# Copyright (c) 2021-2024, PostgreSQL Global Development Group # Sets up a KDC and then runs a variety of tests to make sure that the # GSSAPI/Kerberos authentication and encryption are working properly, # that the options in pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf are handled correctly, # that the server-side pg_stat_gssapi view reports what we expect to # see for each test and that SYSTEM_USER returns what we expect to see. # # Also test that GSSAPI delegation is working properly and that those # credentials can be used to make dblink / postgres_fdw connections. # # Since this requires setting up a full KDC, it doesn't make much sense # to have multiple test scripts (since they'd have to also create their # own KDC and that could cause race conditions or other problems)- so # just add whatever other tests are needed to here. # # See the README for additional information. use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils; use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster; use PostgreSQL::Test::Kerberos; use Test::More; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); if ($ENV{with_gssapi} ne 'yes') { plan skip_all => 'GSSAPI/Kerberos not supported by this build'; } elsif (!$ENV{PG_TEST_EXTRA} || $ENV{PG_TEST_EXTRA} !~ /\bkerberos\b/) { plan skip_all => 'Potentially unsafe test GSSAPI/Kerberos not enabled in PG_TEST_EXTRA'; } my $pgpass = "${PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::tmp_check}/.pgpass"; my $dbname = 'postgres'; my $username = 'test1'; my $application = '001_auth.pl'; # Construct a pgpass file to make sure we don't use it append_to_file($pgpass, '*:*:*:*:abc123'); chmod 0600, $pgpass or die $!; note "setting up Kerberos"; my $host = 'auth-test-localhost.postgresql.example.com'; my $hostaddr = ''; my $realm = 'EXAMPLE.COM'; my $krb = PostgreSQL::Test::Kerberos->new($host, $hostaddr, $realm); my $test1_password = 'secret1'; $krb->create_principal('test1', $test1_password); note "setting up PostgreSQL instance"; my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('node'); $node->init; $node->append_conf( 'postgresql.conf', qq{ listen_addresses = '$hostaddr' krb_server_keyfile = '$krb->{keytab}' log_connections = on lc_messages = 'C' }); $node->start; my $port = $node->port(); $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE USER test1;'); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE USER test2 WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'abc123';"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;'); $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'CREATE EXTENSION dblink;'); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE SERVER s1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '$host', hostaddr '$hostaddr', port '$port', dbname 'postgres');" ); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE SERVER s2 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (port '$port', dbname 'postgres', passfile '$pgpass');" ); $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER s1 TO test1;'); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE USER MAPPING FOR test1 SERVER s1 OPTIONS (user 'test1');"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE USER MAPPING FOR test1 SERVER s2 OPTIONS (user 'test2');"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 int);"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1);"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tf1 (c1 int) SERVER s1 OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 't1');" ); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "GRANT SELECT ON t1 TO test1;"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "GRANT SELECT ON tf1 TO test1;"); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tf2 (c1 int) SERVER s2 OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 't1');" ); $node->safe_psql('postgres', "GRANT SELECT ON tf2 TO test1;"); # Set up a table for SYSTEM_USER parallel worker testing. $node->safe_psql('postgres', "CREATE TABLE ids (id) AS SELECT 'gss:test1\@$realm' FROM generate_series(1, 10);" ); $node->safe_psql('postgres', 'GRANT SELECT ON ids TO public;'); note "running tests"; # Test connection success or failure, and if success, that query returns true. sub test_access { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; my ($node, $role, $query, $expected_res, $gssencmode, $test_name, @expect_log_msgs) = @_; # need to connect over TCP/IP for Kerberos my $connstr = $node->connstr('postgres') . " user=$role host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr $gssencmode"; my %params = (sql => $query,); if (@expect_log_msgs) { # Match every message literally. my @regexes = map { qr/\Q$_\E/ } @expect_log_msgs; $params{log_like} = \@regexes; } if ($expected_res eq 0) { # The result is assumed to match "true", or "t", here. $params{expected_stdout} = qr/^t$/; $node->connect_ok($connstr, $test_name, %params); } else { $node->connect_fails($connstr, $test_name, %params); } } # As above, but test for an arbitrary query result. sub test_query { local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; my ($node, $role, $query, $expected, $gssencmode, $test_name) = @_; # need to connect over TCP/IP for Kerberos my $connstr = $node->connstr('postgres') . " user=$role host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr $gssencmode"; $node->connect_ok( $connstr, $test_name, sql => $query, expected_stdout => $expected); return; } unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf( 'pg_hba.conf', qq{ local all test2 scram-sha-256 host all all $hostaddr/32 gss map=mymap }); $node->restart; test_access($node, 'test1', 'SELECT true', 2, '', 'fails without ticket'); $krb->create_ticket('test1', $test1_password); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT true', 2, '', 'fails without mapping', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "no match in usermap \"mymap\" for user \"test1\""); $node->append_conf('pg_ident.conf', qq{mymap /^(.*)\@$realm\$ \\1}); $node->restart; test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND NOT credentials_delegated FROM pg_stat_gssapi WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, '', 'succeeds with mapping with default gssencmode and host hba, ticket not forwardable', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=no, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND NOT credentials_delegated FROM pg_stat_gssapi WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=prefer', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access preferred with host hba, ticket not forwardable', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=no, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND NOT credentials_delegated FROM pg_stat_gssapi WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=require', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access required with host hba, ticket not forwardable', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=no, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND NOT credentials_delegated FROM pg_stat_gssapi WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=prefer gssdelegation=1', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access preferred with host hba and credentials not delegated even though asked for (ticket not forwardable)', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=no, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND NOT credentials_delegated FROM pg_stat_gssapi WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=require gssdelegation=1', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access required with host hba and credentials not delegated even though asked for (ticket not forwardable)', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=no, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); # Test that we can transport a reasonable amount of data. test_query( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 100000);', qr/^1\n.*\n1024\n.*\n9999\n.*\n100000$/s, 'gssencmode=require', 'receiving 100K lines works'); test_query( $node, 'test1', "CREATE TEMP TABLE mytab (f1 int primary key);\n" . "COPY mytab FROM STDIN;\n" . join("\n", (1 .. 100000)) . "\n\\.\n" . "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytab;", qr/^100000$/s, 'gssencmode=require', 'sending 100K lines works'); # require_auth=gss succeeds if required. $node->connect_ok( $node->connstr('postgres') . " user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=disable require_auth=gss", "GSS authentication requested, works with non-encrypted GSS"); $node->connect_ok( $node->connstr('postgres') . " user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=require require_auth=gss", "GSS authentication requested, works with encrypted GSS auth"); # require_auth=sspi fails if required. $node->connect_fails( $node->connstr('postgres') . " user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=disable require_auth=sspi", "SSPI authentication requested, fails with non-encrypted GSS", expected_stderr => qr/authentication method requirement "sspi" failed: server requested GSSAPI authentication/ ); $node->connect_fails( $node->connstr('postgres') . " user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=require require_auth=sspi", "SSPI authentication requested, fails with encrypted GSS", expected_stderr => qr/authentication method requirement "sspi" failed: server did not complete authentication/ ); # Test that SYSTEM_USER works. test_query($node, 'test1', 'SELECT SYSTEM_USER;', qr/^gss:test1\@$realm$/s, 'gssencmode=require', 'testing system_user'); # Test that SYSTEM_USER works with parallel workers. test_query( $node, 'test1', qq( SET min_parallel_table_scan_size TO 0; SET parallel_setup_cost TO 0; SET parallel_tuple_cost TO 0; SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO 2; SELECT bool_and(SYSTEM_USER = id) FROM ids;), qr/^t$/s, 'gssencmode=require', 'testing system_user with parallel workers'); unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf( 'pg_hba.conf', qq{ local all test2 scram-sha-256 hostgssenc all all $hostaddr/32 gss map=mymap }); # Re-create the ticket, with the forwardable flag set $krb->create_ticket('test1', $test1_password, forwardable => 1); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND NOT credentials_delegated from pg_stat_gssapi where pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=prefer gssdelegation=1', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access preferred and hostgssenc hba and credentials not forwarded (server does not accept them, default)', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=no, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND NOT credentials_delegated from pg_stat_gssapi where pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=require gssdelegation=1', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access required and hostgssenc hba and credentials not forwarded (server does not accept them, default)', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=no, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); $node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', qq{gss_accept_delegation=off}); $node->restart; test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND NOT credentials_delegated from pg_stat_gssapi where pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=prefer gssdelegation=1', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access preferred and hostgssenc hba and credentials not forwarded (server does not accept them, explicitly disabled)', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=no, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND NOT credentials_delegated from pg_stat_gssapi where pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=require gssdelegation=1', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access required and hostgssenc hba and credentials not forwarded (server does not accept them, explicitly disabled)', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=no, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); $node->append_conf('postgresql.conf', qq{gss_accept_delegation=on}); $node->restart; test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND credentials_delegated from pg_stat_gssapi where pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=prefer gssdelegation=1', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access preferred and hostgssenc hba and credentials forwarded', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=yes, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND credentials_delegated from pg_stat_gssapi where pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=require gssdelegation=1', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access required and hostgssenc hba and credentials forwarded', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=yes, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND NOT credentials_delegated FROM pg_stat_gssapi WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=prefer', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access preferred and hostgssenc hba and credentials not forwarded', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=no, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND NOT credentials_delegated FROM pg_stat_gssapi WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=require gssdelegation=0', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access required and hostgssenc hba and credentials explicitly not forwarded', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=no, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); my $psql_out = ''; my $psql_stderr = ''; my $psql_rc = ''; $psql_rc = $node->psql( 'postgres', "SELECT * FROM dblink('user=test1 dbname=$dbname host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr port=$port','select 1') as t1(c1 int);", connstr => "user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=require gssdelegation=0", stdout => \$psql_out, stderr => \$psql_stderr); is($psql_rc, '3', 'dblink attempt fails without delegated credentials'); like( $psql_stderr, qr/password or GSSAPI delegated credentials required/, 'dblink does not work without delegated credentials'); like($psql_out, qr/^$/, 'dblink does not work without delegated credentials'); $psql_out = ''; $psql_stderr = ''; $psql_rc = $node->psql( 'postgres', "SELECT * FROM dblink('user=test2 dbname=$dbname port=$port passfile=$pgpass','select 1') as t1(c1 int);", connstr => "user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=require gssdelegation=0", stdout => \$psql_out, stderr => \$psql_stderr); is($psql_rc, '3', 'dblink does not work without delegated credentials and with passfile'); like( $psql_stderr, qr/password or GSSAPI delegated credentials required/, 'dblink does not work without delegated credentials and with passfile'); like($psql_out, qr/^$/, 'dblink does not work without delegated credentials and with passfile'); $psql_out = ''; $psql_stderr = ''; $psql_rc = $node->psql( 'postgres', "TABLE tf1;", connstr => "user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=require gssdelegation=0", stdout => \$psql_out, stderr => \$psql_stderr); is($psql_rc, '3', 'postgres_fdw does not work without delegated credentials'); like( $psql_stderr, qr/password or GSSAPI delegated credentials required/, 'postgres_fdw does not work without delegated credentials'); like($psql_out, qr/^$/, 'postgres_fdw does not work without delegated credentials'); $psql_out = ''; $psql_stderr = ''; $psql_rc = $node->psql( 'postgres', "TABLE tf2;", connstr => "user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=require gssdelegation=0", stdout => \$psql_out, stderr => \$psql_stderr); is($psql_rc, '3', 'postgres_fdw does not work without delegated credentials and with passfile' ); like( $psql_stderr, qr/password or GSSAPI delegated credentials required/, 'postgres_fdw does not work without delegated credentials and with passfile' ); like($psql_out, qr/^$/, 'postgres_fdw does not work without delegated credentials and with passfile' ); test_access($node, 'test1', 'SELECT true', 2, 'gssencmode=disable', 'fails with GSS encryption disabled and hostgssenc hba'); # require_auth=gss succeeds if required. $node->connect_ok( $node->connstr('postgres') . " user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=require require_auth=gss", "GSS authentication requested, works with GSS encryption"); $node->connect_ok( $node->connstr('postgres') . " user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=require require_auth=gss,scram-sha-256", "multiple authentication types requested, works with GSS encryption"); unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf( 'pg_hba.conf', qq{ local all test2 scram-sha-256 hostnogssenc all all $hostaddr/32 gss map=mymap }); $node->restart; test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND NOT encrypted AND credentials_delegated FROM pg_stat_gssapi WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=prefer gssdelegation=1', 'succeeds with GSS-encrypted access preferred and hostnogssenc hba, but no encryption', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=no, delegated_credentials=yes, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_access($node, 'test1', 'SELECT true', 2, 'gssencmode=require', 'fails with GSS-encrypted access required and hostnogssenc hba'); test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND NOT encrypted AND credentials_delegated FROM pg_stat_gssapi WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssencmode=disable gssdelegation=1', 'succeeds with GSS encryption disabled and hostnogssenc hba', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=no, delegated_credentials=yes, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_query( $node, 'test1', "SELECT * FROM dblink('user=test1 dbname=$dbname host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr port=$port','select 1') as t1(c1 int);", qr/^1$/s, 'gssencmode=prefer gssdelegation=1', 'dblink works not-encrypted (server not configured to accept encrypted GSSAPI connections)' ); test_query( $node, 'test1', "TABLE tf1;", qr/^1$/s, 'gssencmode=prefer gssdelegation=1', 'postgres_fdw works not-encrypted (server not configured to accept encrypted GSSAPI connections)' ); $psql_out = ''; $psql_stderr = ''; $psql_rc = $node->psql( 'postgres', "SELECT * FROM dblink('user=test2 dbname=$dbname port=$port passfile=$pgpass','select 1') as t1(c1 int);", connstr => "user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=prefer gssdelegation=1", stdout => \$psql_out, stderr => \$psql_stderr); is($psql_rc, '3', 'dblink does not work with delegated credentials and with passfile'); like( $psql_stderr, qr/password or GSSAPI delegated credentials required/, 'dblink does not work with delegated credentials and with passfile'); like($psql_out, qr/^$/, 'dblink does not work with delegated credentials and with passfile'); $psql_out = ''; $psql_stderr = ''; $psql_rc = $node->psql( 'postgres', "TABLE tf2;", connstr => "user=test1 host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr gssencmode=prefer gssdelegation=1", stdout => \$psql_out, stderr => \$psql_stderr); is($psql_rc, '3', 'postgres_fdw does not work with delegated credentials and with passfile' ); like( $psql_stderr, qr/password or GSSAPI delegated credentials required/, 'postgres_fdw does not work with delegated credentials and with passfile' ); like($psql_out, qr/^$/, 'postgres_fdw does not work with delegated credentials and with passfile' ); truncate($node->data_dir . '/pg_ident.conf', 0); unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf( 'pg_hba.conf', qq{ local all test2 scram-sha-256 host all all $hostaddr/32 gss include_realm=0 }); $node->restart; test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT gss_authenticated AND encrypted AND credentials_delegated FROM pg_stat_gssapi WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid();', 0, 'gssdelegation=1', 'succeeds with include_realm=0 and defaults', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss", "connection authorized: user=$username database=$dbname application_name=$application GSS (authenticated=yes, encrypted=yes, delegated_credentials=yes, principal=test1\@$realm)" ); test_query( $node, 'test1', "SELECT * FROM dblink('user=test1 dbname=$dbname host=$host hostaddr=$hostaddr port=$port password=1234','select 1') as t1(c1 int);", qr/^1$/s, 'gssencmode=require gssdelegation=1', 'dblink works encrypted'); test_query( $node, 'test1', "TABLE tf1;", qr/^1$/s, 'gssencmode=require gssdelegation=1', 'postgres_fdw works encrypted'); # Reset pg_hba.conf, and cause a usermap failure with an authentication # that has passed. unlink($node->data_dir . '/pg_hba.conf'); $node->append_conf( 'pg_hba.conf', qq{ local all test2 scram-sha-256 host all all $hostaddr/32 gss include_realm=0 krb_realm=EXAMPLE.ORG }); $node->restart; test_access( $node, 'test1', 'SELECT true', 2, '', 'fails with wrong krb_realm, but still authenticates', "connection authenticated: identity=\"test1\@$realm\" method=gss"); done_testing();