-- -- The test uses a GIN index over int[]. The table contains arrays -- with integers from 1 to :next_i. Each integer occurs exactly once, -- no gaps or duplicates, although the index does contain some -- duplicate elements because some of the inserting transactions are -- rolled back during the test. The exact contents of the table depend -- on the physical layout of the index, which in turn depends at least -- on the block size, so instead of check for the exact contents, we -- check those invariants. :next_i psql variable is maintained at all -- times to hold the last inserted integer + 1. -- -- This uses injection points to cause errors that leave some page -- splits in "incomplete" state create extension injection_points; -- Use the index for all the queries set enable_seqscan=off; -- Print a NOTICE whenever an incomplete split gets fixed SELECT injection_points_attach('gin-finish-incomplete-split', 'notice'); -- -- First create the test table and some helper functions -- create table gin_incomplete_splits(i int4[]) with (autovacuum_enabled = off); create index on gin_incomplete_splits using gin (i) with (fastupdate = off); -- Creates an array with all integers from $1 (inclusive) $2 (exclusive) create function range_array(int, int) returns int[] language sql immutable as $$ select array_agg(g) from generate_series($1, $2 - 1) g $$; -- Inserts an array with 'n' rows to the test table. Pass :next_i as -- the first argument, returns the new value for :next_i. create function insert_n(first_i int, n int) returns int language plpgsql as $$ begin insert into gin_incomplete_splits values (range_array(first_i, first_i+n)); return first_i + n; end; $$; -- Inserts to the table until an insert fails. Like insert_n(), returns the -- new value for :next_i. create function insert_until_fail(next_i int, step int default 1) returns int language plpgsql as $$ declare i integer; begin -- Insert arrays with 'step' elements each, until an error occurs. loop begin select insert_n(next_i, step) into next_i; exception when others then raise notice 'failed with: %', sqlerrm; exit; end; -- The caller is expected to set an injection point that eventuall -- causes an error. But bail out if still no error after 10000 -- attempts, so that we don't get stuck in an infinite loop. i := i + 1; if i = 10000 then raise 'no error on inserts after '; end if; end loop; return next_i; end; $$; -- Check the invariants. create function verify(next_i int) returns bool language plpgsql as $$ declare a integer[]; elem integer; c integer; begin -- Perform a scan over the trailing part of the index, where the -- possible incomplete splits are. (We don't check the whole table, -- because that'd be pretty slow.) c := 0; -- Find all arrays that overlap with the last 200 inserted integers. Or -- the next 100, which shouldn't exist. for a in select i from gin_incomplete_splits where i && range_array(next_i - 200, next_i + 100) loop -- count all elements in those arrays in the window. foreach elem in ARRAY a loop if elem >= next_i then raise 'unexpected value % in array', elem; end if; if elem >= next_i - 200 then c := c + 1; end if; end loop; end loop; if c <> 200 then raise 'unexpected count % ', c; end if; return true; end; $$; -- Insert one array to get started. select insert_n(1, 1000) as next_i \gset select verify(:next_i); -- -- Test incomplete leaf split -- SELECT injection_points_attach('gin-leave-leaf-split-incomplete', 'error'); select insert_until_fail(:next_i) as next_i \gset SELECT injection_points_detach('gin-leave-leaf-split-incomplete'); -- Verify that a scan works even though there's an incomplete split select verify(:next_i); -- Insert some more rows, finishing the split select insert_n(:next_i, 10) as next_i \gset -- Verify that a scan still works select verify(:next_i); -- -- Test incomplete internal page split -- SELECT injection_points_attach('gin-leave-internal-split-incomplete', 'error'); select insert_until_fail(:next_i, 100) as next_i \gset SELECT injection_points_detach('gin-leave-internal-split-incomplete'); -- Verify that a scan works even though there's an incomplete split select verify(:next_i); -- Insert some more rows, finishing the split select insert_n(:next_i, 10) as next_i \gset -- Verify that a scan still works select verify(:next_i);