/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * nodeMaterial.c * Routines to handle materialization nodes. * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/executor/nodeMaterial.c,v 1.34 2001/03/22 03:59:28 momjian Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * INTERFACE ROUTINES * ExecMaterial - materialize the result of a subplan * ExecInitMaterial - initialize node and subnodes * ExecEndMaterial - shutdown node and subnodes * */ #include "postgres.h" #include "executor/executor.h" #include "executor/nodeMaterial.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "utils/tuplestore.h" /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecMaterial * * The first time this is called, ExecMaterial retrieves tuples * from this node's outer subplan and inserts them into a tuplestore * (a temporary tuple storage structure). The first tuple is then * returned. Successive calls to ExecMaterial return successive * tuples from the tuplestore. * * Initial State: * * matstate->tuplestorestate is initially NULL, indicating we * haven't yet collected the results of the subplan. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ TupleTableSlot * /* result tuple from subplan */ ExecMaterial(Material *node) { EState *estate; MaterialState *matstate; ScanDirection dir; Tuplestorestate *tuplestorestate; HeapTuple heapTuple; TupleTableSlot *slot; bool should_free; /* ---------------- * get state info from node * ---------------- */ matstate = node->matstate; estate = node->plan.state; dir = estate->es_direction; tuplestorestate = (Tuplestorestate *) matstate->tuplestorestate; /* ---------------- * If first time through, read all tuples from outer plan and * pass them to tuplestore.c. * Subsequent calls just fetch tuples from tuplestore. * ---------------- */ if (tuplestorestate == NULL) { Plan *outerNode; /* ---------------- * Want to scan subplan in the forward direction while creating * the stored data. (Does setting my direction actually affect * the subplan? I bet this is useless code...) * ---------------- */ estate->es_direction = ForwardScanDirection; /* ---------------- * Initialize tuplestore module. * ---------------- */ tuplestorestate = tuplestore_begin_heap(true, /* randomAccess */ SortMem); matstate->tuplestorestate = (void *) tuplestorestate; /* ---------------- * Scan the subplan and feed all the tuples to tuplestore. * ---------------- */ outerNode = outerPlan((Plan *) node); for (;;) { slot = ExecProcNode(outerNode, (Plan *) node); if (TupIsNull(slot)) break; tuplestore_puttuple(tuplestorestate, (void *) slot->val); ExecClearTuple(slot); } /* ---------------- * Complete the store. * ---------------- */ tuplestore_donestoring(tuplestorestate); /* ---------------- * restore to user specified direction * ---------------- */ estate->es_direction = dir; } /* ---------------- * Get the first or next tuple from tuplestore. * Returns NULL if no more tuples. * ---------------- */ slot = (TupleTableSlot *) matstate->csstate.cstate.cs_ResultTupleSlot; heapTuple = tuplestore_getheaptuple(tuplestorestate, ScanDirectionIsForward(dir), &should_free); return ExecStoreTuple(heapTuple, slot, InvalidBuffer, should_free); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecInitMaterial * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool /* initialization status */ ExecInitMaterial(Material *node, EState *estate, Plan *parent) { MaterialState *matstate; Plan *outerPlan; /* ---------------- * assign the node's execution state * ---------------- */ node->plan.state = estate; /* ---------------- * create state structure * ---------------- */ matstate = makeNode(MaterialState); matstate->tuplestorestate = NULL; node->matstate = matstate; /* ---------------- * Miscellaneous initialization * * Materialization nodes don't need ExprContexts because * they never call ExecQual or ExecProject. * ---------------- */ #define MATERIAL_NSLOTS 1 /* ---------------- * tuple table initialization * * material nodes only return tuples from their materialized * relation. * ---------------- */ ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &matstate->csstate.cstate); ExecInitScanTupleSlot(estate, &matstate->csstate); /* ---------------- * initializes child nodes * ---------------- */ outerPlan = outerPlan((Plan *) node); ExecInitNode(outerPlan, estate, (Plan *) node); /* ---------------- * initialize tuple type. no need to initialize projection * info because this node doesn't do projections. * ---------------- */ ExecAssignResultTypeFromOuterPlan((Plan *) node, &matstate->csstate.cstate); ExecAssignScanTypeFromOuterPlan((Plan *) node, &matstate->csstate); matstate->csstate.cstate.cs_ProjInfo = NULL; return TRUE; } int ExecCountSlotsMaterial(Material *node) { return ExecCountSlotsNode(outerPlan((Plan *) node)) + ExecCountSlotsNode(innerPlan((Plan *) node)) + MATERIAL_NSLOTS; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecEndMaterial * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecEndMaterial(Material *node) { MaterialState *matstate; Plan *outerPlan; /* ---------------- * get info from the material state * ---------------- */ matstate = node->matstate; /* ---------------- * shut down the subplan * ---------------- */ outerPlan = outerPlan((Plan *) node); ExecEndNode(outerPlan, (Plan *) node); /* ---------------- * clean out the tuple table * ---------------- */ ExecClearTuple(matstate->csstate.css_ScanTupleSlot); /* ---------------- * Release tuplestore resources * ---------------- */ if (matstate->tuplestorestate != NULL) tuplestore_end((Tuplestorestate *) matstate->tuplestorestate); matstate->tuplestorestate = NULL; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecMaterialMarkPos * * Calls tuplestore to save the current position in the stored file. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecMaterialMarkPos(Material *node) { MaterialState *matstate = node->matstate; /* ---------------- * if we haven't materialized yet, just return. * ---------------- */ if (!matstate->tuplestorestate) return; tuplestore_markpos((Tuplestorestate *) matstate->tuplestorestate); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecMaterialRestrPos * * Calls tuplestore to restore the last saved file position. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecMaterialRestrPos(Material *node) { MaterialState *matstate = node->matstate; /* ---------------- * if we haven't materialized yet, just return. * ---------------- */ if (!matstate->tuplestorestate) return; /* ---------------- * restore the scan to the previously marked position * ---------------- */ tuplestore_restorepos((Tuplestorestate *) matstate->tuplestorestate); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecMaterialReScan * * Rescans the materialized relation. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecMaterialReScan(Material *node, ExprContext *exprCtxt, Plan *parent) { MaterialState *matstate = node->matstate; /* * If we haven't materialized yet, just return. If outerplan' chgParam * is not NULL then it will be re-scanned by ExecProcNode, else - no * reason to re-scan it at all. */ if (!matstate->tuplestorestate) return; ExecClearTuple(matstate->csstate.cstate.cs_ResultTupleSlot); /* * If subnode is to be rescanned then we forget previous stored * results; we have to re-read the subplan and re-store. * * Otherwise we can just rewind and rescan the stored output. */ if (((Plan *) node)->lefttree->chgParam != NULL) { tuplestore_end((Tuplestorestate *) matstate->tuplestorestate); matstate->tuplestorestate = NULL; } else tuplestore_rescan((Tuplestorestate *) matstate->tuplestorestate); }