-- -- FLOAT8 -- CREATE TABLE FLOAT8_TBL(f1 float8); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (' 0.0 '); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1004.30 '); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (' -34.84'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1.2345678901234e+200'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('1.2345678901234e-200'); -- test for underflow and overflow handling SELECT '10e400'::float8; ERROR: "10e400" is out of range for type double precision LINE 1: SELECT '10e400'::float8; ^ SELECT '-10e400'::float8; ERROR: "-10e400" is out of range for type double precision LINE 1: SELECT '-10e400'::float8; ^ SELECT '10e-400'::float8; ERROR: "10e-400" is out of range for type double precision LINE 1: SELECT '10e-400'::float8; ^ SELECT '-10e-400'::float8; ERROR: "-10e-400" is out of range for type double precision LINE 1: SELECT '-10e-400'::float8; ^ -- bad input INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (''); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "" LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (''); ^ INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (' '); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: " " LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (' '); ^ INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('xyz'); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "xyz" LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('xyz'); ^ INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('5.0.0'); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "5.0.0" LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('5.0.0'); ^ INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('5 . 0'); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "5 . 0" LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('5 . 0'); ^ INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('5. 0'); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "5. 0" LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('5. 0'); ^ INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (' - 3'); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: " - 3" LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES (' - 3'); ^ INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('123 5'); ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "123 5" LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('123 5'); ^ -- special inputs SELECT 'NaN'::float8; float8 -------- NaN (1 row) SELECT 'nan'::float8; float8 -------- NaN (1 row) SELECT ' NAN '::float8; float8 -------- NaN (1 row) SELECT 'infinity'::float8; float8 ---------- Infinity (1 row) SELECT ' -INFINiTY '::float8; float8 ----------- -Infinity (1 row) -- bad special inputs SELECT 'N A N'::float8; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "N A N" LINE 1: SELECT 'N A N'::float8; ^ SELECT 'NaN x'::float8; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "NaN x" LINE 1: SELECT 'NaN x'::float8; ^ SELECT ' INFINITY x'::float8; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: " INFINITY x" LINE 1: SELECT ' INFINITY x'::float8; ^ SELECT 'Infinity'::float8 + 100.0; ?column? ---------- Infinity (1 row) SELECT 'Infinity'::float8 / 'Infinity'::float8; ?column? ---------- NaN (1 row) SELECT 'nan'::float8 / 'nan'::float8; ?column? ---------- NaN (1 row) SELECT 'nan'::numeric::float8; float8 -------- NaN (1 row) SELECT '' AS five, * FROM FLOAT8_TBL; five | f1 ------+---------------------- | 0 | 1004.3 | -34.84 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e-200 (5 rows) SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 <> '1004.3'; four | f1 ------+---------------------- | 0 | -34.84 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e-200 (4 rows) SELECT '' AS one, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 = '1004.3'; one | f1 -----+-------- | 1004.3 (1 row) SELECT '' AS three, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE '1004.3' > f.f1; three | f1 -------+---------------------- | 0 | -34.84 | 1.2345678901234e-200 (3 rows) SELECT '' AS three, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 < '1004.3'; three | f1 -------+---------------------- | 0 | -34.84 | 1.2345678901234e-200 (3 rows) SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE '1004.3' >= f.f1; four | f1 ------+---------------------- | 0 | 1004.3 | -34.84 | 1.2345678901234e-200 (4 rows) SELECT '' AS four, f.* FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 <= '1004.3'; four | f1 ------+---------------------- | 0 | 1004.3 | -34.84 | 1.2345678901234e-200 (4 rows) SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 * '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three | f1 | x -------+----------------------+----------------------- | 1004.3 | -10043 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | -1.2345678901234e+201 | 1.2345678901234e-200 | -1.2345678901234e-199 (3 rows) SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 + '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three | f1 | x -------+----------------------+---------------------- | 1004.3 | 994.3 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e-200 | -10 (3 rows) SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 / '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three | f1 | x -------+----------------------+----------------------- | 1004.3 | -100.43 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | -1.2345678901234e+199 | 1.2345678901234e-200 | -1.2345678901234e-201 (3 rows) SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, f.f1 - '-10' AS x FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three | f1 | x -------+----------------------+---------------------- | 1004.3 | 1014.3 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e-200 | 10 (3 rows) SELECT '' AS one, f.f1 ^ '2.0' AS square_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f where f.f1 = '1004.3'; one | square_f1 -----+------------ | 1008618.49 (1 row) -- absolute value SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, @f.f1 AS abs_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; five | f1 | abs_f1 ------+----------------------+---------------------- | 0 | 0 | 1004.3 | 1004.3 | -34.84 | 34.84 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e-200 | 1.2345678901234e-200 (5 rows) -- truncate SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, trunc(f.f1) AS trunc_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; five | f1 | trunc_f1 ------+----------------------+---------------------- | 0 | 0 | 1004.3 | 1004 | -34.84 | -34 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e-200 | 0 (5 rows) -- round SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, round(f.f1) AS round_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; five | f1 | round_f1 ------+----------------------+---------------------- | 0 | 0 | 1004.3 | 1004 | -34.84 | -35 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e-200 | 0 (5 rows) -- ceil / ceiling select ceil(f1) as ceil_f1 from float8_tbl f; ceil_f1 ---------------------- 0 1005 -34 1.2345678901234e+200 1 (5 rows) select ceiling(f1) as ceiling_f1 from float8_tbl f; ceiling_f1 ---------------------- 0 1005 -34 1.2345678901234e+200 1 (5 rows) -- floor select floor(f1) as floor_f1 from float8_tbl f; floor_f1 ---------------------- 0 1004 -35 1.2345678901234e+200 0 (5 rows) -- sign select sign(f1) as sign_f1 from float8_tbl f; sign_f1 --------- 0 1 -1 1 1 (5 rows) -- square root SELECT sqrt(float8 '64') AS eight; eight ------- 8 (1 row) SELECT |/ float8 '64' AS eight; eight ------- 8 (1 row) SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, |/f.f1 AS sqrt_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three | f1 | sqrt_f1 -------+----------------------+----------------------- | 1004.3 | 31.6906926399535 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.11111110611109e+100 | 1.2345678901234e-200 | 1.11111110611109e-100 (3 rows) -- power SELECT power(float8 '144', float8 '0.5'); power ------- 12 (1 row) -- take exp of ln(f.f1) SELECT '' AS three, f.f1, exp(ln(f.f1)) AS exp_ln_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f WHERE f.f1 > '0.0'; three | f1 | exp_ln_f1 -------+----------------------+----------------------- | 1004.3 | 1004.3 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.23456789012338e+200 | 1.2345678901234e-200 | 1.23456789012339e-200 (3 rows) -- cube root SELECT ||/ float8 '27' AS three; three ------- 3 (1 row) SELECT '' AS five, f.f1, ||/f.f1 AS cbrt_f1 FROM FLOAT8_TBL f; five | f1 | cbrt_f1 ------+----------------------+---------------------- | 0 | 0 | 1004.3 | 10.014312837827 | -34.84 | -3.26607421344208 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 4.97933859234765e+66 | 1.2345678901234e-200 | 2.3112042409018e-67 (5 rows) SELECT '' AS five, * FROM FLOAT8_TBL; five | f1 ------+---------------------- | 0 | 1004.3 | -34.84 | 1.2345678901234e+200 | 1.2345678901234e-200 (5 rows) UPDATE FLOAT8_TBL SET f1 = FLOAT8_TBL.f1 * '-1' WHERE FLOAT8_TBL.f1 > '0.0'; SELECT '' AS bad, f.f1 * '1e200' from FLOAT8_TBL f; ERROR: value out of range: overflow SELECT '' AS bad, f.f1 ^ '1e200' from FLOAT8_TBL f; ERROR: value out of range: overflow SELECT 0 ^ 0 + 0 ^ 1 + 0 ^ 0.0 + 0 ^ 0.5; ?column? ---------- 2 (1 row) SELECT '' AS bad, ln(f.f1) from FLOAT8_TBL f where f.f1 = '0.0' ; ERROR: cannot take logarithm of zero SELECT '' AS bad, ln(f.f1) from FLOAT8_TBL f where f.f1 < '0.0' ; ERROR: cannot take logarithm of a negative number SELECT '' AS bad, exp(f.f1) from FLOAT8_TBL f; ERROR: value out of range: underflow SELECT '' AS bad, f.f1 / '0.0' from FLOAT8_TBL f; ERROR: division by zero SELECT '' AS five, * FROM FLOAT8_TBL; five | f1 ------+----------------------- | 0 | -34.84 | -1004.3 | -1.2345678901234e+200 | -1.2345678901234e-200 (5 rows) -- test for over- and underflow INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10e400'); ERROR: "10e400" is out of range for type double precision LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10e400'); ^ INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-10e400'); ERROR: "-10e400" is out of range for type double precision LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-10e400'); ^ INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10e-400'); ERROR: "10e-400" is out of range for type double precision LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('10e-400'); ^ INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-10e-400'); ERROR: "-10e-400" is out of range for type double precision LINE 1: INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-10e-400'); ^ -- maintain external table consistency across platforms -- delete all values and reinsert well-behaved ones DELETE FROM FLOAT8_TBL; INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('0.0'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-34.84'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-1004.30'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-1.2345678901234e+200'); INSERT INTO FLOAT8_TBL(f1) VALUES ('-1.2345678901234e-200'); SELECT '' AS five, * FROM FLOAT8_TBL; five | f1 ------+----------------------- | 0 | -34.84 | -1004.3 | -1.2345678901234e+200 | -1.2345678901234e-200 (5 rows) -- test exact cases for trigonometric functions in degrees SELECT x, CASE WHEN sind(x) IN (-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1) THEN sind(x) END AS sind, CASE WHEN cosd(x) IN (-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1) THEN cosd(x) END AS cosd, CASE WHEN tand(x) IN ('-Infinity'::float8,-1,0, 1,'Infinity'::float8) THEN tand(x) END AS tand, CASE WHEN cotd(x) IN ('-Infinity'::float8,-1,0, 1,'Infinity'::float8) THEN cotd(x) END AS cotd FROM generate_series(0, 360, 15) AS t(x); x | sind | cosd | tand | cotd -----+------+------+-----------+----------- 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Infinity 15 | | | | 30 | 0.5 | | | 45 | | | 1 | 1 60 | | 0.5 | | 75 | | | | 90 | 1 | 0 | Infinity | 0 105 | | | | 120 | | -0.5 | | 135 | | | -1 | -1 150 | 0.5 | | | 165 | | | | 180 | 0 | -1 | 0 | -Infinity 195 | | | | 210 | -0.5 | | | 225 | | | 1 | 1 240 | | -0.5 | | 255 | | | | 270 | -1 | 0 | -Infinity | 0 285 | | | | 300 | | 0.5 | | 315 | | | -1 | -1 330 | -0.5 | | | 345 | | | | 360 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Infinity (25 rows) SELECT x, CASE WHEN asind(x) IN (-90,-30,0,30,90) THEN asind(x) END AS asind, CASE WHEN acosd(x) IN (0,60,90,120,180) THEN acosd(x) END AS acosd, CASE WHEN atand(x) IN (-45,0,45) THEN atand(x) END AS atand FROM (VALUES (-1), (-0.5), (0), (0.5), (1)) AS t(x); x | asind | acosd | atand ------+-------+-------+------- -1 | -90 | 180 | -45 -0.5 | -30 | 120 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 0.5 | 30 | 60 | 1 | 90 | 0 | 45 (5 rows) SELECT atand('-Infinity'::float8) = -90; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT atand('Infinity'::float8) = 90; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT x, y, CASE WHEN atan2d(y, x) IN (-90,0,90,180) THEN atan2d(y, x) END AS atan2d FROM (SELECT 10*cosd(a), 10*sind(a) FROM generate_series(0, 360, 90) AS t(a)) AS t(x,y); x | y | atan2d -----+-----+-------- 10 | 0 | 0 0 | 10 | 90 -10 | 0 | 180 0 | -10 | -90 10 | 0 | 0 (5 rows)