ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER SQL - Language Statements ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER change the definition of a foreign-data wrapper ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER name [ VALIDATOR valfunction | NO VALIDATOR ] [ OPTIONS ( [ ADD | SET | DROP ] option ['value'] [, ... ]) ] ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER name OWNER TO new_owner Description ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER changes the definition of a foreign-data wrapper. The first form of the command changes the library or the generic options of the foreign-data wrapper (at least one clause is required). The second form changes the owner of the foreign-data wrapper. Only superusers can alter foreign-data wrappers. Additionally, only superusers can own foreign-data wrappers. Parameters name The name of an existing foreign-data wrapper. VALIDATOR valfunction Specifies a new foreign-data wrapper validator function. Note that it is possible that after changing the validator the options to the foreign-data wrapper, servers, and user mappings have become invalid. It is up to the user to make sure that these options are correct before using the foreign-data wrapper. NO VALIDATOR This is used to specify that the foreign-data wrapper should no longer have a validator function. OPTIONS ( [ ADD | SET | DROP ] option ['value'] [, ... ] ) Change options for the foreign-data wrapper. ADD, SET, and DROP specify the action to be performed. ADD is assumed if no operation is explicitly specified. Option names must be unique; names and values are also validated using the foreign data wrapper library. Examples Change a foreign-data wrapper dbi, add option foo, drop bar: ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dbi OPTIONS (ADD foo '1', DROP 'bar'); Change the foreign-data wrapper dbi validator to bob.myvalidator: ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dbi VALIDATOR bob.myvalidator; Compatibility ALTER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER conforms to ISO/IEC 9075-9 (SQL/MED). The standard does not specify the VALIDATOR and OWNER TO variants of the command. See Also