-- -- Test cumulative stats system -- -- Must be run after tenk2 has been created (by create_table), -- populated (by create_misc) and indexed (by create_index). -- -- conditio sine qua non SHOW track_counts; -- must be on track_counts -------------- on (1 row) -- ensure that both seqscan and indexscan plans are allowed SET enable_seqscan TO on; SET enable_indexscan TO on; -- for the moment, we don't want index-only scans here SET enable_indexonlyscan TO off; -- not enabled by default, but we want to test it... SET track_functions TO 'all'; -- save counters BEGIN; SET LOCAL stats_fetch_consistency = snapshot; CREATE TABLE prevstats AS SELECT t.seq_scan, t.seq_tup_read, t.idx_scan, t.idx_tup_fetch, (b.heap_blks_read + b.heap_blks_hit) AS heap_blks, (b.idx_blks_read + b.idx_blks_hit) AS idx_blks, pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() as snap_ts FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_tables AS t, pg_catalog.pg_statio_user_tables AS b WHERE t.relname='tenk2' AND b.relname='tenk2'; COMMIT; -- test effects of TRUNCATE on n_live_tup/n_dead_tup counters CREATE TABLE trunc_stats_test(id serial); CREATE TABLE trunc_stats_test1(id serial, stuff text); CREATE TABLE trunc_stats_test2(id serial); CREATE TABLE trunc_stats_test3(id serial, stuff text); CREATE TABLE trunc_stats_test4(id serial); -- check that n_live_tup is reset to 0 after truncate INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test DEFAULT VALUES; TRUNCATE trunc_stats_test; -- test involving a truncate in a transaction; 4 ins but only 1 live INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test1 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test1 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test1 DEFAULT VALUES; UPDATE trunc_stats_test1 SET id = id + 10 WHERE id IN (1, 2); DELETE FROM trunc_stats_test1 WHERE id = 3; BEGIN; UPDATE trunc_stats_test1 SET id = id + 100; TRUNCATE trunc_stats_test1; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test1 DEFAULT VALUES; COMMIT; -- use a savepoint: 1 insert, 1 live BEGIN; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test2 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test2 DEFAULT VALUES; SAVEPOINT p1; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test2 DEFAULT VALUES; TRUNCATE trunc_stats_test2; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test2 DEFAULT VALUES; RELEASE SAVEPOINT p1; COMMIT; -- rollback a savepoint: this should count 4 inserts and have 2 -- live tuples after commit (and 2 dead ones due to aborted subxact) BEGIN; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test3 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test3 DEFAULT VALUES; SAVEPOINT p1; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test3 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test3 DEFAULT VALUES; TRUNCATE trunc_stats_test3; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test3 DEFAULT VALUES; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT p1; COMMIT; -- rollback a truncate: this should count 2 inserts and produce 2 dead tuples BEGIN; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test4 DEFAULT VALUES; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test4 DEFAULT VALUES; TRUNCATE trunc_stats_test4; INSERT INTO trunc_stats_test4 DEFAULT VALUES; ROLLBACK; -- do a seqscan SELECT count(*) FROM tenk2; count ------- 10000 (1 row) -- do an indexscan -- make sure it is not a bitmap scan, which might skip fetching heap tuples SET enable_bitmapscan TO off; SELECT count(*) FROM tenk2 WHERE unique1 = 1; count ------- 1 (1 row) RESET enable_bitmapscan; -- ensure pending stats are flushed SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) -- check effects BEGIN; SET LOCAL stats_fetch_consistency = snapshot; SELECT relname, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd, n_tup_del, n_live_tup, n_dead_tup FROM pg_stat_user_tables WHERE relname like 'trunc_stats_test%' order by relname; relname | n_tup_ins | n_tup_upd | n_tup_del | n_live_tup | n_dead_tup -------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------ trunc_stats_test | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 trunc_stats_test1 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 trunc_stats_test2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 trunc_stats_test3 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 trunc_stats_test4 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 (5 rows) SELECT st.seq_scan >= pr.seq_scan + 1, st.seq_tup_read >= pr.seq_tup_read + cl.reltuples, st.idx_scan >= pr.idx_scan + 1, st.idx_tup_fetch >= pr.idx_tup_fetch + 1 FROM pg_stat_user_tables AS st, pg_class AS cl, prevstats AS pr WHERE st.relname='tenk2' AND cl.relname='tenk2'; ?column? | ?column? | ?column? | ?column? ----------+----------+----------+---------- t | t | t | t (1 row) SELECT st.heap_blks_read + st.heap_blks_hit >= pr.heap_blks + cl.relpages, st.idx_blks_read + st.idx_blks_hit >= pr.idx_blks + 1 FROM pg_statio_user_tables AS st, pg_class AS cl, prevstats AS pr WHERE st.relname='tenk2' AND cl.relname='tenk2'; ?column? | ?column? ----------+---------- t | t (1 row) SELECT pr.snap_ts < pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() as snapshot_newer FROM prevstats AS pr; snapshot_newer ---------------- t (1 row) COMMIT; ---- -- Basic tests for track_functions --- CREATE FUNCTION stats_test_func1() RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$BEGIN END;$$; SELECT 'stats_test_func1()'::regprocedure::oid AS stats_test_func1_oid \gset CREATE FUNCTION stats_test_func2() RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$BEGIN END;$$; SELECT 'stats_test_func2()'::regprocedure::oid AS stats_test_func2_oid \gset -- test that stats are accumulated BEGIN; SET LOCAL stats_fetch_consistency = none; SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls --------------------------------- (1 row) SELECT stats_test_func1(); stats_test_func1 ------------------ (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls --------------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT stats_test_func1(); stats_test_func1 ------------------ (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls --------------------------------- 2 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- 0 (1 row) COMMIT; -- Verify that function stats are not transactional -- rolled back savepoint in committing transaction BEGIN; SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) SAVEPOINT foo; SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT foo; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls(:stats_test_func2_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_function_calls --------------------------------- 2 (1 row) SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) COMMIT; -- rolled back transaction BEGIN; SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) ROLLBACK; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) -- check collected stats SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func1_oid; funcname | calls ------------------+------- stats_test_func1 | 2 (1 row) SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func2_oid; funcname | calls ------------------+------- stats_test_func2 | 4 (1 row) -- check that a rolled back drop function stats leaves stats alive BEGIN; SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func1_oid; funcname | calls ------------------+------- stats_test_func1 | 2 (1 row) DROP FUNCTION stats_test_func1(); -- shouldn't be visible via view SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func1_oid; funcname | calls ----------+------- (0 rows) -- but still via oid access SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- 2 (1 row) ROLLBACK; SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func1_oid; funcname | calls ------------------+------- stats_test_func1 | 2 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- 2 (1 row) -- check that function dropped in main transaction leaves no stats behind BEGIN; DROP FUNCTION stats_test_func1(); COMMIT; SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func1_oid; funcname | calls ----------+------- (0 rows) SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func1_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- (1 row) -- check that function dropped in a subtransaction leaves no stats behind BEGIN; SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) SAVEPOINT a; SELECT stats_test_func2(); stats_test_func2 ------------------ (1 row) SAVEPOINT b; DROP FUNCTION stats_test_func2(); COMMIT; SELECT funcname, calls FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE funcid = :stats_test_func2_oid; funcname | calls ----------+------- (0 rows) SELECT pg_stat_get_function_calls(:stats_test_func2_oid); pg_stat_get_function_calls ---------------------------- (1 row) -- Check that stats for relations are dropped. For that we need to access stats -- by oid after the DROP TABLE. Save oids. CREATE TABLE drop_stats_test(); INSERT INTO drop_stats_test DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT 'drop_stats_test'::regclass::oid AS drop_stats_test_oid \gset CREATE TABLE drop_stats_test_xact(); INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_xact DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT 'drop_stats_test_xact'::regclass::oid AS drop_stats_test_xact_oid \gset CREATE TABLE drop_stats_test_subxact(); INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_subxact DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT 'drop_stats_test_subxact'::regclass::oid AS drop_stats_test_subxact_oid \gset SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 1 (1 row) DROP TABLE drop_stats_test; SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 0 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 0 (1 row) -- check that rollback protects against having stats dropped and that local -- modifications don't pose a problem SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted ----------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 0 (1 row) BEGIN; INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_xact DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 1 (1 row) DROP TABLE drop_stats_test_xact; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 0 (1 row) ROLLBACK; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted ----------------------------- 2 (1 row) -- transactional drop SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted ----------------------------- 2 (1 row) BEGIN; INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_xact DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 1 (1 row) DROP TABLE drop_stats_test_xact; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 0 (1 row) COMMIT; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 0 (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_xact_oid); pg_stat_get_tuples_inserted ----------------------------- 0 (1 row) -- savepoint rollback (2 levels) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 1 (1 row) BEGIN; INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_subxact DEFAULT VALUES; SAVEPOINT sp1; INSERT INTO drop_stats_test_subxact DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 2 (1 row) SAVEPOINT sp2; DROP TABLE drop_stats_test_subxact; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT sp2; SELECT pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_xact_tuples_inserted ---------------------------------- 2 (1 row) COMMIT; SELECT pg_stat_force_next_flush(); pg_stat_force_next_flush -------------------------- (1 row) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 3 (1 row) -- savepoint rolback (1 level) SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 3 (1 row) BEGIN; SAVEPOINT sp1; DROP TABLE drop_stats_test_subxact; SAVEPOINT sp2; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT sp1; COMMIT; SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 3 (1 row) -- and now actually drop SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 3 (1 row) BEGIN; SAVEPOINT sp1; DROP TABLE drop_stats_test_subxact; SAVEPOINT sp2; RELEASE SAVEPOINT sp1; COMMIT; SELECT pg_stat_get_live_tuples(:drop_stats_test_subxact_oid); pg_stat_get_live_tuples ------------------------- 0 (1 row) DROP TABLE trunc_stats_test, trunc_stats_test1, trunc_stats_test2, trunc_stats_test3, trunc_stats_test4; DROP TABLE prevstats; -- End of Stats Test