): %s", NameListToString(cref->fields)), parser_errposition(pstate, cref->location))); node = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ break; } return node; } /* * Locate the parameter type info for the given parameter number, and * return a pointer to it. */ static Oid * find_param_type(ParseState *pstate, int paramno, int location) { Oid *result; /* * Find topmost ParseState, which is where paramtype info lives. */ while (pstate->parentParseState != NULL) pstate = pstate->parentParseState; /* Check parameter number is in range */ if (paramno <= 0) /* probably can't happen? */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_PARAMETER), errmsg("there is no parameter $%d", paramno), parser_errposition(pstate, location))); if (paramno > pstate->p_numparams) { if (!pstate->p_variableparams) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_PARAMETER), errmsg("there is no parameter $%d", paramno), parser_errposition(pstate, location))); /* Okay to enlarge param array */ if (pstate->p_paramtypes) pstate->p_paramtypes = (Oid *) repalloc(pstate->p_paramtypes, paramno * sizeof(Oid)); else pstate->p_paramtypes = (Oid *) palloc(paramno * sizeof(Oid)); /* Zero out the previously-unreferenced slots */ MemSet(pstate->p_paramtypes + pstate->p_numparams, 0, (paramno - pstate->p_numparams) * sizeof(Oid)); pstate->p_numparams = paramno; } result = &pstate->p_paramtypes[paramno - 1]; if (pstate->p_variableparams) { /* If not seen before, initialize to UNKNOWN type */ if (*result == InvalidOid) *result = UNKNOWNOID; } return result; } static Node * transformParamRef(ParseState *pstate, ParamRef *pref) { int paramno = pref->number; Oid *pptype = find_param_type(pstate, paramno, pref->location); Param *param; param = makeNode(Param); param->paramkind = PARAM_EXTERN; param->paramid = paramno; param->paramtype = *pptype; param->paramtypmod = -1; param->location = pref->location; return (Node *) param; } /* Test whether an a_expr is a plain NULL constant or not */ static bool exprIsNullConstant(Node *arg) { if (arg && IsA(arg, A_Const)) { A_Const *con = (A_Const *) arg; if (con->val.type == T_Null) return true; } return false; } static Node * transformAExprOp(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a) { Node *lexpr = a->lexpr; Node *rexpr = a->rexpr; Node *result; /* * Special-case "foo = NULL" and "NULL = foo" for compatibility with * standards-broken products (like Microsoft's). Turn these into IS NULL * exprs. */ if (Transform_null_equals && list_length(a->name) == 1 && strcmp(strVal(linitial(a->name)), "=") == 0 && (exprIsNullConstant(lexpr) || exprIsNullConstant(rexpr))) { NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->nulltesttype = IS_NULL; if (exprIsNullConstant(lexpr)) n->arg = (Expr *) rexpr; else n->arg = (Expr *) lexpr; result = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) n); } else if (lexpr && IsA(lexpr, RowExpr) && rexpr && IsA(rexpr, SubLink) && ((SubLink *) rexpr)->subLinkType == EXPR_SUBLINK) { /* * Convert "row op subselect" into a ROWCOMPARE sublink. Formerly the * grammar did this, but now that a row construct is allowed anywhere * in expressions, it's easier to do it here. */ SubLink *s = (SubLink *) rexpr; s->subLinkType = ROWCOMPARE_SUBLINK; s->testexpr = lexpr; s->operName = a->name; s->location = a->location; result = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) s); } else if (lexpr && IsA(lexpr, RowExpr) && rexpr && IsA(rexpr, RowExpr)) { /* "row op row" */ lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, lexpr); rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, rexpr); Assert(IsA(lexpr, RowExpr)); Assert(IsA(rexpr, RowExpr)); result = make_row_comparison_op(pstate, a->name, ((RowExpr *) lexpr)->args, ((RowExpr *) rexpr)->args, a->location); } else { /* Ordinary scalar operator */ lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, lexpr); rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, rexpr); result = (Node *) make_op(pstate, a->name, lexpr, rexpr, a->location); } return result; } static Node * transformAExprAnd(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a) { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); lexpr = coerce_to_boolean(pstate, lexpr, "AND"); rexpr = coerce_to_boolean(pstate, rexpr, "AND"); return (Node *) makeBoolExpr(AND_EXPR, list_make2(lexpr, rexpr), a->location); } static Node * transformAExprOr(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a) { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); lexpr = coerce_to_boolean(pstate, lexpr, "OR"); rexpr = coerce_to_boolean(pstate, rexpr, "OR"); return (Node *) makeBoolExpr(OR_EXPR, list_make2(lexpr, rexpr), a->location); } static Node * transformAExprNot(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a) { Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); rexpr = coerce_to_boolean(pstate, rexpr, "NOT"); return (Node *) makeBoolExpr(NOT_EXPR, list_make1(rexpr), a->location); } static Node * transformAExprOpAny(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a) { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); return (Node *) make_scalar_array_op(pstate, a->name, true, lexpr, rexpr, a->location); } static Node * transformAExprOpAll(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a) { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); return (Node *) make_scalar_array_op(pstate, a->name, false, lexpr, rexpr, a->location); } static Node * transformAExprDistinct(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a) { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); if (lexpr && IsA(lexpr, RowExpr) && rexpr && IsA(rexpr, RowExpr)) { /* "row op row" */ return make_row_distinct_op(pstate, a->name, (RowExpr *) lexpr, (RowExpr *) rexpr, a->location); } else { /* Ordinary scalar operator */ return (Node *) make_distinct_op(pstate, a->name, lexpr, rexpr, a->location); } } static Node * transformAExprNullIf(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a) { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); Node *result; result = (Node *) make_op(pstate, a->name, lexpr, rexpr, a->location); if (((OpExpr *) result)->opresulttype != BOOLOID) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("NULLIF requires = operator to yield boolean"), parser_errposition(pstate, a->location))); /* * We rely on NullIfExpr and OpExpr being the same struct */ NodeSetTag(result, T_NullIfExpr); return result; } static Node * transformAExprOf(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a) { /* * Checking an expression for match to a list of type names. Will result * in a boolean constant node. */ Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); Const *result; ListCell *telem; Oid ltype, rtype; bool matched = false; ltype = exprType(lexpr); foreach(telem, (List *) a->rexpr) { rtype = typenameTypeId(pstate, lfirst(telem), NULL); matched = (rtype == ltype); if (matched) break; } /* * We have two forms: equals or not equals. Flip the sense of the result * for not equals. */ if (strcmp(strVal(linitial(a->name)), "<>") == 0) matched = (!matched); result = (Const *) makeBoolConst(matched, false); /* Make the result have the original input's parse location */ result->location = exprLocation((Node *) a); return (Node *) result; } static Node * transformAExprIn(ParseState *pstate, A_Expr *a) { Node *result = NULL; Node *lexpr; List *rexprs; List *rvars; List *rnonvars; bool useOr; bool haveRowExpr; ListCell *l; /* * If the operator is <>, combine with AND not OR. */ if (strcmp(strVal(linitial(a->name)), "<>") == 0) useOr = false; else useOr = true; /* * We try to generate a ScalarArrayOpExpr from IN/NOT IN, but this is only * possible if the inputs are all scalars (no RowExprs) and there is a * suitable array type available. If not, we fall back to a boolean * condition tree with multiple copies of the lefthand expression. Also, * any IN-list items that contain Vars are handled as separate boolean * conditions, because that gives the planner more scope for optimization * on such clauses. * * First step: transform all the inputs, and detect whether any are * RowExprs or contain Vars. */ lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); haveRowExpr = (lexpr && IsA(lexpr, RowExpr)); rexprs = rvars = rnonvars = NIL; foreach(l, (List *) a->rexpr) { Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, lfirst(l)); haveRowExpr |= (rexpr && IsA(rexpr, RowExpr)); rexprs = lappend(rexprs, rexpr); if (contain_vars_of_level(rexpr, 0)) rvars = lappend(rvars, rexpr); else rnonvars = lappend(rnonvars, rexpr); } /* * ScalarArrayOpExpr is only going to be useful if there's more than one * non-Var righthand item. Also, it won't work for RowExprs. */ if (!haveRowExpr && list_length(rnonvars) > 1) { List *allexprs; Oid scalar_type; Oid array_type; /* * Try to select a common type for the array elements. Note that * since the LHS' type is first in the list, it will be preferred when * there is doubt (eg, when all the RHS items are unknown literals). * * Note: use list_concat here not lcons, to avoid damaging rnonvars. */ allexprs = list_concat(list_make1(lexpr), rnonvars); scalar_type = select_common_type(pstate, allexprs, NULL, NULL); /* Do we have an array type to use? */ if (OidIsValid(scalar_type)) array_type = get_array_type(scalar_type); else array_type = InvalidOid; if (array_type != InvalidOid) { /* * OK: coerce all the right-hand non-Var inputs to the common type * and build an ArrayExpr for them. */ List *aexprs; ArrayExpr *newa; aexprs = NIL; foreach(l, rnonvars) { Node *rexpr = (Node *) lfirst(l); rexpr = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, rexpr, scalar_type, "IN"); aexprs = lappend(aexprs, rexpr); } newa = makeNode(ArrayExpr); newa->array_typeid = array_type; newa->element_typeid = scalar_type; newa->elements = aexprs; newa->multidims = false; newa->location = -1; result = (Node *) make_scalar_array_op(pstate, a->name, useOr, lexpr, (Node *) newa, a->location); /* Consider only the Vars (if any) in the loop below */ rexprs = rvars; } } /* * Must do it the hard way, ie, with a boolean expression tree. */ foreach(l, rexprs) { Node *rexpr = (Node *) lfirst(l); Node *cmp; if (haveRowExpr) { if (!IsA(lexpr, RowExpr) || !IsA(rexpr, RowExpr)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("arguments of row IN must all be row expressions"), parser_errposition(pstate, a->location))); cmp = make_row_comparison_op(pstate, a->name, (List *) copyObject(((RowExpr *) lexpr)->args), ((RowExpr *) rexpr)->args, a->location); } else cmp = (Node *) make_op(pstate, a->name, copyObject(lexpr), rexpr, a->location); cmp = coerce_to_boolean(pstate, cmp, "IN"); if (result == NULL) result = cmp; else result = (Node *) makeBoolExpr(useOr ? OR_EXPR : AND_EXPR, list_make2(result, cmp), a->location); } return result; } static Node * transformFuncCall(ParseState *pstate, FuncCall *fn) { List *targs; ListCell *args; /* Transform the list of arguments ... */ targs = NIL; foreach(args, fn->args) { targs = lappend(targs, transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) lfirst(args))); } /* ... and hand off to ParseFuncOrColumn */ return ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, fn->funcname, targs, fn->agg_star, fn->agg_distinct, fn->func_variadic, fn->over, false, fn->location); } static Node * transformCaseExpr(ParseState *pstate, CaseExpr *c) { CaseExpr *newc; Node *arg; CaseTestExpr *placeholder; List *newargs; List *resultexprs; ListCell *l; Node *defresult; Oid ptype; /* If we already transformed this node, do nothing */ if (OidIsValid(c->casetype)) return (Node *) c; newc = makeNode(CaseExpr); /* transform the test expression, if any */ arg = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) c->arg); /* generate placeholder for test expression */ if (arg) { /* * If test expression is an untyped literal, force it to text. We have * to do something now because we won't be able to do this coercion on * the placeholder. This is not as flexible as what was done in 7.4 * and before, but it's good enough to handle the sort of silly coding * commonly seen. */ if (exprType(arg) == UNKNOWNOID) arg = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, arg, TEXTOID, "CASE"); placeholder = makeNode(CaseTestExpr); placeholder->typeId = exprType(arg); placeholder->typeMod = exprTypmod(arg); } else placeholder = NULL; newc->arg = (Expr *) arg; /* transform the list of arguments */ newargs = NIL; resultexprs = NIL; foreach(l, c->args) { CaseWhen *w = (CaseWhen *) lfirst(l); CaseWhen *neww = makeNode(CaseWhen); Node *warg; Assert(IsA(w, CaseWhen)); warg = (Node *) w->expr; if (placeholder) { /* shorthand form was specified, so expand... */ warg = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "=", (Node *) placeholder, warg, w->location); } neww->expr = (Expr *) transformExpr(pstate, warg); neww->expr = (Expr *) coerce_to_boolean(pstate, (Node *) neww->expr, "CASE/WHEN"); warg = (Node *) w->result; neww->result = (Expr *) transformExpr(pstate, warg); neww->location = w->location; newargs = lappend(newargs, neww); resultexprs = lappend(resultexprs, neww->result); } newc->args = newargs; /* transform the default clause */ defresult = (Node *) c->defresult; if (defresult == NULL) { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Null; n->location = -1; defresult = (Node *) n; } newc->defresult = (Expr *) transformExpr(pstate, defresult); /* * Note: default result is considered the most significant type in * determining preferred type. This is how the code worked before, but it * seems a little bogus to me --- tgl */ resultexprs = lcons(newc->defresult, resultexprs); ptype = select_common_type(pstate, resultexprs, "CASE", NULL); Assert(OidIsValid(ptype)); newc->casetype = ptype; /* Convert default result clause, if necessary */ newc->defresult = (Expr *) coerce_to_common_type(pstate, (Node *) newc->defresult, ptype, "CASE/ELSE"); /* Convert when-clause results, if necessary */ foreach(l, newc->args) { CaseWhen *w = (CaseWhen *) lfirst(l); w->result = (Expr *) coerce_to_common_type(pstate, (Node *) w->result, ptype, "CASE/WHEN"); } newc->location = c->location; return (Node *) newc; } static Node * transformSubLink(ParseState *pstate, SubLink *sublink) { Node *result = (Node *) sublink; Query *qtree; /* If we already transformed this node, do nothing */ if (IsA(sublink->subselect, Query)) return result; pstate->p_hasSubLinks = true; qtree = parse_sub_analyze(sublink->subselect, pstate, NULL, false); /* * Check that we got something reasonable. Many of these conditions are * impossible given restrictions of the grammar, but check 'em anyway. */ if (!IsA(qtree, Query) || qtree->commandType != CMD_SELECT || qtree->utilityStmt != NULL) elog(ERROR, "unexpected non-SELECT command in SubLink"); if (qtree->intoClause) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("subquery cannot have SELECT INTO"), parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation((Node *) qtree->intoClause)))); sublink->subselect = (Node *) qtree; if (sublink->subLinkType == EXISTS_SUBLINK) { /* * EXISTS needs no test expression or combining operator. These fields * should be null already, but make sure. */ sublink->testexpr = NULL; sublink->operName = NIL; } else if (sublink->subLinkType == EXPR_SUBLINK || sublink->subLinkType == ARRAY_SUBLINK) { ListCell *tlist_item = list_head(qtree->targetList); /* * Make sure the subselect delivers a single column (ignoring resjunk * targets). */ if (tlist_item == NULL || ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(tlist_item))->resjunk) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("subquery must return a column"), parser_errposition(pstate, sublink->location))); while ((tlist_item = lnext(tlist_item)) != NULL) { if (!((TargetEntry *) lfirst(tlist_item))->resjunk) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("subquery must return only one column"), parser_errposition(pstate, sublink->location))); } /* * EXPR and ARRAY need no test expression or combining operator. These * fields should be null already, but make sure. */ sublink->testexpr = NULL; sublink->operName = NIL; } else { /* ALL, ANY, or ROWCOMPARE: generate row-comparing expression */ Node *lefthand; List *left_list; List *right_list; ListCell *l; /* * Transform lefthand expression, and convert to a list */ lefthand = transformExpr(pstate, sublink->testexpr); if (lefthand && IsA(lefthand, RowExpr)) left_list = ((RowExpr *) lefthand)->args; else left_list = list_make1(lefthand); /* * Build a list of PARAM_SUBLINK nodes representing the output columns * of the subquery. */ right_list = NIL; foreach(l, qtree->targetList) { TargetEntry *tent = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(l); Param *param; if (tent->resjunk) continue; param = makeNode(Param); param->paramkind = PARAM_SUBLINK; param->paramid = tent->resno; param->paramtype = exprType((Node *) tent->expr); param->paramtypmod = exprTypmod((Node *) tent->expr); param->location = -1; right_list = lappend(right_list, param); } /* * We could rely on make_row_comparison_op to complain if the list * lengths differ, but we prefer to generate a more specific error * message. */ if (list_length(left_list) < list_length(right_list)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("subquery has too many columns"), parser_errposition(pstate, sublink->location))); if (list_length(left_list) > list_length(right_list)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("subquery has too few columns"), parser_errposition(pstate, sublink->location))); /* * Identify the combining operator(s) and generate a suitable * row-comparison expression. */ sublink->testexpr = make_row_comparison_op(pstate, sublink->operName, left_list, right_list, sublink->location); } return result; } /* * transformArrayExpr * * If the caller specifies the target type, the resulting array will * be of exactly that type. Otherwise we try to infer a common type * for the elements using select_common_type(). */ static Node * transformArrayExpr(ParseState *pstate, A_ArrayExpr *a, Oid array_type, Oid element_type, int32 typmod) { ArrayExpr *newa = makeNode(ArrayExpr); List *newelems = NIL; List *newcoercedelems = NIL; ListCell *element; Oid coerce_type; bool coerce_hard; /* * Transform the element expressions * * Assume that the array is one-dimensional unless we find an array-type * element expression. */ newa->multidims = false; foreach(element, a->elements) { Node *e = (Node *) lfirst(element); Node *newe; /* * If an element is itself an A_ArrayExpr, recurse directly so that we * can pass down any target type we were given. */ if (IsA(e, A_ArrayExpr)) { newe = transformArrayExpr(pstate, (A_ArrayExpr *) e, array_type, element_type, typmod); /* we certainly have an array here */ Assert(array_type == InvalidOid || array_type == exprType(newe)); newa->multidims = true; } else { newe = transformExpr(pstate, e); /* * Check for sub-array expressions, if we haven't already found * one. */ if (!newa->multidims && type_is_array(exprType(newe))) newa->multidims = true; } newelems = lappend(newelems, newe); } /* * Select a target type for the elements. * * If we haven't been given a target array type, we must try to deduce a * common type based on the types of the individual elements present. */ if (OidIsValid(array_type)) { /* Caller must ensure array_type matches element_type */ Assert(OidIsValid(element_type)); coerce_type = (newa->multidims ? array_type : element_type); coerce_hard = true; } else { /* Can't handle an empty array without a target type */ if (newelems == NIL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INDETERMINATE_DATATYPE), errmsg("cannot determine type of empty array"), errhint("Explicitly cast to the desired type, " "for example ARRAY[]::integer[]."), parser_errposition(pstate, a->location))); /* Select a common type for the elements */ coerce_type = select_common_type(pstate, newelems, "ARRAY", NULL); if (newa->multidims) { array_type = coerce_type; element_type = get_element_type(array_type); if (!OidIsValid(element_type)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("could not find element type for data type %s", format_type_be(array_type)), parser_errposition(pstate, a->location))); } else { element_type = coerce_type; array_type = get_array_type(element_type); if (!OidIsValid(array_type)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("could not find array type for data type %s", format_type_be(element_type)), parser_errposition(pstate, a->location))); } coerce_hard = false; } /* * Coerce elements to target type * * If the array has been explicitly cast, then the elements are in turn * explicitly coerced. * * If the array's type was merely derived from the common type of its * elements, then the elements are implicitly coerced to the common type. * This is consistent with other uses of select_common_type(). */ foreach(element, newelems) { Node *e = (Node *) lfirst(element); Node *newe; if (coerce_hard) { newe = coerce_to_target_type(pstate, e, exprType(e), coerce_type, typmod, COERCION_EXPLICIT, COERCE_EXPLICIT_CAST, -1); if (newe == NULL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CANNOT_COERCE), errmsg("cannot cast type %s to %s", format_type_be(exprType(e)), format_type_be(coerce_type)), parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(e)))); } else newe = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, e, coerce_type, "ARRAY"); newcoercedelems = lappend(newcoercedelems, newe); } newa->array_typeid = array_type; newa->element_typeid = element_type; newa->elements = newcoercedelems; newa->location = a->location; return (Node *) newa; } static Node * transformRowExpr(ParseState *pstate, RowExpr *r) { RowExpr *newr = makeNode(RowExpr); /* Transform the field expressions */ newr->args = transformExpressionList(pstate, r->args); /* Barring later casting, we consider the type RECORD */ newr->row_typeid = RECORDOID; newr->row_format = COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST; newr->colnames = NIL; /* ROW() has anonymous columns */ newr->location = r->location; return (Node *) newr; } static Node * transformCoalesceExpr(ParseState *pstate, CoalesceExpr *c) { CoalesceExpr *newc = makeNode(CoalesceExpr); List *newargs = NIL; List *newcoercedargs = NIL; ListCell *args; foreach(args, c->args) { Node *e = (Node *) lfirst(args); Node *newe; newe = transformExpr(pstate, e); newargs = lappend(newargs, newe); } newc->coalescetype = select_common_type(pstate, newargs, "COALESCE", NULL); /* Convert arguments if necessary */ foreach(args, newargs) { Node *e = (Node *) lfirst(args); Node *newe; newe = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, e, newc->coalescetype, "COALESCE"); newcoercedargs = lappend(newcoercedargs, newe); } newc->args = newcoercedargs; newc->location = c->location; return (Node *) newc; } static Node * transformMinMaxExpr(ParseState *pstate, MinMaxExpr *m) { MinMaxExpr *newm = makeNode(MinMaxExpr); List *newargs = NIL; List *newcoercedargs = NIL; const char *funcname = (m->op == IS_GREATEST) ? "GREATEST" : "LEAST"; ListCell *args; newm->op = m->op; foreach(args, m->args) { Node *e = (Node *) lfirst(args); Node *newe; newe = transformExpr(pstate, e); newargs = lappend(newargs, newe); } newm->minmaxtype = select_common_type(pstate, newargs, funcname, NULL); /* Convert arguments if necessary */ foreach(args, newargs) { Node *e = (Node *) lfirst(args); Node *newe; newe = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, e, newm->minmaxtype, funcname); newcoercedargs = lappend(newcoercedargs, newe); } newm->args = newcoercedargs; newm->location = m->location; return (Node *) newm; } static Node * transformXmlExpr(ParseState *pstate, XmlExpr *x) { XmlExpr *newx = makeNode(XmlExpr); ListCell *lc; int i; newx->op = x->op; if (x->name) newx->name = map_sql_identifier_to_xml_name(x->name, false, false); else newx->name = NULL; newx->xmloption = x->xmloption; newx->location = x->location; /* * gram.y built the named args as a list of ResTarget. Transform each, * and break the names out as a separate list. */ newx->named_args = NIL; newx->arg_names = NIL; foreach(lc, x->named_args) { ResTarget *r = (ResTarget *) lfirst(lc); Node *expr; char *argname; Assert(IsA(r, ResTarget)); expr = transformExpr(pstate, r->val); if (r->name) argname = map_sql_identifier_to_xml_name(r->name, false, false); else if (IsA(r->val, ColumnRef)) argname = map_sql_identifier_to_xml_name(FigureColname(r->val), true, false); else { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), x->op == IS_XMLELEMENT ? errmsg("unnamed XML attribute value must be a column reference") : errmsg("unnamed XML element value must be a column reference"), parser_errposition(pstate, r->location))); argname = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ } /* reject duplicate argnames in XMLELEMENT only */ if (x->op == IS_XMLELEMENT) { ListCell *lc2; foreach(lc2, newx->arg_names) { if (strcmp(argname, strVal(lfirst(lc2))) == 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("XML attribute name \"%s\" appears more than once", argname), parser_errposition(pstate, r->location))); } } newx->named_args = lappend(newx->named_args, expr); newx->arg_names = lappend(newx->arg_names, makeString(argname)); } /* The other arguments are of varying types depending on the function */ newx->args = NIL; i = 0; foreach(lc, x->args) { Node *e = (Node *) lfirst(lc); Node *newe; newe = transformExpr(pstate, e); switch (x->op) { case IS_XMLCONCAT: newe = coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, newe, XMLOID, "XMLCONCAT"); break; case IS_XMLELEMENT: /* no coercion necessary */ break; case IS_XMLFOREST: newe = coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, newe, XMLOID, "XMLFOREST"); break; case IS_XMLPARSE: if (i == 0) newe = coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, newe, TEXTOID, "XMLPARSE"); else newe = coerce_to_boolean(pstate, newe, "XMLPARSE"); break; case IS_XMLPI: newe = coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, newe, TEXTOID, "XMLPI"); break; case IS_XMLROOT: if (i == 0) newe = coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, newe, XMLOID, "XMLROOT"); else if (i == 1) newe = coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, newe, TEXTOID, "XMLROOT"); else newe = coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, newe, INT4OID, "XMLROOT"); break; case IS_XMLSERIALIZE: /* not handled here */ Assert(false); break; case IS_DOCUMENT: newe = coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, newe, XMLOID, "IS DOCUMENT"); break; } newx->args = lappend(newx->args, newe); i++; } return (Node *) newx; } static Node * transformXmlSerialize(ParseState *pstate, XmlSerialize *xs) { Node *result; XmlExpr *xexpr; Oid targetType; int32 targetTypmod; xexpr = makeNode(XmlExpr); xexpr->op = IS_XMLSERIALIZE; xexpr->args = list_make1(coerce_to_specific_type(pstate, transformExpr(pstate, xs->expr), XMLOID, "XMLSERIALIZE")); targetType = typenameTypeId(pstate, xs->typeName, &targetTypmod); xexpr->xmloption = xs->xmloption; xexpr->location = xs->location; /* We actually only need these to be able to parse back the expression. */ xexpr->type = targetType; xexpr->typmod = targetTypmod; /* * The actual target type is determined this way. SQL allows char and * varchar as target types. We allow anything that can be cast implicitly * from text. This way, user-defined text-like data types automatically * fit in. */ result = coerce_to_target_type(pstate, (Node *) xexpr, TEXTOID, targetType, targetTypmod, COERCION_IMPLICIT, COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST, -1); if (result == NULL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CANNOT_COERCE), errmsg("cannot cast XMLSERIALIZE result to %s", format_type_be(targetType)), parser_errposition(pstate, xexpr->location))); return result; } static Node * transformBooleanTest(ParseState *pstate, BooleanTest *b) { const char *clausename; switch (b->booltesttype) { case IS_TRUE: clausename = "IS TRUE"; break; case IS_NOT_TRUE: clausename = "IS NOT TRUE"; break; case IS_FALSE: clausename = "IS FALSE"; break; case IS_NOT_FALSE: clausename = "IS NOT FALSE"; break; case IS_UNKNOWN: clausename = "IS UNKNOWN"; break; case IS_NOT_UNKNOWN: clausename = "IS NOT UNKNOWN"; break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized booltesttype: %d", (int) b->booltesttype); clausename = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ } b->arg = (Expr *) transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) b->arg); b->arg = (Expr *) coerce_to_boolean(pstate, (Node *) b->arg, clausename); return (Node *) b; } static Node * transformCurrentOfExpr(ParseState *pstate, CurrentOfExpr *cexpr) { int sublevels_up; /* CURRENT OF can only appear at top level of UPDATE/DELETE */ Assert(pstate->p_target_rangetblentry != NULL); cexpr->cvarno = RTERangeTablePosn(pstate, pstate->p_target_rangetblentry, &sublevels_up); Assert(sublevels_up == 0); /* If a parameter is used, it must be of type REFCURSOR */ if (cexpr->cursor_name == NULL) { Oid *pptype = find_param_type(pstate, cexpr->cursor_param, -1); if (pstate->p_variableparams && *pptype == UNKNOWNOID) { /* resolve unknown param type as REFCURSOR */ *pptype = REFCURSOROID; } else if (*pptype != REFCURSOROID) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_AMBIGUOUS_PARAMETER), errmsg("inconsistent types deduced for parameter $%d", cexpr->cursor_param), errdetail("%s versus %s", format_type_be(*pptype), format_type_be(REFCURSOROID)))); } } return (Node *) cexpr; } /* * Construct a whole-row reference to represent the notation "relation.*". * * A whole-row reference is a Var with varno set to the correct range * table entry, and varattno == 0 to signal that it references the whole * tuple. (Use of zero here is unclean, since it could easily be confused * with error cases, but it's not worth changing now.) The vartype indicates * a rowtype; either a named composite type, or RECORD. */ static Node * transformWholeRowRef(ParseState *pstate, char *schemaname, char *relname, int location) { Var *result; RangeTblEntry *rte; int vnum; int sublevels_up; Oid toid; /* Look up the referenced RTE, failing if not present */ rte = refnameRangeTblEntry(pstate, schemaname, relname, location, &sublevels_up); if (rte == NULL) errorMissingRTE(pstate, makeRangeVar(schemaname, relname, location)); vnum = RTERangeTablePosn(pstate, rte, &sublevels_up); /* Build the appropriate referencing node */ switch (rte->rtekind) { case RTE_RELATION: /* relation: the rowtype is a named composite type */ toid = get_rel_type_id(rte->relid); if (!OidIsValid(toid)) elog(ERROR, "could not find type OID for relation %u", rte->relid); result = makeVar(vnum, InvalidAttrNumber, toid, -1, sublevels_up); break; case RTE_FUNCTION: toid = exprType(rte->funcexpr); if (type_is_rowtype(toid)) { /* func returns composite; same as relation case */ result = makeVar(vnum, InvalidAttrNumber, toid, -1, sublevels_up); } else { /* * func returns scalar; instead of making a whole-row Var, * just reference the function's scalar output. (XXX this * seems a tad inconsistent, especially if "f.*" was * explicitly written ...) */ result = makeVar(vnum, 1, toid, -1, sublevels_up); } break; case RTE_VALUES: toid = RECORDOID; /* returns composite; same as relation case */ result = makeVar(vnum, InvalidAttrNumber, toid, -1, sublevels_up); break; default: /* * RTE is a join or subselect. We represent this as a whole-row * Var of RECORD type. (Note that in most cases the Var will be * expanded to a RowExpr during planning, but that is not our * concern here.) */ result = makeVar(vnum, InvalidAttrNumber, RECORDOID, -1, sublevels_up); break; } /* location is not filled in by makeVar */ result->location = location; /* mark relation as requiring whole-row SELECT access */ markVarForSelectPriv(pstate, result, rte); return (Node *) result; } /* * Handle an explicit CAST construct. * * Transform the argument, then look up the type name and apply any necessary * coercion function(s). */ static Node * transformTypeCast(ParseState *pstate, TypeCast *tc) { Node *result; Node *expr = transformExpr(pstate, tc->arg); Oid inputType = exprType(expr); Oid targetType; int32 targetTypmod; int location; targetType = typenameTypeId(pstate, tc->typeName, &targetTypmod); if (inputType == InvalidOid) return expr; /* do nothing if NULL input */ /* * Location of the coercion is preferentially the location of the :: or * CAST symbol, but if there is none then use the location of the type * name (this can happen in TypeName 'string' syntax, for instance). */ location = tc->location; if (location < 0) location = tc->typeName->location; result = coerce_to_target_type(pstate, expr, inputType, targetType, targetTypmod, COERCION_EXPLICIT, COERCE_EXPLICIT_CAST, location); if (result == NULL) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CANNOT_COERCE), errmsg("cannot cast type %s to %s", format_type_be(inputType), format_type_be(targetType)), parser_coercion_errposition(pstate, location, expr))); return result; } /* * Transform a "row compare-op row" construct * * The inputs are lists of already-transformed expressions. * As with coerce_type, pstate may be NULL if no special unknown-Param * processing is wanted. * * The output may be a single OpExpr, an AND or OR combination of OpExprs, * or a RowCompareExpr. In all cases it is guaranteed to return boolean. * The AND, OR, and RowCompareExpr cases further imply things about the * behavior of the operators (ie, they behave as =, <>, or < <= > >=). */ static Node * make_row_comparison_op(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, List *largs, List *rargs, int location) { RowCompareExpr *rcexpr; RowCompareType rctype; List *opexprs; List *opnos; List *opfamilies; ListCell *l, *r; List **opfamily_lists; List **opstrat_lists; Bitmapset *strats; int nopers; int i; nopers = list_length(largs); if (nopers != list_length(rargs)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("unequal number of entries in row expressions"), parser_errposition(pstate, location))); /* * We can't compare zero-length rows because there is no principled basis * for figuring out what the operator is. */ if (nopers == 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot compare rows of zero length"), parser_errposition(pstate, location))); /* * Identify all the pairwise operators, using make_op so that behavior is * the same as in the simple scalar case. */ opexprs = NIL; forboth(l, largs, r, rargs) { Node *larg = (Node *) lfirst(l); Node *rarg = (Node *) lfirst(r); OpExpr *cmp; cmp = (OpExpr *) make_op(pstate, opname, larg, rarg, location); Assert(IsA(cmp, OpExpr)); /* * We don't use coerce_to_boolean here because we insist on the * operator yielding boolean directly, not via coercion. If it * doesn't yield bool it won't be in any index opfamilies... */ if (cmp->opresulttype != BOOLOID) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("row comparison operator must yield type boolean, " "not type %s", format_type_be(cmp->opresulttype)), parser_errposition(pstate, location))); if (expression_returns_set((Node *) cmp)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("row comparison operator must not return a set"), parser_errposition(pstate, location))); opexprs = lappend(opexprs, cmp); } /* * If rows are length 1, just return the single operator. In this case we * don't insist on identifying btree semantics for the operator (but we * still require it to return boolean). */ if (nopers == 1) return (Node *) linitial(opexprs); /* * Now we must determine which row comparison semantics (= <> < <= > >=) * apply to this set of operators. We look for btree opfamilies * containing the operators, and see which interpretations (strategy * numbers) exist for each operator. */ opfamily_lists = (List **) palloc(nopers * sizeof(List *)); opstrat_lists = (List **) palloc(nopers * sizeof(List *)); strats = NULL; i = 0; foreach(l, opexprs) { Oid opno = ((OpExpr *) lfirst(l))->opno; Bitmapset *this_strats; ListCell *j; get_op_btree_interpretation(opno, &opfamily_lists[i], &opstrat_lists[i]); /* * convert strategy number list to a Bitmapset to make the * intersection calculation easy. */ this_strats = NULL; foreach(j, opstrat_lists[i]) { this_strats = bms_add_member(this_strats, lfirst_int(j)); } if (i == 0) strats = this_strats; else strats = bms_int_members(strats, this_strats); i++; } /* * If there are multiple common interpretations, we may use any one of * them ... this coding arbitrarily picks the lowest btree strategy * number. */ i = bms_first_member(strats); if (i < 0) { /* No common interpretation, so fail */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("could not determine interpretation of row comparison operator %s", strVal(llast(opname))), errhint("Row comparison operators must be associated with btree operator families."), parser_errposition(pstate, location))); } rctype = (RowCompareType) i; /* * For = and <> cases, we just combine the pairwise operators with AND or * OR respectively. * * Note: this is presently the only place where the parser generates * BoolExpr with more than two arguments. Should be OK since the rest of * the system thinks BoolExpr is N-argument anyway. */ if (rctype == ROWCOMPARE_EQ) return (Node *) makeBoolExpr(AND_EXPR, opexprs, location); if (rctype == ROWCOMPARE_NE) return (Node *) makeBoolExpr(OR_EXPR, opexprs, location); /* * Otherwise we need to choose exactly which opfamily to associate with * each operator. */ opfamilies = NIL; for (i = 0; i < nopers; i++) { Oid opfamily = InvalidOid; forboth(l, opfamily_lists[i], r, opstrat_lists[i]) { int opstrat = lfirst_int(r); if (opstrat == rctype) { opfamily = lfirst_oid(l); break; } } if (OidIsValid(opfamily)) opfamilies = lappend_oid(opfamilies, opfamily); else /* should not happen */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("could not determine interpretation of row comparison operator %s", strVal(llast(opname))), errdetail("There are multiple equally-plausible candidates."), parser_errposition(pstate, location))); } /* * Now deconstruct the OpExprs and create a RowCompareExpr. * * Note: can't just reuse the passed largs/rargs lists, because of * possibility that make_op inserted coercion operations. */ opnos = NIL; largs = NIL; rargs = NIL; foreach(l, opexprs) { OpExpr *cmp = (OpExpr *) lfirst(l); opnos = lappend_oid(opnos, cmp->opno); largs = lappend(largs, linitial(cmp->args)); rargs = lappend(rargs, lsecond(cmp->args)); } rcexpr = makeNode(RowCompareExpr); rcexpr->rctype = rctype; rcexpr->opnos = opnos; rcexpr->opfamilies = opfamilies; rcexpr->largs = largs; rcexpr->rargs = rargs; return (Node *) rcexpr; } /* * Transform a "row IS DISTINCT FROM row" construct * * The input RowExprs are already transformed */ static Node * make_row_distinct_op(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, RowExpr *lrow, RowExpr *rrow, int location) { Node *result = NULL; List *largs = lrow->args; List *rargs = rrow->args; ListCell *l, *r; if (list_length(largs) != list_length(rargs)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR), errmsg("unequal number of entries in row expressions"), parser_errposition(pstate, location))); forboth(l, largs, r, rargs) { Node *larg = (Node *) lfirst(l); Node *rarg = (Node *) lfirst(r); Node *cmp; cmp = (Node *) make_distinct_op(pstate, opname, larg, rarg, location); if (result == NULL) result = cmp; else result = (Node *) makeBoolExpr(OR_EXPR, list_make2(result, cmp), location); } if (result == NULL) { /* zero-length rows? Generate constant FALSE */ result = makeBoolConst(false, false); } return result; } /* * make the node for an IS DISTINCT FROM operator */ static Expr * make_distinct_op(ParseState *pstate, List *opname, Node *ltree, Node *rtree, int location) { Expr *result; result = make_op(pstate, opname, ltree, rtree, location); if (((OpExpr *) result)->opresulttype != BOOLOID) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("IS DISTINCT FROM requires = operator to yield boolean"), parser_errposition(pstate, location))); /* * We rely on DistinctExpr and OpExpr being same struct */ NodeSetTag(result, T_DistinctExpr); return result; }