#ifndef __PARSER_H__ #define __PARSER_H__ #include #include #include "ts_locale.h" typedef enum { TPS_Base = 0, TPS_InUWord, TPS_InLatWord, TPS_InCyrWord, TPS_InUnsignedInt, TPS_InSignedIntFirst, TPS_InSignedInt, TPS_InSpace, TPS_InUDecimalFirst, TPS_InUDecimal, TPS_InDecimalFirst, TPS_InDecimal, TPS_InVersionFirst, TPS_InVersion, TPS_InMantissaFirst, TPS_InMantissaSign, TPS_InMantissa, TPS_InHTMLEntityFirst, TPS_InHTMLEntity, TPS_InHTMLEntityNumFirst, TPS_InHTMLEntityNum, TPS_InHTMLEntityEnd, TPS_InTagFirst, TPS_InTagCloseFirst, TPS_InTag, TPS_InTagEscapeK, TPS_InTagEscapeKK, TPS_InTagBackSleshed, TPS_InTagEnd, TPS_InCommentFirst, TPS_InCommentLast, TPS_InComment, TPS_InCloseCommentFirst, TPS_InCloseCommentLast, TPS_InCommentEnd, TPS_InHostFirstDomen, TPS_InHostDomenSecond, TPS_InHostDomen, TPS_InPortFirst, TPS_InPort, TPS_InHostFirstAN, TPS_InHost, TPS_InEmail, TPS_InFileFirst, TPS_InFile, TPS_InFileNext, TPS_InURIFirst, TPS_InURIStart, TPS_InURI, TPS_InFURL, TPS_InProtocolFirst, TPS_InProtocolSecond, TPS_InProtocolEnd, TPS_InHyphenLatWordFirst, TPS_InHyphenLatWord, TPS_InHyphenCyrWordFirst, TPS_InHyphenCyrWord, TPS_InHyphenUWordFirst, TPS_InHyphenUWord, TPS_InHyphenValueFirst, TPS_InHyphenValue, TPS_InHyphenValueExact, TPS_InParseHyphen, TPS_InParseHyphenHyphen, TPS_InHyphenCyrWordPart, TPS_InHyphenLatWordPart, TPS_InHyphenUWordPart, TPS_InHyphenUnsignedInt, TPS_InHDecimalPartFirst, TPS_InHDecimalPart, TPS_InHVersionPartFirst, TPS_InHVersionPart, TPS_Null /* last state (fake value) */ } TParserState; /* forward declaration */ struct TParser; typedef int (*TParserCharTest) (struct TParser *); /* any p_is* functions * except p_iseq */ typedef void (*TParserSpecial) (struct TParser *); /* special handler for * special cases... */ typedef struct { TParserCharTest isclass; char c; uint16 flags; TParserState tostate; int type; TParserSpecial special; } TParserStateActionItem; typedef struct { TParserState state; TParserStateActionItem *action; } TParserStateAction; typedef struct TParserPosition { int posbyte; /* position of parser in bytes */ int poschar; /* osition of parser in characters */ int charlen; /* length of current char */ int lenbytelexeme; int lencharlexeme; TParserState state; struct TParserPosition *prev; int flags; TParserStateActionItem *pushedAtAction; } TParserPosition; typedef struct TParser { /* string and position information */ char *str; /* multibyte string */ int lenstr; /* length of mbstring */ wchar_t *wstr; /* wide character string */ int lenwstr; /* length of wsting */ /* State of parse */ int charmaxlen; bool usewide; TParserPosition *state; bool ignore; bool wanthost; /* silly char */ char c; /* out */ char *lexeme; int lenbytelexeme; int lencharlexeme; int type; } TParser; TParser *TParserInit(char *, int); bool TParserGet(TParser *); void TParserClose(TParser *); #endif