-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created. SET search_path = public; CREATE TABLE test ( path ltree); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Science'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Science.Astronomy'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Science.Astronomy.Astrophysics'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Science.Astronomy.Cosmology'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Hobbies'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Hobbies.Amateurs_Astronomy'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections.Pictures'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections.Pictures.Astronomy'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections.Pictures.Astronomy.Stars'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections.Pictures.Astronomy.Galaxies'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Collections.Pictures.Astronomy.Astronauts'); CREATE INDEX path_gist_idx ON test USING gist(path); CREATE INDEX path_idx ON test USING btree(path);