-- -- Hot Standby tests -- -- hs_standby_allowed.sql -- -- SELECT select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; select count(*) as should_be_2 from hs2; select count(*) as should_be_3 from hs3; COPY hs1 TO '/tmp/copy_test'; \! cat /tmp/copy_test -- Access sequence directly select min_value as sequence_min_value from hsseq; -- Transactions begin; select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; end; begin transaction read only; select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; end; begin transaction isolation level repeatable read; select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; commit; begin; select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; commit; begin; select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; abort; start transaction; select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; commit; begin; select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; rollback; begin; select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; savepoint s; select count(*) as should_be_2 from hs2; commit; begin; select count(*) as should_be_1 from hs1; savepoint s; select count(*) as should_be_2 from hs2; release savepoint s; select count(*) as should_be_2 from hs2; savepoint s; select count(*) as should_be_3 from hs3; rollback to savepoint s; select count(*) as should_be_2 from hs2; commit; -- SET parameters -- has no effect on read only transactions, but we can still set it set synchronous_commit = on; show synchronous_commit; reset synchronous_commit; discard temp; discard all; -- CURSOR commands BEGIN; DECLARE hsc CURSOR FOR select * from hs3; FETCH next from hsc; fetch first from hsc; fetch last from hsc; fetch 1 from hsc; CLOSE hsc; COMMIT; -- Prepared plans PREPARE hsp AS select count(*) from hs1; PREPARE hsp_noexec (integer) AS insert into hs1 values ($1); EXECUTE hsp; DEALLOCATE hsp; -- LOCK BEGIN; LOCK hs1 IN ACCESS SHARE MODE; LOCK hs1 IN ROW SHARE MODE; LOCK hs1 IN ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE; COMMIT; -- LOAD -- should work, easier if there is no test for that... -- ALLOWED COMMANDS CHECKPOINT; discard all;