/* contrib/pgstattuple/pgstattuple--1.3.sql */ -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pgstattuple" to load this file. \quit CREATE FUNCTION pgstattuple(IN relname text, OUT table_len BIGINT, -- physical table length in bytes OUT tuple_count BIGINT, -- number of live tuples OUT tuple_len BIGINT, -- total tuples length in bytes OUT tuple_percent FLOAT8, -- live tuples in % OUT dead_tuple_count BIGINT, -- number of dead tuples OUT dead_tuple_len BIGINT, -- total dead tuples length in bytes OUT dead_tuple_percent FLOAT8, -- dead tuples in % OUT free_space BIGINT, -- free space in bytes OUT free_percent FLOAT8) -- free space in % AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pgstattuple' LANGUAGE C STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION pgstatindex(IN relname text, OUT version INT, OUT tree_level INT, OUT index_size BIGINT, OUT root_block_no BIGINT, OUT internal_pages BIGINT, OUT leaf_pages BIGINT, OUT empty_pages BIGINT, OUT deleted_pages BIGINT, OUT avg_leaf_density FLOAT8, OUT leaf_fragmentation FLOAT8) AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pgstatindex' LANGUAGE C STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION pg_relpages(IN relname text) RETURNS BIGINT AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pg_relpages' LANGUAGE C STRICT; /* New stuff in 1.1 begins here */ CREATE FUNCTION pgstatginindex(IN relname regclass, OUT version INT4, OUT pending_pages INT4, OUT pending_tuples BIGINT) AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pgstatginindex' LANGUAGE C STRICT; /* New stuff in 1.2 begins here */ CREATE FUNCTION pgstattuple(IN reloid regclass, OUT table_len BIGINT, -- physical table length in bytes OUT tuple_count BIGINT, -- number of live tuples OUT tuple_len BIGINT, -- total tuples length in bytes OUT tuple_percent FLOAT8, -- live tuples in % OUT dead_tuple_count BIGINT, -- number of dead tuples OUT dead_tuple_len BIGINT, -- total dead tuples length in bytes OUT dead_tuple_percent FLOAT8, -- dead tuples in % OUT free_space BIGINT, -- free space in bytes OUT free_percent FLOAT8) -- free space in % AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pgstattuplebyid' LANGUAGE C STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION pgstatindex(IN relname regclass, OUT version INT, OUT tree_level INT, OUT index_size BIGINT, OUT root_block_no BIGINT, OUT internal_pages BIGINT, OUT leaf_pages BIGINT, OUT empty_pages BIGINT, OUT deleted_pages BIGINT, OUT avg_leaf_density FLOAT8, OUT leaf_fragmentation FLOAT8) AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pgstatindexbyid' LANGUAGE C STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION pg_relpages(IN relname regclass) RETURNS BIGINT AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pg_relpagesbyid' LANGUAGE C STRICT; /* New stuff in 1.3 begins here */ CREATE FUNCTION pgstattuple_approx(IN reloid regclass, OUT table_len BIGINT, -- physical table length in bytes OUT scanned_percent FLOAT8, -- what percentage of the table's pages was scanned OUT approx_tuple_count BIGINT, -- estimated number of live tuples OUT approx_tuple_len BIGINT, -- estimated total length in bytes of live tuples OUT approx_tuple_percent FLOAT8, -- live tuples in % (based on estimate) OUT dead_tuple_count BIGINT, -- exact number of dead tuples OUT dead_tuple_len BIGINT, -- exact total length in bytes of dead tuples OUT dead_tuple_percent FLOAT8, -- dead tuples in % (based on estimate) OUT approx_free_space BIGINT, -- estimated free space in bytes OUT approx_free_percent FLOAT8) -- free space in % (based on estimate) AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pgstattuple_approx' LANGUAGE C STRICT;