/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * makefuncs.c * creator functions for primitive nodes. The functions here are for * the most frequently created nodes. * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/nodes/makefuncs.c,v 1.58 2008/01/01 19:45:50 momjian Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" /* * makeA_Expr - * makes an A_Expr node */ A_Expr * makeA_Expr(A_Expr_Kind kind, List *name, Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr, int location) { A_Expr *a = makeNode(A_Expr); a->kind = kind; a->name = name; a->lexpr = lexpr; a->rexpr = rexpr; a->location = location; return a; } /* * makeSimpleA_Expr - * As above, given a simple (unqualified) operator name */ A_Expr * makeSimpleA_Expr(A_Expr_Kind kind, const char *name, Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr, int location) { A_Expr *a = makeNode(A_Expr); a->kind = kind; a->name = list_make1(makeString((char *) name)); a->lexpr = lexpr; a->rexpr = rexpr; a->location = location; return a; } /* * makeVar - * creates a Var node */ Var * makeVar(Index varno, AttrNumber varattno, Oid vartype, int32 vartypmod, Index varlevelsup) { Var *var = makeNode(Var); var->varno = varno; var->varattno = varattno; var->vartype = vartype; var->vartypmod = vartypmod; var->varlevelsup = varlevelsup; /* * Since few if any routines ever create Var nodes with varnoold/varoattno * different from varno/varattno, we don't provide separate arguments for * them, but just initialize them to the given varno/varattno. This * reduces code clutter and chance of error for most callers. */ var->varnoold = varno; var->varoattno = varattno; return var; } /* * makeTargetEntry - * creates a TargetEntry node */ TargetEntry * makeTargetEntry(Expr *expr, AttrNumber resno, char *resname, bool resjunk) { TargetEntry *tle = makeNode(TargetEntry); tle->expr = expr; tle->resno = resno; tle->resname = resname; /* * We always set these fields to 0. If the caller wants to change them he * must do so explicitly. Few callers do that, so omitting these * arguments reduces the chance of error. */ tle->ressortgroupref = 0; tle->resorigtbl = InvalidOid; tle->resorigcol = 0; tle->resjunk = resjunk; return tle; } /* * flatCopyTargetEntry - * duplicate a TargetEntry, but don't copy substructure * * This is commonly used when we just want to modify the resno or substitute * a new expression. */ TargetEntry * flatCopyTargetEntry(TargetEntry *src_tle) { TargetEntry *tle = makeNode(TargetEntry); Assert(IsA(src_tle, TargetEntry)); memcpy(tle, src_tle, sizeof(TargetEntry)); return tle; } /* * makeFromExpr - * creates a FromExpr node */ FromExpr * makeFromExpr(List *fromlist, Node *quals) { FromExpr *f = makeNode(FromExpr); f->fromlist = fromlist; f->quals = quals; return f; } /* * makeConst - * creates a Const node */ Const * makeConst(Oid consttype, int32 consttypmod, int constlen, Datum constvalue, bool constisnull, bool constbyval) { Const *cnst = makeNode(Const); cnst->consttype = consttype; cnst->consttypmod = consttypmod; cnst->constlen = constlen; cnst->constvalue = constvalue; cnst->constisnull = constisnull; cnst->constbyval = constbyval; return cnst; } /* * makeNullConst - * creates a Const node representing a NULL of the specified type/typmod * * This is a convenience routine that just saves a lookup of the type's * storage properties. */ Const * makeNullConst(Oid consttype, int32 consttypmod) { int16 typLen; bool typByVal; get_typlenbyval(consttype, &typLen, &typByVal); return makeConst(consttype, consttypmod, (int) typLen, (Datum) 0, true, typByVal); } /* * makeBoolConst - * creates a Const node representing a boolean value (can be NULL too) */ Node * makeBoolConst(bool value, bool isnull) { /* note that pg_type.h hardwires size of bool as 1 ... duplicate it */ return (Node *) makeConst(BOOLOID, -1, 1, BoolGetDatum(value), isnull, true); } /* * makeBoolExpr - * creates a BoolExpr node */ Expr * makeBoolExpr(BoolExprType boolop, List *args) { BoolExpr *b = makeNode(BoolExpr); b->boolop = boolop; b->args = args; return (Expr *) b; } /* * makeAlias - * creates an Alias node * * NOTE: the given name is copied, but the colnames list (if any) isn't. */ Alias * makeAlias(const char *aliasname, List *colnames) { Alias *a = makeNode(Alias); a->aliasname = pstrdup(aliasname); a->colnames = colnames; return a; } /* * makeRelabelType - * creates a RelabelType node */ RelabelType * makeRelabelType(Expr *arg, Oid rtype, int32 rtypmod, CoercionForm rformat) { RelabelType *r = makeNode(RelabelType); r->arg = arg; r->resulttype = rtype; r->resulttypmod = rtypmod; r->relabelformat = rformat; return r; } /* * makeRangeVar - * creates a RangeVar node (rather oversimplified case) */ RangeVar * makeRangeVar(char *schemaname, char *relname) { RangeVar *r = makeNode(RangeVar); r->catalogname = NULL; r->schemaname = schemaname; r->relname = relname; r->inhOpt = INH_DEFAULT; r->istemp = false; r->alias = NULL; return r; } /* * makeTypeName - * build a TypeName node for an unqualified name. * * typmod is defaulted, but can be changed later by caller. */ TypeName * makeTypeName(char *typnam) { return makeTypeNameFromNameList(list_make1(makeString(typnam))); } /* * makeTypeNameFromNameList - * build a TypeName node for a String list representing a qualified name. * * typmod is defaulted, but can be changed later by caller. */ TypeName * makeTypeNameFromNameList(List *names) { TypeName *n = makeNode(TypeName); n->names = names; n->typmods = NIL; n->typemod = -1; n->location = -1; return n; } /* * makeTypeNameFromOid - * build a TypeName node to represent a type already known by OID/typmod. */ TypeName * makeTypeNameFromOid(Oid typeid, int32 typmod) { TypeName *n = makeNode(TypeName); n->typeid = typeid; n->typemod = typmod; n->location = -1; return n; } /* * makeFuncExpr - * build an expression tree representing a function call. * * The argument expressions must have been transformed already. */ FuncExpr * makeFuncExpr(Oid funcid, Oid rettype, List *args, CoercionForm fformat) { FuncExpr *funcexpr; funcexpr = makeNode(FuncExpr); funcexpr->funcid = funcid; funcexpr->funcresulttype = rettype; funcexpr->funcretset = false; /* only allowed case here */ funcexpr->funcformat = fformat; funcexpr->args = args; return funcexpr; } /* * makeDefElem - * build a DefElem node */ DefElem * makeDefElem(char *name, Node *arg) { DefElem *res = makeNode(DefElem); res->defname = name; res->arg = arg; return res; }