Todo Items for pg_autovacuum client -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Add Startup Message (with datetime stamp) to Logfile when starting and logging _create a FSM export function and see if I can use it for pg_autovacuum _look into possible benifits of pgstattuple contrib work _Continue trying to reduce server load created by polling. Done: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _Check if required pg_stats are enables, if not exit with error _Reduce the number connections and queries to the server _Make database adding and removal part of the normal loop _make table adding and removal part of the normal loop _Separate logic for vacuum and analyze _all pg_autovacuum specific functions are now static _correct usage of snprintf _reworked database and table update functions, now they use the existing database connection and only one query _fixed -h option output _cleanup of 'constant == variable' used much more consistently now. _Guarantee database wide vacuum prior to Xid wraparound _change name to pg_autovacuum _Add proper table and database removal functions so that we can properly clear up before we exit, and make sure we don't leak memory when removing tables and such. _Decouple insert and delete thresholds _Fix Vacuum debug routine to include the database name. _Allow it to detach from the tty