#!/bin/sh ## # PostgreSQL RDBMS Server ## # PostgreSQL boot time startup script for Darwin/Mac OS X. To install, change # the "prefix", "PGDATA", "PGUSER", and "PGLOG" variables below as # necessary. Next, create a new directory, "/Library/StartupItems/PostgreSQL". # Then copy this script and the accompanying "StartupParameters.plist" file # into that directory. The name of this script file *must* be the same as the # directory it is in. So you'll end up with these two files: # # /Library/StartupItems/PostgreSQL/PostgreSQL # /Library/StartupItems/PostgreSQL/StartupParameters.plist # # Next, add this line to the /etc/hostconfig file: # # POSTGRESQL=-YES- # # The startup bundle will now be ready to go. To prevent this script from # starting PostgreSQL at system startup, simply change that line in # /etc/hostconfig back to: # # POSTGRESQL=-NO- # # For more information on Darwin/Mac OS X startup bundles, see this article: # # http://www.opensource.apple.com/projects/documentation/howto/html/SystemStarter_HOWTO.html # # Created by David Wheeler, 2002. # modified by Ray Aspeitia 12-03-2003 : # added log rotation script to db startup # modified StartupParameters.plist "Provides" parameter to make it easier to # start and stop with the SystemStarter utitlity # use the below command in order to correctly start/stop/restart PG with log rotation script: # SystemStarter [start|stop|restart] PostgreSQL ################################################################################ ## EDIT FROM HERE ################################################################################ # Installation prefix prefix="/usr/local/pgsql" # Data directory PGDATA="/usr/local/pgsql/data" # Who to run the postmaster as, usually "postgres". (NOT "root") PGUSER="postgres" # the logfile path and name (NEEDS to be writeable by PGUSER) PGLOG="${PGDATA}/logs/logfile" # do you want to rotate the log files, 1=true 0=false ROTATELOGS=1 # logfile rotate in seconds ROTATESEC="604800" ################################################################################ ## STOP EDITING HERE ################################################################################ # The path that is to be used for the script PATH=/usr/local/pgsql/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin # What to use to start up the postmaster (we do NOT use pg_ctl for this, # as it adds no value and can cause the postmaster to misrecognize a stale # lock file) DAEMON="$prefix/bin/postmaster" # What to use to shut down the postmaster PGCTL="$prefix/bin/pg_ctl" # The apache log rotation utility LOGUTIL="/usr/sbin/rotatelogs" . /etc/rc.common StartService () { if [ "${POSTGRESQL:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]; then ConsoleMessage "Starting PostgreSQL database server" cd /Users/postgres if [ "${ROTATELOGS}" = "1" ]; then sudo -u $PGUSER sh -c "${DAEMON} -D '${PGDATA}' | ${LOGUTIL} '${PGLOG}' ${ROTATESEC} &" else sudo -u $PGUSER sh -c "${DAEMON} -D '${PGDATA}' &" >>$PGLOG 2>&1 fi fi } StopService () { ConsoleMessage "Stopping PostgreSQL database server" cd /Users/postgres sudo -u $PGUSER $PGCTL stop -D "$PGDATA" -s -m fast } RestartService () { if [ "${POSTGRESQL:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]; then ConsoleMessage "Restarting PostgreSQL database server" # should match StopService: cd /Users/postgres sudo -u $PGUSER $PGCTL stop -D "$PGDATA" -s -m fast # should match StartService: if [ "${ROTATELOGS}" = "1" ]; then sudo -u $PGUSER sh -c "${DAEMON} -D '${PGDATA}' | ${LOGUTIL} '${PGLOG}' ${ROTATESEC} &" else sudo -u $PGUSER sh -c "${DAEMON} -D '${PGDATA}' &" >>$PGLOG 2>&1 fi else StopService fi } RunService "$1"