Miscellaneous utility functions for PostgreSQL. query_limit(n) sets a limit on the maximum numbers of query returned from a backend. It can be used to limit the result size retrieved by the application for poor input data or to avoid accidental table product while playying with sql. backend_pid() return the pid of our corresponding backend. unlisten(relname) unlisten from a relation or from all relations if the argument is null, empty or '*'. It is now obsoleted by the new unlisten command but still useful if you want unlisten a name computed by the query. Note that a listen/notify relname can be any ascii string, not just valid relation names. min(x,y) max(x,y) return the min or max bteween two integers. assert_enable(bool) enable/disable assert checkings in the backend, if it has been compiled with USE_ASSERT_CHECKING. assert_test(bool) test the assert enable/disable code, if the backend has been compiled with ASSERT_CHECKING_TEST. -- Massimo Dal Zotto