CREATE EXTENSION jsonb_plperlu CASCADE; NOTICE: installing required extension "plperlu" CREATE FUNCTION testHVToJsonb() RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE plperlu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE jsonb AS $$ $val = {a => 1, b => 'boo', c => undef}; return $val; $$; SELECT testHVToJsonb(); testhvtojsonb --------------------------------- {"a": 1, "b": "boo", "c": null} (1 row) CREATE FUNCTION testAVToJsonb() RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE plperlu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE jsonb AS $$ $val = [{a => 1, b => 'boo', c => undef}, {d => 2}]; return $val; $$; SELECT testAVToJsonb(); testavtojsonb --------------------------------------------- [{"a": 1, "b": "boo", "c": null}, {"d": 2}] (1 row) CREATE FUNCTION testSVToJsonb() RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE plperlu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE jsonb AS $$ $val = 1; return $val; $$; SELECT testSVToJsonb(); testsvtojsonb --------------- 1 (1 row) -- this revealed a bug in the original implementation CREATE FUNCTION testRegexpResultToJsonb() RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE plperlu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE jsonb AS $$ return ('1' =~ m(0\t2)); $$; SELECT testRegexpResultToJsonb(); testregexpresulttojsonb ------------------------- 0 (1 row) CREATE FUNCTION roundtrip(val jsonb) RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE plperlu TRANSFORM FOR TYPE jsonb AS $$ return $_[0]; $$; SELECT roundtrip('null'); roundtrip ----------- null (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('1'); roundtrip ----------- 1 (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('1E+131071'); ERROR: cannot convert infinity to jsonb CONTEXT: PL/Perl function "roundtrip" SELECT roundtrip('-1'); roundtrip ----------- -1 (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('1.2'); roundtrip ----------- 1.2 (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('-1.2'); roundtrip ----------- -1.2 (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('"string"'); roundtrip ----------- "string" (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('"NaN"'); roundtrip ----------- "NaN" (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('true'); roundtrip ----------- 1 (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('false'); roundtrip ----------- 0 (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('[]'); roundtrip ----------- [] (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('[null, null]'); roundtrip -------------- [null, null] (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('[1, 2, 3]'); roundtrip ----------- [1, 2, 3] (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('[-1, 2, -3]'); roundtrip ------------- [-1, 2, -3] (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('[1.2, 2.3, 3.4]'); roundtrip ----------------- [1.2, 2.3, 3.4] (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('[-1.2, 2.3, -3.4]'); roundtrip ------------------- [-1.2, 2.3, -3.4] (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('["string1", "string2"]'); roundtrip ------------------------ ["string1", "string2"] (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('{}'); roundtrip ----------- {} (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('{"1": null}'); roundtrip ------------- {"1": null} (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('{"1": 1}'); roundtrip ----------- {"1": 1} (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('{"1": -1}'); roundtrip ----------- {"1": -1} (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('{"1": 1.1}'); roundtrip ------------ {"1": 1.1} (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('{"1": -1.1}'); roundtrip ------------- {"1": -1.1} (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('{"1": "string1"}'); roundtrip ------------------ {"1": "string1"} (1 row) SELECT roundtrip('{"1": {"2": [3, 4, 5]}, "2": 3}'); roundtrip --------------------------------- {"1": {"2": [3, 4, 5]}, "2": 3} (1 row) \set VERBOSITY terse \\ -- suppress cascade details DROP EXTENSION plperlu CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 6 other objects