/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * blutils.c * Bloom index utilities. * * Portions Copyright (c) 2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * contrib/bloom/blutils.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/amapi.h" #include "access/generic_xlog.h" #include "catalog/index.h" #include "storage/lmgr.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "storage/bufmgr.h" #include "storage/indexfsm.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "access/reloptions.h" #include "storage/freespace.h" #include "storage/indexfsm.h" #include "bloom.h" /* Signature dealing macros */ #define BITSIGNTYPE (BITS_PER_BYTE * sizeof(SignType)) #define GETWORD(x,i) ( *( (SignType*)(x) + (int)( (i) / BITSIGNTYPE ) ) ) #define CLRBIT(x,i) GETWORD(x,i) &= ~( 0x01 << ( (i) % BITSIGNTYPE ) ) #define SETBIT(x,i) GETWORD(x,i) |= ( 0x01 << ( (i) % BITSIGNTYPE ) ) #define GETBIT(x,i) ( (GETWORD(x,i) >> ( (i) % BITSIGNTYPE )) & 0x01 ) PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(blhandler); /* Kind of relation optioms for bloom index */ static relopt_kind bl_relopt_kind; static int32 myRand(); static void mySrand(uint32 seed); /* * Module initialize function: initilized relation options. */ void _PG_init(void) { int i; char buf[16]; bl_relopt_kind = add_reloption_kind(); add_int_reloption(bl_relopt_kind, "length", "Length of signature in uint16 type", 5, 1, 256); for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS; i++) { snprintf(buf, 16, "col%d", i + 1); add_int_reloption(bl_relopt_kind, buf, "Number of bits for corresponding column", 2, 1, 2048); } } /* * Bloom handler function: return IndexAmRoutine with access method parameters * and callbacks. */ Datum blhandler(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { IndexAmRoutine *amroutine = makeNode(IndexAmRoutine); amroutine->amstrategies = 1; amroutine->amsupport = 1; amroutine->amcanorder = false; amroutine->amcanorderbyop = false; amroutine->amcanbackward = false; amroutine->amcanunique = false; amroutine->amcanmulticol = true; amroutine->amoptionalkey = true; amroutine->amsearcharray = false; amroutine->amsearchnulls = false; amroutine->amstorage = false; amroutine->amclusterable = false; amroutine->ampredlocks = false; amroutine->amkeytype = 0; amroutine->aminsert = blinsert; amroutine->ambeginscan = blbeginscan; amroutine->amgettuple = NULL; amroutine->amgetbitmap = blgetbitmap; amroutine->amrescan = blrescan; amroutine->amendscan = blendscan; amroutine->ammarkpos = NULL; amroutine->amrestrpos = NULL; amroutine->ambuild = blbuild; amroutine->ambuildempty = blbuildempty; amroutine->ambulkdelete = blbulkdelete; amroutine->amvacuumcleanup = blvacuumcleanup; amroutine->amcanreturn = NULL; amroutine->amcostestimate = blcostestimate; amroutine->amoptions = bloptions; amroutine->amvalidate = blvalidate; PG_RETURN_POINTER(amroutine); } /* * Fill BloomState structure for particular index. */ void initBloomState(BloomState *state, Relation index) { int i; state->nColumns = index->rd_att->natts; /* Initialize hash function for each attribute */ for (i = 0; i < index->rd_att->natts; i++) { fmgr_info_copy(&(state->hashFn[i]), index_getprocinfo(index, i + 1, BLOOM_HASH_PROC), CurrentMemoryContext); } /* Initialize amcache if needed with options from metapage */ if (!index->rd_amcache) { Buffer buffer; Page page; BloomMetaPageData *meta; BloomOptions *opts; opts = MemoryContextAlloc(index->rd_indexcxt, sizeof(BloomOptions)); buffer = ReadBuffer(index, BLOOM_METAPAGE_BLKNO); LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE); page = BufferGetPage(buffer); if (!BloomPageIsMeta(page)) elog(ERROR, "Relation is not a bloom index"); meta = BloomPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(buffer)); if (meta->magickNumber != BLOOM_MAGICK_NUMBER) elog(ERROR, "Relation is not a bloom index"); *opts = meta->opts; UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); index->rd_amcache = (void *) opts; } memcpy(&state->opts, index->rd_amcache, sizeof(state->opts)); state->sizeOfBloomTuple = BLOOMTUPLEHDRSZ + sizeof(SignType) * state->opts.bloomLength; } /* * Random generator copied from FreeBSD. Using own random generator here for * two reasons: * * 1) In this case random numbers are used for on-disk storage. Usage of * PostgreSQL number generator would obstruct it from all possible changes. * 2) Changing seed of PostgreSQL random generator would be undesirable side * effect. */ static int32 next; static int32 myRand() { /* * Compute x = (7^5 * x) mod (2^31 - 1) * without overflowing 31 bits: * (2^31 - 1) = 127773 * (7^5) + 2836 * From "Random number generators: good ones are hard to find", * Park and Miller, Communications of the ACM, vol. 31, no. 10, * October 1988, p. 1195. */ int32 hi, lo, x; /* Must be in [1, 0x7ffffffe] range at this point. */ hi = next / 127773; lo = next % 127773; x = 16807 * lo - 2836 * hi; if (x < 0) x += 0x7fffffff; next = x; /* Transform to [0, 0x7ffffffd] range. */ return (x - 1); } static void mySrand(uint32 seed) { next = seed; /* Transform to [1, 0x7ffffffe] range. */ next = (next % 0x7ffffffe) + 1; } /* * Add bits of given value to the signature. */ void signValue(BloomState *state, SignType *sign, Datum value, int attno) { uint32 hashVal; int nBit, j; /* * init generator with "column's" number to get "hashed" seed for new * value. We don't want to map the same numbers from different columns * into the same bits! */ mySrand(attno); /* * Init hash sequence to map our value into bits. the same values in * different columns will be mapped into different bits because of step * above */ hashVal = DatumGetInt32(FunctionCall1(&state->hashFn[attno], value)); mySrand(hashVal ^ myRand()); for (j = 0; j < state->opts.bitSize[attno]; j++) { /* prevent mutiple evaluation */ nBit = myRand() % (state->opts.bloomLength * BITSIGNTYPE); SETBIT(sign, nBit); } } /* * Make bloom tuple from values. */ BloomTuple * BloomFormTuple(BloomState *state, ItemPointer iptr, Datum *values, bool *isnull) { int i; BloomTuple *res = (BloomTuple *) palloc0(state->sizeOfBloomTuple); res->heapPtr = *iptr; /* Blooming each column */ for (i = 0; i < state->nColumns; i++) { /* skip nulls */ if (isnull[i]) continue; signValue(state, res->sign, values[i], i); } return res; } /* * Add new bloom tuple to the page. Returns true if new tuple was successfully * added to the page. Returns false if it doesn't git the page. */ bool BloomPageAddItem(BloomState *state, Page page, BloomTuple *tuple) { BloomTuple *itup; BloomPageOpaque opaque; Pointer ptr; /* Does new tuple fit the page */ if (BloomPageGetFreeSpace(state, page) < state->sizeOfBloomTuple) return false; /* Copy new tuple to the end of page */ opaque = BloomPageGetOpaque(page); itup = BloomPageGetTuple(state, page, opaque->maxoff + 1); memcpy((Pointer) itup, (Pointer) tuple, state->sizeOfBloomTuple); /* Adjust maxoff and pd_lower */ opaque->maxoff++; ptr = (Pointer) BloomPageGetTuple(state, page, opaque->maxoff + 1); ((PageHeader) page)->pd_lower = ptr - page; return true; } /* * Allocate a new page (either by recycling, or by extending the index file) * The returned buffer is already pinned and exclusive-locked * Caller is responsible for initializing the page by calling BloomInitBuffer */ Buffer BloomNewBuffer(Relation index) { Buffer buffer; bool needLock; /* First, try to get a page from FSM */ for (;;) { BlockNumber blkno = GetFreeIndexPage(index); if (blkno == InvalidBlockNumber) break; buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno); /* * We have to guard against the possibility that someone else already * recycled this page; the buffer may be locked if so. */ if (ConditionalLockBuffer(buffer)) { Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer); if (PageIsNew(page)) return buffer; /* OK to use, if never initialized */ if (BloomPageIsDeleted(page)) return buffer; /* OK to use */ LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK); } /* Can't use it, so release buffer and try again */ ReleaseBuffer(buffer); } /* Must extend the file */ needLock = !RELATION_IS_LOCAL(index); if (needLock) LockRelationForExtension(index, ExclusiveLock); buffer = ReadBuffer(index, P_NEW); LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE); if (needLock) UnlockRelationForExtension(index, ExclusiveLock); return buffer; } /* * Initialize bloom page. */ void BloomInitPage(Page page, uint16 flags) { BloomPageOpaque opaque; PageInit(page, BLCKSZ, sizeof(BloomPageOpaqueData)); opaque = BloomPageGetOpaque(page); memset(opaque, 0, sizeof(BloomPageOpaqueData)); opaque->flags = flags; } /* * Adjust options of bloom index. */ static void adjustBloomOptions(BloomOptions *opts) { int i; /* Default length of bloom filter is 5 of 16-bit integers */ if (opts->bloomLength <= 0) opts->bloomLength = 5; else if (opts->bloomLength > MAX_BLOOM_LENGTH) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("length of bloom signature (%d) is greater than maximum %d", opts->bloomLength, MAX_BLOOM_LENGTH))); /* Check singnature length */ for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS; i++) { /* * Zero and negative number of bits is meaningless. Also setting * more bits than signature have seems useless. Replace both cases * with 2 bits default. */ if (opts->bitSize[i] <= 0 || opts->bitSize[i] >= opts->bloomLength * sizeof(SignType) * BITS_PER_BYTE) opts->bitSize[i] = 2; } } /* * Initialize metapage for bloom index. */ void BloomInitMetapage(Relation index) { Page metaPage; Buffer metaBuffer; BloomMetaPageData *metadata; GenericXLogState *state; /* * Make a new buffer, since it first buffer it should be associated with * block number 0 (BLOOM_METAPAGE_BLKNO). */ metaBuffer = BloomNewBuffer(index); Assert(BufferGetBlockNumber(metaBuffer) == BLOOM_METAPAGE_BLKNO); /* Initialize bloom index options */ if (!index->rd_options) index->rd_options = palloc0(sizeof(BloomOptions)); adjustBloomOptions((BloomOptions *) index->rd_options); /* Initialize contents of meta page */ state = GenericXLogStart(index); metaPage = GenericXLogRegister(state, metaBuffer, true); BloomInitPage(metaPage, BLOOM_META); metadata = BloomPageGetMeta(metaPage); memset(metadata, 0, sizeof(BloomMetaPageData)); metadata->magickNumber = BLOOM_MAGICK_NUMBER; metadata->opts = *((BloomOptions *) index->rd_options); ((PageHeader) metaPage)->pd_lower += sizeof(BloomMetaPageData); GenericXLogFinish(state); UnlockReleaseBuffer(metaBuffer); } /* * Initialize options for bloom index. */ bytea * bloptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate) { relopt_value *options; int numoptions; BloomOptions *rdopts; relopt_parse_elt tab[INDEX_MAX_KEYS + 1]; int i; char buf[16]; /* Option for length of signature */ tab[0].optname = "length"; tab[0].opttype = RELOPT_TYPE_INT; tab[0].offset = offsetof(BloomOptions, bloomLength); /* Number of bits for each of possible columns: col1, col2, ... */ for (i = 0; i < INDEX_MAX_KEYS; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "col%d", i + 1); tab[i + 1].optname = pstrdup(buf); tab[i + 1].opttype = RELOPT_TYPE_INT; tab[i + 1].offset = offsetof(BloomOptions, bitSize[i]); } options = parseRelOptions(reloptions, validate, bl_relopt_kind, &numoptions); rdopts = allocateReloptStruct(sizeof(BloomOptions), options, numoptions); fillRelOptions((void *) rdopts, sizeof(BloomOptions), options, numoptions, validate, tab, INDEX_MAX_KEYS + 1); adjustBloomOptions(rdopts); return (bytea *) rdopts; }