/bin/sh ./regress.sh 2>&1 | tee obj/regress.out =============== destroying old regression database... ================= WARN:destroydb: database regression does not exist. destroydb: database destroy failed on regression. =============== creating new regression database... ================= QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION circle_in(opaque) RETURNS circle AS '_OBJWD_/regress.so' LANGUAGE 'c'; NOTICE:ProcedureCreate: type 'circle' is not yet defined QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION circle_out(opaque) RETURNS opaque AS '_OBJWD_/regress.so' LANGUAGE 'c'; QUERY: CREATE TYPE circle ( internallength = 24, input = circle_in, output = circle_out, alignment = double ); QUERY: CREATE TYPE city_budget ( internallength = 16, input = int44in, output = int44out, element = int4 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE hobbies_r ( name text, person text ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE equipment_r ( name text, hobby text ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE onek ( unique1 int4, unique2 int4, two int4, four int4, ten int4, twenty int4, hundred int4, thousand int4, twothousand int4, fivethous int4, tenthous int4, odd int4, even int4, stringu1 char16, stringu2 char16, string4 char16 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE tenk1 ( unique1 int4, unique2 int4, two int4, four int4, ten int4, twenty int4, hundred int4, thousand int4, twothousand int4, fivethous int4, tenthous int4, odd int4, even int4, stringu1 char16, stringu2 char16, string4 char16 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE tenk2 ( unique1 int4, unique2 int4, two int4, four int4, ten int4, twenty int4, hundred int4, thousand int4, twothousand int4, fivethous int4, tenthous int4, odd int4, even int4, stringu1 char16, stringu2 char16, string4 char16 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE person ( name text, age int4, location point ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE emp ( salary int4, manager char16 ) INHERITS (person); QUERY: CREATE TABLE student ( gpa float8 ) INHERITS (person); QUERY: CREATE TABLE stud_emp ( percent int4 ) INHERITS (emp, student); QUERY: CREATE TABLE city ( name char16, location box, budget city_budget ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE dept ( dname char16, mgrname text ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE slow_emp4000 ( home_base box ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE fast_emp4000 ( home_base box ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE road ( name text, thepath path ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE ihighway () INHERITS (road); QUERY: CREATE TABLE shighway ( surface text ) INHERITS (road); QUERY: CREATE TABLE real_city ( pop int4, cname text, outline path ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE a_star ( class char, a int4 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE b_star ( b text ) INHERITS (a_star); QUERY: CREATE TABLE c_star ( c char16 ) INHERITS (a_star); QUERY: CREATE TABLE d_star ( d float8 ) INHERITS (b_star, c_star); QUERY: CREATE TABLE e_star ( e int2 ) INHERITS (c_star); QUERY: CREATE TABLE f_star ( f polygon ) INHERITS (e_star); QUERY: CREATE TABLE aggtest ( a int2, b float4 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE arrtest ( a int2[], b int4[][][], c char16[], d text[][], e float8[] ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE hash_i4_heap ( seqno int4, random int4 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE hash_c16_heap ( seqno int4, random char16 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE hash_txt_heap ( seqno int4, random text ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE hash_f8_heap ( seqno int4, random float8 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE bt_i4_heap ( seqno int4, random int4 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE bt_c16_heap ( seqno char16, random int4 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE bt_txt_heap ( seqno text, random int4 ); QUERY: CREATE TABLE bt_f8_heap ( seqno float8, random int4 ); QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION hobbies(person) RETURNS setof hobbies_r AS 'select * from hobbies_r where person = $1.name' LANGUAGE 'sql'; QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION hobby_construct(text, text) RETURNS hobbies_r AS 'select $1 as name, $2 as hobby' LANGUAGE 'sql'; QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION equipment(hobbies_r) RETURNS setof equipment_r AS 'select * from equipment_r where hobby = $1.name' LANGUAGE 'sql'; QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION user_relns() RETURNS setof name AS 'select relname from pg_class where relname !~ ''pg_.*'' and relkind <> ''i'' ' LANGUAGE 'sql'; QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION pt_in_circle(point, circle) RETURNS int4 AS '_OBJWD_/regress.so' LANGUAGE 'c'; QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION overpaid(emp) RETURNS bool AS '_OBJWD_/regress.so' LANGUAGE 'c'; QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION boxarea(box) RETURNS int4 AS '_OBJWD_/regress.so' LANGUAGE 'c'; QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION interpt_pp(path, path) RETURNS point AS '_OBJWD_/regress.so' LANGUAGE 'c'; QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION reverse_c16(char16) RETURNS char16 AS '_OBJWD_/regress.so' LANGUAGE 'c'; QUERY: LOAD '_OBJWD_/regress.so' COPY onek FROM '_CWD_/data/onek.data'; QUERY: COPY tenk1 FROM '_CWD_/data/tenk.data'; QUERY: INSERT INTO tenk2 VALUES (tenk1.*); QUERY: SELECT * INTO TABLE onek2 FROM onek; QUERY: COPY slow_emp4000 FROM '_CWD_/data/rect.data'; QUERY: INSERT INTO fast_emp4000 VALUES (slow_emp4000.*); QUERY: COPY person FROM '_CWD_/data/person.data'; QUERY: COPY emp FROM '_CWD_/data/emp.data'; QUERY: COPY student FROM '_CWD_/data/student.data'; QUERY: COPY stud_emp FROM '_CWD_/data/stud_emp.data'; QUERY: SELECT * INTO TABLE Bprime FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 1000; QUERY: INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name, person) SELECT 'posthacking', p.name FROM person* p WHERE p.name = 'mike' or p.name = 'jeff'; QUERY: INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name, person) SELECT 'basketball', p.name FROM person p WHERE p.name = 'joe' or p.name = 'sally'; QUERY: INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name) VALUES ('skywalking'); QUERY: INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('advil', 'posthacking'); QUERY: INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('peet''s coffee', 'posthacking'); QUERY: INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('hightops', 'basketball'); QUERY: INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('guts', 'skywalking'); QUERY: COPY road FROM '_CWD_/data/streets.data'; QUERY: COPY real_city FROM '_CWD_/data/real_city.data'; QUERY: SELECT * INTO TABLE ramp FROM road WHERE name ~ '.*Ramp'; QUERY: INSERT INTO ihighway SELECT * FROM road WHERE name ~ 'I- .*'; QUERY: INSERT INTO shighway SELECT * FROM road WHERE name ~ 'State Hwy.*'; QUERY: UPDATE shighway SET surface = 'asphalt' INSERT INTO a_star (class, a) VALUES ('a', 1); QUERY: INSERT INTO a_star (class, a) VALUES ('a', 2); QUERY: INSERT INTO a_star (class) VALUES ('a'); QUERY: INSERT INTO b_star (class, a, b) VALUES ('b', 3, 'mumble'::text); QUERY: INSERT INTO b_star (class, a) VALUES ('b', 4); QUERY: INSERT INTO b_star (class, b) VALUES ('b', 'bumble'::text); QUERY: INSERT INTO b_star (class) VALUES ('b'); QUERY: INSERT INTO c_star (class, a, c) VALUES ('c', 5, 'hi mom'::char16); QUERY: INSERT INTO c_star (class, a) VALUES ('c', 6); QUERY: INSERT INTO c_star (class, c) VALUES ('c', 'hi paul'::char16); QUERY: INSERT INTO c_star (class) VALUES ('c'); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, c, d) VALUES ('d', 7, 'grumble'::text, 'hi sunita'::char16, '0.0'::float8); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, c) VALUES ('d', 8, 'stumble'::text, 'hi koko'::char16); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, d) VALUES ('d', 9, 'rumble'::text, '1.1'::float8); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, c, d) VALUES ('d', 10, 'hi kristin'::char16, '10.01'::float8); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, c, d) VALUES ('d', 'crumble'::text, 'hi boris'::char16, '100.001'::float8); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b) VALUES ('d', 11, 'fumble'::text) INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, c) VALUES ('d', 12, 'hi avi'::char16); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, d) VALUES ('d', 13, '1000.0001'::float8); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, c) VALUES ('d', 'tumble'::text, 'hi andrew'::char16); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, d) VALUES ('d', 'humble'::text, '10000.00001'::float8); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, c, d) VALUES ('d', 'hi ginger'::char16, '100000.000001'::float8); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a) VALUES ('d', 14); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, b) VALUES ('d', 'jumble'::text); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, c) VALUES ('d', 'hi jolly'::char16); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, d) VALUES ('d', '1000000.0000001'::float8); QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class) VALUES ('d'); QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, c, e) VALUES ('e', 15, 'hi carol'::char16, '-1'::int2); QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, c) VALUES ('e', 16, 'hi bob'::char16); QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, e) VALUES ('e', 17, '-2'::int2); QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, c, e) VALUES ('e', 'hi michelle'::char16, '-3'::int2); QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, a) VALUES ('e', 18); QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, c) VALUES ('e', 'hi elisa'::char16); QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, e) VALUES ('e', '-4'::int2); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, e, f) VALUES ('f', 19, 'hi claire'::char16, '-5'::int2, '(1,2,3,4)'::polygon); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, e) VALUES ('f', 20, 'hi mike'::char16, '-6'::int2); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, f) VALUES ('f', 21, 'hi marcel'::char16, '(11,22,33,44,55,66)'::polygon); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, e, f) VALUES ('f', 22, '-7'::int2, '(111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888)'::polygon); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, e, f) VALUES ('f', 'hi keith'::char16, '-8'::int2, '(1111,2222,3333,4444)'::polygon); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c) VALUES ('f', 24, 'hi marc'::char16); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, e) VALUES ('f', 25, '-9'::int2); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, f) VALUES ('f', 26, '(11111,22222,33333,44444)'::polygon); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, e) VALUES ('f', 'hi allison'::char16, '-10'::int2); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, f) VALUES ('f', 'hi jeff'::char16, '(111111,222222,333333,444444)'::polygon); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, e, f) VALUES ('f', '-11'::int2, '(1111111,2222222,3333333,4444444)'::polygon); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a) VALUES ('f', 27); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, c) VALUES ('f', 'hi carl'::char16); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, e) VALUES ('f', '-12'::int2); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, f) VALUES ('f', '(11111111,22222222,33333333,44444444)'::polygon); QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class) VALUES ('f'); QUERY: COPY hash_i4_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; QUERY: COPY hash_c16_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; QUERY: COPY hash_txt_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; QUERY: COPY hash_f8_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; QUERY: COPY bt_i4_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/desc.data'; QUERY: COPY bt_c16_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; QUERY: COPY bt_txt_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/desc.data'; QUERY: COPY bt_f8_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; QUERY: INSERT INTO arrtest (a[5], b[2][1][2], c, d) VALUES ('{1,2,3,4,5}', '{{{},{1,2}}}', '{}', '{}'); QUERY: INSERT INTO arrtest (a, b[2][2][1], c, d, e) VALUES ('{11,12,23}', '{{3,4},{4,5}}', '{"foobar"}', '{{"elt1", "elt2"}}', '{"3.4", "6.7"}'); QUERY: INSERT INTO arrtest (a, b[1][2][2], c, d[2][1]) VALUES ('{}', '{3,4}', '{foo,bar}', '{bar,foo}'); QUERY: CREATE TABLE iportaltest ( i int4, d float4, p polygon ); QUERY: INSERT INTO iportaltest (i, d, p) VALUES (1, 3.567, '(3.0,4.0,1.0,2.0)'::polygon); QUERY: INSERT INTO iportaltest (i, d, p) VALUES (2, 89.05, '(4.0,3.0,2.0,1.0)'::polygon); QUERY: CREATE INDEX onek_unique1 ON onek USING btree(unique1 int4_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX onek_unique2 ON onek USING btree(unique2 int4_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX onek_hundred ON onek USING btree(hundred int4_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX onek_stringu1 ON onek USING btree(stringu1 char16_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk1_unique1 ON tenk1 USING btree(unique1 int4_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk1_unique2 ON tenk1 USING btree(unique2 int4_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk1_hundred ON tenk1 USING btree(hundred int4_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk2_unique1 ON tenk2 USING btree(unique1 int4_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk2_unique2 ON tenk2 USING btree(unique2 int4_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk2_hundred ON tenk2 USING btree(hundred int4_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX rix ON road USING btree (name text_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX iix ON ihighway USING btree (name text_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX six ON shighway USING btree (name text_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX bt_i4_index ON bt_i4_heap USING btree (seqno int4_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX bt_c16_index ON bt_c16_heap USING btree (seqno char16_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX bt_txt_index ON bt_txt_heap USING btree (seqno text_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX bt_f8_index ON bt_f8_heap USING btree (seqno float8_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX rect2ind ON fast_emp4000 USING rtree (home_base bigbox_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX hash_i4_index ON hash_i4_heap USING hash (random int4_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX hash_c16_index ON hash_c16_heap USING hash (random char16_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX hash_txt_index ON hash_txt_heap USING hash (random text_ops); QUERY: CREATE INDEX hash_f8_index ON hash_f8_heap USING hash (random float8_ops); QUERY: CREATE OPERATOR ## ( leftarg = path, rightarg = path, procedure = path_inter, commutator = ## ); QUERY: CREATE OPERATOR <% ( leftarg = point, rightarg = circle, procedure = pt_in_circle, commutator = >=% ); QUERY: CREATE OPERATOR @#@ ( rightarg = int4, -- left unary procedure = int4fac ); QUERY: CREATE OPERATOR #@# ( leftarg = int4, -- right unary procedure = int4fac ); QUERY: CREATE OPERATOR #%# ( leftarg = int4, -- right unary procedure = int4fac ); QUERY: CREATE VIEW street AS SELECT r.name, r.thepath, c.cname AS cname FROM road r, real_city c WHERE c.outline ## r.thepath; QUERY: CREATE VIEW iexit AS SELECT ih.name, ih.thepath, interpt_pp(ih.thepath, r.thepath) AS exit FROM ihighway ih, ramp r WHERE ih.thepath ## r.thepath; QUERY: CREATE VIEW toyemp AS SELECT name, age, location, 12*salary AS annualsal FROM emp; QUERY: CREATE AGGREGATE newavg ( sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4, sfunc2 = int4inc, stype2 = int4, finalfunc = int4div, initcond1 = '0', initcond2 = '0' ); QUERY: CREATE AGGREGATE newsum ( sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4, initcond1 = '0' ); QUERY: CREATE AGGREGATE newcnt ( sfunc2 = int4inc, basetype = int4, stype2 = int4, initcond2 = '0' ); QUERY: VACUUM; QUERY: SELECT relname, relhasindex FROM pg_class WHERE relhasindex ORDER BY relname; relname relhasindex -------------- ------------ bt_c16_heap t bt_f8_heap t bt_i4_heap t bt_txt_heap t fast_emp4000 t hash_c16_heap t hash_f8_heap t hash_i4_heap t hash_txt_heap t ihighway t onek t pg_attribute t pg_class t pg_proc t pg_type t road t shighway t tenk1 t tenk2 t =============== running regression queries ... ================= QUERY: SELECT 1 AS one; one ---- 1 QUERY: SELECT 't'::bool AS true; true ----- t QUERY: SELECT 'f'::bool AS false; false ------ f QUERY: SELECT 't'::bool or 'f'::bool AS true; true ----- t QUERY: SELECT 't'::bool and 'f'::bool AS false; false ------ f QUERY: SELECT not 'f'::bool AS true; true ----- t QUERY: SELECT 't'::bool = 'f'::bool AS false; false ------ f QUERY: SELECT 't'::bool <> 'f'::bool AS true; true ----- t QUERY: CREATE TABLE BOOLTBL1 (f1 bool); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOOLTBL1 (f1) VALUES ('t'::bool); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOOLTBL1 (f1) VALUES ('True'::bool); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOOLTBL1 (f1) VALUES ('true'::bool); QUERY: SELECT '' AS t_3, BOOLTBL1.*; t_3 f1 ---- --- t t t QUERY: SELECT '' AS t_3, BOOLTBL1.* FROM BOOLTBL1 WHERE f1 = 'true'::bool; t_3 f1 ---- --- t t t QUERY: SELECT '' AS t_3, BOOLTBL1.* FROM BOOLTBL1 WHERE f1 <> 'false'::bool; t_3 f1 ---- --- t t t QUERY: SELECT '' AS zero, BOOLTBL1.* FROM BOOLTBL1 WHERE booleq('false'::bool, f1); zero f1 ----- --- QUERY: INSERT INTO BOOLTBL1 (f1) VALUES ('f'::bool); QUERY: SELECT '' AS f_1, BOOLTBL1.* FROM BOOLTBL1 WHERE f1 = 'false'::bool; f_1 f1 ---- --- f QUERY: CREATE TABLE BOOLTBL2 (f1 bool); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOOLTBL2 (f1) VALUES ('f'::bool); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOOLTBL2 (f1) VALUES ('false'::bool); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOOLTBL2 (f1) VALUES ('False'::bool); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOOLTBL2 (f1) VALUES ('XXX'::bool); QUERY: SELECT '' AS f_4, BOOLTBL2.*; f_4 f1 ---- --- f f f f QUERY: SELECT '' AS tf_12, BOOLTBL1.*, BOOLTBL2.* WHERE BOOLTBL2.f1 <> BOOLTBL1.f1; tf_12 f1 f1 ------ --- --- t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f QUERY: SELECT '' AS tf_12, BOOLTBL1.*, BOOLTBL2.* WHERE boolne(BOOLTBL2.f1,BOOLTBL1.f1); tf_12 f1 f1 ------ --- --- t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f QUERY: SELECT '' AS ff_4, BOOLTBL1.*, BOOLTBL2.* WHERE BOOLTBL2.f1 = BOOLTBL1.f1 and BOOLTBL1.f1 = 'false'::bool; ff_4 f1 f1 ----- --- --- f f f f f f f f QUERY: SELECT '' AS tf_12_ff_4, BOOLTBL1.*, BOOLTBL2.* WHERE BOOLTBL2.f1 = BOOLTBL1.f1 or BOOLTBL1.f1 = 'true'::bool; tf_12_ff_4 f1 f1 ----------- --- --- t f t f t f f f t f t f t f f f t f t f t f f f t f t f t f f f QUERY: CREATE TABLE ABSTIME_TBL (f1 abstime); QUERY: INSERT INTO ABSTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('Jan 14, 1973 03:14:21'); QUERY: INSERT INTO ABSTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('Mon May 1 00:30:30 PDT 1995'::abstime); QUERY: INSERT INTO ABSTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('epoch'::abstime); QUERY: INSERT INTO ABSTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('current'::abstime); QUERY: INSERT INTO ABSTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('infinity'::abstime); QUERY: INSERT INTO ABSTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('-infinity'::abstime); QUERY: INSERT INTO ABSTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('May 10, 1943 23:59:12'); QUERY: INSERT INTO ABSTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('Feb 35, 1946 10:00:00'); QUERY: INSERT INTO ABSTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('Feb 28, 1984 25:08:10'); QUERY: INSERT INTO ABSTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('bad date format'); QUERY: INSERT INTO ABSTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('Jun 10, 1843'); QUERY: CREATE TABLE RELTIME_TBL (f1 reltime); QUERY: INSERT INTO RELTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('@ 1 minute'); QUERY: INSERT INTO RELTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('@ 5 hour'); QUERY: INSERT INTO RELTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('@ 10 day'); QUERY: INSERT INTO RELTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('@ 34 year'); QUERY: INSERT INTO RELTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('@ 3 months'); QUERY: INSERT INTO RELTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('@ 14 seconds ago'); QUERY: INSERT INTO RELTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('badly formatted reltime'); QUERY: INSERT INTO RELTIME_TBL (f1) VALUES ('@ 30 eons ago'); QUERY: CREATE TABLE TINTERVAL_TBL (f1 tinterval); QUERY: INSERT INTO TINTERVAL_TBL (f1) VALUES ('["-infinity" "infinity"]'); QUERY: INSERT INTO TINTERVAL_TBL (f1) VALUES ('["May 10, 1943 23:59:12" "Jan 14, 1973 03:14:21"]'); QUERY: INSERT INTO TINTERVAL_TBL (f1) VALUES ('["Sep 4, 1983 23:59:12" "Oct 4, 1983 23:59:12"]'); QUERY: INSERT INTO TINTERVAL_TBL (f1) VALUES ('["epoch" "Mon May 1 00:30:30 PDT 1995"]'); QUERY: INSERT INTO TINTERVAL_TBL (f1) VALUES ('["Feb 15 1990 12:15:03" "current"]'); QUERY: INSERT INTO TINTERVAL_TBL (f1) VALUES ('["bad time specifications" ""]'); QUERY: INSERT INTO TINTERVAL_TBL (f1) VALUES ('["" "infinity"]'); QUERY: SELECT '' AS eleven, ABSTIME_TBL.*; eleven f1 ------- ----------------------------- Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT epoch current infinity -infinity Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST Invalid Abstime Invalid Abstime QUERY: SELECT '' AS eight, ABSTIME_TBL.* WHERE ABSTIME_TBL.f1 < 'Jun 30, 2001'::abstime; eight f1 ------ ----------------------------- Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT epoch current -infinity Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST QUERY: SELECT '' AS eight, ABSTIME_TBL.* WHERE ABSTIME_TBL.f1 > '-infinity'::abstime; eight f1 ------ ----------------------------- Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT epoch current infinity Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST QUERY: SELECT '' AS eight, ABSTIME_TBL.* WHERE 'May 10, 1943 23:59:12'::abstime <> ABSTIME_TBL.f1; eight f1 ------ ----------------------------- Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT epoch current infinity -infinity Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, ABSTIME_TBL.* WHERE 'current'::abstime = ABSTIME_TBL.f1; one f1 ---- -------- current QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, ABSTIME_TBL.* WHERE 'epoch'::abstime >= ABSTIME_TBL.f1; five f1 ----- ----------------------------- epoch -infinity Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, ABSTIME_TBL.* WHERE ABSTIME_TBL.f1 <= 'Jan 14, 1973 03:14:21'::abstime; six f1 ---- ----------------------------- Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST epoch -infinity Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, ABSTIME_TBL.* WHERE ABSTIME_TBL.f1 '["Apr 1 1945 00:00:00" "Dec 30 1999 23:00:00"]'::tinterval; six f1 ---- ----------------------------- Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT epoch current Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, ABSTIME_TBL.* WHERE (ABSTIME_TBL.f1 + '@ 3 year'::reltime) -- +3 years < 'Jan 14 14:00:00 1977'::abstime; five f1 ----- ----------------------------- Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST epoch Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, ABSTIME_TBL.* WHERE (ABSTIME_TBL.f1 + '@ 3 year ago'::reltime) -- -3 years < 'Jan 14 14:00:00 1971'::abstime; five f1 ----- ----------------------------- Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST epoch Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, ABSTIME_TBL.* WHERE (ABSTIME_TBL.f1 - '@ 3 year'::reltime) -- -(+3) years < 'Jan 14 14:00:00 1971'::abstime; five f1 ----- ----------------------------- Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST epoch Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, ABSTIME_TBL.* WHERE (ABSTIME_TBL.f1 - '@ 3 year ago'::reltime) -- -(-3) years < 'Jan 14 14:00:00 1977'::abstime; five f1 ----- ----------------------------- Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST epoch Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST QUERY: SELECT '' AS twenty, ABSTIME_TBL.*, RELTIME_TBL.* WHERE (ABSTIME_TBL.f1 + RELTIME_TBL.f1) < 'Jan 14 14:00:00 1971'::abstime; twenty f1 f1 ------- ----------------------------- ----------------- epoch @ 1 minute Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT @ 1 minute Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST @ 1 minute Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST @ 1 minute epoch @ 5 hours Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT @ 5 hours Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST @ 5 hours Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST @ 5 hours epoch @ 10 days Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT @ 10 days Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST @ 10 days Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST @ 10 days epoch @ 3 months Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT @ 3 months Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST @ 3 months Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST @ 3 months epoch @ 14 seconds ago Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT @ 14 seconds ago Thu Mar 07 10:00:00 1946 PST @ 14 seconds ago Wed Dec 31 15:59:59 1969 PST @ 14 seconds ago QUERY: SELECT '' AS eight, RELTIME_TBL.*; eight f1 ------ ------------------ @ 1 minute @ 5 hours @ 10 days @ 34 years @ 3 months @ 14 seconds ago Undefined RelTime Undefined RelTime QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, RELTIME_TBL.* WHERE RELTIME_TBL.f1 <> '@ 10 days'::reltime; five f1 ----- ----------------- @ 1 minute @ 5 hours @ 34 years @ 3 months @ 14 seconds ago QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, RELTIME_TBL.* WHERE RELTIME_TBL.f1 <= '@ 5 hours'::reltime; three f1 ------ ----------------- @ 1 minute @ 5 hours @ 14 seconds ago QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, RELTIME_TBL.* WHERE RELTIME_TBL.f1 < '@ 1 day'::reltime; three f1 ------ ----------------- @ 1 minute @ 5 hours @ 14 seconds ago QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, RELTIME_TBL.* WHERE RELTIME_TBL.f1 = '@ 34 years'::reltime; one f1 ---- ----------- @ 34 years QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, RELTIME_TBL.* WHERE RELTIME_TBL.f1 >= '@ 1 month'::reltime; two f1 ---- ----------- @ 34 years @ 3 months QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, RELTIME_TBL.* WHERE RELTIME_TBL.f1 > '@ 3 seconds ago'::reltime; five f1 ----- ----------- @ 1 minute @ 5 hours @ 10 days @ 34 years @ 3 months QUERY: SELECT '' AS fifteen, r1.*, r2.* FROM RELTIME_TBL r1, RELTIME_TBL r2 WHERE r1.f1 > r2.f1; fifteen f1 f1 -------- ----------- ----------------- @ 5 hours @ 1 minute @ 10 days @ 1 minute @ 34 years @ 1 minute @ 3 months @ 1 minute @ 10 days @ 5 hours @ 34 years @ 5 hours @ 3 months @ 5 hours @ 34 years @ 10 days @ 3 months @ 10 days @ 34 years @ 3 months @ 1 minute @ 14 seconds ago @ 5 hours @ 14 seconds ago @ 10 days @ 14 seconds ago @ 34 years @ 14 seconds ago @ 3 months @ 14 seconds ago QUERY: SELECT '' AS seven, TINTERVAL_TBL.*; seven f1 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT' 'Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST'] ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST' 'current'] ['Undefined Range'] ['Undefined Range'] QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, t.* FROM TINTERVAL_TBL t WHERE t.f1 #= '@ 1 months'; one f1 ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, t.* FROM TINTERVAL_TBL t WHERE t.f1 #<> '@ 1 months'; three f1 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ['Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT' 'Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST' 'current'] QUERY: SELECT '' AS zero, t.* FROM TINTERVAL_TBL t WHERE t.f1 #< '@ 1 month'; zero f1 ----- --- QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, t.* FROM TINTERVAL_TBL t WHERE t.f1 #<= '@ 1 month'; one f1 ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, t.* FROM TINTERVAL_TBL t WHERE t.f1 #> '@ 1 year'; three f1 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ['Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT' 'Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST' 'current'] QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, t.* FROM TINTERVAL_TBL t WHERE t.f1 #>= '@ 3 years'; three f1 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ['Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT' 'Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST' 'current'] QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, t1.* FROM TINTERVAL_TBL t1 WHERE t1.f1 && '["Aug 15 14:23:19 1983" "Sep 16 14:23:19 1983"]'::tinterval; three f1 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, t1.*, t2.* FROM TINTERVAL_TBL t1, TINTERVAL_TBL t2 WHERE t1.f1 && t2.f1 and t1.f1 = t2.f1; five f1 f1 ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT' 'Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST'] ['Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT' 'Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST'] ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST' 'current'] ['Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST' 'current'] QUERY: SELECT '' AS fourteen, t1.*, t2.* FROM TINTERVAL_TBL t1, TINTERVAL_TBL t2 WHERE t1.f1 && t2.f1 and not t1.f1 = t2.f1; fourteen f1 f1 --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ['Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT' 'Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST'] ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST' 'current'] ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT' 'Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT' 'Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST'] ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT' 'Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST' 'current'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST' 'current'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] ['Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST' 'current'] QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, t1.* FROM TINTERVAL_TBL t1 WHERE not t1.f1 << '["Aug 15 14:23:19 1980" "Sep 16 14:23:19 1990"]'::tinterval; five f1 ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ['Mon May 10 23:59:12 1943 PWT' 'Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST'] ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] ['Thu Feb 15 12:15:03 1990 PST' 'current'] ['Undefined Range'] ['Undefined Range'] QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, t1.* FROM TINTERVAL_TBL t1 WHERE t1.f1 && ('Aug 15 14:23:19 1983'::abstime <#> 'Sep 16 14:23:19 1983'::abstime); three f1 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ['-infinity' 'infinity'] ['Sun Sep 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT' 'Tue Oct 04 23:59:12 1983 PDT'] ['epoch' 'Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT'] QUERY: CREATE TABLE BOX_TBL (f1 box); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOX_TBL (f1) VALUES ('(2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOX_TBL (f1) VALUES ('(1.0,1.0,3.0,3.0)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOX_TBL (f1) VALUES ('(2.5, 2.5, 2.5,3.5)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOX_TBL (f1) VALUES ('(3.0, 3.0,3.0,3.0)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO BOX_TBL (f1) VALUES ('(2.3, 4.5)'); WARN:Bad box external representation '(2.3, 4.5)' QUERY: INSERT INTO BOX_TBL (f1) VALUES ('asdfasdf(ad'); WARN:Bad box external representation 'asdfasdf(ad' QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, BOX_TBL.*; four f1 ----- ------------------ (2,2,0,0) (3,3,1,1) (2.5,3.5,2.5,2.5) (3,3,3,3) QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, b.*, box_area(b.f1) as barea FROM BOX_TBL b; four f1 barea ----- ------------------ ------ (2,2,0,0) 4 (3,3,1,1) 4 (2.5,3.5,2.5,2.5) 0 (3,3,3,3) 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, b.f1 FROM BOX_TBL b WHERE b.f1 && '(2.5,2.5,1.0,1.0)'::box; three f1 ------ ------------------ (2,2,0,0) (3,3,1,1) (2.5,3.5,2.5,2.5) QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, b1.* FROM BOX_TBL b1 WHERE b1.f1 &< '(2.0,2.0,2.5,2.5)'::box; two f1 ---- ------------------ (2,2,0,0) (2.5,3.5,2.5,2.5) QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, b1.* FROM BOX_TBL b1 WHERE b1.f1 &> '(2.0,2.0,2.5,2.5)'::box; two f1 ---- ------------------ (2.5,3.5,2.5,2.5) (3,3,3,3) QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, b.f1 FROM BOX_TBL b WHERE b.f1 << '(3.0,3.0,5.0,5.0)'::box; two f1 ---- ------------------ (2,2,0,0) (2.5,3.5,2.5,2.5) QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, b.f1 FROM BOX_TBL b WHERE b.f1 <= '(3.0,3.0,5.0,5.0)'::box; four f1 ----- ------------------ (2,2,0,0) (3,3,1,1) (2.5,3.5,2.5,2.5) (3,3,3,3) QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, b.f1 FROM BOX_TBL b WHERE b.f1 < '(3.0,3.0,5.0,5.0)'::box; two f1 ---- ------------------ (2.5,3.5,2.5,2.5) (3,3,3,3) QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, b.f1 FROM BOX_TBL b WHERE b.f1 = '(3.0,3.0,5.0,5.0)'::box; two f1 ---- ---------- (2,2,0,0) (3,3,1,1) QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, b.f1 FROM BOX_TBL b -- zero area WHERE b.f1 > '(3.5,3.0,4.5,3.0)'::box; two f1 ---- ---------- (2,2,0,0) (3,3,1,1) QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, b.f1 FROM BOX_TBL b -- zero area WHERE b.f1 >= '(3.5,3.0,4.5,3.0)'::box; four f1 ----- ------------------ (2,2,0,0) (3,3,1,1) (2.5,3.5,2.5,2.5) (3,3,3,3) QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, b.f1 FROM BOX_TBL b WHERE '(3.0,3.0,5.0,5.0)'::box >> b.f1; two f1 ---- ------------------ (2,2,0,0) (2.5,3.5,2.5,2.5) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, b.f1 FROM BOX_TBL b WHERE b.f1 @ '(0,0,3,3)'::box; three f1 ------ ---------- (2,2,0,0) (3,3,1,1) (3,3,3,3) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, b.f1 FROM BOX_TBL b WHERE '(0,0,3,3)'::box ~ b.f1; three f1 ------ ---------- (2,2,0,0) (3,3,1,1) (3,3,3,3) QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, b.f1 FROM BOX_TBL b WHERE '(1,1,3,3)'::box ~= b.f1; one f1 ---- ---------- (3,3,1,1) QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, @@(b1.f1) AS p FROM BOX_TBL b1; four p ----- -------- (1,1) (2,2) (2.5,3) (3,3) QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, b1.*, b2.* FROM BOX_TBL b1, BOX_TBL b2 WHERE b1.f1 ~ b2.f1 and not b1.f1 ~= b2.f1; one f1 f1 ---- ---------- ---------- (3,3,1,1) (3,3,3,3) QUERY: CREATE TABLE CHAR_TBL(f1 char); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR_TBL (f1) VALUES ('a'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR_TBL (f1) VALUES ('A'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR_TBL (f1) VALUES ('1'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR_TBL (f1) VALUES (2); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR_TBL (f1) VALUES ('3'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR_TBL (f1) VALUES (''); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR_TBL (f1) VALUES ('cd'); QUERY: SELECT '' AS seven, CHAR_TBL.*; seven f1 ------ --- a A 1 2 3 c QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, c.* FROM CHAR_TBL c WHERE c.f1 <> 'a'; six f1 ---- --- A 1 2 3 c QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, c.* FROM CHAR_TBL c WHERE c.f1 = 'a'; one f1 ---- --- a QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, c.* FROM CHAR_TBL c WHERE c.f1 < 'a'; five f1 ----- --- A 1 2 3 QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, c.* FROM CHAR_TBL c WHERE c.f1 <= 'a'; six f1 ---- --- a A 1 2 3 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, c.* FROM CHAR_TBL c WHERE c.f1 > 'a'; one f1 ---- --- c QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, c.* FROM CHAR_TBL c WHERE c.f1 >= 'a'; two f1 ---- --- a c QUERY: CREATE TABLE CHAR2_TBL(f1 char2); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR2_TBL (f1) VALUES ('AB'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR2_TBL (f1) VALUES ('ab'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR2_TBL (f1) VALUES ('ZY'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR2_TBL (f1) VALUES ('34'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR2_TBL (f1) VALUES ('d'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR2_TBL (f1) VALUES (''); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR2_TBL (f1) VALUES ('12345'); QUERY: SELECT '' AS seven, CHAR2_TBL.*; seven f1 ------ --- AB ab ZY 34 d 12 QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, c.f1 FROM CHAR2_TBL c WHERE c.f1 <> 'AB'; six f1 ---- --- ab ZY 34 d 12 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, c.f1 FROM CHAR2_TBL c WHERE c.f1 = 'AB'; one f1 ---- --- AB QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, c.f1 FROM CHAR2_TBL c WHERE c.f1 < 'AB'; three f1 ------ --- 34 12 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, c.f1 FROM CHAR2_TBL c WHERE c.f1 <= 'AB'; four f1 ----- --- AB 34 12 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, c.f1 FROM CHAR2_TBL c WHERE c.f1 > 'AB'; three f1 ------ --- ab ZY d QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, c.f1 FROM CHAR2_TBL c WHERE c.f1 >= 'AB'; four f1 ----- --- AB ab ZY d QUERY: SELECT '' AS seven, c.f1 FROM CHAR2_TBL c WHERE c.f1 ~ '.*'; seven f1 ------ --- AB ab ZY 34 d 12 QUERY: SELECT '' AS zero, c.f1 FROM CHAR2_TBL c WHERE c.f1 !~ '.*'; zero f1 ----- --- QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, c.f1 FROM CHAR2_TBL c WHERE c.f1 ~ '34'; one f1 ---- --- 34 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, c.f1 FROM CHAR2_TBL c WHERE c.f1 ~ '3.*'; one f1 ---- --- 34 QUERY: CREATE TABLE CHAR4_TBL (f1 char4); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('ABCD'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('abcd'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('ZYWZ'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('343f'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('d34a'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR4_TBL(f1) VALUES (''); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('12345678'); QUERY: SELECT '' AS seven, CHAR4_TBL.*; seven f1 ------ ----- ABCD abcd ZYWZ 343f d34a 1234 QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, c.f1 FROM CHAR4_TBL c WHERE c.f1 <> 'ABCD'; six f1 ---- ----- abcd ZYWZ 343f d34a 1234 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, c.f1 FROM CHAR4_TBL c WHERE c.f1 = 'ABCD'; one f1 ---- ----- ABCD QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, c.f1 FROM CHAR4_TBL c WHERE c.f1 < 'ABCD'; three f1 ------ ----- 343f 1234 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, c.f1 FROM CHAR4_TBL c WHERE c.f1 <= 'ABCD'; four f1 ----- ----- ABCD 343f 1234 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, c.f1 FROM CHAR4_TBL c WHERE c.f1 > 'ABCD'; three f1 ------ ----- abcd ZYWZ d34a QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, c.f1 FROM CHAR4_TBL c WHERE c.f1 >= 'ABCD'; four f1 ----- ----- ABCD abcd ZYWZ d34a QUERY: SELECT '' AS seven, c.f1 FROM CHAR4_TBL c WHERE c.f1 ~ '.*'; seven f1 ------ ----- ABCD abcd ZYWZ 343f d34a 1234 QUERY: SELECT '' AS zero, c.f1 FROM CHAR4_TBL c WHERE c.f1 !~ '.*'; zero f1 ----- --- QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, c.f1 FROM CHAR4_TBL c WHERE c.f1 ~ '.*34.*'; three f1 ------ ----- 343f d34a 1234 QUERY: CREATE TABLE CHAR8_TBL(f1 char8); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('ABCDEFGH'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('abcdefgh'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('ZYWZ410-'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('343f%2a'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('d34aas'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR8_TBL(f1) VALUES (''); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1234567890'); QUERY: SELECT '' AS seven, CHAR8_TBL.*; seven f1 ------ --------- ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ZYWZ410- 343f%2a d34aas 12345678 QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, c.f1 FROM CHAR8_TBL c WHERE c.f1 <> 'ABCDEFGH'; six f1 ---- --------- abcdefgh ZYWZ410- 343f%2a d34aas 12345678 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, c.f1 FROM CHAR8_TBL c WHERE c.f1 = 'ABCDEFGH'; one f1 ---- --------- ABCDEFGH QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, c.f1 FROM CHAR8_TBL c WHERE c.f1 < 'ABCDEFGH'; three f1 ------ --------- 343f%2a 12345678 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, c.f1 FROM CHAR8_TBL c WHERE c.f1 <= 'ABCDEFGH'; four f1 ----- --------- ABCDEFGH 343f%2a 12345678 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, c.f1 FROM CHAR8_TBL c WHERE c.f1 > 'ABCDEFGH'; three f1 ------ --------- abcdefgh ZYWZ410- d34aas QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, c.f1 FROM CHAR8_TBL c WHERE c.f1 >= 'ABCDEFGH'; four f1 ----- --------- ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ZYWZ410- d34aas QUERY: SELECT '' AS seven, c.f1 FROM CHAR8_TBL c WHERE c.f1 ~ '.*'; seven f1 ------ --------- ABCDEFGH abcdefgh ZYWZ410- 343f%2a d34aas 12345678 QUERY: SELECT '' AS zero, c.f1 FROM CHAR8_TBL c WHERE c.f1 !~ '.*'; zero f1 ----- --- QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, c.f1 FROM CHAR8_TBL c WHERE c.f1 ~ '[0-9]'; four f1 ----- --------- ZYWZ410- 343f%2a d34aas 12345678 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, c.f1 FROM CHAR8_TBL c WHERE c.f1 ~ '.*34.*'; three f1 ------ --------- 343f%2a d34aas 12345678 QUERY: CREATE TABLE CHAR16_TBL(f1 char16); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR16_TBL(f1) VALUES ('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR16_TBL(f1) VALUES ('abcdefghijklmnop'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR16_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdfghjkl;'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR16_TBL(f1) VALUES ('343f%2a'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR16_TBL(f1) VALUES ('d34aaasdf'); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR16_TBL(f1) VALUES (''); QUERY: INSERT INTO CHAR16_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV'); QUERY: SELECT '' AS seven, CHAR16_TBL.*; seven f1 ------ ----------------- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP abcdefghijklmnop asdfghjkl; 343f%2a d34aaasdf 1234567890ABCDEF QUERY: SELECT '' AS six, c.f1 FROM CHAR16_TBL c WHERE c.f1 <> 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'; six f1 ---- ----------------- abcdefghijklmnop asdfghjkl; 343f%2a d34aaasdf 1234567890ABCDEF QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, c.f1 FROM CHAR16_TBL c WHERE c.f1 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'; one f1 ---- ----------------- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, c.f1 FROM CHAR16_TBL c WHERE c.f1 < 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'; three f1 ------ ----------------- 343f%2a 1234567890ABCDEF QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, c.f1 FROM CHAR16_TBL c WHERE c.f1 <= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'; four f1 ----- ----------------- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP 343f%2a 1234567890ABCDEF QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, c.f1 FROM CHAR16_TBL c WHERE c.f1 > 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'; three f1 ------ ----------------- abcdefghijklmnop asdfghjkl; d34aaasdf QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, c.f1 FROM CHAR16_TBL c WHERE c.f1 >= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'; four f1 ----- ----------------- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP abcdefghijklmnop asdfghjkl; d34aaasdf QUERY: SELECT '' AS seven, c.f1 FROM CHAR16_TBL c WHERE c.f1 ~ '.*'; seven f1 ------ ----------------- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP abcdefghijklmnop asdfghjkl; 343f%2a d34aaasdf 1234567890ABCDEF QUERY: SELECT '' AS zero, c.f1 FROM CHAR16_TBL c WHERE c.f1 !~ '.*'; zero f1 ----- --- QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, c.f1 FROM CHAR16_TBL c WHERE c.f1 ~ '[0-9]'; three f1 ------ ----------------- 343f%2a d34aaasdf 1234567890ABCDEF QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, c.f1 FROM CHAR16_TBL c WHERE c.f1 ~ '.*asdf.*'; two f1 ---- ----------- asdfghjkl; d34aaasdf QUERY: CREATE TABLE FLOAT4_TBL (f1 float4); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('0.0'); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1004.30'); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-34.84'); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1.2345678901234e+20'); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1.2345678901234e-20'); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10e40'); WARN: Bad float4 input format -- overflow QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-10e40'); WARN: Bad float4 input format -- overflow QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10e-40'); WARN: Bad float4 input format -- underflow QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-10e-40'); WARN: Bad float4 input format -- underflow QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, FLOAT4_TBL.*; five f1 ----- ------------ 0 1004.3 -34.84 1.23457e+20 1.23457e-20 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT4_TBL f WHERE f.f1 <> '1004.3'; four f1 ----- ------------ 0 -34.84 1.23457e+20 1.23457e-20 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, f.* FROM FLOAT4_TBL f WHERE f.f1 = '1004.3'; one f1 ---- ------- 1004.3 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.* FROM FLOAT4_TBL f WHERE '1004.3' > f.f1; three f1 ------ ------------ 0 -34.84 1.23457e-20 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.* FROM FLOAT4_TBL f WHERE f.f1 < '1004.3'; three f1 ------ ------------ 0 -34.84 1.23457e-20 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT4_TBL f WHERE '1004.3' >= f.f1; four f1 ----- ------------ 0 1004.3 -34.84 1.23457e-20 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT4_TBL f WHERE f.f1 <= '1004.3'; four f1 ----- ------------ 0 1004.3 -34.84 1.23457e-20 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 * '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT4_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three f1 x ------ ------------ ------------- 1004.3 -10043 1.23457e+20 -1.23457e+21 1.23457e-20 -1.23457e-19 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 + '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT4_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0' SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 / '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT4_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three f1 x ------ ------------ ------------ 1004.3 994.3 1.23457e+20 1.23457e+20 1.23457e-20 -10 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 - '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT4_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three f1 x ------ ------------ ------------- 1004.3 -100.43 1.23457e+20 -1.23457e+19 1.23457e-20 -1.23457e-21 QUERY: SELECT '' AS bad, f.f1 / '0.0' from FLOAT4_TBL f; three f1 x ------ ------------ ------------ 1004.3 1014.3 1.23457e+20 1.23457e+20 1.23457e-20 10 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, FLOAT4_TBL.*; WARN:float4div: divide by 0.0 error QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, @f.f1 AS abs_f1 FROM FLOAT4_TBL f; five f1 ----- ------------ 0 1004.3 -34.84 1.23457e+20 1.23457e-20 QUERY: UPDATE FLOAT4_TBL SET f1 = FLOAT4_TBL.f1 * '-1' WHERE FLOAT4_TBL.f1 > '0.0'; five f1 abs_f1 ----- ------------ ------------ 0 0 1004.3 1004.3 -34.84 34.84 1.23457e+20 1.23457e+20 1.23457e-20 1.23457e-20 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, FLOAT4_TBL.*; QUERY: CREATE TABLE FLOAT8_TBL(f1 float8); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('0.0'); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1004.30'); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-34.84'); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1.2345678901234e+200'); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1.2345678901234e-200'); QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10e400'); WARN: Bad float8 input format QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-10e400'); WARN: Bad float8 input format QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10e-400'); WARN: Bad float8 input format QUERY: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-10e-400'); WARN: Bad float8 input format QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, FLOAT8_TBL.*; five f1 ----- --------------------- 0 1004.3 -34.84 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e-200 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 <> '1004.3'; four f1 ----- --------------------- 0 -34.84 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e-200 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 = '1004.3'; one f1 ---- ------- 1004.3 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE '1004.3' > f.f1; three f1 ------ --------------------- 0 -34.84 1.2345678901234e-200 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 < '1004.3'; three f1 ------ --------------------- 0 -34.84 1.2345678901234e-200 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE '1004.3' >= f.f1; four f1 ----- --------------------- 0 1004.3 -34.84 1.2345678901234e-200 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 <= '1004.3'; four f1 ----- --------------------- 0 1004.3 -34.84 1.2345678901234e-200 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 * '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three f1 x ------ --------------------- ---------------------- 1004.3 -10043 1.2345678901234e+200 -1.2345678901234e+201 1.2345678901234e-200 -1.2345678901234e-199 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 + '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three f1 x ------ --------------------- --------------------- 1004.3 994.3 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e-200 -10 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 / '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three f1 x ------ --------------------- ---------------------- 1004.3 -100.43 1.2345678901234e+200 -1.2345678901234e+199 1.2345678901234e-200 -1.2345678901234e-201 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 - '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three f1 x ------ --------------------- --------------------- 1004.3 1014.3 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e-200 10 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, f.f1 ^ '2.0' AS square_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f where f.f1 = '1004.3'; one square_f1 ---- ----------- 1008618.49 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, @f.f1 AS abs_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; five f1 abs_f1 ----- --------------------- --------------------- 0 0 1004.3 1004.3 -34.84 34.84 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e-200 1.2345678901234e-200 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, %f.f1 AS trunc_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; five f1 trunc_f1 ----- --------------------- --------------------- 0 0 1004.3 1004 -34.84 -34 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e-200 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, f.f1 % AS round_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; five f1 round_f1 ----- --------------------- --------------------- 0 0 1004.3 1004 -34.84 -35 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e-200 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, |/f.f1 AS sqrt_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three f1 sqrt_f1 ------ --------------------- ---------------------- 1004.3 31.6906926399535 1.2345678901234e+200 1.11111110611109e+100 1.2345678901234e-200 1.11111110611109e-100 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, : ( ; f.f1) AS exp_ln_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three f1 exp_ln_f1 ------ --------------------- ---------------------- 1004.3 1004.3 1.2345678901234e+200 1.23456789012338e+200 1.2345678901234e-200 1.23456789012339e-200 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, ||/f.f1 AS cbrt_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; five f1 cbrt_f1 ----- --------------------- --------------------- 0 0 1004.3 10.014312837827 -34.84 -3.26607421344208 1.2345678901234e+200 4.97933859234765e+66 1.2345678901234e-200 2.3112042409018e-67 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, FLOAT8_TBL.*; five f1 ----- --------------------- 0 1004.3 -34.84 1.2345678901234e+200 1.2345678901234e-200 QUERY: UPDATE FLOAT8_TBL SET f1 = FLOAT8_TBL.f1 * '-1' WHERE FLOAT8_TBL.f1 > '0.0'; QUERY: SELECT '' AS bad, f.f1 * '1e200' from FLOAT8_TBL f; WARN:floating point exception! the last floating point operation either exceeded legal ranges or was a divide by zero QUERY: SELECT '' AS bad, f.f1 ^ '1e200' from FLOAT8_TBL f; WARN:pow() returned a floating point out of the range QUERY: SELECT '' AS bad, ; (f.f1) from FLOAT8_TBL f where f.f1 = '0.0' ; WARN:can't take log of 0! QUERY: SELECT '' AS bad, ; (f.f1) from FLOAT8_TBL f where f.f1 < '0.0' ; WARN:can't take log of a negative number QUERY: SELECT '' AS bad, : (f.f1) from FLOAT8_TBL f; WARN:exp() returned a floating point out of range QUERY: SELECT '' AS bad, f.f1 / '0.0' from FLOAT8_TBL f; WARN:float8div: divide by 0.0 error QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, FLOAT8_TBL.*; five f1 ----- ---------------------- 0 -34.84 -1004.3 -1.2345678901234e+200 -1.2345678901234e-200 QUERY: CREATE TABLE INT2_TBL(f1 int2); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('0'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1234'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-1234'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('34.5'); WARN:pg_atoi: error in "34.5": can't parse ".5" QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('32767'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-32767'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('100000'); WARN:pg_atoi: error reading "100000": Result too large QUERY: INSERT INTO INT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdf'); WARN:pg_atoi: error in "asdf": can't parse "asdf" QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, INT2_TBL.*; five f1 ----- ------- 0 1234 -1234 32767 -32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 <> '0'::int2; four f1 ----- ------- 1234 -1234 32767 -32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 <> '0'::int4; four f1 ----- ------- 1234 -1234 32767 -32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 = '0'::int2; one f1 ---- --- 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 = '0'::int4; one f1 ---- --- 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 < '0'::int2; two f1 ---- ------- -1234 -32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 < '0'::int4; two f1 ---- ------- -1234 -32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 <= '0'::int2; three f1 ------ ------- 0 -1234 -32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 <= '0'::int4; three f1 ------ ------- 0 -1234 -32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 > '0'::int2; two f1 ---- ------ 1234 32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 > '0'::int4; two f1 ---- ------ 1234 32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 >= '0'::int2; three f1 ------ ------ 0 1234 32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE i.f1 >= '0'::int4; three f1 ------ ------ 0 1234 32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE (i.f1 % '2'::int2) = '1'::int2; one f1 ---- ------ 32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, i.* FROM INT2_TBL i WHERE (i.f1 % '2'::int4) = '0'::int2; three f1 ------ ------ 0 1234 -1234 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 * '2'::int2 AS x FROM INT2_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------- ------ 0 0 1234 2468 -1234 -2468 32767 -2 -32767 2 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 * '2'::int4 AS x FROM INT2_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------- ------- 0 0 1234 2468 -1234 -2468 32767 65534 -32767 -65534 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 + '2'::int2 AS x FROM INT2_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------- ------- 0 2 1234 1236 -1234 -1232 32767 -32767 -32767 -32765 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 + '2'::int4 AS x FROM INT2_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------- ------- 0 2 1234 1236 -1234 -1232 32767 32769 -32767 -32765 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 - '2'::int2 AS x FROM INT2_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------- ------ 0 -2 1234 1232 -1234 -1236 32767 32765 -32767 32767 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 - '2'::int4 AS x FROM INT2_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------- ------- 0 -2 1234 1232 -1234 -1236 32767 32765 -32767 -32769 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 / '2'::int2 AS x FROM INT2_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------- ------- 0 0 1234 617 -1234 -617 32767 16383 -32767 -16383 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 / '2'::int4 AS x FROM INT2_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------- ------- 0 0 1234 617 -1234 -617 32767 16383 -32767 -16383 QUERY: CREATE TABLE INT4_TBL(f1 int4); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('0'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('123456'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-123456'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('34.5'); WARN:pg_atoi: error in "34.5": can't parse ".5" QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('2147483647'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-2147483647'); QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1000000000000'); WARN:pg_atoi: error reading "1000000000000": Result too large QUERY: INSERT INTO INT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdf'); WARN:pg_atoi: error in "asdf": can't parse "asdf" QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, INT4_TBL.*; five f1 ----- ------------ 0 123456 -123456 2147483647 -2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 <> '0'::int2; four f1 ----- ------------ 123456 -123456 2147483647 -2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 <> '0'::int4; four f1 ----- ------------ 123456 -123456 2147483647 -2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 = '0'::int2; one f1 ---- --- 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 = '0'::int4; one f1 ---- --- 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 < '0'::int2; two f1 ---- ------------ -123456 -2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 < '0'::int4; two f1 ---- ------------ -123456 -2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 <= '0'::int2; three f1 ------ ------------ 0 -123456 -2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 <= '0'::int4; three f1 ------ ------------ 0 -123456 -2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 > '0'::int2; two f1 ---- ----------- 123456 2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 > '0'::int4; two f1 ---- ----------- 123456 2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 >= '0'::int2; three f1 ------ ----------- 0 123456 2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE i.f1 >= '0'::int4; three f1 ------ ----------- 0 123456 2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE (i.f1 % '2'::int2) = '1'::int2; one f1 ---- ----------- 2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, i.* FROM INT4_TBL i WHERE (i.f1 % '2'::int4) = '0'::int2; three f1 ------ -------- 0 123456 -123456 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 * '2'::int2 AS x FROM INT4_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------------ -------- 0 0 123456 246912 -123456 -246912 2147483647 -2 -2147483647 2 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 * '2'::int4 AS x FROM INT4_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------------ -------- 0 0 123456 246912 -123456 -246912 2147483647 -2 -2147483647 2 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 + '2'::int2 AS x FROM INT4_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------------ ------------ 0 2 123456 123458 -123456 -123454 2147483647 -2147483647 -2147483647 -2147483645 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 + '2'::int4 AS x FROM INT4_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------------ ------------ 0 2 123456 123458 -123456 -123454 2147483647 -2147483647 -2147483647 -2147483645 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 - '2'::int2 AS x FROM INT4_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------------ ----------- 0 -2 123456 123454 -123456 -123458 2147483647 2147483645 -2147483647 2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 - '2'::int4 AS x FROM INT4_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------------ ----------- 0 -2 123456 123454 -123456 -123458 2147483647 2147483645 -2147483647 2147483647 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 / '2'::int2 AS x FROM INT4_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------------ ------------ 0 0 123456 61728 -123456 -61728 2147483647 1073741823 -2147483647 -1073741823 QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, i.f1, i.f1 / '2'::int4 AS x FROM INT4_TBL i; five f1 x ----- ------------ ------------ 0 0 123456 61728 -123456 -61728 2147483647 1073741823 -2147483647 -1073741823 QUERY: SELECT '2'::int2 * '2'::int2 = '16'::int2 / '4'::int2 AS true; true ----- t QUERY: SELECT '2'::int4 * '2'::int2 = '16'::int2 / '4'::int4 AS true; true ----- t QUERY: SELECT '2'::int2 * '2'::int4 = '16'::int4 / '4'::int2 AS true; true ----- t QUERY: SELECT '1000'::int4 < '999'::int4 AS false; false ------ f QUERY: SELECT 4! AS twenty_four; twenty_four ------------ 24 QUERY: SELECT !!3 AS six; six ---- 6 QUERY: SELECT 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 AS ten; ten ---- 10 QUERY: SELECT 2 + 2 / 2 AS three; three ------ 3 QUERY: SELECT (2 + 2) / 2 AS two; two ---- 2 QUERY: SELECT dsqrt('64'::float8) AS eight; eight ------ 8 QUERY: SELECT |/'64'::float8 AS eight; eight ------ 8 QUERY: SELECT ||/'27'::float8 AS three; three ------ 3 QUERY: CREATE TABLE OID_TBL(f1 oid); QUERY: INSERT INTO OID_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1234'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OID_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1235'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OID_TBL(f1) VALUES ('987'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OID_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-1040'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OID_TBL(f1) VALUES (''); QUERY: INSERT INTO OID_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdfasd'); WARN:pg_atoi: error in "asdfasd": can't parse "asdfasd" QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, OID_TBL.*; five f1 ----- ------ 1234 1235 987 -1040 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, o.* FROM OID_TBL o WHERE o.f1 = '1234'::oid; one f1 ---- ----- 1234 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, o.* FROM OID_TBL o WHERE o.f1 <> '1234'; four f1 ----- ------ 1235 987 -1040 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, o.* FROM OID_TBL o WHERE o.f1 <= '1234'; four f1 ----- ------ 1234 987 -1040 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, o.* FROM OID_TBL o WHERE o.f1 < '1234'; three f1 ------ ------ 987 -1040 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, o.* FROM OID_TBL o WHERE o.f1 >= '1234'; two f1 ---- ----- 1234 1235 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, o.* FROM OID_TBL o WHERE o.f1 > '1234'; one f1 ---- ----- 1235 QUERY: CREATE TABLE OIDNAME_TBL(f1 oidname); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDNAME_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1234,abcd'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDNAME_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1235,efgh'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDNAME_TBL(f1) VALUES ('987,XXXX'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDNAME_TBL(f1) VALUES ('123456'); WARN:Bad input data for type oidname QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDNAME_TBL(f1) VALUES ('123456,abcdefghijklmnopqrsutvwyz'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDNAME_TBL(f1) VALUES (''); WARN:Bad input data for type oidname QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDNAME_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdfasd'); WARN:Bad input data for type oidname QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, OIDNAME_TBL.*; four f1 ----- --------------------------------- 1234,abcd 1235,efgh 987,XXXX 123456,abcdefghijklmnopqrsutvwyz QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, o.* FROM OIDNAME_TBL o WHERE o.f1 = '1234,abcd'; one f1 ---- ---------- 1234,abcd QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, o.* FROM OIDNAME_TBL o WHERE o.f1 <> '1234,abcd'; three f1 ------ --------------------------------- 1235,efgh 987,XXXX 123456,abcdefghijklmnopqrsutvwyz QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, o.* FROM OIDNAME_TBL o WHERE o.f1 <= '1234,abcd'; two f1 ---- ---------- 1234,abcd 987,XXXX QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, o.* FROM OIDNAME_TBL o WHERE o.f1 < '1234,abcd'; one f1 ---- --------- 987,XXXX QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, o.* FROM OIDNAME_TBL o WHERE o.f1 >= '1234,abcd'; three f1 ------ --------------------------------- 1234,abcd 1235,efgh 123456,abcdefghijklmnopqrsutvwyz QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, o.* FROM OIDNAME_TBL o WHERE o.f1 > '1234,abcd'; two f1 ---- --------------------------------- 1235,efgh 123456,abcdefghijklmnopqrsutvwyz QUERY: CREATE TABLE OIDINT2_TBL(f1 oidint2); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1234/9873'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1235/9873'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('987/-1234'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('123456'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('123456/123456'); WARN:pg_atoi: error reading "123456": Result too large QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT2_TBL(f1) VALUES (''); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT2_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdfasd'); WARN:pg_atoi: error in "asdfasd": can't parse "asdfasd" QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, OIDINT2_TBL.*; five f1 ----- ---------- 1234/9873 1235/9873 987/-1234 123456/0 0/0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, o.* FROM OIDINT2_TBL o WHERE o.f1 = '1235/9873'; one f1 ---- ---------- 1235/9873 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, o.* FROM OIDINT2_TBL o WHERE o.f1 <> '1235/9873'; four f1 ----- ---------- 1234/9873 987/-1234 123456/0 0/0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, o.* FROM OIDINT2_TBL o WHERE o.f1 <= '1235/9873'; four f1 ----- ---------- 1234/9873 1235/9873 987/-1234 0/0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, o.* FROM OIDINT2_TBL o WHERE o.f1 < '1235/9873'; three f1 ------ ---------- 1234/9873 987/-1234 0/0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, o.* FROM OIDINT2_TBL o WHERE o.f1 >= '1235/9873'; two f1 ---- ---------- 1235/9873 123456/0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, o.* FROM OIDINT2_TBL o WHERE o.f1 > '1235/9873'; one f1 ---- --------- 123456/0 QUERY: CREATE TABLE OIDINT4_TBL(f1 oidint4); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1234/9873'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1235/9873'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('987/-1234'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('123456'); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('123456/1234568901234567890'); WARN:pg_atoi: error reading "1234568901234567890": Result too large QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT4_TBL(f1) VALUES (''); QUERY: INSERT INTO OIDINT4_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdfasd'); WARN:pg_atoi: error in "asdfasd": can't parse "asdfasd" QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, OIDINT4_TBL.*; five f1 ----- ---------- 1234/9873 1235/9873 987/-1234 123456/0 0/0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, o.* FROM OIDINT4_TBL o WHERE o.f1 = '1235/9873'; one f1 ---- ---------- 1235/9873 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, o.* FROM OIDINT4_TBL o WHERE o.f1 <> '1235/9873'; four f1 ----- ---------- 1234/9873 987/-1234 123456/0 0/0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, o.* FROM OIDINT4_TBL o WHERE o.f1 <= '1235/9873'; four f1 ----- ---------- 1234/9873 1235/9873 987/-1234 0/0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, o.* FROM OIDINT4_TBL o WHERE o.f1 < '1235/9873'; three f1 ------ ---------- 1234/9873 987/-1234 0/0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, o.* FROM OIDINT4_TBL o WHERE o.f1 >= '1235/9873'; two f1 ---- ---------- 1235/9873 123456/0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, o.* FROM OIDINT4_TBL o WHERE o.f1 > '1235/9873'; one f1 ---- --------- 123456/0 QUERY: CREATE TABLE POINT_TBL(f1 point); QUERY: INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(0.0,0.0)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(-10.0,0.0)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(-3.0,4.0)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(5.1, 34.5)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(-5.0,-12.0)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdfasdf'); WARN:Bad point external representation 'asdfasdf' QUERY: INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10.0,10.0'); WARN:Bad point external representation '10.0,10.0' QUERY: INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(10.0 10.0)'); WARN:Bad point external representation '(10.0 10.0)' QUERY: INSERT INTO POINT_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(10.0,10.0'); WARN:Bad point external representation '(10.0,10.0' QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, POINT_TBL.*; five f1 ----- ----------- (0,0) (-10,0) (-3,4) (5.1,34.5) (-5,-12) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE p.f1 !< '(0.0, 0.0)'; three f1 ------ --------- (-10,0) (-3,4) (-5,-12) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE '(0.0,0.0)' !> p.f1; three f1 ------ --------- (-10,0) (-3,4) (-5,-12) QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE '(0.0,0.0)' !^ p.f1; one f1 ---- --------- (-5,-12) QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE p.f1 !| '(0.0, 0.0)'; one f1 ---- --------- (-5,-12) QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE p.f1 =|= '(5.1, 34.5)'; one f1 ---- ----------- (5.1,34.5) QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE p.f1 ===> '(0,0,100,100)'; two f1 ---- ----------- (0,0) (5.1,34.5) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE not on_pb(p.f1,'(0,0,100,100)'::box); three f1 ------ --------- (-10,0) (-3,4) (-5,-12) QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, p.* FROM POINT_TBL p WHERE on_ppath(p.f1,'(0,3,0,0,-10,0,-10,10)'::path); two f1 ---- -------- (0,0) (-10,0) QUERY: SELECT '' AS five, p.f1, p.f1 <===> '(0,0)' AS dist FROM POINT_TBL p; five f1 dist ----- ----------- ----- (0,0) 0 (-10,0) 10 (-3,4) 5 (5.1,34.5) 34 (-5,-12) 13 QUERY: SELECT '' AS twentyfive, p1.f1, p2.f1, p1.f1 <===> p2.f1 AS dist FROM POINT_TBL p1, POINT_TBL p2; twentyfive f1 f1 dist ----------- ----------- ----------- ----- (0,0) (0,0) 0 (-10,0) (0,0) 10 (-3,4) (0,0) 5 (5.1,34.5) (0,0) 34 (-5,-12) (0,0) 13 (0,0) (-10,0) 10 (-10,0) (-10,0) 0 (-3,4) (-10,0) 8 (5.1,34.5) (-10,0) 37 (-5,-12) (-10,0) 13 (0,0) (-3,4) 5 (-10,0) (-3,4) 8 (-3,4) (-3,4) 0 (5.1,34.5) (-3,4) 31 (-5,-12) (-3,4) 16 (0,0) (5.1,34.5) 34 (-10,0) (5.1,34.5) 37 (-3,4) (5.1,34.5) 31 (5.1,34.5) (5.1,34.5) 0 (-5,-12) (5.1,34.5) 47 (0,0) (-5,-12) 13 (-10,0) (-5,-12) 13 (-3,4) (-5,-12) 16 (5.1,34.5) (-5,-12) 47 (-5,-12) (-5,-12) 0 QUERY: SELECT '' AS twenty, p1.f1, p2.f1 FROM POINT_TBL p1, POINT_TBL p2 WHERE (p1.f1 <===> p2.f1) > 3; twenty f1 f1 ------- ----------- ----------- (-10,0) (0,0) (-3,4) (0,0) (5.1,34.5) (0,0) (-5,-12) (0,0) (0,0) (-10,0) (-3,4) (-10,0) (5.1,34.5) (-10,0) (-5,-12) (-10,0) (0,0) (-3,4) (-10,0) (-3,4) (5.1,34.5) (-3,4) (-5,-12) (-3,4) (0,0) (5.1,34.5) (-10,0) (5.1,34.5) (-3,4) (5.1,34.5) (-5,-12) (5.1,34.5) (0,0) (-5,-12) (-10,0) (-5,-12) (-3,4) (-5,-12) (5.1,34.5) (-5,-12) QUERY: SELECT '' AS ten, p1.f1, p2.f1 FROM POINT_TBL p1, POINT_TBL p2 WHERE (p1.f1 <===> p2.f1) > 3 and p1.f1 !< p2.f1; ten f1 f1 ---- --------- ----------- (-10,0) (0,0) (-3,4) (0,0) (-5,-12) (0,0) (-10,0) (-3,4) (-5,-12) (-3,4) (0,0) (5.1,34.5) (-10,0) (5.1,34.5) (-3,4) (5.1,34.5) (-5,-12) (5.1,34.5) (-10,0) (-5,-12) QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, p1.f1, p2.f1 FROM POINT_TBL p1, POINT_TBL p2 WHERE (p1.f1 <===> p2.f1) > 3 and p1.f1 !< p2.f1 and p1.f1 !^ p2.f1; two f1 f1 ---- -------- --------- (-3,4) (0,0) (-10,0) (-5,-12) QUERY: CREATE TABLE POLYGON_TBL(f1 polygon); QUERY: INSERT INTO POLYGON_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO POLYGON_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO POLYGON_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(0.0,0.0)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO POLYGON_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0)'); QUERY: INSERT INTO POLYGON_TBL(f1) VALUES ('0.0'); WARN:Bad polygon external representation '0.0' QUERY: INSERT INTO POLYGON_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(0.0 0.0'); WARN:Bad polygon external representation '(0.0 0.0' QUERY: INSERT INTO POLYGON_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(0,1,2)'); WARN:Bad polygon external representation '(0,1,2)' QUERY: INSERT INTO POLYGON_TBL(f1) VALUES ('(0,1,2,3'); WARN:Bad polygon external representation '(0,1,2,3' QUERY: INSERT INTO POLYGON_TBL(f1) VALUES ('asdf'); WARN:Bad polygon external representation 'asdf' QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, POLYGON_TBL.*; four f1 ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 2, 2, 0, 0, 4, 0) ( 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 0) ( 0, 0) ( 0, 0, 1, 1) QUERY: SELECT '' AS three, p.* FROM POLYGON_TBL p WHERE p.f1 && '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'; three f1 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 2, 2, 0, 0, 4, 0) ( 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 0) ( 0, 0, 1, 1) QUERY: SELECT '' AS four, p.* FROM POLYGON_TBL p WHERE p.f1 &< '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'; four f1 ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 2, 2, 0, 0, 4, 0) ( 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 0) ( 0, 0) ( 0, 0, 1, 1) QUERY: SELECT '' AS two, p.* FROM POLYGON_TBL p WHERE p.f1 &> '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'; two f1 ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 2, 2, 0, 0, 4, 0) ( 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 0) QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POLYGON_TBL p WHERE p.f1 << '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'; one f1 ---- ---------------------------- ( 0, 0) QUERY: SELECT '' AS zero, p.* FROM POLYGON_TBL p WHERE p.f1 >> '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'; zero f1 ----- --- QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POLYGON_TBL p WHERE p.f1 @ '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'; one f1 ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 0) QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POLYGON_TBL p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'; one f1 ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 0) QUERY: SELECT '' AS one, p.* FROM POLYGON_TBL p WHERE p.f1 ~ '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'; one f1 ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 0) QUERY: SELECT 'char 16 string'::char16 = 'char 16 string '::char16 AS false; false ------ f QUERY: SELECT 'c'::char = 'c'::char AS true; true ----- t QUERY: SELECT 'this is a text string'::text = 'this is a text string'::text AS true; true ----- t QUERY: SELECT 'this is a text string'::text = 'this is a text strin'::text AS false; false ------ f QUERY: SELECT '(2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0)'::polygon << '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'::polygon AS false; false ------ f QUERY: SELECT '(2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0)'::polygon &< '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'::polygon AS true; true ----- t QUERY: SELECT '(2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0)'::polygon &> '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'::polygon AS true; true ----- t QUERY: SELECT '(2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0)'::polygon >> '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'::polygon AS false; false ------ f QUERY: SELECT '(2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0)'::polygon @ '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'::polygon AS false; false ------ f QUERY: SELECT '(2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0)'::polygon ~ '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'::polygon AS false; false ------ f QUERY: SELECT '(2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0)'::polygon ~= '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'::polygon AS false; false ------ f QUERY: SELECT '(2.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0)'::polygon && '(3.0,3.0,1.0,1.0,3.0,0.0)'::polygon AS true; true ----- t QUERY: SELECT onek.* WHERE onek.unique1 < 10; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 0 998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 AAAAAA KMBAAA OOOOxx 1 214 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 BAAAAA GIAAAA OOOOxx 2 326 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 5 CAAAAA OMAAAA OOOOxx 3 431 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 7 DAAAAA PQAAAA VVVVxx 4 833 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 9 EAAAAA BGBAAA HHHHxx 5 541 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 11 FAAAAA VUAAAA HHHHxx 6 978 0 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 13 GAAAAA QLBAAA OOOOxx 7 647 1 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 14 15 HAAAAA XYAAAA VVVVxx 8 653 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 17 IAAAAA DZAAAA HHHHxx 9 49 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 18 19 JAAAAA XBAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.stringu1 WHERE onek.unique1 < 20 ORDER BY unique1 using >; unique1 stringu1 -------- --------- 19 TAAAAA 18 SAAAAA 17 RAAAAA 16 QAAAAA 15 PAAAAA 14 OAAAAA 13 NAAAAA 12 MAAAAA 11 LAAAAA 10 KAAAAA 9 JAAAAA 8 IAAAAA 7 HAAAAA 6 GAAAAA 5 FAAAAA 4 EAAAAA 3 DAAAAA 2 CAAAAA 1 BAAAAA 0 AAAAAA QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.stringu1 WHERE onek.unique1 > 980 ORDER BY stringu1 using <; unique1 stringu1 -------- --------- 988 AMAAAA 989 BMAAAA 990 CMAAAA 991 DMAAAA 992 EMAAAA 993 FMAAAA 994 GMAAAA 995 HMAAAA 996 IMAAAA 997 JMAAAA 998 KMAAAA 999 LMAAAA 981 TLAAAA 982 ULAAAA 983 VLAAAA 984 WLAAAA 985 XLAAAA 986 YLAAAA 987 ZLAAAA QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.string4 WHERE onek.unique1 > 980 ORDER BY string4 using <, unique1 using >; unique1 string4 -------- -------- 999 AAAAxx 995 AAAAxx 983 AAAAxx 982 AAAAxx 981 AAAAxx 998 HHHHxx 997 HHHHxx 993 HHHHxx 990 HHHHxx 986 HHHHxx 996 OOOOxx 991 OOOOxx 988 OOOOxx 987 OOOOxx 985 OOOOxx 994 VVVVxx 992 VVVVxx 989 VVVVxx 984 VVVVxx QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.string4 WHERE onek.unique1 > 980 ORDER BY string4 using >, unique1 using <; unique1 string4 -------- -------- 984 VVVVxx 989 VVVVxx 992 VVVVxx 994 VVVVxx 985 OOOOxx 987 OOOOxx 988 OOOOxx 991 OOOOxx 996 OOOOxx 986 HHHHxx 990 HHHHxx 993 HHHHxx 997 HHHHxx 998 HHHHxx 981 AAAAxx 982 AAAAxx 983 AAAAxx 995 AAAAxx 999 AAAAxx QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.string4 WHERE onek.unique1 < 20 ORDER BY unique1 using >, string4 using <; unique1 string4 -------- -------- 19 OOOOxx 18 VVVVxx 17 HHHHxx 16 OOOOxx 15 VVVVxx 14 AAAAxx 13 OOOOxx 12 AAAAxx 11 OOOOxx 10 AAAAxx 9 HHHHxx 8 HHHHxx 7 VVVVxx 6 OOOOxx 5 HHHHxx 4 HHHHxx 3 VVVVxx 2 OOOOxx 1 OOOOxx 0 OOOOxx QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.string4 WHERE onek.unique1 < 20 ORDER BY unique1 using <, string4 using >; unique1 string4 -------- -------- 0 OOOOxx 1 OOOOxx 2 OOOOxx 3 VVVVxx 4 HHHHxx 5 HHHHxx 6 OOOOxx 7 VVVVxx 8 HHHHxx 9 HHHHxx 10 AAAAxx 11 OOOOxx 12 AAAAxx 13 OOOOxx 14 AAAAxx 15 VVVVxx 16 OOOOxx 17 HHHHxx 18 VVVVxx 19 OOOOxx QUERY: WHERE onek2.unique1 < 20 ORDER BY unique1 using >; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "WHERE" QUERY: SELECT two, stringu1, ten, string4 INTO TABLE temp FROM onek; QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT two FROM temp; two ---- 0 1 QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT ten FROM temp; ten ---- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT string4 FROM temp; string4 -------- AAAAxx HHHHxx OOOOxx VVVVxx QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT two, string4, ten FROM temp ORDER BY two using <, string4 using <, ten using <; two string4 ten ---- -------- ---- 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 6 0 AAAAxx 8 0 HHHHxx 0 0 HHHHxx 2 0 HHHHxx 4 0 HHHHxx 6 0 HHHHxx 8 0 OOOOxx 0 0 OOOOxx 2 0 OOOOxx 4 0 OOOOxx 6 0 OOOOxx 8 0 VVVVxx 0 0 VVVVxx 2 0 VVVVxx 4 0 VVVVxx 6 0 VVVVxx 8 1 AAAAxx 1 1 AAAAxx 3 1 AAAAxx 5 1 AAAAxx 7 1 AAAAxx 9 1 HHHHxx 1 1 HHHHxx 3 1 HHHHxx 5 1 HHHHxx 7 1 HHHHxx 9 1 OOOOxx 1 1 OOOOxx 3 1 OOOOxx 5 1 OOOOxx 7 1 OOOOxx 9 1 VVVVxx 1 1 VVVVxx 3 1 VVVVxx 5 1 VVVVxx 7 1 VVVVxx 9 QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT ON string4 two, string4, ten FROM temp ORDER BY two using <, string4 using <, ten using <; two string4 ten ---- -------- ---- 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 0 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 2 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 AAAAxx 4 0 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VVVVxx 7 1 VVVVxx 7 1 VVVVxx 7 1 VVVVxx 7 1 VVVVxx 7 1 VVVVxx 7 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 1 VVVVxx 9 QUERY: SELECT * INTO TABLE temp1 FROM temp WHERE onek.unique1 < 2; QUERY: DROP TABLE temp1; QUERY: SELECT * INTO TABLE temp1 FROM temp WHERE onek2.unique1 < 2; QUERY: DROP TABLE temp1; QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.age FROM person* p; name age -------- ---- mike 40 joe 20 sally 34 sandra 19 alex 30 sue 50 denise 24 sarah 88 teresa 38 nan 28 leah 68 wendy 78 melissa 28 joan 18 mary 8 jane 58 liza 38 jean 28 jenifer 38 juanita 58 susan 78 zena 98 martie 88 chris 78 pat 18 zola 58 louise 98 edna 18 bertha 88 sumi 38 koko 88 gina 18 rean 48 sharon 78 paula 68 julie 68 belinda 38 karen 48 carina 58 diane 18 esther 98 trudy 88 fanny 8 carmen 78 lita 25 pamela 48 sandy 38 trisha 88 vera 78 velma 68 sharon 25 sam 30 bill 20 fred 28 larry 60 jeff 23 cim 30 linda 19 QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.age FROM person* p ORDER BY age using >; name age -------- ---- esther 98 louise 98 zena 98 martie 88 bertha 88 trisha 88 koko 88 sarah 88 trudy 88 vera 78 carmen 78 chris 78 sharon 78 susan 78 wendy 78 velma 68 leah 68 julie 68 paula 68 larry 60 carina 58 juanita 58 jane 58 zola 58 sue 50 karen 48 rean 48 pamela 48 mike 40 jenifer 38 sandy 38 teresa 38 liza 38 belinda 38 sumi 38 sally 34 alex 30 cim 30 sam 30 fred 28 nan 28 jean 28 melissa 28 sharon 25 lita 25 denise 24 jeff 23 joe 20 bill 20 linda 19 sandra 19 diane 18 edna 18 gina 18 joan 18 pat 18 fanny 8 mary 8 QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT p.age FROM person* p ORDER BY age using >; age ---- 98 88 78 68 60 58 50 48 40 38 34 30 28 25 24 23 20 19 18 8 QUERY: SELECT hash_i4_heap.* WHERE hash_i4_heap.random = 843938989; seqno random ------ ---------- 15 843938989 QUERY: SELECT hash_i4_heap.* WHERE hash_i4_heap.random = 66766766; seqno random ------ ------- QUERY: SELECT hash_c16_heap.* WHERE hash_c16_heap.random = '1505703298'::char16; seqno random ------ ----------- 9838 1505703298 QUERY: SELECT hash_c16_heap.* WHERE hash_c16_heap.random = '7777777'::char16; seqno random ------ ------- QUERY: SELECT hash_txt_heap.* WHERE hash_txt_heap.random = '1351610853'::text; seqno random ------ ----------- 5677 1351610853 QUERY: SELECT hash_txt_heap.* WHERE hash_txt_heap.random = '111111112222222233333333'::text; seqno random ------ ------- QUERY: SELECT hash_f8_heap.* WHERE hash_f8_heap.random = '444705537'::float8; seqno random ------ ---------- 7853 444705537 QUERY: SELECT hash_f8_heap.* WHERE hash_f8_heap.random = '88888888'::float8; seqno random ------ ------- QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_i4_heap b WHERE b.seqno < 1; seqno random ------ ----------- 0 1935401906 QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_i4_heap b WHERE b.seqno >= 9999; seqno random ------ ----------- 9999 1227676208 QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_i4_heap b WHERE b.seqno = 4500; seqno random ------ ----------- 4500 2080851358 QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_c16_heap b WHERE b.seqno < '1'::char16; seqno random ------ ----------- 0 1935401906 QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_c16_heap b WHERE b.seqno >= '9999'::char16; seqno random ------ ----------- 9999 1227676208 QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_c16_heap b WHERE b.seqno = '4500'::char16; seqno random ------ ----------- 4500 2080851358 QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_txt_heap b WHERE b.seqno < '1'::text; seqno random ------ ----------- 0 1935401906 QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_txt_heap b WHERE b.seqno >= '9999'::text; seqno random ------ ----------- 9999 1227676208 QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_txt_heap b WHERE b.seqno = '4500'::text; seqno random ------ ----------- 4500 2080851358 QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_f8_heap b WHERE b.seqno < '1'::float8; seqno random ------ ----------- 0 1935401906 QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_f8_heap b WHERE b.seqno >= '9999'::float8; seqno random ------ ----------- 9999 1227676208 QUERY: SELECT b.* FROM bt_f8_heap b WHERE b.seqno = '4500'::float8; seqno random ------ ----------- 4500 2080851358 QUERY: UPDATE onek SET unique1 = onek.unique1 + 1; QUERY: UPDATE onek SET unique1 = onek.unique1 - 1; QUERY: UPDATE temp SET stringu1 = reverse_c16(onek.stringu1) WHERE onek.stringu1 = 'JBAAAA' and onek.stringu1 = temp.stringu1; NOTICE:Non-functional update, only first update is performed NOTICE:Non-functional update, only first update is performed QUERY: UPDATE temp SET stringu1 = reverse_c16(onek2.stringu1) WHERE onek2.stringu1 = 'JCAAAA' and onek2.stringu1 = temp.stringu1; NOTICE:Non-functional update, only first update is performed NOTICE:Non-functional update, only first update is performed QUERY: DROP TABLE temp; QUERY: UPDATE hash_i4_heap SET random = 1 WHERE hash_i4_heap.seqno = 1492; QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS i1492, h.random AS i1 FROM hash_i4_heap h WHERE h.random = 1; i1492 i1 ------ --- 1492 1 QUERY: UPDATE hash_i4_heap SET seqno = 20000 WHERE hash_i4_heap.random = 1492795354; QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS i20000 FROM hash_i4_heap h WHERE h.random = 1492795354; i20000 ------- 20000 QUERY: UPDATE hash_c16_heap SET random = '0123456789abcdef'::char16 WHERE hash_c16_heap.seqno = 6543; QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS i6543, h.random AS c0_to_f FROM hash_c16_heap h WHERE h.random = '0123456789abcdef'::char16; i6543 c0_to_f ------ ----------------- 6543 0123456789abcdef QUERY: UPDATE hash_c16_heap SET seqno = 20000 WHERE hash_c16_heap.random = '76652222'::char16; QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS emptyset FROM hash_c16_heap h WHERE h.random = '76652222'::char16; emptyset --------- QUERY: UPDATE hash_txt_heap SET random = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnop'::text WHERE hash_txt_heap.seqno = 4002; QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS i4002, h.random AS c0_to_p FROM hash_txt_heap h WHERE h.random = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnop'::text; i4002 c0_to_p ------ --------------------------- 4002 0123456789abcdefghijklmnop QUERY: UPDATE hash_txt_heap SET seqno = 20000 WHERE hash_txt_heap.random = '959363399'::text; QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS t20000 FROM hash_txt_heap h WHERE h.random = '959363399'::text; t20000 ------- 20000 QUERY: UPDATE hash_f8_heap SET random = '-1234.1234'::float8 WHERE hash_f8_heap.seqno = 8906; QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS i8096, h.random AS f1234_1234 FROM hash_f8_heap h WHERE h.random = '-1234.1234'::float8; i8096 f1234_1234 ------ ----------- 8906 -1234.1234 QUERY: UPDATE hash_f8_heap SET seqno = 20000 WHERE hash_f8_heap.random = '488912369'::float8; QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS f20000 FROM hash_f8_heap h WHERE h.random = '488912369'::float8; f20000 ------- 20000 QUERY: COPY onek TO '_OBJWD_/onek.data'; QUERY: DELETE FROM onek; QUERY: COPY onek FROM '_OBJWD_/onek.data'; QUERY: SELECT unique1 FROM onek WHERE unique1 < 2; unique1 -------- 0 1 QUERY: DELETE FROM onek2; QUERY: COPY onek2 FROM '_OBJWD_/onek.data'; QUERY: SELECT unique1 FROM onek2 WHERE unique1 < 2; unique1 -------- 1 0 QUERY: COPY BINARY stud_emp TO '_OBJWD_/stud_emp.data'; QUERY: DELETE FROM stud_emp; QUERY: COPY BINARY stud_emp FROM '_OBJWD_/stud_emp.data'; QUERY: SELECT * FROM stud_emp; name age location salary manager gpa percent ------ ---- ----------- ------- -------- ---- -------- jeff 23 (8,7.7) 600 sharon 3.5 cim 30 (10.5,4.7) 400 3.4 linda 19 (0.9,6.1) 100 2.9 QUERY: SELECT count(*) FROM onek; count ------ 1000 QUERY: SELECT count(*) FROM onek where oidrand(onek.oid, 10); count ------ 95 QUERY: SELECT count(*) FROM onek where oidrand(onek.oid, 10); count ------ 88 QUERY: BEGIN; QUERY: SELECT * INTO TABLE xacttest FROM aggtest; QUERY: INSERT INTO xacttest (a, b) VALUES (777, 777.777); QUERY: END; QUERY: SELECT a FROM xacttest WHERE a > 100; a ---- 777 QUERY: BEGIN; QUERY: CREATE TABLE disappear (a int4); QUERY: DELETE FROM aggtest; QUERY: SELECT * FROM aggtest; a b -- -- QUERY: ABORT; QUERY: SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'disappear'; oid ---- QUERY: SELECT * FROM aggtest; a b -- -- QUERY: BEGIN; QUERY: DECLARE foo1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: DECLARE foo2 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk2; QUERY: DECLARE foo3 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: DECLARE foo4 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk2; QUERY: DECLARE foo5 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: DECLARE foo6 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk2; QUERY: DECLARE foo7 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: DECLARE foo8 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk2; QUERY: DECLARE foo9 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: DECLARE foo10 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk2; QUERY: DECLARE foo11 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: DECLARE foo12 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk2; QUERY: DECLARE foo13 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: DECLARE foo14 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk2; QUERY: DECLARE foo15 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: DECLARE foo16 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk2; QUERY: DECLARE foo17 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: DECLARE foo18 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk2; QUERY: DECLARE foo19 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: DECLARE foo20 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk2; QUERY: DECLARE foo21 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: DECLARE foo22 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk2; QUERY: DECLARE foo23 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY: FETCH 1 in foo1; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH 2 in foo2; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH 3 in foo3; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx QUERY: FETCH 4 in foo4; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH 5 in foo5; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH 6 in foo6; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH 7 in foo7; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx QUERY: FETCH 8 in foo8; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH 9 in foo9; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH 10 in foo10; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH 11 in foo11; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx QUERY: FETCH 12 in foo12; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH 13 in foo13; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH 14 in foo14; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH 15 in foo15; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx QUERY: FETCH 16 in foo16; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx 5006 15 0 2 6 6 6 6 1006 6 5006 12 13 OKAAAA PAAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH 17 in foo17; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx 5006 15 0 2 6 6 6 6 1006 6 5006 12 13 OKAAAA PAAAAA VVVVxx 5387 16 1 3 7 7 87 387 1387 387 5387 174 175 FZAAAA QAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH 18 in foo18; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx 5006 15 0 2 6 6 6 6 1006 6 5006 12 13 OKAAAA PAAAAA VVVVxx 5387 16 1 3 7 7 87 387 1387 387 5387 174 175 FZAAAA QAAAAA AAAAxx 5785 17 1 1 5 5 85 785 1785 785 5785 170 171 NOAAAA RAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH 19 in foo19; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx 5006 15 0 2 6 6 6 6 1006 6 5006 12 13 OKAAAA PAAAAA VVVVxx 5387 16 1 3 7 7 87 387 1387 387 5387 174 175 FZAAAA QAAAAA AAAAxx 5785 17 1 1 5 5 85 785 1785 785 5785 170 171 NOAAAA RAAAAA HHHHxx 6621 18 1 1 1 1 21 621 621 1621 6621 42 43 RUAAAA SAAAAA OOOOxx QUERY: FETCH 20 in foo20; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx 5006 15 0 2 6 6 6 6 1006 6 5006 12 13 OKAAAA PAAAAA VVVVxx 5387 16 1 3 7 7 87 387 1387 387 5387 174 175 FZAAAA QAAAAA AAAAxx 5785 17 1 1 5 5 85 785 1785 785 5785 170 171 NOAAAA RAAAAA HHHHxx 6621 18 1 1 1 1 21 621 621 1621 6621 42 43 RUAAAA SAAAAA OOOOxx 6969 19 1 1 9 9 69 969 969 1969 6969 138 139 BIAAAA TAAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH 21 in foo21; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx 5006 15 0 2 6 6 6 6 1006 6 5006 12 13 OKAAAA PAAAAA VVVVxx 5387 16 1 3 7 7 87 387 1387 387 5387 174 175 FZAAAA QAAAAA AAAAxx 5785 17 1 1 5 5 85 785 1785 785 5785 170 171 NOAAAA RAAAAA HHHHxx 6621 18 1 1 1 1 21 621 621 1621 6621 42 43 RUAAAA SAAAAA OOOOxx 6969 19 1 1 9 9 69 969 969 1969 6969 138 139 BIAAAA TAAAAA VVVVxx 9460 20 0 0 0 0 60 460 1460 4460 9460 120 121 WZAAAA UAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH 22 in foo22; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx 5006 15 0 2 6 6 6 6 1006 6 5006 12 13 OKAAAA PAAAAA VVVVxx 5387 16 1 3 7 7 87 387 1387 387 5387 174 175 FZAAAA QAAAAA AAAAxx 5785 17 1 1 5 5 85 785 1785 785 5785 170 171 NOAAAA RAAAAA HHHHxx 6621 18 1 1 1 1 21 621 621 1621 6621 42 43 RUAAAA SAAAAA OOOOxx 6969 19 1 1 9 9 69 969 969 1969 6969 138 139 BIAAAA TAAAAA VVVVxx 9460 20 0 0 0 0 60 460 1460 4460 9460 120 121 WZAAAA UAAAAA AAAAxx 59 21 1 3 9 19 59 59 59 59 59 118 119 HCAAAA VAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH 23 in foo23; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 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21 1 3 9 19 59 59 59 59 59 118 119 HCAAAA VAAAAA HHHHxx 8020 22 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 3020 8020 40 41 MWAAAA WAAAAA OOOOxx QUERY: FETCH backward 1 in foo23; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 59 21 1 3 9 19 59 59 59 59 59 118 119 HCAAAA VAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH backward 2 in foo22; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 9460 20 0 0 0 0 60 460 1460 4460 9460 120 121 WZAAAA UAAAAA AAAAxx 6969 19 1 1 9 9 69 969 969 1969 6969 138 139 BIAAAA TAAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH backward 3 in foo21; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 6969 19 1 1 9 9 69 969 969 1969 6969 138 139 BIAAAA TAAAAA VVVVxx 6621 18 1 1 1 1 21 621 621 1621 6621 42 43 RUAAAA SAAAAA OOOOxx 5785 17 1 1 5 5 85 785 1785 785 5785 170 171 NOAAAA RAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH backward 4 in foo20; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 6621 18 1 1 1 1 21 621 621 1621 6621 42 43 RUAAAA SAAAAA OOOOxx 5785 17 1 1 5 5 85 785 1785 785 5785 170 171 NOAAAA RAAAAA HHHHxx 5387 16 1 3 7 7 87 387 1387 387 5387 174 175 FZAAAA QAAAAA AAAAxx 5006 15 0 2 6 6 6 6 1006 6 5006 12 13 OKAAAA PAAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH backward 5 in foo19; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 5785 17 1 1 5 5 85 785 1785 785 5785 170 171 NOAAAA RAAAAA HHHHxx 5387 16 1 3 7 7 87 387 1387 387 5387 174 175 FZAAAA QAAAAA AAAAxx 5006 15 0 2 6 6 6 6 1006 6 5006 12 13 OKAAAA PAAAAA VVVVxx 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH backward 6 in foo18; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 5387 16 1 3 7 7 87 387 1387 387 5387 174 175 FZAAAA QAAAAA AAAAxx 5006 15 0 2 6 6 6 6 1006 6 5006 12 13 OKAAAA PAAAAA VVVVxx 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH backward 7 in foo17; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 5006 15 0 2 6 6 6 6 1006 6 5006 12 13 OKAAAA PAAAAA VVVVxx 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH backward 8 in foo16; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 5471 14 1 3 1 11 71 471 1471 471 5471 142 143 LCAAAA OAAAAA OOOOxx 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH backward 9 in foo15; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 6243 13 1 3 3 3 43 243 243 1243 6243 86 87 DGAAAA NAAAAA HHHHxx 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH backward 10 in foo14; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 5222 12 0 2 2 2 22 222 1222 222 5222 44 45 WSAAAA MAAAAA AAAAxx 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH backward 11 in foo13; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 1504 11 0 0 4 4 4 504 1504 1504 1504 8 9 WFAAAA LAAAAA VVVVxx 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH backward 12 in foo12; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 1314 10 0 2 4 14 14 314 1314 1314 1314 28 29 OYAAAA KAAAAA OOOOxx 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH backward 13 in foo11; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 3043 9 1 3 3 3 43 43 1043 3043 3043 86 87 BNAAAA JAAAAA HHHHxx 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH backward 14 in foo10; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 4321 8 1 1 1 1 21 321 321 4321 4321 42 43 FKAAAA IAAAAA AAAAxx 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH backward 15 in foo9; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 6701 7 1 1 1 1 1 701 701 1701 6701 2 3 TXAAAA HAAAAA VVVVxx 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH backward 16 in foo8; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 5057 6 1 1 7 17 57 57 1057 57 5057 114 115 NMAAAA GAAAAA OOOOxx 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH backward 17 in foo7; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8009 5 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 3009 8009 18 19 BWAAAA FAAAAA HHHHxx 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH backward 18 in foo6; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 7164 4 0 0 4 4 64 164 1164 2164 7164 128 129 OPAAAA EAAAAA AAAAxx 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH backward 19 in foo5; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 9850 3 0 2 0 10 50 850 1850 4850 9850 100 101 WOAAAA DAAAAA VVVVxx 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH backward 20 in foo4; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 3420 2 0 0 0 0 20 420 1420 3420 3420 40 41 OBAAAA CAAAAA OOOOxx 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH backward 21 in foo3; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 1891 1 1 3 1 11 91 891 1891 1891 1891 182 183 TUAAAA BAAAAA HHHHxx 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH backward 22 in foo2; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 8800 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 800 3800 8800 0 1 MAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH backward 23 in foo1; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- QUERY: CLOSE foo1; QUERY: CLOSE foo2; QUERY: CLOSE foo3; QUERY: CLOSE foo4; QUERY: CLOSE foo5; QUERY: CLOSE foo6; QUERY: CLOSE foo7; QUERY: CLOSE foo8; QUERY: CLOSE foo9; QUERY: CLOSE foo10; QUERY: CLOSE foo11; QUERY: CLOSE foo12; QUERY: end; QUERY: EXTEND INDEX onek2_u1_prtl WHERE onek2.unique1 <= 60; WARN:ExtendIndex: onek2_u1_prtl index not found QUERY: BEGIN; QUERY: DECLARE foo13 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 50; QUERY: DECLARE foo14 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 51; QUERY: DECLARE foo15 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 52; QUERY: DECLARE foo16 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 53; QUERY: DECLARE foo17 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 54; QUERY: DECLARE foo18 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 55; QUERY: DECLARE foo19 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 56; QUERY: DECLARE foo20 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 57; QUERY: DECLARE foo21 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 58; QUERY: DECLARE foo22 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 59; QUERY: DECLARE foo23 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 60; QUERY: DECLARE foo24 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek2 WHERE unique1 = 50; QUERY: DECLARE foo25 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM onek2 WHERE unique1 = 60; QUERY: FETCH all in foo13; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 50 253 0 2 0 10 0 50 50 50 50 0 1 YBAAAA TJAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo14; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 51 76 1 3 1 11 1 51 51 51 51 2 3 ZBAAAA YCAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo15; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 52 985 0 0 2 12 2 52 52 52 52 4 5 ACAAAA XLBAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo16; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 53 196 1 1 3 13 3 53 53 53 53 6 7 BCAAAA OHAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo17; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 54 356 0 2 4 14 4 54 54 54 54 8 9 CCAAAA SNAAAA AAAAxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo18; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 55 627 1 3 5 15 5 55 55 55 55 10 11 DCAAAA DYAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo19; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 56 54 0 0 6 16 6 56 56 56 56 12 13 ECAAAA CCAAAA OOOOxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo20; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 57 942 1 1 7 17 7 57 57 57 57 14 15 FCAAAA GKBAAA OOOOxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo21; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 58 114 0 2 8 18 8 58 58 58 58 16 17 GCAAAA KEAAAA OOOOxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo22; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 59 593 1 3 9 19 9 59 59 59 59 18 19 HCAAAA VWAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo23; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 60 483 0 0 0 0 0 60 60 60 60 0 1 ICAAAA PSAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo24; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 50 253 0 2 0 10 0 50 50 50 50 0 1 YBAAAA TJAAAA HHHHxx QUERY: FETCH all in foo25; unique1 unique2 two four ten twenty hundred thousand twothousand fivethous tenthous odd even stringu1 stringu2 string4 -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- ------- -------- --------- ------------ ---------- --------- ---- ----- --------- --------- -------- 60 483 0 0 0 0 0 60 60 60 60 0 1 ICAAAA PSAAAA VVVVxx QUERY: CLOSE foo13; QUERY: CLOSE foo14; QUERY: CLOSE foo15; QUERY: CLOSE foo16; QUERY: CLOSE foo17; QUERY: CLOSE foo18; QUERY: CLOSE foo19; QUERY: CLOSE foo20; QUERY: CLOSE foo21; QUERY: CLOSE foo22; QUERY: CLOSE foo23; QUERY: CLOSE foo24; QUERY: CLOSE foo25; QUERY: END; QUERY: PURGE hash_f8_heap BEFORE 'now'; -- absolute time SELECT count(*) AS has_10002 FROM hash_f8_heap[,] h; QUERY: VACUUM hash_f8_heap; QUERY: SELECT count(*) AS has_10000 FROM hash_f8_heap[,] h; has_10000 ---------- 10002 QUERY: PURGE hash_i4_heap AFTER '@ 1 second ago'; -- relative time SELECT count(*) AS has_10002 FROM hash_i4_heap[,] h; QUERY: VACUUM hash_i4_heap; QUERY: SELECT count(*) AS has_10000 FROM hash_i4_heap[,] h; has_10000 ---------- 10002 QUERY: CREATE TABLE temp (initial int4); QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN a int4; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN b char16; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN c text; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN d float8; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN e float4; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN f int2; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN g polygon; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN h abstime; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN i char; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN j abstime[]; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN k dt; WARN:type name lookup of dt failed QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN l tid; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN m xid; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN n oid8; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN p smgr; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN q point; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN r lseg; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN s path; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN t box; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN u tinterval; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN v oidint4; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN w oidname; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN x float8[]; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN y float4[]; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN z int2[]; QUERY: INSERT INTO temp (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z) VALUES (4, 'char16', 'text', 4.1, 4.1, 2, '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', 'Mon May 1 00:30:30 PDT 1995', 'c', '{Mon May 1 00:30:30 PDT 1995, Monday Aug 24 14:43:07 1992 PDT, epoch}', 314159, '(1,1)', 512, '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8', 'magnetic disk', '(1.1,1.1)', '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', '(0,2,4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', '["current" "infinity"]', '1/3', '1,char16', '{1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0}', '{1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0}', '{1,2,3,4}'); WARN:Relation temp does not have attribute k QUERY: SELECT * FROM temp; initial a b c d e f g h i j l m n p q r s t u v w x y z -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- QUERY: DROP TABLE temp; QUERY: CREATE TABLE temp ( initial int4 ) ARCHIVE = light; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN a int4; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN b char16; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN c text; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN d float8; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN e float4; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN f int2; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN g polygon; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN h abstime; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN i char; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN j abstime[]; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN k dt; WARN:type name lookup of dt failed QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN l tid; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN m xid; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN n oid8; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN p smgr; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN q point; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN r lseg; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN s path; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN t box; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN u tinterval; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN v oidint4; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN w oidname; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN x float8[]; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN y float4[]; QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN z int2[]; QUERY: INSERT INTO temp (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z) VALUES (4, 'char16', 'text', 4.1, 4.1, 2, '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', 'Mon May 1 00:30:30 PDT 1995', 'c', '{Mon May 1 00:30:30 PDT 1995, Monday Aug 24 14:43:07 1992 PDT, epoch}', 314159, '(1,1)', 512, '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8', 'magnetic disk', '(1.1,1.1)', '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', '(0,2,4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', '["current" "infinity"]', '1/3', '1,char16', '{1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0}', '{1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0}', '{1,2,3,4}'); WARN:Relation temp does not have attribute k QUERY: SELECT * FROM temp[,]; initial a b c d e f g h i j l m n p q r s t u v w x y z -------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- QUERY: DROP TABLE temp; QUERY: ALTER TABLE tenk1 RENAME TO ten_k; QUERY: SELECT unique1 FROM ten_k WHERE unique1 < 20; unique1 -------- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 QUERY: SELECT unique2 FROM ten_k WHERE unique2 < 20; unique2 -------- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 QUERY: SELECT hundred FROM ten_k WHERE hundred = 50; hundred -------- 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 QUERY: ALTER TABLE ten_k RENAME TO tenk1; QUERY: SELECT unique1 FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 5; unique1 -------- 0 1 2 3 4 QUERY: SELECT * from street; name thepath cname ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Whitlock Creek (0,2,-121.747,37.9128,-121.733,37) Oakland Warm Springs Blvd (0,2,-121.934,37,-121.934,37.97) Oakland Tissiack Way (0,2,-121.92,37,-121.921,37.995) Oakland Mission Blvd (0,3,-121.919,37,-121.919,37.976,-121.92,37.975) Oakland Theresa Way (0,2,-121.729,37.906,-121.728,37.899) Oakland Cowing Road (0,2,-122,37.934,-121.977,37.782) Oakland Rosedale Ct (0,2,-121.923,37.9,-121.924,37.897) Oakland Saginaw Ct (0,2,-121.88,37.898,-121.881,37.901) Oakland Pimlico Dr (0,2,-121.862,37.998,-121.862,37.008) Oakland Livermore Ave (0,2,-121.769,37.448,-121.769,37.375) Oakland Arroyo Las Positas (0,2,-121.797,37.997,-121.796,37.005) Oakland Arlington Road (0,2,-121.796,37.898,-121.796,37.906) Oakland Juniper St (0,2,-121.782,37.897,-121.781,37.9) Oakland Fairview Ave (0,2,-121.999,37.428,-121.986,37.351) Oakland Sunol Ridge Trl (0,2,-121.942,37.455,-121.934,37.38) Oakland Vallecitos Road (0,2,-121.87,37.916,-121.87,37.891) Oakland Driscoll Road (0,2,-121.948,37.403,-121.948,37.3999) Oakland Apricot Lane (0,2,-121.947,37.401,-121.946,37.392) Oakland Calaveras Creek (0,2,-121.82,37.035,-121.821,37.931) Oakland Livermore Ave (0,2,-121.773,37.9909,-121.773,37.001) Oakland Sp Railroad (0,2,-121.894,37.9901,-121.897,37.016) Oakland Tassajara Creek (0,2,-121.879,37.989,-121.878,37.015) Oakland Andrea Cir (0,2,-121.733,37.8864,-121.733,37.9062) Oakland I- 580 (0,5,-122.018,37.019,-122.001,37.032,-121.979,37.983,-121.958,37.984,-121.957,37.986) Oakland I- 580 Ramp (0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989) Oakland I- 580 (0,3,-121.932,37.989,-121.924,37.006,-121.922,37.014) Oakland I- 580/I-680 Ramp (1,2,-121.921,37.988,-121.919,37.016) Oakland I- 580 Ramp (0,4,-121.904,37.998,-121.904,37.013,-121.903,37.0174,-121.903,37.018) Oakland I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-121.874,37.014,-121.872,37.999,-121.871,37.999) Oakland I- 580 Ramp (0,5,-121.852,37.011,-121.848,37.999,-121.848,37.999,-121.846,37.01,-121.846,37.011) Oakland I- 680 (0,7,-121.91,37.715,-121.911,37.7468,-121.912,37.764,-121.912,37.776,-121.917,37.905,-121.919,37.957,-121.921,37.988) Oakland I- 680 Ramp (0,5,-121.883,37.376,-121.883,37.392,-121.883,37.4,-121.883,37.402,-121.885,37.422) Oakland I- 680 Ramp (0,4,-121.92,37.438,-121.922,37.424,-121.924,37.408,-121.925,37.392) Oakland I- 680 Ramp (0,3,-121.924,37.402,-121.923,37.395,-121.923,37.399) Oakland I- 680 (1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934) Oakland State Hwy 84 (0,5,-121.957,37.898,-121.957,37.8991,-121.957,37.903,-121.956,37.91,-121.955,37.919) Oakland Whitlock Creek (0,2,-121.747,37.9128,-121.733,37) Oakland Warm Springs Blvd (0,2,-121.934,37,-121.934,37.97) Oakland Tissiack Way (0,2,-121.92,37,-121.921,37.995) Oakland Mission Blvd (0,3,-121.919,37,-121.919,37.976,-121.92,37.975) Oakland Kildare Road (0,2,-122.097,37.016,-122.096,37) Oakland Ranspot Dr (0,2,-122.097,37.999,-122.096,37) Oakland Butterfield Dr (0,2,-122.084,37.002,-122.083,37.987) Oakland Hesperian Blvd (0,3,-122.097,37.333,-122.096,37.31,-122.095,37.293) Oakland Thackeray Ave (0,2,-122.072,37.305,-122.072,37.298) Oakland Celia St (0,2,-122.061,37.3,-122.062,37.299) Oakland Periwinkle Road (0,2,-122.045,37.301,-122.045,37.2984) Oakland Bridgepointe Dr (0,2,-122.051,37.305,-122.051,37.299) Oakland Crystaline Dr (0,2,-121.926,37,-121.926,37.0053) Oakland Paseo Padre Pkwy (0,2,-121.914,37.005,-121.914,37) Oakland Oakridge Road (0,2,-121.832,37.049,-121.828,37) Oakland Railroad Ave (0,3,-122.025,37.013,-122.023,37.003,-122.022,37.993) Oakland Eden Creek (0,2,-122.022,37.0067,-122.022,37.998) Oakland I- 880 (0,10,-122.083,37.312,-122.082,37.296,-122.081,37.285,-122.079,37.248,-122.078,37.24,-122.078,37.235,-122.077,37.2257,-122.077,37.2203,-122.076,37.215,-122.076,37.209) Oakland I- 880 Ramp (0,5,-122.004,37.313,-122.004,37.308,-122.004,37.284,-122.001,37.287,-121.999,37.289) Oakland I- 880 Ramp (0,2,-122.002,37.301,-122.002,37.293) Oakland I- 880 (1,6,-121.967,37.075,-121.966,37.071,-121.966,37.065,-121.962,37.037,-121.957,37,-121.948,37.933) Oakland I- 680 (1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934) Oakland Wisconsin St (0,3,-122.199,37.017,-122.198,37.998,-122.197,37.994) Oakland Herrier St (0,2,-122.194,37.006,-122.194,37.998) Oakland Skyline Blvd (0,2,-122.174,37.01,-122.171,37.996) Oakland Coliseum Way (0,2,-122.2,37.47,-122.198,37.516) Oakland Hegenberger Exwy (0,2,-122.195,37.52,-122.195,37.497) Oakland Sp Railroad (0,2,-122.195,37.497,-122.193,37.4848) Oakland 85th Ave (0,2,-122.188,37.466,-122.186,37.476) Oakland E St (0,3,-122.183,37.505,-122.183,37.498,-122.182,37.49) Oakland D St (0,2,-122.181,37.505,-122.18,37.497) Oakland Birch St (0,2,-122.167,37.509,-122.166,37.492) Oakland Bancroft Ave (0,3,-122.164,37.523,-122.163,37.508,-122.162,37.493) Oakland Avenue 140th (0,2,-122.166,37.003,-122.169,37.988) Oakland Redwood Road (0,2,-122.149,37.98,-122.144,37.001) Oakland 98th Ave (0,2,-122.157,37.498,-122.156,37.502) Oakland Cameron Ave (0,2,-122.132,37.502,-122.133,37.481) Oakland Locust St (0,2,-122.161,37.007,-122.159,37.987) Oakland McClure Ave (0,2,-122.143,37.001,-122.144,37.998) Oakland Maubert Ave (0,2,-122.111,37.009,-122.11,37.995) Oakland Ranspot Dr (0,2,-122.097,37.999,-122.096,37) Oakland Butterfield Dr (0,2,-122.084,37.002,-122.083,37.987) Oakland National Ave (0,2,-122.119,37.5,-122.128,37.489) Oakland Broadmore Ave (0,2,-122.095,37.522,-122.094,37.497) Oakland Skyline Dr (0,2,-122.028,37.5,-122.028,37.498) Oakland Decoto Road (0,3,-122.016,37.006,-122.016,37.002,-122.016,37.993) Oakland Chapman Dr (0,2,-122.042,37.504,-122.041,37.498) Oakland Charles St (0,2,-122.025,37.505,-122.025,37.499) Oakland Mattos Dr (0,2,-122.001,37.502,-122.001,37.4968) Oakland Sp Railroad (0,3,-122.138,37.003,-122.136,37.992,-122.131,37.9461) Oakland Railroad Ave (0,3,-122.025,37.013,-122.023,37.003,-122.022,37.993) Oakland Eden Creek (0,2,-122.022,37.0067,-122.022,37.998) Oakland I- 880 (0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91) Oakland I- 580 (0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908) Oakland I- 880 (0,7,-122.098,37.528,-122.096,37.496,-122.093,37.453,-122.093,37.4496,-122.09,37.4144,-122.09,37.405,-122.085,37.34) Oakland I- 880 Ramp (0,3,-122.062,37.011,-122.063,37.982,-122.058,37.967) Oakland I- 880 (0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811) Oakland I- 880 (0,12,-122.037,37.632,-122.036,37.619,-122.036,37.616,-122.035,37.6041,-122.032,37.5797,-122.031,37.5733,-122.03,37.5637,-122.029,37.557,-122.029,37.5493,-122.028,37.5391,-122.026,37.517,-122.024,37.491) Oakland Cornell Ave (0,3,-122.296,37.925,-122.295,37.906,-122.294,37.875) Berkeley Euclid Ave (0,2,-122.267,37.009,-122.267,37.987) Berkeley Marin Ave (0,2,-122.274,37.894,-122.272,37.901) Berkeley Sacramento St (0,2,-122.28,37.606,-122.28,37.597) Berkeley Martin Luther King Jr Way (0,2,-122.271,37.608,-122.271,37.599) Berkeley Shoreline Dr (0,2,-122.266,37.603,-122.265,37.6) Berkeley Creston Road (0,4,-122.264,37.002,-122.261,37.986,-122.26,37.978,-122.26,37.973) Berkeley Keeler Ave (0,2,-122.258,37.906,-122.258,37.899) Berkeley Lakeshore Ave (0,2,-122.259,37.99,-122.256,37.006) Berkeley Oakland Inner Harbor (0,2,-122.263,37.913,-122.26,37.8948) Berkeley Wp Railroad (0,2,-122.254,37.902,-122.251,37.891) Berkeley Foothill Blvd (0,2,-122.241,37.9,-122.24,37.893) Berkeley 19th Ave (0,2,-122.237,37.897,-122.236,37.905) Berkeley Dimond Ave (0,2,-122.217,37.994,-122.216,37.006) Berkeley Champion St (0,2,-122.214,37.991,-122.215,37.002) Berkeley Laguna Ave (0,2,-122.21,37.989,-122.209,37) Berkeley Wisconsin St (0,3,-122.199,37.017,-122.198,37.998,-122.197,37.994) Berkeley Herrier St (0,2,-122.194,37.006,-122.194,37.998) Berkeley Redding St (0,2,-122.198,37.901,-122.198,37.895) Berkeley Carson St (0,2,-122.185,37.9,-122.184,37.901) Berkeley Skyline Blvd (0,2,-122.174,37.01,-122.171,37.996) Berkeley Campus Dr (0,3,-122.17,37.905,-122.168,37.868,-122.167,37.865) Berkeley Broadway (0,2,-122.241,37.586,-122.24,37.601) Berkeley Coliseum Way (0,3,-122.211,37.626,-122.209,37.592,-122.206,37.568) Berkeley 82nd Ave (0,2,-122.169,37.596,-122.168,37.603) Berkeley Avenue 140th (0,2,-122.166,37.003,-122.169,37.988) Berkeley Parkridge Dr (0,2,-122.144,37.884,-122.143,37.9) Berkeley Cull Creek (0,2,-122.062,37.875,-122.058,37.527) Berkeley Locust St (0,2,-122.161,37.007,-122.159,37.987) Berkeley McClure Ave (0,2,-122.143,37.001,-122.144,37.998) Berkeley Maubert Ave (0,2,-122.111,37.009,-122.11,37.995) Berkeley Ranspot Dr (0,2,-122.097,37.999,-122.096,37) Berkeley Butterfield Dr (0,2,-122.084,37.002,-122.083,37.987) Berkeley Crow Canyon Creek (0,2,-122.043,37.905,-122.037,37.71) Berkeley Skywest Dr (0,2,-122.116,37.62,-122.112,37.586) Berkeley Hesperian Blvd (0,2,-122.113,37.6,-122.112,37.586) Berkeley Sp Railroad (0,3,-122.091,37.601,-122.087,37.56,-122.086,37.5551) Berkeley Jackson St (0,2,-122.085,37.6,-122.084,37.606) Berkeley Joyce St (0,2,-122.079,37.604,-122.077,37.581) Berkeley San Andreas Dr (0,2,-122.061,37.9,-122.061,37.895) Berkeley West Loop Road (0,2,-122.058,37.604,-122.06,37.586) Berkeley Parkside Dr (0,2,-122.047,37.603,-122.044,37.596) Berkeley Arizona St (0,2,-122.038,37.901,-122.037,37.898) Berkeley Decoto Road (0,3,-122.016,37.006,-122.016,37.002,-122.016,37.993) Berkeley Oneil Ave (0,2,-122.077,37.6248,-122.075,37.595) Berkeley Sp Railroad (0,3,-122.138,37.003,-122.136,37.992,-122.131,37.9461) Berkeley Railroad Ave (0,3,-122.025,37.013,-122.023,37.003,-122.022,37.993) Berkeley Lakehurst Cir (0,2,-122.285,37.8903,-122.286,37.9036) Berkeley Eden Creek (0,2,-122.022,37.0067,-122.022,37.998) Berkeley I- 880 (0,17,-122.271,37.975,-122.269,37.972,-122.268,37.966,-122.267,37.962,-122.266,37.957,-122.265,37.952,-122.264,37.946,-122.263,37.935,-122.262,37.927,-122.261,37.921,-122.259,37.916,-122.258,37.911,-122.254,37.898,-122.243,37.858,-122.241,37.845,-122.239,37.827,-122.237,37.811) Berkeley I- 880 Ramp (0,2,-122.254,37.898,-122.254,37.902) Berkeley I- 580 (0,12,-122.22,37.99,-122.22,37.99,-122.222,37.9952,-122.223,37.998,-122.224,37.9996,-122.226,37.003,-122.228,37.007,-122.23,37.026,-122.232,37.043,-122.234,37.059,-122.235,37.0643,-122.237,37.07) Berkeley I- 880 (0,13,-122.221,37.711,-122.22,37.699,-122.22,37.695,-122.219,37.682,-122.218,37.672,-122.217,37.652,-122.216,37.638,-122.214,37.616,-122.214,37.612,-122.213,37.609,-122.212,37.592,-122.212,37.586,-122.211,37.581) Berkeley I- 880 (0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91) Berkeley I- 880 Ramp (0,8,-122.138,37.931,-122.138,37.9274,-122.137,37.925,-122.137,37.924,-122.137,37.914,-122.136,37.905,-122.136,37.908,-122.136,37.898) Berkeley I- 880 (0,17,-122.136,37.902,-122.136,37.898,-122.133,37.881,-122.132,37.874,-122.131,37.866,-122.131,37.865,-122.131,37.864,-122.129,37.851,-122.128,37.843,-122.126,37.834,-122.123,37.812,-122.117,37.766,-122.11,37.72,-122.11,37.7109,-122.109,37.702,-122.108,37.6917,-122.108,37.681) Berkeley I- 580 (0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908) Berkeley I- 580 Ramp (0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982) Berkeley I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-122.101,37.898,-122.1,37.902,-122.099,37.911) Berkeley I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-122.096,37.888,-122.096,37.891,-122.096,37.9) Berkeley I- 880 Ramp (0,3,-122.103,37.61,-122.101,37.587,-122.1,37.569) Berkeley I- 880 (0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811) Berkeley I- 880 Ramp (0,3,-122.059,37.982,-122.058,37.984,-122.061,37.003) Berkeley I- 880 (0,12,-122.037,37.632,-122.036,37.619,-122.036,37.616,-122.035,37.6041,-122.032,37.5797,-122.031,37.5733,-122.03,37.5637,-122.029,37.557,-122.029,37.5493,-122.028,37.5391,-122.026,37.517,-122.024,37.491) Berkeley I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-122.093,37.9035,-122.094,37.8963,-122.094,37.8921) Berkeley State Hwy 13 (0,9,-122.18,37.943,-122.18,37.9185,-122.18,37.9,-122.179,37.8661,-122.179,37.862,-122.178,37.851,-122.178,37.845,-122.177,37.839,-122.177,37.833) Berkeley State Hwy 238 (1,8,-122.098,37.908,-122.098,37.907,-122.099,37.905,-122.101,37.898,-122.102,37.8971,-122.103,37.8944,-122.105,37.892,-122.106,37.89) Berkeley Euclid Ave (0,2,-122.267,37.009,-122.267,37.987) Lafayette Hollis St (0,2,-122.288,37.397,-122.289,37.414) Lafayette 5th St (0,3,-122.278,37,-122.279,37.005,-122.28,37.009) Lafayette Creston Road (0,4,-122.264,37.002,-122.261,37.986,-122.26,37.978,-122.26,37.973) Lafayette Ada St (0,2,-122.249,37.398,-122.25,37.401) Lafayette Sheridan Road (0,3,-122.228,37.425,-122.225,37.411,-122.222,37.377) Lafayette Proctor Ave (0,2,-122.227,37.406,-122.225,37.386) Lafayette Capricorn Ave (0,2,-122.218,37.404,-122.216,37.384) Lafayette Taurus Ave (0,2,-122.216,37.416,-122.213,37.389) Lafayette Lakeshore Ave (0,2,-122.259,37.99,-122.256,37.006) Lafayette Dimond Ave (0,2,-122.217,37.994,-122.216,37.006) Lafayette Indian Way (0,2,-122.207,37.398,-122.204,37.411) Lafayette Champion St (0,2,-122.214,37.991,-122.215,37.002) Lafayette Laguna Ave (0,2,-122.21,37.989,-122.209,37) Lafayette California St (0,2,-122.203,37.005,-122.202,37.996) Lafayette Edgewater Dr (0,2,-122.201,37.379,-122.204,37.41) Lafayette I- 880 Ramp (0,2,-122.277,37.002,-122.278,37) Lafayette I- 580 (0,12,-122.22,37.99,-122.22,37.99,-122.222,37.9952,-122.223,37.998,-122.224,37.9996,-122.226,37.003,-122.228,37.007,-122.23,37.026,-122.232,37.043,-122.234,37.059,-122.235,37.0643,-122.237,37.07) Lafayette State Hwy 13 Ramp (0,4,-122.224,37.427,-122.223,37.414,-122.221,37.396,-122.221,37.388) Lafayette QUERY: SELECT * from iexit; name thepath exit ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- I- 880 Ramp (1,3,-121.948,37.91,-121.947,37.911,-121.946,37.911) (-121.946,37.911) I- 880 Ramp (1,3,-121.948,37.91,-121.947,37.911,-121.946,37.911) (-121.947,37.911) I- 580 Ramp (0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989) (-121.935,37.8507) I- 580 Ramp (0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989) (-121.935,37.8337) I- 580 Ramp (0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989) (-121.935,37.8354) I- 680 (0,7,-121.91,37.715,-121.911,37.7468,-121.912,37.764,-121.912,37.776,-121.917,37.905,-121.919,37.957,-121.921,37.988) (-121.919,37.9349) I- 680 Ramp (0,7,-121.927,37.998,-121.924,37.983,-121.922,37.9786,-121.92,37.975,-121.919,37.954,-121.919,37.941,-121.918,37.934) (-121.922,37.9786) I- 680 (0,7,-121.91,37.715,-121.911,37.7468,-121.912,37.764,-121.912,37.776,-121.917,37.905,-121.919,37.957,-121.921,37.988) (-121.92,37.9755) I- 680 Ramp (1,3,-121.925,37.932,-121.921,37.944,-121.92,37.944) (-121.921,37.944) I- 580 Ramp (0,4,-121.904,37.998,-121.904,37.013,-121.903,37.0174,-121.903,37.018) (-121.904,37.6629) I- 580 Ramp (0,6,-121.658,37.2009,-121.658,37.2009,-121.66,37.1972,-121.66,37.1965,-121.662,37.19,-121.662,37.1869) (-121.658,37.2009) I- 580 (0,18,-121.77,37.013,-121.769,37.015,-121.758,37.03,-121.756,37.03,-121.755,37.0297,-121.751,37.0281,-121.75,37.0274,-121.749,37.026,-121.745,37.024,-121.744,37.024,-121.741,37.024,-121.74,37.0251,-121.739,37.0272,-121.738,37.028,-121.736,37.0328,-121.736,37.033,-121.736,37.034,-121.733,37.046) (-121.744,37.024) I- 580 Ramp (0,5,-121.74,37.034,-121.741,37.034,-121.74,37.029,-121.738,37.032,-121.736,37.034) (-121.741,37.034) I- 580 Ramp (1,3,-121.74,37.036,-121.739,37.033,-121.738,37.032) (-121.738,37.032) I- 580 (0,18,-121.77,37.013,-121.769,37.015,-121.758,37.03,-121.756,37.03,-121.755,37.0297,-121.751,37.0281,-121.75,37.0274,-121.749,37.026,-121.745,37.024,-121.744,37.024,-121.741,37.024,-121.74,37.0251,-121.739,37.0272,-121.738,37.028,-121.736,37.0328,-121.736,37.033,-121.736,37.034,-121.733,37.046) (-121.741,37.024) I- 580 Ramp (1,3,-121.74,37.036,-121.739,37.033,-121.738,37.032) (-121.739,37.033) I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-121.723,37.103,-121.722,37.103,-121.722,37.0986) (-121.722,37.103) I- 80 Ramp (0,5,-122.299,37.518,-122.299,37.5,-122.299,37.488,-122.299,37.477,-122.297,37.452) (-122.299,37.5) I- 80 Ramp (0,5,-122.299,37.518,-122.299,37.5,-122.299,37.488,-122.299,37.477,-122.297,37.452) (-122.297,37.452) I- 80 Ramp (0,2,-122.304,37.25,-122.308,37.249) (-122.304,37.25) I- 80 Ramp (0,2,-122.304,37.25,-122.305,37.254) (-122.304,37.25) I- 580 (1,9,-122.274,37.262,-122.275,37.263,-122.277,37.27,-122.278,37.271,-122.279,37.274,-122.281,37.275,-122.282,37.276,-122.283,37.276,-122.284,37.276) (-122.284,37.276) I- 580 (0,6,-122.274,37.262,-122.273,37.259,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.2449,-122.268,37.2443,-122.268,37.244) (-122.268,37.244) I- 580 Ramp (0,2,-122.268,37.243,-122.269,37.243) (-122.268,37.243) I- 580 Ramp (1,3,-122.265,37.242,-122.266,37.245,-122.267,37.245) (-122.267,37.245) I- 580 (0,3,-122.267,37.243,-122.268,37.243,-122.268,37.244) (-122.267,37.243) I- 580 Ramp (1,3,-122.265,37.242,-122.266,37.245,-122.267,37.245) (-122.267,37.245) I- 580 Ramp (1,3,-122.265,37.242,-122.266,37.245,-122.267,37.245) (-122.266,37.245) I- 580 (0,6,-122.261,37.23,-122.26,37.2283,-122.261,37.231,-122.264,37.238,-122.265,37.241,-122.265,37.242) (-122.264,37.238) I- 580 Ramp (0,5,-122.264,37.238,-122.266,37.239,-122.266,37.238,-122.268,37.231,-122.268,37.227) (-122.266,37.239) I- 580 (0,5,-122.261,37.23,-122.263,37.2331,-122.265,37.2349,-122.266,37.236,-122.266,37.238) (-122.266,37.238) I- 580 Ramp (1,3,-122.265,37.242,-122.266,37.245,-122.267,37.245) (-122.266,37.245) I- 580 Ramp (1,3,-122.265,37.241,-122.265,37.244,-122.266,37.245) (-122.265,37.244) I- 580 Ramp (0,4,-122.255,37.205,-122.254,37.205,-122.254,37.202,-122.254,37.196) (-122.254,37.205) I- 580 Ramp (0,4,-122.255,37.205,-122.254,37.205,-122.254,37.202,-122.254,37.196) (-122.254,37.205) I- 880 (0,17,-122.271,37.975,-122.269,37.972,-122.268,37.966,-122.267,37.962,-122.266,37.957,-122.265,37.952,-122.264,37.946,-122.263,37.935,-122.262,37.927,-122.261,37.921,-122.259,37.916,-122.258,37.911,-122.254,37.898,-122.243,37.858,-122.241,37.845,-122.239,37.827,-122.237,37.811) (-122.258,37.911) I- 580 (0,12,-122.22,37.99,-122.22,37.99,-122.222,37.9952,-122.223,37.998,-122.224,37.9996,-122.226,37.003,-122.228,37.007,-122.23,37.026,-122.232,37.043,-122.234,37.059,-122.235,37.0643,-122.237,37.07) (-122.22,37.99) I- 580 (0,12,-122.22,37.99,-122.22,37.99,-122.222,37.9952,-122.223,37.998,-122.224,37.9996,-122.226,37.003,-122.228,37.007,-122.23,37.026,-122.232,37.043,-122.234,37.059,-122.235,37.0643,-122.237,37.07) (-122.22,37.99) I- 580 Ramp (0,6,-122.216,37.985,-122.217,37.989,-122.218,37.991,-122.218,37.9907,-122.219,37.9902,-122.22,37.99) (-122.22,37.99) I- 880 Ramp (1,3,-122.235,37.767,-122.236,37.768,-122.236,37.768) (-122.236,37.768) I- 880 Ramp (0,4,-122.232,37.746,-122.232,37.751,-122.232,37.752,-122.233,37.752) (-122.232,37.752) I- 880 Ramp (0,4,-122.22,37.695,-122.219,37.697,-122.22,37.7,-122.22,37.699) (-122.219,37.697) I- 880 Ramp (1,3,-122.209,37.532,-122.209,37.535,-122.207,37.535) (-122.207,37.535) I- 880 Ramp (1,3,-122.209,37.532,-122.209,37.535,-122.207,37.535) (-122.209,37.535) I- 880 Ramp (0,4,-122.196,37.407,-122.196,37.396,-122.195,37.396,-122.195,37.394) (-122.195,37.396) I- 880 Ramp (0,3,-122.195,37.405,-122.194,37.411,-122.195,37.411) (-122.194,37.411) I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-122.174,37.817,-122.175,37.822,-122.177,37.833) (-122.175,37.822) I- 880 Ramp (0,5,-122.187,37.32,-122.187,37.322,-122.187,37.321,-122.188,37.319,-122.188,37.317) (-122.187,37.322) I- 880 Ramp (1,2,-122.186,37.322,-122.187,37.322) (-122.187,37.322) I- 880 Ramp (0,5,-122.187,37.32,-122.187,37.322,-122.187,37.321,-122.188,37.319,-122.188,37.317) (-122.187,37.322) I- 880 Ramp (0,6,-122.176,37.193,-122.175,37.191,-122.174,37.194,-122.174,37.192,-122.174,37.196,-122.172,37.198) (-122.174,37.196) I- 880 Ramp (0,5,-122.168,37.09,-122.167,37.089,-122.166,37.0897,-122.165,37.09,-122.164,37.092) (-122.167,37.089) I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-122.152,37.529,-122.151,37.524,-122.151,37.509) (-122.151,37.524) I- 580 Ramp (1,2,-122.152,37.526,-122.151,37.524) (-122.151,37.524) I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-122.152,37.529,-122.151,37.524,-122.151,37.509) (-122.151,37.524) I- 880 (0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91) (-122.15,37.5392) I- 880 Ramp (1,2,-122.133,37.901,-122.136,37.905) (-122.136,37.905) I- 880 Ramp (0,3,-122.129,37.842,-122.128,37.839,-122.126,37.834) (-122.128,37.839) I- 580 (0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908) (-122.107,37.844) I- 580 Ramp (0,2,-122.108,37.007,-122.109,37.02) (-122.109,37.0128) I- 580 (0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908) (-122.099,37.911) I- 580 (0,7,-122.098,37.908,-122.097,37.904,-122.096,37.903,-122.095,37.903,-122.094,37.902,-122.094,37.903,-122.093,37.9035) (-122.095,37.903) I- 580 (0,9,-122.091,37.906,-122.09,37.908,-122.088,37.908,-122.086,37.909,-122.078,37.909,-122.073,37.909,-122.071,37.91,-122.068,37.9114,-122.065,37.914) (-122.065,37.914) I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-122.065,37.914,-122.062,37.916,-122.06,37.92) (-122.062,37.916) I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-122.019,37.012,-122.018,37.009,-122.018,37.019) (-122.019,37.012) I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-122.019,37.012,-122.02,37.015,-122.021,37.02) (-122.019,37.012) I- 580 Ramp (0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989) (-121.935,37.9796) I- 880 Ramp (0,6,-121.934,37.85,-121.937,37.852,-121.937,37.836,-121.936,37.835,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.813) (-121.935,37.8507) I- 880 (0,10,-121.936,37.83,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.819,-121.935,37.813,-121.934,37.788,-121.933,37.767,-121.923,37.57,-121.923,37.563,-121.923,37.561,-121.922,37.5541) (-121.933,37.7817) I- 580 Ramp (0,4,-121.936,37.986,-121.934,37.971,-121.933,37.979,-121.932,37.989) (-121.935,37.9796) I- 680 (0,10,-121.923,37.039,-121.924,37.057,-121.929,37.106,-121.929,37.1133,-121.93,37.119,-121.932,37.148,-121.934,37.1711,-121.936,37.193,-121.936,37.2019,-121.938,37.219) (-121.934,37.1683) I- 680 (1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934) (-121.935,37.0895) I- 580 (0,3,-121.932,37.989,-121.924,37.006,-121.922,37.014) (-121.924,37.0087) I- 580/I-680 Ramp (0,4,-121.924,37.006,-121.924,37.005,-121.922,37.008,-121.922,37.0104) (-121.924,37.006) I- 680 Ramp (1,5,-121.921,37.965,-121.92,37.96,-121.921,37.957,-121.92,37.951,-121.919,37.941) (-121.921,37.9574) I- 680 (1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934) (-121.921,37.9517) I- 580 (0,6,-121.921,37.015,-121.919,37.02,-121.918,37.02,-121.909,37.017,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.018) (-121.909,37.017) I- 680 Ramp (0,3,-121.905,37.702,-121.905,37.667,-121.903,37.6588) (-121.904,37.6629) I- 580 Ramp (1,3,-121.903,37.018,-121.904,37.022,-121.906,37.029) (-121.904,37.0217) I- 580 Ramp (0,4,-121.904,37.998,-121.904,37.013,-121.903,37.0174,-121.903,37.018) (-121.904,37.0217) I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-121.874,37.014,-121.872,37.999,-121.871,37.999) (-121.872,37.999) I- 680 Ramp (0,2,-121.87,37.01,-121.871,37.038) (-121.87,37.0126) I- 580 (0,12,-121.859,37.013,-121.852,37.011,-121.849,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.842,37.011,-121.841,37.011,-121.834,37.0104,-121.829,37.01,-121.829,37.009,-121.823,37.0083,-121.821,37.008) (-121.852,37.011) I- 580 Ramp (0,5,-121.852,37.011,-121.848,37.999,-121.848,37.999,-121.846,37.01,-121.846,37.011) (-121.848,37.999) I- 580 (0,12,-121.859,37.013,-121.852,37.011,-121.849,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.842,37.011,-121.841,37.011,-121.834,37.0104,-121.829,37.01,-121.829,37.009,-121.823,37.0083,-121.821,37.008) (-121.852,37.011) I- 580 (0,12,-121.859,37.013,-121.852,37.011,-121.849,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.842,37.011,-121.841,37.011,-121.834,37.0104,-121.829,37.01,-121.829,37.009,-121.823,37.0083,-121.821,37.008) (-121.846,37.011) I- 580 (0,12,-121.859,37.013,-121.852,37.011,-121.849,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.842,37.011,-121.841,37.011,-121.834,37.0104,-121.829,37.01,-121.829,37.009,-121.823,37.0083,-121.821,37.008) (-121.821,37.008) I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-121.774,37.006,-121.773,37.013,-121.77,37.013) (-121.773,37.013) I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-121.774,37.006,-121.773,37.013,-121.77,37.013) (-121.77,37.013) I- 580 (0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908) (-122.107,37.6771) I- 880 Ramp (0,3,-122.103,37.557,-122.1,37.548,-122.098,37.528) (-122.1,37.548) I- 880 (0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811) (-122.058,37.9539) I- 880 Ramp (1,5,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.974,-122.055,37.966,-122.055,37.9683,-122.058,37.984) (-122.058,37.9737) I- 880 Ramp (0,5,-122.039,37.65,-122.039,37.625,-122.039,37.617,-122.036,37.6161,-122.036,37.616) (-122.039,37.625) I- 880 Ramp (0,5,-122.024,37.488,-122.023,37.458,-122.023,37.458,-122.022,37.452,-122.02,37.447) (-122.02,37.447) I- 880 Ramp (0,5,-122.024,37.488,-122.023,37.458,-122.023,37.458,-122.022,37.452,-122.02,37.447) (-122.023,37.458) I- 880 Ramp (0,3,-122.023,37.474,-122.021,37.473,-122.022,37.466) (-122.021,37.473) I- 880 (0,17,-121.999,37.289,-121.999,37.2856,-121.998,37.282,-121.997,37.2761,-121.993,37.255,-121.992,37.252,-121.991,37.248,-121.99,37.2437,-121.99,37.2402,-121.988,37.233,-121.987,37.229,-121.987,37.226,-121.985,37.216,-121.982,37.196,-121.981,37.186,-121.976,37.1472,-121.971,37.107) (-121.987,37.226) I- 680 Ramp (0,5,-121.898,37.545,-121.9,37.565,-121.9,37.571,-121.901,37.572,-121.903,37.586) (-121.9,37.571) I- 580 Ramp (0,4,-121.87,37.013,-121.871,37.011,-121.872,37.001,-121.871,37.001) (-121.871,37.011) I- 580 Ramp (0,2,-121.867,37.0138,-121.871,37.0261) (-121.871,37.0252) I- 580 Ramp (0,4,-121.87,37.013,-121.871,37.011,-121.872,37.001,-121.871,37.001) (-121.87,37.0126) I- 680 Ramp (0,3,-121.923,37.394,-121.923,37.392,-121.925,37.392) (-121.923,37.392) I- 680 (1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934) (-121.937,37.125) I- 580 Ramp (0,3,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.0239,-121.906,37.023) (-121.906,37.0233) I- 680 Ramp (0,2,-121.871,37.01,-121.871,37.047) (-121.871,37.0252) I- 580 (0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908) (-122.107,37.8937) I- 580 Ramp (0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982) (-122.107,37.8943) I- 580 (0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908) (-122.107,37.8846) I- 580 Ramp (0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982) (-122.107,37.8842) QUERY: SELECT * from toyemp where name='sharon'; name age location annualsal ------- ---- --------- ---------- sharon 25 (15,12) 12000 QUERY: SELECT avg(four) AS avg_1 FROM onek; avg_1 ------ 1 QUERY: SELECT avg(a) AS avg_49 FROM aggtest WHERE a < 100; avg_49 ------- 0 QUERY: SELECT avg(b) AS avg_107_943 FROM aggtest; avg_107_943 ------------ 0 QUERY: SELECT avg(gpa) AS avg_3_4 FROM student; avg_3_4 -------- 3.4 QUERY: SELECT sum(four) AS sum_1500 FROM onek; sum_1500 --------- 1500 QUERY: SELECT sum(a) AS sum_198 FROM aggtest; sum_198 -------- 0 QUERY: SELECT sum(b) AS avg_431_773 FROM aggtest; avg_431_773 ------------ 0 QUERY: SELECT sum(gpa) AS avg_6_8 FROM student; avg_6_8 -------- 6.8 QUERY: SELECT max(four) AS max_3 FROM onek; max_3 ------ 3 QUERY: SELECT max(a) AS max_100 FROM aggtest; max_100 -------- QUERY: SELECT max(aggtest.b) AS max_324_78 FROM aggtest; max_324_78 ----------- QUERY: SELECT max(student.gpa) AS max_3_7 FROM student; max_3_7 -------- 3.7 QUERY: SELECT count(four) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek; cnt_1000 --------- 1000 QUERY: SELECT newavg(four) AS avg_1 FROM onek; avg_1 ------ 1 QUERY: SELECT newsum(four) AS sum_1500 FROM onek; sum_1500 --------- 1500 QUERY: SELECT newcnt(four) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek; cnt_1000 --------- 1000 QUERY: SELECT * FROM a_star*; class a ------ --- a 1 a 2 a b 3 b 4 b b c 5 c 6 c c e 15 e 16 e 17 e e 18 e e d 7 d 8 d 9 d 10 d d 11 d 12 d 13 d d d d 14 d d d d f 19 f 20 f 21 f 22 f f 24 f 25 f 26 f f f f 27 f f f f QUERY: SELECT * FROM b_star* x WHERE x.b = 'bumble'::text or x.a < 3; class a b ------ -- ------- b bumble QUERY: SELECT class, a FROM c_star* x WHERE x.c ~ 'hi'::text; class a ------ --- c 5 c d 7 d 8 d 10 d d 12 d d d e 15 e 16 e e f 19 f 20 f 21 f f 24 f f f QUERY: SELECT class, b, c FROM d_star* x WHERE x.a < 100; class b c ------ -------- ----------- d grumble hi sunita d stumble hi koko d rumble d hi kristin d fumble d hi avi d d QUERY: SELECT class, c FROM e_star* x WHERE x.c NOTNULL; class c ------ ------------ e hi carol e hi bob e hi michelle e hi elisa f hi claire f hi mike f hi marcel f hi keith f hi marc f hi allison f hi jeff f hi carl QUERY: SELECT * FROM f_star* x WHERE x.c ISNULL; class a c e f ------ --- -- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f 22 -7 ( 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888) f 25 -9 f 26 ( 11111, 22222, 33333, 44444) f -11 ( 1.11111e+06, 2.22222e+06, 3.33333e+06, 4.44444e+06) f 27 f -12 f ( 1.11111e+07, 2.22222e+07, 3.33333e+07, 4.44444e+07) f QUERY: ALTER TABLE f_star RENAME COLUMN f TO ff; QUERY: ALTER TABLE e_star* RENAME COLUMN e TO ee; QUERY: ALTER TABLE d_star* RENAME COLUMN d TO dd; QUERY: ALTER TABLE c_star* RENAME COLUMN c TO cc; QUERY: ALTER TABLE b_star* RENAME COLUMN b TO bb; QUERY: ALTER TABLE a_star* RENAME COLUMN a TO aa; QUERY: SELECT class, aa FROM a_star* x WHERE aa ISNULL; class aa ------ --- a b b c c e e e d d d d d d d d f f f f f f f f QUERY: ALTER TABLE a_star RENAME COLUMN aa TO foo; QUERY: SELECT class, foo FROM a_star x WHERE x.foo >= 2; class foo ------ ---- a 2 QUERY: ALTER TABLE a_star RENAME COLUMN foo TO aa; QUERY: SELECT * from a_star* WHERE aa < 1000; class aa ------ --- a 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 c 6 e 15 e 16 e 17 e 18 d 7 d 8 d 9 d 10 d 11 d 12 d 13 d 14 f 19 f 20 f 21 f 22 f 24 f 25 f 26 f 27 QUERY: ALTER TABLE f_star ADD COLUMN f int4; QUERY: UPDATE f_star SET f = 10; QUERY: ALTER TABLE e_star* ADD COLUMN e int4; QUERY: UPDATE e_star* SET e = 42; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "*" QUERY: SELECT * FROM e_star*; class aa cc ee e ------ --- ------------ ---- -- e 15 hi carol -1 e 16 hi bob e 17 -2 e hi michelle -3 e 18 e hi elisa e -4 f 19 hi claire -5 f 20 hi mike -6 f 21 hi marcel f 22 -7 f hi keith -8 f 24 hi marc f 25 -9 f 26 f hi allison -10 f hi jeff f -11 f 27 f hi carl f -12 f f QUERY: ALTER TABLE a_star* ADD COLUMN a text; QUERY: UPDATE b_star* SET a = 'gazpacho'::text WHERE aa > 4; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "*" QUERY: SELECT class, aa, a FROM a_star*; class aa a ------ --- -- a 1 a 2 a b 3 b 4 b b c 5 c 6 c c e 15 e 16 e 17 e e 18 e e d 7 d 8 d 9 d 10 d d 11 d 12 d 13 d d d d 14 d d d d f 19 f 20 f 21 f 22 f f 24 f 25 f 26 f f f f 27 f f f f QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.hobbies.name FROM person p; name name ------ ------------ mike posthacking joe basketball sally basketball QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.hobbies.name FROM person* p; name name ------ ------------ mike posthacking joe basketball sally basketball jeff posthacking QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT hobbies_r.name, hobbies_r.equipment.name FROM hobbies_r; name name ------------ -------------- basketball hightops posthacking advil posthacking peet's coffee skywalking guts QUERY: SELECT hobbies_r.name, hobbies_r.equipment.name FROM hobbies_r; name name ------------ -------------- posthacking advil posthacking peet's coffee posthacking advil posthacking peet's coffee basketball hightops basketball hightops skywalking guts QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.hobbies.name, p.hobbies.equipment.name FROM person p; name name name ------ ------------ -------------- mike posthacking advil joe basketball peet's coffee sally basketball hightops QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.hobbies.name, p.hobbies.equipment.name FROM person* p; name name name ------ ------------ -------------- mike posthacking advil joe basketball peet's coffee sally basketball hightops jeff posthacking advil QUERY: SELECT p.hobbies.equipment.name, p.name, p.hobbies.name FROM person p; name name name --------- ------ ------------ advil mike posthacking hightops joe basketball hightops sally basketball QUERY: SELECT p.hobbies.equipment.name, p.name, p.hobbies.name FROM person* p; name name name --------- ------ ------------ advil mike posthacking hightops joe basketball hightops sally basketball advil jeff posthacking QUERY: SELECT p.hobbies.equipment.name, p.hobbies.name, p.name FROM person p; name name name -------------- ------------ ------ advil posthacking mike peet's coffee basketball joe hightops basketball sally QUERY: SELECT p.hobbies.equipment.name, p.hobbies.name, p.name FROM person* p; name name name -------------- ------------ ------ advil posthacking mike peet's coffee basketball joe hightops basketball sally advil posthacking jeff QUERY: SELECT user_relns() AS user_relns ORDER BY user_relns; user_relns -------------- ABSTIME_TBL BOOLTBL1 BOOLTBL2 BOX_TBL Bprime CHAR16_TBL CHAR2_TBL CHAR4_TBL CHAR8_TBL CHAR_TBL FLOAT4_TBL FLOAT8_TBL INT2_TBL INT4_TBL OIDINT2_TBL OIDINT4_TBL OIDNAME_TBL OID_TBL POINT_TBL POLYGON_TBL RELTIME_TBL TINTERVAL_TBL a,276956 a_star aggtest arrtest b_star bt_c16_heap bt_f8_heap bt_i4_heap bt_txt_heap c_star city d_star dept e_star emp equipment_r f_star fast_emp4000 hash_c16_heap hash_f8_heap hash_i4_heap hash_txt_heap hobbies_r iexit ihighway iportaltest onek onek2 person ramp real_city road shighway slow_emp4000 street stud_emp student tenk1 tenk2 toyemp xacttest QUERY: SELECT * FROM arrtest; a b c d e ------------ ---------------------- -------------- ------------------ -------------- {1,2,3,4,5} {{{0,0}},{{1,2}}} {} {} {11,12,23} {{{3},{4}},{{4},{5}}} {"foobar"} {{"elt1","elt2"}} {"3.4","6.7"} {} {{{3,4},{0,0}}} {"foo","bar"} {{"bar"},{"foo"}} QUERY: SELECT arrtest.a[1], arrtest.b[1][1][1], arrtest.c[1], arrtest.d[1][1], arrtest.e[0] FROM arrtest; a b c d e --- -- ------- ----- -- 1 0 11 3 foobar elt1 3 foo bar QUERY: SELECT arrtest.a[1:3], arrtest.b[1:1][1:2][1:2], arrtest.c[1:2], arrtest.d[1:1][1:2] FROM arrtest; a b c d ----------- ---------------- -------------- ------------------ {1,2,3} {11,12,23} {{"elt1","elt2"}} {{{3,4},{0,0}}} {"foo","bar"} QUERY: SELECT array_dims(arrtest.b) AS x; x ---------------- [1:2][1:1][1:2] [1:2][1:2][1:1] [1:1][1:2][1:2] QUERY: SELECT * FROM arrtest WHERE arrtest.a[1] < 5 and arrtest.c = '{"foobar"}'::_char16; a b c d e -- -- -- -- -- QUERY: SELECT arrtest.a[1:3], arrtest.b[1:1][1:2][1:2], arrtest.c[1:2], arrtest.d[1:1][1:2] FROM arrtest; a b c d ----------- ---------------- -------------- ------------------ {1,2,3} {11,12,23} {{"elt1","elt2"}} {{{3,4},{0,0}}} {"foo","bar"} =============== running error queries ... ================= QUERY: select 1 select select * from nonesuch; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "select" QUERY: select nonesuch from pg_database; WARN:attribute "nonesuch" not found QUERY: select * from pg_database where nonesuch = pg_database.datname; WARN:attribute "nonesuch" not found QUERY: select * from pg_database where pg_database.datname = nonesuch; WARN:attribute "nonesuch" not found QUERY: select distinct on foobar from pg_database; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "from" QUERY: select distinct on foobar * from pg_database; WARN:The field specified in the UNIQUE ON clause is not in the targetlist QUERY: delete from; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";" QUERY: delete from nonesuch; WARN:nonesuch: Either no such class or insufficient privilege QUERY: drop table; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";" QUERY: drop table nonesuch; WARN:Relation nonesuch Does Not Exist! QUERY: alter table rename; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "rename" QUERY: alter table nonesuch rename to newnonesuch; WARN:renamerel: relation "nonesuch" does not exist QUERY: alter table nonesuch rename to stud_emp; WARN:renamerel: relation "nonesuch" does not exist QUERY: alter table stud_emp rename to pg_stud_emp; WARN:renamerel: Illegal class name: "pg_stud_emp" -- pg_ is reserved for system catalogs QUERY: alter table stud_emp rename to aggtest; WARN:renamerel: relation "aggtest" exists QUERY: alter table stud_emp rename to stud_emp; WARN:renamerel: relation "stud_emp" exists QUERY: alter table nonesuchrel rename column nonesuchatt to newnonesuchatt; WARN:renameatt: relation "nonesuchrel" nonexistent QUERY: alter table emp rename column nonesuchatt to newnonesuchatt; WARN:renameatt: attribute "nonesuchatt" nonexistent QUERY: alter table emp rename column salary to manager; WARN:renameatt: attribute "manager" exists QUERY: alter table emp rename column salary to oid; WARN:renameatt: attribute "oid" exists QUERY: abort; NOTICE:UserAbortTransactionBlock and not inprogress state QUERY: end; NOTICE:EndTransactionBlock and not inprogress/abort state QUERY: create aggregate newavg1 (sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4, sfunc2 = int4inc, stype2 = int4, initcond1 = '0', initcond2 = '0'); WARN:AggregateCreate: Aggregate must have final function with both transition functions QUERY: create aggregate newavg2 (sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4, sfunc2 = int2inc, stype2 = int2, finalfunc = int4div, initcond1 = '0', initcond2 = '0'); WARN:AggregateCreate: 'int4div'('int4','int2') does not exist QUERY: create aggregate newavg3 (sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4, sfunc2 = int4inc, stype2 = int4, finalfunc = int2div, initcond1 = '0', initcond2 = '0'); WARN:AggregateCreate: 'int2div'('int4','int4') does not exist QUERY: create aggregate newcnt1 (sfunc2 = int4inc, stype2 = int4, initcond2 = '0'); WARN:Define: "basetype" unspecified QUERY: create aggregate newcnt1 (sfunc2 = int4inc, basetype = int4, stype2 = int4); WARN:AggregateCreate: transition function 2 MUST have an initial value QUERY: drop index; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";" QUERY: drop index 314159; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "314159" QUERY: drop index nonesuch; WARN:index "nonesuch" nonexistant QUERY: drop aggregate; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";" QUERY: drop aggregate 314159; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "314159" QUERY: drop aggregate nonesuch; WARN:RemoveAggregate: aggregate 'nonesuch' does not exist QUERY: drop function (); WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "(" QUERY: drop function 314159(); WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "314159" QUERY: drop function nonesuch(); WARN:RemoveFunction: function nonesuch() does not exist QUERY: drop type; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";" QUERY: drop type 314159; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "314159" QUERY: drop type nonesuch; WARN:RemoveType: type 'nonesuch' does not exist QUERY: drop operator; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";" QUERY: drop operator equals; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "equals" QUERY: drop operator ===; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";" QUERY: drop operator int4, int4; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "int4" QUERY: drop operator (int4, int4); WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "(" QUERY: drop operator === (); WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ")" QUERY: drop operator === (int4); WARN:parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators) QUERY: drop operator === (int4, int4); WARN:RemoveOperator: binary operator '===' taking 'int4' and 'int4' does not exist QUERY: drop operator = (nonesuch); WARN:parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators) QUERY: drop operator = ( , int4); WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "," QUERY: drop operator = (nonesuch, int4); WARN:RemoveOperator: type 'nonesuch' does not exist QUERY: drop operator = (int4, nonesuch); WARN:RemoveOperator: type 'nonesuch' does not exist QUERY: drop operator = (int4, ); WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ")" QUERY: drop rule; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";" QUERY: drop rule 314159; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "314159" QUERY: drop rule nonesuch; WARN:RewriteGetRuleEventRel: rule "nonesuch" not found QUERY: drop tuple rule nonesuch; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "tuple" QUERY: drop instance rule nonesuch; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "instance" QUERY: drop rewrite rule nonesuch; WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "rewrite" =============== clearing regression database... ================= QUERY: UPDATE pg_user SET usesuper = 't'::bool WHERE usename = '_USER_'; QUERY: DROP FUNCTION hobbies(person); QUERY: DROP FUNCTION hobby_construct(text,text); QUERY: DROP FUNCTION equipment(hobbies_r); QUERY: DROP FUNCTION user_relns(); QUERY: DROP FUNCTION circle_in(opaque); QUERY: DROP FUNCTION circle_out(opaque); QUERY: DROP FUNCTION pt_in_circle(point,circle); QUERY: DROP FUNCTION overpaid(emp); QUERY: DROP FUNCTION boxarea(box); QUERY: DROP FUNCTION interpt_pp(path,path); QUERY: DROP FUNCTION reverse_c16(char16); QUERY: DROP OPERATOR ## (path, path); QUERY: DROP OPERATOR <% (point, circle); QUERY: DROP OPERATOR @#@ (none, int4); QUERY: DROP OPERATOR #@# (int4, none); QUERY: DROP OPERATOR #%# (int4, none); QUERY: DROP TYPE city_budget; QUERY: DROP TYPE circle; QUERY: DROP AGGREGATE newavg; QUERY: DROP AGGREGATE newsum; QUERY: DROP AGGREGATE newcnt; QUERY: DROP INDEX onek_unique1; QUERY: DROP INDEX onek_unique2; QUERY: DROP INDEX onek_hundred; QUERY: DROP INDEX onek_stringu1; QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk1_unique1; QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk1_unique2; QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk1_hundred; QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk2_unique1; QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk2_unique2; QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk2_hundred; QUERY: DROP INDEX rect2ind; QUERY: DROP INDEX rix; QUERY: DROP INDEX iix; QUERY: DROP INDEX six; QUERY: DROP INDEX hash_i4_index; QUERY: DROP INDEX hash_c16_index; QUERY: DROP INDEX hash_txt_index; QUERY: DROP INDEX hash_f8_index; QUERY: DROP INDEX bt_i4_index; QUERY: DROP INDEX bt_c16_index; QUERY: DROP INDEX bt_txt_index; QUERY: DROP INDEX bt_f8_index; QUERY: DROP TABLE onek; QUERY: DROP TABLE onek2; QUERY: DROP TABLE tenk1; QUERY: DROP TABLE tenk2; QUERY: DROP TABLE Bprime; QUERY: DROP TABLE hobbies_r; QUERY: DROP TABLE equipment_r; QUERY: DROP TABLE aggtest; QUERY: DROP TABLE xacttest; QUERY: DROP TABLE arrtest; QUERY: DROP TABLE iportaltest; QUERY: DROP TABLE f_star; QUERY: DROP TABLE e_star; QUERY: DROP TABLE d_star; QUERY: DROP TABLE c_star; QUERY: DROP TABLE b_star; QUERY: DROP TABLE a_star; QUERY: DROP TABLE stud_emp; QUERY: DROP TABLE student; QUERY: DROP TABLE slow_emp4000; QUERY: DROP TABLE fast_emp4000; QUERY: DROP TABLE emp; QUERY: DROP TABLE person; QUERY: DROP TABLE ramp; QUERY: DROP TABLE real_city; QUERY: DROP TABLE dept; QUERY: DROP TABLE ihighway; QUERY: DROP TABLE shighway; QUERY: DROP TABLE road; QUERY: DROP TABLE city; QUERY: DROP TABLE hash_i4_heap; QUERY: DROP TABLE hash_c16_heap; QUERY: DROP TABLE hash_txt_heap; QUERY: DROP TABLE hash_f8_heap; QUERY: DROP TABLE bt_i4_heap; QUERY: DROP TABLE bt_c16_heap; QUERY: DROP TABLE bt_txt_heap; QUERY: DROP TABLE bt_f8_heap; QUERY: DROP TABLE BOOLTBL1; QUERY: DROP TABLE BOOLTBL2; QUERY: DROP TABLE ABSTIME_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE RELTIME_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE TINTERVAL_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE BOX_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE CHAR_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE CHAR2_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE CHAR4_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE CHAR8_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE CHAR16_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE FLOAT4_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE FLOAT8_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE INT2_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE INT4_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE OID_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE OIDNAME_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE OIDINT2_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE OIDINT4_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE POINT_TBL; QUERY: DROP TABLE POLYGON_TBL; QUERY: DROP VIEW street; QUERY: DROP VIEW iexit; QUERY: DROP VIEW toyemp; RESULTS OF REGRESSION ARE SAVED IN obj/regress.out