/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * outfuncs.c-- * routines to convert a node to ascii representation * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/nodes/outfuncs.c,v 1.31 1998/02/21 16:58:24 momjian Exp $ * * NOTES * Every (plan) node in POSTGRES has an associated "out" routine which * knows how to create its ascii representation. These functions are * useful for debugging as well as for storing plans in the system * catalogs (eg. indexes). This is also the plan string sent out in * Mariposa. * * These functions update the in/out argument of type StringInfo * passed to them. This argument contains the string holding the ASCII * representation plus some other information (string length, etc.) * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include "postgres.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "access/htup.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "fmgr.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #include "utils/datum.h" #include "utils/palloc.h" #include "nodes/nodes.h" #include "nodes/execnodes.h" #include "nodes/pg_list.h" #include "nodes/plannodes.h" #include "nodes/parsenodes.h" #include "nodes/primnodes.h" #include "nodes/relation.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "lib/stringinfo.h" static void _outDatum(StringInfo str, Datum value, Oid type); static void _outNode(StringInfo str, void *obj); /* * _outIntList - * converts a List of integers */ static void _outIntList(StringInfo str, List *list) { List *l; char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "("); foreach(l, list) { sprintf(buf, " %d ", (int) lfirst(l)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } appendStringInfo(str, ")"); } static void _outCreateStmt(StringInfo str, CreateStmt *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "CREATE"); appendStringInfo(str, " :relname "); appendStringInfo(str, node->relname); appendStringInfo(str, " :columns"); _outNode(str, node->tableElts); appendStringInfo(str, " :inhRelnames"); _outNode(str, node->inhRelnames); appendStringInfo(str, " :constraints"); _outNode(str, node->constraints); } static void _outIndexStmt(StringInfo str, IndexStmt *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "INDEX"); appendStringInfo(str, " :idxname "); appendStringInfo(str, node->idxname); appendStringInfo(str, " :relname "); appendStringInfo(str, node->relname); appendStringInfo(str, " :accessMethod "); appendStringInfo(str, node->accessMethod); appendStringInfo(str, " :indexParams "); _outNode(str, node->indexParams); appendStringInfo(str, " :withClause "); _outNode(str, node->withClause); appendStringInfo(str, " :whereClause "); _outNode(str, node->whereClause); appendStringInfo(str, " :rangetable "); _outNode(str, node->rangetable); appendStringInfo(str, " :lossy "); appendStringInfo(str, (node->lossy ? "true": "false")); appendStringInfo(str, " :unique "); appendStringInfo(str, (node->unique ? "true": "false")); } static void _outColumnDef(StringInfo str, ColumnDef *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "COLUMNDEF"); appendStringInfo(str, " :colname "); appendStringInfo(str, node->colname); appendStringInfo(str, " :typename "); _outNode(str, node->typename); appendStringInfo(str, " :is_not_null "); appendStringInfo(str, (node->is_not_null ? "true": "false")); appendStringInfo(str, " :defval "); appendStringInfo(str, node->defval); appendStringInfo(str, " :constraints"); _outNode(str, node->constraints); } static void _outTypeName(StringInfo str, TypeName *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "TYPENAME"); appendStringInfo(str, " :name "); appendStringInfo(str, node->name); appendStringInfo(str, " :timezone "); appendStringInfo(str, (node->timezone ? "true" : "false")); appendStringInfo(str, " :setof "); appendStringInfo(str, (node->setof ? "true" : "false")); appendStringInfo(str, " :typmod "); sprintf(buf," %d ", node->typmod); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :arrayBounds "); _outNode(str, node->arrayBounds); } static void _outIndexElem(StringInfo str, IndexElem *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "INDEXELEM"); appendStringInfo(str, " :name "); appendStringInfo(str, node->name); appendStringInfo(str, " :args "); _outNode(str, node->args); appendStringInfo(str, " :class "); appendStringInfo(str, node->class); appendStringInfo(str, " :tname"); _outNode(str, node->tname); } static void _outQuery(StringInfo str, Query *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "QUERY"); appendStringInfo(str, " :command "); sprintf(buf," %d ", node->commandType); appendStringInfo(str, buf); if (node->utilityStmt) { switch (nodeTag(node->utilityStmt)) { case T_CreateStmt: appendStringInfo(str, " :create "); appendStringInfo(str, ((CreateStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->relname); _outNode(str, node->utilityStmt); break; case T_IndexStmt: appendStringInfo(str, " :index "); appendStringInfo(str, ((IndexStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->idxname); appendStringInfo(str, " on "); appendStringInfo(str, ((IndexStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->relname); _outNode(str, node->utilityStmt); break; case T_NotifyStmt: appendStringInfo(str, " :utility "); appendStringInfo(str, ((NotifyStmt *) (node->utilityStmt))->relname); break; default: appendStringInfo(str, " :utility ? "); } } else { appendStringInfo(str, " :utility "); appendStringInfo(str, NULL); } appendStringInfo(str, " :resultRelation "); sprintf(buf, " %d ", node->resultRelation); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :into "); appendStringInfo(str, node->into); appendStringInfo(str, " :isPortal "); appendStringInfo(str, (node->isPortal ? "true" : "false")); appendStringInfo(str, " :isBinary "); appendStringInfo(str, (node->isBinary ? "true" : "false")); appendStringInfo(str, " :unionall "); appendStringInfo(str, (node->unionall ? "true" : "false")); appendStringInfo(str, " :unique "); appendStringInfo(str, node->uniqueFlag); appendStringInfo(str, " :sortClause "); _outNode(str, node->sortClause); appendStringInfo(str, " :rtable "); _outNode(str, node->rtable); appendStringInfo(str, " :targetlist "); _outNode(str, node->targetList); appendStringInfo(str, " :qual "); _outNode(str, node->qual); appendStringInfo(str, " :groupClause "); _outNode(str, node->groupClause); appendStringInfo(str, " :havingQual "); _outNode(str, node->havingQual); appendStringInfo(str, " :hasAggs "); appendStringInfo(str, (node->hasAggs ? "true" : "false")); appendStringInfo(str, " :hasSubLinks "); appendStringInfo(str, (node->hasSubLinks ? "true" : "false")); appendStringInfo(str, " :unionClause "); _outNode(str, node->unionClause); } static void _outSortClause(StringInfo str, SortClause *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "SORTCLAUSE"); appendStringInfo(str, " :resdom "); _outNode(str, node->resdom); appendStringInfo(str, " :opoid "); sprintf(buf," %u ", node->opoid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } static void _outGroupClause(StringInfo str, GroupClause *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "GROUPCLAUSE"); appendStringInfo(str, " :entry "); _outNode(str, node->entry); appendStringInfo(str, " :grpOpoid "); sprintf(buf," %u ", node->grpOpoid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * print the basic stuff of all nodes that inherit from Plan */ static void _outPlanInfo(StringInfo str, Plan *node) { char buf[500]; sprintf(buf, " :cost %g ", node->cost); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :size %d ", node->plan_size); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :width %d ", node->plan_width); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :state "); appendStringInfo(str, node->state ? "not-NULL" : "<>"); appendStringInfo(str, " :qptargetlist "); _outNode(str, node->targetlist); appendStringInfo(str, " :qpqual "); _outNode(str, node->qual); appendStringInfo(str, " :lefttree "); _outNode(str, node->lefttree); appendStringInfo(str, " :righttree "); _outNode(str, node->righttree); appendStringInfo(str, " :extprm "); _outIntList(str, node->extParam); appendStringInfo(str, " :locprm "); _outIntList(str, node->locParam); appendStringInfo(str, " :initplan "); _outNode(str, node->initPlan); sprintf(buf, " :nprm %d ", node->nParamExec); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * Stuff from plannodes.h */ static void _outPlan(StringInfo str, Plan *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "PLAN"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); } static void _outResult(StringInfo str, Result *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "RESULT"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); appendStringInfo(str, " :resconstantqual "); _outNode(str, node->resconstantqual); } /* * Append is a subclass of Plan. */ static void _outAppend(StringInfo str, Append *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "APPEND"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); appendStringInfo(str, " :unionplans "); _outNode(str, node->unionplans); appendStringInfo(str, " :unionrts "); _outNode(str, node->unionrts); sprintf(buf, " :unionrelid %d ", node->unionrelid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :unionrtentries "); _outNode(str, node->unionrtentries); } /* * Join is a subclass of Plan */ static void _outJoin(StringInfo str, Join *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "JOIN"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); } /* * NestLoop is a subclass of Join */ static void _outNestLoop(StringInfo str, NestLoop *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "NESTLOOP"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); } /* * MergeJoin is a subclass of Join */ static void _outMergeJoin(StringInfo str, MergeJoin *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "MERGEJOIN"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); appendStringInfo(str, " :mergeclauses "); _outNode(str, node->mergeclauses); sprintf(buf, " :mergesortop %u ", node->mergesortop); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :mergerightorder %u ", node->mergerightorder[0]); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :mergeleftorder %u ", node->mergeleftorder[0]); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * HashJoin is a subclass of Join. */ static void _outHashJoin(StringInfo str, HashJoin *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "HASHJOIN"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); appendStringInfo(str, " :hashclauses "); _outNode(str, node->hashclauses); sprintf(buf, " :hashjoinop %u ", node->hashjoinop); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :hashjointable 0x%x ", (int) node->hashjointable); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :hashjointablekey %d ", node->hashjointablekey); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :hashjointablesize %d ", node->hashjointablesize); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :hashdone %d ", node->hashdone); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } static void _outSubPlan(StringInfo str, SubPlan *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "SUBPLAN"); appendStringInfo(str, " :plan "); _outNode(str, node->plan); sprintf(buf, " :planid %u ", node->plan_id); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :rtable "); _outNode(str, node->rtable); appendStringInfo(str, " :setprm "); _outIntList (str, node->setParam); appendStringInfo(str, " :parprm "); _outIntList (str, node->parParam); appendStringInfo(str, " :slink "); _outNode(str, node->sublink); } /* * Scan is a subclass of Node */ static void _outScan(StringInfo str, Scan *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "SCAN"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); sprintf(buf, " :scanrelid %d ", node->scanrelid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * SeqScan is a subclass of Scan */ static void _outSeqScan(StringInfo str, SeqScan *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "SEQSCAN"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); sprintf(buf, " :scanrelid %d ", node->scanrelid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * IndexScan is a subclass of Scan */ static void _outIndexScan(StringInfo str, IndexScan *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "INDEXSCAN"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); sprintf(buf, " :scanrelid %d ", node->scan.scanrelid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :indxid "); _outIntList(str, node->indxid); appendStringInfo(str, " :indxqual "); _outNode(str, node->indxqual); } /* * Temp is a subclass of Plan */ static void _outTemp(StringInfo str, Temp *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "TEMP"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); sprintf(buf, " :tempid %u ", node->tempid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :keycount %d ", node->keycount); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * Sort is a subclass of Temp */ static void _outSort(StringInfo str, Sort *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "SORT"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); sprintf(buf, " :tempid %u ", node->tempid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :keycount %d ", node->keycount); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } static void _outAgg(StringInfo str, Agg *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "AGG"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); appendStringInfo(str, " :aggs "); _outNode(str, node->aggs); } static void _outGroup(StringInfo str, Group *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "GRP"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); /* the actual Group fields */ sprintf(buf, " :numCols %d ", node->numCols); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :tuplePerGroup "); appendStringInfo(str, node->tuplePerGroup ? "true" : "false"); } /* * For some reason, unique is a subclass of Temp. */ static void _outUnique(StringInfo str, Unique *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "UNIQUE"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); sprintf(buf, " :tempid %u ", node->tempid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :keycount %d ", node->keycount); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * Hash is a subclass of Temp */ static void _outHash(StringInfo str, Hash *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "HASH"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); appendStringInfo(str, " :hashkey "); _outNode(str, node->hashkey); sprintf(buf, " :hashtable 0x%x ", (int) (node->hashtable)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :hashtablekey %d ", node->hashtablekey); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :hashtablesize %d ", node->hashtablesize); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } static void _outTee(StringInfo str, Tee *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "TEE"); _outPlanInfo(str, (Plan *) node); sprintf(buf, " :leftParent %X ", (int) (node->leftParent)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :rightParent %X ", (int) (node->rightParent)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :rtentries "); _outNode(str, node->rtentries); } /***************************************************************************** * * Stuff from primnodes.h. * *****************************************************************************/ /* * Resdom is a subclass of Node */ static void _outResdom(StringInfo str, Resdom *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "RESDOM"); sprintf(buf, " :resno %d ", node->resno); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :restype %u ", node->restype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :restypmod %d ", node->restypmod); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :resname "); appendStringInfo(str, node->resname); sprintf(buf, " :reskey %d ", node->reskey); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :reskeyop %u ", node->reskeyop); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :resjunk %d ", node->resjunk); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } static void _outFjoin(StringInfo str, Fjoin *node) { char buf[500]; int i; appendStringInfo(str, "FJOIN"); appendStringInfo(str, " :initialized "); appendStringInfo(str, node->fj_initialized ? "true" : "false"); sprintf(buf, " :nNodes %d ", node->fj_nNodes); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :innerNode "); _outNode(str, node->fj_innerNode); sprintf(buf, " :results @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->fj_results)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :alwaysdone "); for (i = 0; i < node->fj_nNodes; i++) { appendStringInfo(str, (node->fj_alwaysDone[i]) ? "true" : "false"); } } /* * Expr is a subclass of Node */ static void _outExpr(StringInfo str, Expr *node) { char buf[500]; char *opstr = NULL; appendStringInfo(str, "EXPR"); sprintf(buf, " :typeOid %u ", node->typeOid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); switch (node->opType) { case OP_EXPR: opstr = "op"; break; case FUNC_EXPR: opstr = "func"; break; case OR_EXPR: opstr = "or"; break; case AND_EXPR: opstr = "and"; break; case NOT_EXPR: opstr = "not"; break; case SUBPLAN_EXPR: opstr = "subp"; break; } appendStringInfo(str, " :opType "); appendStringInfo(str, opstr); appendStringInfo(str, " :oper "); _outNode(str, node->oper); appendStringInfo(str, " :args "); _outNode(str, node->args); } /* * Var is a subclass of Expr */ static void _outVar(StringInfo str, Var *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "VAR"); sprintf(buf, " :varno %d ", node->varno); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :varattno %d ", node->varattno); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :vartype %u ", node->vartype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :vartypmod %d ", node->vartypmod); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :varlevelsup %u ", node->varlevelsup); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :varnoold %d ", node->varnoold); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :varoattno %d ", node->varoattno); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * Const is a subclass of Expr */ static void _outConst(StringInfo str, Const *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "CONST"); sprintf(buf, " :consttype %u ", node->consttype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :constlen %d ", node->constlen); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :constisnull "); appendStringInfo(str, node->constisnull ? "true" : "false"); appendStringInfo(str, " :constvalue "); if (node->constisnull) { appendStringInfo(str, "<>"); } else { _outDatum(str, node->constvalue, node->consttype); } appendStringInfo(str, " :constbyval "); appendStringInfo(str, node->constbyval ? "true" : "false"); } /* * Aggreg */ static void _outAggreg(StringInfo str, Aggreg *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "AGGREG"); appendStringInfo(str, " :aggname "); appendStringInfo(str, (char *) node->aggname); sprintf(buf, " :basetype %u ", node->basetype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :aggtype %u ", node->aggtype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :target "); _outNode(str, node->target); sprintf(buf, " :aggno %d ", node->aggno); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :usenulls "); appendStringInfo(str, node->usenulls ? "true" : "false"); } /* * SubLink */ static void _outSubLink(StringInfo str, SubLink *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "SUBLINK"); sprintf(buf, " :subLinkType %d ", node->subLinkType); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :useor "); appendStringInfo(str, node->useor ? "true" : "false"); appendStringInfo(str, " :lefthand "); _outNode(str, node->lefthand); appendStringInfo(str, " :oper "); _outNode(str, node->oper); appendStringInfo(str, " :subselect "); _outNode(str, node->subselect); } /* * Array is a subclass of Expr */ static void _outArray(StringInfo str, Array *node) { char buf[500]; int i; appendStringInfo(str, "ARRAY"); sprintf(buf, " :arrayelemtype %u ", node->arrayelemtype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :arrayelemlength %d ", node->arrayelemlength); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :arrayelembyval %c ", (node->arrayelembyval) ? 't' : 'f'); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :arrayndim %d ", node->arrayndim); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :arraylow "); for (i = 0; i < node->arrayndim; i++) { sprintf(buf, " %d ", node->arraylow.indx[i]); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } appendStringInfo(str, " :arrayhigh "); for (i = 0; i < node->arrayndim; i++) { sprintf(buf, " %d ", node->arrayhigh.indx[i]); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } sprintf(buf, " :arraylen %d ", node->arraylen); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * ArrayRef is a subclass of Expr */ static void _outArrayRef(StringInfo str, ArrayRef *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "ARRAYREF"); sprintf(buf, " :refelemtype %u ", node->refelemtype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :refattrlength %d ", node->refattrlength); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :refelemlength %d ", node->refelemlength); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :refelembyval %c ", (node->refelembyval) ? 't' : 'f'); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :refupperindex "); _outNode(str, node->refupperindexpr); appendStringInfo(str, " :reflowerindex "); _outNode(str, node->reflowerindexpr); appendStringInfo(str, " :refexpr "); _outNode(str, node->refexpr); appendStringInfo(str, " :refassgnexpr "); _outNode(str, node->refassgnexpr); } /* * Func is a subclass of Expr */ static void _outFunc(StringInfo str, Func *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "FUNC"); sprintf(buf, " :funcid %u ", node->funcid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :functype %u ", node->functype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :funcisindex "); appendStringInfo(str, (node->funcisindex ? "true" : "false")); sprintf(buf, " :funcsize %d ", node->funcsize); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :func_fcache @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->func_fcache)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :func_tlist "); _outNode(str, node->func_tlist); appendStringInfo(str, " :func_planlist "); _outNode(str, node->func_planlist); } /* * Oper is a subclass of Expr */ static void _outOper(StringInfo str, Oper *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "OPER"); sprintf(buf, " :opno %u ", node->opno); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :opid %u ", node->opid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :opresulttype %u ", node->opresulttype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * Param is a subclass of Expr */ static void _outParam(StringInfo str, Param *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "PARAM"); sprintf(buf, " :paramkind %d ", node->paramkind); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :paramid %d ", node->paramid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :paramname "); appendStringInfo(str, node->paramname); sprintf(buf, " :paramtype %u ", node->paramtype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :param_tlist "); _outNode(str, node->param_tlist); } /* * Stuff from execnodes.h */ /* * EState is a subclass of Node. */ static void _outEState(StringInfo str, EState *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "ESTATE"); sprintf(buf, " :direction %d ", node->es_direction); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :range_table "); _outNode(str, node->es_range_table); sprintf(buf, " :result_relation_info @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->es_result_relation_info)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * Stuff from relation.h */ static void _outRel(StringInfo str, Rel *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "REL"); appendStringInfo(str, " :relids "); _outIntList(str, node->relids); appendStringInfo(str, " :indexed "); appendStringInfo(str, node->indexed ? "true" : "false"); sprintf(buf, " :pages %u ", node->pages); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :tuples %u ", node->tuples); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :size %u ", node->size); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :width %u ", node->width); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :targetlist "); _outNode(str, node->targetlist); appendStringInfo(str, " :pathlist "); _outNode(str, node->pathlist); /* * Not sure if these are nodes or not. They're declared as struct * Path *. Since i don't know, i'll just print the addresses for now. * This can be changed later, if necessary. */ sprintf(buf, " :unorderedpath @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->unorderedpath)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :cheapestpath @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->cheapestpath)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :pruneable "); appendStringInfo(str, node->pruneable ? "true" : "false"); #if 0 appendStringInfo(str, " :classlist "); _outNode(str, node->classlist); appendStringInfo(str, " :indexkeys "); _outNode(str, node->indexkeys); appendStringInfo(str, " :ordering "); _outNode(str, node->ordering); #endif appendStringInfo(str, " :clauseinfo "); _outNode(str, node->clauseinfo); appendStringInfo(str, " :joininfo "); _outNode(str, node->joininfo); appendStringInfo(str, " :innerjoin "); _outNode(str, node->innerjoin); } /* * TargetEntry is a subclass of Node. */ static void _outTargetEntry(StringInfo str, TargetEntry *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "TLE"); appendStringInfo(str, " :resdom "); _outNode(str, node->resdom); appendStringInfo(str, " :expr "); _outNode(str, node->expr); } static void _outRangeTblEntry(StringInfo str, RangeTblEntry *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "RTE"); appendStringInfo(str, " :relname "); appendStringInfo(str, node->relname); appendStringInfo(str, " :inh "); appendStringInfo(str, node->inh ? "true" : "false"); appendStringInfo(str, " :refname "); appendStringInfo(str, node->refname); sprintf(buf, " :relid %u ", node->relid); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * Path is a subclass of Node. */ static void _outPath(StringInfo str, Path *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "PATH"); sprintf(buf, " :pathtype %d ", node->pathtype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :cost %f ", node->path_cost); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :keys "); _outNode(str, node->keys); } /* * IndexPath is a subclass of Path. */ static void _outIndexPath(StringInfo str, IndexPath *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "INDEXPATH"); sprintf(buf, " :pathtype %d ", node->path.pathtype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); /* * sprintf(buf, " :parent "); appendStringInfo(str,buf); _outNode(str, * node->parent); */ sprintf(buf, " :cost %f ", node->path.path_cost); appendStringInfo(str, buf); #if 0 appendStringInfo(str, " :p_ordering "); _outNode(str, node->path.p_ordering); #endif appendStringInfo(str, " :keys "); _outNode(str, node->path.keys); appendStringInfo(str, " :indexid "); _outIntList(str, node->indexid); appendStringInfo(str, " :indexqual "); _outNode(str, node->indexqual); } /* * JoinPath is a subclass of Path */ static void _outJoinPath(StringInfo str, JoinPath *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "JOINPATH"); sprintf(buf, " :pathtype %d ", node->path.pathtype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); /* * sprintf(buf, " :parent "); appendStringInfo(str,buf); _outNode(str, * node->parent); */ sprintf(buf, " :cost %f ", node->path.path_cost); appendStringInfo(str, buf); #if 0 appendStringInfo(str, " :p_ordering "); _outNode(str, node->path.p_ordering); #endif appendStringInfo(str, " :keys "); _outNode(str, node->path.keys); appendStringInfo(str, " :pathclauseinfo "); _outNode(str, node->pathclauseinfo); /* * Not sure if these are nodes; they're declared as "struct path *". * For now, i'll just print the addresses. */ sprintf(buf, " :outerjoinpath @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->outerjoinpath)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :innerjoinpath @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->innerjoinpath)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :outerjoincost %f ", node->path.outerjoincost); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :joinid "); _outIntList(str, node->path.joinid); } /* * MergePath is a subclass of JoinPath. */ static void _outMergePath(StringInfo str, MergePath *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "MERGEPATH"); sprintf(buf, " :pathtype %d ", node->jpath.path.pathtype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :cost %f ", node->jpath.path.path_cost); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :keys "); _outNode(str, node->jpath.path.keys); appendStringInfo(str, " :pathclauseinfo "); _outNode(str, node->jpath.pathclauseinfo); /* * Not sure if these are nodes; they're declared as "struct path *". * For now, i'll just print the addresses. */ sprintf(buf, " :outerjoinpath @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->jpath.outerjoinpath)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :innerjoinpath @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->jpath.innerjoinpath)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :outerjoincost %f ", node->jpath.path.outerjoincost); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :joinid "); _outIntList(str, node->jpath.path.joinid); appendStringInfo(str, " :path_mergeclauses "); _outNode(str, node->path_mergeclauses); appendStringInfo(str, " :outersortkeys "); _outNode(str, node->outersortkeys); appendStringInfo(str, " :innersortkeys "); _outNode(str, node->innersortkeys); } /* * HashPath is a subclass of JoinPath. */ static void _outHashPath(StringInfo str, HashPath *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "HASHPATH"); sprintf(buf, " :pathtype %d ", node->jpath.path.pathtype); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :cost %f ", node->jpath.path.path_cost); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :keys "); _outNode(str, node->jpath.path.keys); appendStringInfo(str, " :pathclauseinfo "); _outNode(str, node->jpath.pathclauseinfo); /* * Not sure if these are nodes; they're declared as "struct path *". * For now, i'll just print the addresses. */ sprintf(buf, " :outerjoinpath @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->jpath.outerjoinpath)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :innerjoinpath @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->jpath.innerjoinpath)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :outerjoincost %f ", node->jpath.path.outerjoincost); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :joinid "); _outIntList(str, node->jpath.path.joinid); appendStringInfo(str, " :path_hashclauses "); _outNode(str, node->path_hashclauses); appendStringInfo(str, " :outerhashkeys "); _outNode(str, node->outerhashkeys); appendStringInfo(str, " :innerhashkeys "); _outNode(str, node->innerhashkeys); } /* * OrderKey is a subclass of Node. */ static void _outOrderKey(StringInfo str, OrderKey *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "ORDERKEY"); sprintf(buf, " :attribute_number %d ", node->attribute_number); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :array_index %d ", node->array_index); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * JoinKey is a subclass of Node. */ static void _outJoinKey(StringInfo str, JoinKey *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "JOINKEY"); appendStringInfo(str, " :outer "); _outNode(str, node->outer); appendStringInfo(str, " :inner "); _outNode(str, node->inner); } /* * MergeOrder is a subclass of Node. */ static void _outMergeOrder(StringInfo str, MergeOrder *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "MERGEORDER"); sprintf(buf, " :join_operator %d ", node->join_operator); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :left_operator %d ", node->left_operator); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :right_operator %d ", node->right_operator); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :left_type %d ", node->left_type); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :right_type %d ", node->right_type); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * CInfo is a subclass of Node. */ static void _outCInfo(StringInfo str, CInfo *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "CINFO"); appendStringInfo(str, " :clause "); _outNode(str, node->clause); sprintf(buf, " :selectivity %f ", node->selectivity); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :notclause "); appendStringInfo(str, node->notclause ? "true" : "false"); appendStringInfo(str, " :indexids "); _outNode(str, node->indexids); appendStringInfo(str, " :mergesortorder "); _outNode(str, node->mergesortorder); sprintf(buf, " :hashjoinoperator %u ", node->hashjoinoperator); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } /* * JoinMethod is a subclass of Node. */ static void _outJoinMethod(StringInfo str, JoinMethod *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "JOINMETHOD"); appendStringInfo(str, " :jmkeys "); _outNode(str, node->jmkeys); appendStringInfo(str, " :clauses "); _outNode(str, node->clauses); } /* * HInfo is a subclass of JoinMethod. */ static void _outHInfo(StringInfo str, HInfo *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "HASHINFO"); appendStringInfo(str, " :hashop "); sprintf(buf, " %u ", node->hashop); appendStringInfo(str, buf); appendStringInfo(str, " :jmkeys "); _outNode(str, node->jmethod.jmkeys); appendStringInfo(str, " :clauses "); _outNode(str, node->jmethod.clauses); } /* * JInfo is a subclass of Node. */ static void _outJInfo(StringInfo str, JInfo *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "JINFO"); appendStringInfo(str, " :otherrels "); _outIntList(str, node->otherrels); appendStringInfo(str, " :jinfoclauseinfo "); _outNode(str, node->jinfoclauseinfo); appendStringInfo(str, " :mergesortable "); appendStringInfo(str, node->mergesortable ? "true" : "false"); appendStringInfo(str, " :hashjoinable "); appendStringInfo(str, node->hashjoinable ? "true" : "false"); } /* * Print the value of a Datum given its type. */ static void _outDatum(StringInfo str, Datum value, Oid type) { char buf[500]; Size length, typeLength; bool byValue; int i; char *s; /* * find some information about the type and the "real" length of the * datum. */ byValue = get_typbyval(type); typeLength = get_typlen(type); length = datumGetSize(value, type, byValue, typeLength); if (byValue) { s = (char *) (&value); sprintf(buf, " %d [ ", length); appendStringInfo(str, buf); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(Datum); i++) { sprintf(buf, " %d ", (int) (s[i])); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } sprintf(buf, "] "); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } else { /* !byValue */ s = (char *) DatumGetPointer(value); if (!PointerIsValid(s)) { sprintf(buf, " 0 [ ] "); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } else { /* * length is unsigned - very bad to do < comparison to -1 * without casting it to int first!! -mer 8 Jan 1991 */ if (((int) length) <= -1) { length = VARSIZE(s); } sprintf(buf, " %d [ ", length); appendStringInfo(str, buf); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { sprintf(buf, " %d ", (int) (s[i])); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } sprintf(buf, "] "); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } } } static void _outIter(StringInfo str, Iter *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "ITER"); appendStringInfo(str, " :iterexpr "); _outNode(str, node->iterexpr); } static void _outStream(StringInfo str, Stream *node) { char buf[500]; appendStringInfo(str, "STREAM"); sprintf(buf, " :pathptr @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->pathptr)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :cinfo @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->cinfo)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :clausetype %d ", (int) (node->clausetype)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :upstream @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->upstream)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :downstream @ 0x%x ", (int) (node->downstream)); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :groupup %d ", node->groupup); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :groupcost %f ", node->groupcost); appendStringInfo(str, buf); sprintf(buf, " :groupsel %f ", node->groupsel); appendStringInfo(str, buf); } static void _outAExpr(StringInfo str, A_Expr *node) { appendStringInfo(str, "EXPR "); appendStringInfo(str, node->opname); _outNode(str, node->lexpr); _outNode(str, node->rexpr); return; } static void _outValue(StringInfo str, Value *value) { char buf[500]; switch (value->type) { case T_String: sprintf(buf, " \"%s\" ", value->val.str); appendStringInfo(str, buf); break; case T_Integer: sprintf(buf, " %ld ", value->val.ival); appendStringInfo(str, buf); break; case T_Float: sprintf(buf, " %f ", value->val.dval); appendStringInfo(str, buf); break; default: break; } return; } static void _outIdent(StringInfo str, Ident *node) { char buf[500]; sprintf(buf, " IDENT \"%s\" ", node->name); appendStringInfo(str, buf); return; } static void _outAConst(StringInfo str, A_Const *node) { char buf[500]; sprintf(buf, "CONST "); appendStringInfo(str, buf); _outValue(str, &(node->val)); return; } /* * _outNode - * converts a Node into ascii string and append it to 'str' */ static void _outNode(StringInfo str, void *obj) { if (obj == NULL) { appendStringInfo(str, "<>"); return; } if (nodeTag(obj) == T_List) { List *l; appendStringInfo(str, "("); foreach(l, (List *) obj) { _outNode(str, lfirst(l)); if (lnext(l)) appendStringInfo(str, " "); } appendStringInfo(str, ")"); } else { appendStringInfo(str, "{"); switch (nodeTag(obj)) { case T_CreateStmt: _outCreateStmt(str, obj); break; case T_IndexStmt: _outIndexStmt(str, obj); break; case T_ColumnDef: _outColumnDef(str, obj); break; case T_TypeName: _outTypeName(str, obj); break; case T_IndexElem: _outIndexElem(str, obj); break; case T_Query: _outQuery(str, obj); break; case T_SortClause: _outSortClause(str, obj); break; case T_GroupClause: _outGroupClause(str, obj); break; case T_Plan: _outPlan(str, obj); break; case T_Result: _outResult(str, obj); break; case T_Append: _outAppend(str, obj); break; case T_Join: _outJoin(str, obj); break; case T_NestLoop: _outNestLoop(str, obj); break; case T_MergeJoin: _outMergeJoin(str, obj); break; case T_HashJoin: _outHashJoin(str, obj); break; case T_Scan: _outScan(str, obj); break; case T_SeqScan: _outSeqScan(str, obj); break; case T_IndexScan: _outIndexScan(str, obj); break; case T_Temp: _outTemp(str, obj); break; case T_Sort: _outSort(str, obj); break; case T_Agg: _outAgg(str, obj); break; case T_Group: _outGroup(str, obj); break; case T_Unique: _outUnique(str, obj); break; case T_Hash: _outHash(str, obj); break; case T_SubPlan: _outSubPlan(str, obj); break; case T_Tee: _outTee(str, obj); break; case T_Resdom: _outResdom(str, obj); break; case T_Fjoin: _outFjoin(str, obj); break; case T_Expr: _outExpr(str, obj); break; case T_Var: _outVar(str, obj); break; case T_Const: _outConst(str, obj); break; case T_Aggreg: _outAggreg(str, obj); break; case T_SubLink: _outSubLink(str, obj); break; case T_Array: _outArray(str, obj); break; case T_ArrayRef: _outArrayRef(str, obj); break; case T_Func: _outFunc(str, obj); break; case T_Oper: _outOper(str, obj); break; case T_Param: _outParam(str, obj); break; case T_EState: _outEState(str, obj); break; case T_Rel: _outRel(str, obj); break; case T_TargetEntry: _outTargetEntry(str, obj); break; case T_RangeTblEntry: _outRangeTblEntry(str, obj); break; case T_Path: _outPath(str, obj); break; case T_IndexPath: _outIndexPath(str, obj); break; case T_JoinPath: _outJoinPath(str, obj); break; case T_MergePath: _outMergePath(str, obj); break; case T_HashPath: _outHashPath(str, obj); break; case T_OrderKey: _outOrderKey(str, obj); break; case T_JoinKey: _outJoinKey(str, obj); break; case T_MergeOrder: _outMergeOrder(str, obj); break; case T_CInfo: _outCInfo(str, obj); break; case T_JoinMethod: _outJoinMethod(str, obj); break; case T_HInfo: _outHInfo(str, obj); break; case T_JInfo: _outJInfo(str, obj); break; case T_Iter: _outIter(str, obj); break; case T_Stream: _outStream(str, obj); break; case T_Integer: case T_String: case T_Float: _outValue(str, obj); break; case T_A_Expr: _outAExpr(str, obj); break; case T_Ident: _outIdent(str, obj); break; case T_A_Const: _outAConst(str, obj); break; default: elog(NOTICE, "_outNode: don't know how to print type %d ", nodeTag(obj)); break; } appendStringInfo(str, "}"); } return; } /* * nodeToString - * returns the ascii representation of the Node */ char * nodeToString(void *obj) { StringInfo str; char *s; if (obj == NULL) return ""; Assert(obj != NULL); str = makeStringInfo(); _outNode(str, obj); s = str->data; pfree(str); return s; }