select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '$'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '1'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '$.a.b'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '$.b'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '$.a + 2'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": 12}' @? '$.b + 2'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"a": 12}}' @? '$.a.a'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"a": 12}}' @? '$.*.a'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"b": {"a": 12}}' @? '$.*.a'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"b": {"a": 12}}' @? '$.*.b'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '{"b": {"a": 12}}' @? 'strict $.*.b'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb '{}' @? '$.*'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": 1}' @? '$.*'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? 'lax $.**{1}'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? 'lax $.**{2}'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? 'lax $.**{3}'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '[]' @? '$[*]'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[*]'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[1]'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '[1]' @? 'strict $[1]'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'strict $[1]'); ERROR: jsonpath array subscript is out of bounds select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'strict $[1]', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb '[1]' @? 'lax $[10000000000000000]'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb '[1]' @? 'strict $[10000000000000000]'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'lax $[10000000000000000]'); ERROR: jsonpath array subscript is out of integer range select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'strict $[10000000000000000]'); ERROR: jsonpath array subscript is out of integer range select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[0]'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[0.3]'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[0.5]'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[0.9]'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '[1]' @? '$[1.2]'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '[1]' @? 'strict $[1.2]'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": [1,2,3], "b": [3,4,5]}' @? '$ ? (@.a[*] > @.b[*])'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": [1,2,3], "b": [3,4,5]}' @? '$ ? (@.a[*] >= @.b[*])'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": [1,2,3], "b": [3,4,"5"]}' @? '$ ? (@.a[*] >= @.b[*])'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": [1,2,3], "b": [3,4,"5"]}' @? 'strict $ ? (@.a[*] >= @.b[*])'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": [1,2,3], "b": [3,4,null]}' @? '$ ? (@.a[*] >= @.b[*])'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '1' @? '$ ? ((@ == "1") is unknown)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '1' @? '$ ? ((@ == 1) is unknown)'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]' @? '$[0 to 1] ? (@.a > 1)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'lax $[*].a', silent => false); jsonb_path_exists ------------------- t (1 row) select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'lax $[*].a', silent => true); jsonb_path_exists ------------------- t (1 row) select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'strict $[*].a', silent => false); ERROR: jsonpath member accessor can only be applied to an object select jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'strict $[*].a', silent => true); jsonb_path_exists ------------------- (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('1', 'lax $.a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.a'); ERROR: jsonpath member accessor can only be applied to an object select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.*'); ERROR: jsonpath wildcard member accessor can only be applied to an object select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.a', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $.*', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'lax $.a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $.a'); ERROR: jsonpath member accessor can only be applied to an object select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $.a', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{}', 'lax $.a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{}', 'strict $.a'); ERROR: JSON object does not contain key "a" select jsonb_path_query('{}', 'strict $.a', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[1]'); ERROR: jsonpath array accessor can only be applied to an array select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[*]'); ERROR: jsonpath wildcard array accessor can only be applied to an array select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[1]'); ERROR: jsonpath array subscript is out of bounds select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $["a"]'); ERROR: jsonpath array subscript is not a single numeric value select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[1]', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('1', 'strict $[*]', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[1]', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $["a"]', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', '$.a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 12 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', '$.b'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": 13} (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', '$.*'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 12 {"a": 13} (2 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 12, "b": {"a": 13}}', 'lax $.*.a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 13 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[*].a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 13 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[*].*'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 13 14 (2 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0].a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[1].a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 13 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[2].a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0,1].a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 13 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0 to 10].a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 13 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}]', 'lax $[0 to 10 / 0].a'); ERROR: division by zero select jsonb_path_query('[12, {"a": 13}, {"b": 14}, "ccc", true]', '$[2.5 - 1 to $.size() - 2]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": 13} {"b": 14} "ccc" (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query('1', 'lax $[0]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('1', 'lax $[*]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'lax $[0]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1]', 'lax $[*]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', 'lax $[*]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 2 3 (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', 'strict $[*].a'); ERROR: jsonpath member accessor can only be applied to an object select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', 'strict $[*].a', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[]', '$[last]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[]', '$[last ? (exists(last))]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[last]'); ERROR: jsonpath array subscript is out of bounds select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $[last]', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[1]', '$[last]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 3 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last - 1]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 2 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last ? (@.type() == "number")]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 3 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last ? (@.type() == "string")]'); ERROR: jsonpath array subscript is not a single numeric value select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,3]', '$[last ? (@.type() == "string")]', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": 10} (1 row) select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)'); ERROR: could not find jsonpath variable "value" select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '1'); ERROR: "vars" argument is not an object DETAIL: Jsonpath parameters should be encoded as key-value pairs of "vars" object. select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '[{"value" : 13}]'); ERROR: "vars" argument is not an object DETAIL: Jsonpath parameters should be encoded as key-value pairs of "vars" object. select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '{"value" : 13}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": 10} (1 row) select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$ ? (@.a < $value)', '{"value" : 8}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select * from jsonb_path_query('{"a": 10}', '$.a ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 13}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 10 (1 row) select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[*] ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 13}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 10 11 12 (3 rows) select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[0,1] ? (@ < $x.value)', '{"x": {"value" : 13}}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 10 11 (2 rows) select * from jsonb_path_query('[10,11,12,13,14,15]', '$[0 to 2] ? (@ < $value)', '{"value" : 15}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 10 11 12 (3 rows) select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == "1")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "1" (1 row) select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == $value)', '{"value" : "1"}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "1" (1 row) select * from jsonb_path_query('[1,"1",2,"2",null]', '$[*] ? (@ == $value)', '{"value" : null}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ null (1 row) select * from jsonb_path_query('[1, "2", null]', '$[*] ? (@ != null)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 "2" (2 rows) select * from jsonb_path_query('[1, "2", null]', '$[*] ? (@ == null)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ null (1 row) select * from jsonb_path_query('{}', '$ ? (@ == @)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select * from jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $ ? (@ == @)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": {"b": 1}} {"b": 1} 1 (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": {"b": 1}} (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0 to last}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": {"b": 1}} {"b": 1} 1 (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"b": 1} (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1 to last}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"b": 1} 1 (2 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{2}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{2 to last}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{3 to last}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{last}'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0}.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1}.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{0 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"b": 1}}', 'lax $.**{1 to 2}.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{0}.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{1}.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{0 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{1 to last}.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{1 to 2}.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}', 'lax $.**{2 to 3}.b ? (@ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**{0}.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**{1}.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**{0 to last}.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**{1 to last}.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"b": 1}}' @? '$.**{1 to 2}.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{0}.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{1}.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{0 to last}.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{1 to last}.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{1 to 2}.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": {"c": {"b": 1}}}' @? '$.**{2 to 3}.b ? ( @ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"g": {"x": 2}}', '$.g ? (exists (@.x))'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"x": 2} (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"g": {"x": 2}}', '$.g ? (exists (@.y))'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"g": {"x": 2}}', '$.g ? (exists (@.x ? (@ >= 2) ))'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"x": 2} (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'lax $.g ? (exists (@.x))'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"x": 2} (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'lax $.g ? (exists (@.x + "3"))'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'lax $.g ? ((exists (@.x + "3")) is unknown)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"x": 2} {"y": 3} (2 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g[*] ? (exists (@.x))'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"x": 2} (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g[*] ? ((exists (@.x)) is unknown)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"y": 3} (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g ? (exists (@[*].x))'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"g": [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}]}', 'strict $.g ? ((exists (@[*].x)) is unknown)'); jsonb_path_query ---------------------- [{"x": 2}, {"y": 3}] (1 row) --test ternary logic select x, y, jsonb_path_query( '[true, false, null]', '$[*] ? (@ == true && ($x == true && $y == true) || @ == false && !($x == true && $y == true) || @ == null && ($x == true && $y == true) is unknown)', jsonb_build_object('x', x, 'y', y) ) as "x && y" from (values (jsonb 'true'), ('false'), ('"null"')) x(x), (values (jsonb 'true'), ('false'), ('"null"')) y(y); x | y | x && y --------+--------+-------- true | true | true true | false | false true | "null" | null false | true | false false | false | false false | "null" | false "null" | true | null "null" | false | false "null" | "null" | null (9 rows) select x, y, jsonb_path_query( '[true, false, null]', '$[*] ? (@ == true && ($x == true || $y == true) || @ == false && !($x == true || $y == true) || @ == null && ($x == true || $y == true) is unknown)', jsonb_build_object('x', x, 'y', y) ) as "x || y" from (values (jsonb 'true'), ('false'), ('"null"')) x(x), (values (jsonb 'true'), ('false'), ('"null"')) y(y); x | y | x || y --------+--------+-------- true | true | true true | false | true true | "null" | true false | true | true false | false | false false | "null" | null "null" | true | true "null" | false | null "null" | "null" | null (9 rows) select jsonb '{"a": 1, "b":1}' @? '$ ? (@.a == @.b)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 1, "b":1}}' @? '$ ? (@.a == @.b)'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 1, "b":1}}' @? '$.c ? (@.a == @.b)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 1, "b":1}}' @? '$.c ? ($.c.a == @.b)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 1, "b":1}}' @? '$.* ? (@.a == @.b)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": 1, "b":1}' @? '$.** ? (@.a == @.b)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 1, "b":1}}' @? '$.** ? (@.a == @.b)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"c": {"a": 2, "b":1}}', '$.** ? (@.a == 1 + 1)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": 2, "b": 1} (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"c": {"a": 2, "b":1}}', '$.** ? (@.a == (1 + 1))'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": 2, "b": 1} (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"c": {"a": 2, "b":1}}', '$.** ? (@.a == @.b + 1)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": 2, "b": 1} (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"c": {"a": 2, "b":1}}', '$.** ? (@.a == (@.b + 1))'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": 2, "b": 1} (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": -1, "b":1}}' @? '$.** ? (@.a == - 1)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": -1, "b":1}}' @? '$.** ? (@.a == -1)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": -1, "b":1}}' @? '$.** ? (@.a == -@.b)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": -1, "b":1}}' @? '$.** ? (@.a == - @.b)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 0, "b":1}}' @? '$.** ? (@.a == 1 - @.b)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 2, "b":1}}' @? '$.** ? (@.a == 1 - - @.b)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"c": {"a": 0, "b":1}}' @? '$.** ? (@.a == 1 - +@.b)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '[1,2,3]' @? '$ ? (+@[*] > +2)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '[1,2,3]' @? '$ ? (+@[*] > +3)'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '[1,2,3]' @? '$ ? (-@[*] < -2)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '[1,2,3]' @? '$ ? (-@[*] < -3)'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '1' @? '$ ? ($ > 0)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- arithmetic errors select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,0,3]', '$[*] ? (2 / @ > 0)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 2 3 (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[1,2,0,3]', '$[*] ? ((2 / @ > 0) is unknown)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 0 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('0', '1 / $'); ERROR: division by zero select jsonb_path_query('0', '1 / $ + 2'); ERROR: division by zero select jsonb_path_query('0', '-(3 + 1 % $)'); ERROR: division by zero select jsonb_path_query('1', '$ + "2"'); ERROR: right operand of jsonpath operator + is not a single numeric value select jsonb_path_query('[1, 2]', '3 * $'); ERROR: right operand of jsonpath operator * is not a single numeric value select jsonb_path_query('"a"', '-$'); ERROR: operand of unary jsonpath operator - is not a numeric value select jsonb_path_query('[1,"2",3]', '+$'); ERROR: operand of unary jsonpath operator + is not a numeric value select jsonb_path_query('1', '$ + "2"', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[1, 2]', '3 * $', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('"a"', '-$', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[1,"2",3]', '+$', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 (1 row) select jsonb '["1",2,0,3]' @? '-$[*]'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '[1,"2",0,3]' @? '-$[*]'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '["1",2,0,3]' @? 'strict -$[*]'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb '[1,"2",0,3]' @? 'strict -$[*]'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) -- unwrapping of operator arguments in lax mode select jsonb_path_query('{"a": [2]}', 'lax $.a * 3'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 6 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": [2]}', 'lax $.a + 3'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 5 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": [2, 3, 4]}', 'lax -$.a'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ -2 -3 -4 (3 rows) -- should fail select jsonb_path_query('{"a": [1, 2]}', 'lax $.a * 3'); ERROR: left operand of jsonpath operator * is not a single numeric value select jsonb_path_query('{"a": [1, 2]}', 'lax $.a * 3', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) -- extension: boolean expressions select jsonb_path_query('2', '$ > 1'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ true (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('2', '$ <= 1'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ false (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('2', '$ == "2"'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ null (1 row) select jsonb '2' @? '$ == "2"'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '2' @@ '$ > 1'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '2' @@ '$ <= 1'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) select jsonb '2' @@ '$ == "2"'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb '2' @@ '1'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb '{}' @@ '$'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb '[]' @@ '$'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb '[1,2,3]' @@ '$[*]'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb '[]' @@ '$[*]'; ?column? ---------- (1 row) select jsonb_path_match('[[1, true], [2, false]]', 'strict $[*] ? (@[0] > $x) [1]', '{"x": 1}'); jsonb_path_match ------------------ f (1 row) select jsonb_path_match('[[1, true], [2, false]]', 'strict $[*] ? (@[0] < $x) [1]', '{"x": 2}'); jsonb_path_match ------------------ t (1 row) select jsonb_path_match('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'lax exists($[*].a)', silent => false); jsonb_path_match ------------------ t (1 row) select jsonb_path_match('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'lax exists($[*].a)', silent => true); jsonb_path_match ------------------ t (1 row) select jsonb_path_match('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'strict exists($[*].a)', silent => false); jsonb_path_match ------------------ (1 row) select jsonb_path_match('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, 3]', 'strict exists($[*].a)', silent => true); jsonb_path_match ------------------ (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[null,1,true,"a",[],{}]', '$.type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "array" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[null,1,true,"a",[],{}]', 'lax $.type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "array" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[null,1,true,"a",[],{}]', '$[*].type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "null" "number" "boolean" "string" "array" "object" (6 rows) select jsonb_path_query('null', 'null.type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "null" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('null', 'true.type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "boolean" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('null', '(123).type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "number" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('null', '"123".type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "string" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 2}', '($.a - 5).abs() + 10'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 13 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 2.5}', '-($.a * $.a).floor() % 4.3'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ -1.7 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1, 2, 3]', '($[*] > 2) ? (@ == true)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ true (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1, 2, 3]', '($[*] > 3).type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "boolean" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1, 2, 3]', '($[*].a > 3).type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "boolean" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1, 2, 3]', 'strict ($[*].a > 3).type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "null" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[1,null,true,"11",[],[1],[1,2,3],{},{"a":1,"b":2}]', 'strict $[*].size()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .size() can only be applied to an array select jsonb_path_query('[1,null,true,"11",[],[1],[1,2,3],{},{"a":1,"b":2}]', 'strict $[*].size()', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[1,null,true,"11",[],[1],[1,2,3],{},{"a":1,"b":2}]', 'lax $[*].size()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1 1 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 (9 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[0, 1, -2, -3.4, 5.6]', '$[*].abs()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 0 1 2 3.4 5.6 (5 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[0, 1, -2, -3.4, 5.6]', '$[*].floor()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 0 1 -2 -4 5 (5 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[0, 1, -2, -3.4, 5.6]', '$[*].ceiling()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 0 1 -2 -3 6 (5 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[0, 1, -2, -3.4, 5.6]', '$[*].ceiling().abs()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 0 1 2 3 6 (5 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[0, 1, -2, -3.4, 5.6]', '$[*].ceiling().abs().type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "number" "number" "number" "number" "number" (5 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[{},1]', '$[*].keyvalue()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .keyvalue() can only be applied to an object select jsonb_path_query('[{},1]', '$[*].keyvalue()', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{}', '$.keyvalue()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{"a": 1, "b": [1, 2], "c": {"a": "bbb"}}', '$.keyvalue()'); jsonb_path_query ---------------------------------------------- {"id": 0, "key": "a", "value": 1} {"id": 0, "key": "b", "value": [1, 2]} {"id": 0, "key": "c", "value": {"a": "bbb"}} (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[{"a": 1, "b": [1, 2]}, {"c": {"a": "bbb"}}]', '$[*].keyvalue()'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------------------------- {"id": 12, "key": "a", "value": 1} {"id": 12, "key": "b", "value": [1, 2]} {"id": 72, "key": "c", "value": {"a": "bbb"}} (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[{"a": 1, "b": [1, 2]}, {"c": {"a": "bbb"}}]', 'strict $.keyvalue()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .keyvalue() can only be applied to an object select jsonb_path_query('[{"a": 1, "b": [1, 2]}, {"c": {"a": "bbb"}}]', 'lax $.keyvalue()'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------------------------- {"id": 12, "key": "a", "value": 1} {"id": 12, "key": "b", "value": [1, 2]} {"id": 72, "key": "c", "value": {"a": "bbb"}} (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[{"a": 1, "b": [1, 2]}, {"c": {"a": "bbb"}}]', 'strict $.keyvalue().a'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .keyvalue() can only be applied to an object select jsonb '{"a": 1, "b": [1, 2]}' @? 'lax $.keyvalue()'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb '{"a": 1, "b": [1, 2]}' @? 'lax $.keyvalue().key'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('null', '$.double()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .double() can only be applied to a string or numeric value select jsonb_path_query('true', '$.double()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .double() can only be applied to a string or numeric value select jsonb_path_query('null', '$.double()', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('true', '$.double()', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[]', '$.double()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $.double()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .double() can only be applied to a string or numeric value select jsonb_path_query('{}', '$.double()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .double() can only be applied to a string or numeric value select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $.double()', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{}', '$.double()', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('1.23', '$.double()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1.23 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"1.23"', '$.double()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ 1.23 (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"1.23aaa"', '$.double()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .double() can only be applied to a numeric value select jsonb_path_query('"nan"', '$.double()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "NaN" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"NaN"', '$.double()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "NaN" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"inf"', '$.double()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .double() can only be applied to a numeric value select jsonb_path_query('"-inf"', '$.double()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .double() can only be applied to a numeric value select jsonb_path_query('"inf"', '$.double()', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('"-inf"', '$.double()', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('{}', '$.abs()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .abs() can only be applied to a numeric value select jsonb_path_query('true', '$.floor()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .floor() can only be applied to a numeric value select jsonb_path_query('"1.2"', '$.ceiling()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .ceiling() can only be applied to a numeric value select jsonb_path_query('{}', '$.abs()', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('true', '$.floor()', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('"1.2"', '$.ceiling()', silent => true); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('["", "a", "abc", "abcabc"]', '$[*] ? (@ starts with "abc")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "abc" "abcabc" (2 rows) select jsonb_path_query('["", "a", "abc", "abcabc"]', 'strict $ ? (@[*] starts with "abc")'); jsonb_path_query ---------------------------- ["", "a", "abc", "abcabc"] (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('["", "a", "abd", "abdabc"]', 'strict $ ? (@[*] starts with "abc")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('["abc", "abcabc", null, 1]', 'strict $ ? (@[*] starts with "abc")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('["abc", "abcabc", null, 1]', 'strict $ ? ((@[*] starts with "abc") is unknown)'); jsonb_path_query ---------------------------- ["abc", "abcabc", null, 1] (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[[null, 1, "abc", "abcabc"]]', 'lax $ ? (@[*] starts with "abc")'); jsonb_path_query ---------------------------- [null, 1, "abc", "abcabc"] (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[[null, 1, "abd", "abdabc"]]', 'lax $ ? ((@[*] starts with "abc") is unknown)'); jsonb_path_query ---------------------------- [null, 1, "abd", "abdabc"] (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[null, 1, "abd", "abdabc"]', 'lax $[*] ? ((@ starts with "abc") is unknown)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ null 1 (2 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[null, 1, "abc", "abd", "aBdC", "abdacb", "babc", "adc\nabc", "ab\nadc"]', 'lax $[*] ? (@ like_regex "^ab.*c")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "abc" "abdacb" (2 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[null, 1, "abc", "abd", "aBdC", "abdacb", "babc", "adc\nabc", "ab\nadc"]', 'lax $[*] ? (@ like_regex "^ab.*c" flag "i")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "abc" "aBdC" "abdacb" (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[null, 1, "abc", "abd", "aBdC", "abdacb", "babc", "adc\nabc", "ab\nadc"]', 'lax $[*] ? (@ like_regex "^ab.*c" flag "m")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "abc" "abdacb" "adc\nabc" (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[null, 1, "abc", "abd", "aBdC", "abdacb", "babc", "adc\nabc", "ab\nadc"]', 'lax $[*] ? (@ like_regex "^ab.*c" flag "s")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "abc" "abdacb" "ab\nadc" (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[null, 1, "a\b", "a\\b", "^a\\b$"]', 'lax $[*] ? (@ like_regex "a\\b" flag "q")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "a\\b" "^a\\b$" (2 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[null, 1, "a\b", "a\\b", "^a\\b$"]', 'lax $[*] ? (@ like_regex "a\\b" flag "")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "a\b" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[null, 1, "a\b", "a\\b", "^a\\b$"]', 'lax $[*] ? (@ like_regex "^a\\b$" flag "q")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "^a\\b$" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[null, 1, "a\b", "a\\b", "^a\\b$"]', 'lax $[*] ? (@ like_regex "^a\\B$" flag "q")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[null, 1, "a\b", "a\\b", "^a\\b$"]', 'lax $[*] ? (@ like_regex "^a\\B$" flag "iq")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "^a\\b$" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('[null, 1, "a\b", "a\\b", "^a\\b$"]', 'lax $[*] ? (@ like_regex "^a\\b$" flag "")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "a\b" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('null', '$.datetime()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .datetime() can only be applied to a string select jsonb_path_query('true', '$.datetime()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .datetime() can only be applied to a string select jsonb_path_query('1', '$.datetime()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .datetime() can only be applied to a string select jsonb_path_query('[]', '$.datetime()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) select jsonb_path_query('[]', 'strict $.datetime()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .datetime() can only be applied to a string select jsonb_path_query('{}', '$.datetime()'); ERROR: jsonpath item method .datetime() can only be applied to a string select jsonb_path_query('""', '$.datetime()'); ERROR: datetime format is not unrecognized HINT: use datetime template argument for explicit format specification select jsonb_path_query('"12:34"', '$.datetime("aaa")'); ERROR: invalid datetime format separator: "a" select jsonb_path_query('"aaaa"', '$.datetime("HH24")'); ERROR: invalid value "aa" for "HH24" DETAIL: Value must be an integer. select jsonb '"10-03-2017"' @? '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy")'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "2017-03-10" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy").type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "date" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy")'); ERROR: trailing characters remain in input string after datetime format select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy").type()'); ERROR: trailing characters remain in input string after datetime format select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34"', ' $.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI").type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------------------- "timestamp without time zone" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34 +05:20"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI TZH:TZM").type()'); jsonb_path_query ---------------------------- "timestamp with time zone" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34:56"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI:SS").type()'); jsonb_path_query -------------------------- "time without time zone" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34:56 +05:20"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI:SS TZH:TZM").type()'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------- "time with time zone" (1 row) set time zone '+00'; select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI")'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI TZH")'); ERROR: input string is too short for datetime format select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34 +05"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI TZH")'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00+05:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34 -05"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI TZH")'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00-05:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34 +05:20"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI TZH:TZM")'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00+05:20" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34 -05:20"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI TZH:TZM")'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00-05:20" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI TZH")'); ERROR: input string is too short for datetime format select jsonb_path_query('"12:34 +05"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI TZH")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:00+05:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34 -05"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI TZH")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:00-05:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34 +05:20"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI TZH:TZM")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:00+05:20" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34 -05:20"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI TZH:TZM")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:00-05:20" (1 row) set time zone '+10'; select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI")'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI TZH")'); ERROR: input string is too short for datetime format select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34 +05"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI TZH")'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00+05:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34 -05"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI TZH")'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00-05:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34 +05:20"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI TZH:TZM")'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00+05:20" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"10-03-2017 12:34 -05:20"', '$.datetime("dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI TZH:TZM")'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00-05:20" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI TZH")'); ERROR: input string is too short for datetime format select jsonb_path_query('"12:34 +05"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI TZH")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:00+05:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34 -05"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI TZH")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:00-05:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34 +05:20"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI TZH:TZM")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:00+05:20" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34 -05:20"', '$.datetime("HH24:MI TZH:TZM")'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:00-05:20" (1 row) set time zone default; select jsonb_path_query('"2017-03-10"', '$.datetime().type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "date" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"2017-03-10"', '$.datetime()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "2017-03-10" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"2017-03-10 12:34:56"', '$.datetime().type()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------------------- "timestamp without time zone" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"2017-03-10 12:34:56"', '$.datetime()'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:56" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"2017-03-10 12:34:56 +3"', '$.datetime().type()'); jsonb_path_query ---------------------------- "timestamp with time zone" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"2017-03-10 12:34:56 +3"', '$.datetime()'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:56+03:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"2017-03-10 12:34:56 +3:10"', '$.datetime().type()'); jsonb_path_query ---------------------------- "timestamp with time zone" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"2017-03-10 12:34:56 +3:10"', '$.datetime()'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:56+03:10" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34:56"', '$.datetime().type()'); jsonb_path_query -------------------------- "time without time zone" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34:56"', '$.datetime()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:56" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34:56 +3"', '$.datetime().type()'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------- "time with time zone" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34:56 +3"', '$.datetime()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:56+03:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34:56 +3:10"', '$.datetime().type()'); jsonb_path_query ----------------------- "time with time zone" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query('"12:34:56 +3:10"', '$.datetime()'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ "12:34:56+03:10" (1 row) set time zone '+00'; -- date comparison select jsonb_path_query( '["2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "2017-03-09", "12:34:56", "01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 00:00:00", "2017-03-10 12:34:56", "2017-03-10 01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 03:00:00 +03"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ == "10.03.2017".datetime(""))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from date to timestamptz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query( '["2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "2017-03-09", "12:34:56", "01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 00:00:00", "2017-03-10 12:34:56", "2017-03-10 01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 03:00:00 +03"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ >= "10.03.2017".datetime(""))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from date to timestamptz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query( '["2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "2017-03-09", "12:34:56", "01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 00:00:00", "2017-03-10 12:34:56", "2017-03-10 01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 03:00:00 +03"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ < "10.03.2017".datetime(""))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from date to timestamptz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "2017-03-09", "12:34:56", "01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 00:00:00", "2017-03-10 12:34:56", "2017-03-10 01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 03:00:00 +03"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ == "10.03.2017".datetime(""))'); jsonb_path_query_tz ----------------------------- "2017-03-10" "2017-03-10T00:00:00" "2017-03-10T03:00:00+03:00" (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "2017-03-09", "12:34:56", "01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 00:00:00", "2017-03-10 12:34:56", "2017-03-10 01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 03:00:00 +03"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ >= "10.03.2017".datetime(""))'); jsonb_path_query_tz ----------------------------- "2017-03-10" "2017-03-11" "2017-03-10T00:00:00" "2017-03-10T12:34:56" "2017-03-10T03:00:00+03:00" (5 rows) select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "2017-03-09", "12:34:56", "01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 00:00:00", "2017-03-10 12:34:56", "2017-03-10 01:02:03 +04", "2017-03-10 03:00:00 +03"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ < "10.03.2017".datetime(""))'); jsonb_path_query_tz ----------------------------- "2017-03-09" "2017-03-10T01:02:03+04:00" (2 rows) -- time comparison select jsonb_path_query( '["12:34:00", "12:35:00", "12:36:00", "12:35:00 +00", "12:35:00 +01", "13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ == "12:35".datetime("HH24:MI"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from time to timetz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query( '["12:34:00", "12:35:00", "12:36:00", "12:35:00 +00", "12:35:00 +01", "13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ >= "12:35".datetime("HH24:MI"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from time to timetz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query( '["12:34:00", "12:35:00", "12:36:00", "12:35:00 +00", "12:35:00 +01", "13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ < "12:35".datetime("HH24:MI"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from time to timetz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["12:34:00", "12:35:00", "12:36:00", "12:35:00 +00", "12:35:00 +01", "13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ == "12:35".datetime("HH24:MI"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz --------------------- "12:35:00" "12:35:00+00:00" (2 rows) select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["12:34:00", "12:35:00", "12:36:00", "12:35:00 +00", "12:35:00 +01", "13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ >= "12:35".datetime("HH24:MI"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz --------------------- "12:35:00" "12:36:00" "12:35:00+00:00" (3 rows) select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["12:34:00", "12:35:00", "12:36:00", "12:35:00 +00", "12:35:00 +01", "13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ < "12:35".datetime("HH24:MI"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz --------------------- "12:34:00" "12:35:00+01:00" "13:35:00+01:00" (3 rows) -- timetz comparison select jsonb_path_query( '["12:34:00 +01", "12:35:00 +01", "12:36:00 +01", "12:35:00 +02", "12:35:00 -02", "10:35:00", "11:35:00", "12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +1"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ == "12:35 +1".datetime("HH24:MI TZH"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from time to timetz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query( '["12:34:00 +01", "12:35:00 +01", "12:36:00 +01", "12:35:00 +02", "12:35:00 -02", "10:35:00", "11:35:00", "12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +1"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ >= "12:35 +1".datetime("HH24:MI TZH"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from time to timetz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query( '["12:34:00 +01", "12:35:00 +01", "12:36:00 +01", "12:35:00 +02", "12:35:00 -02", "10:35:00", "11:35:00", "12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +1"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ < "12:35 +1".datetime("HH24:MI TZH"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from time to timetz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["12:34:00 +01", "12:35:00 +01", "12:36:00 +01", "12:35:00 +02", "12:35:00 -02", "10:35:00", "11:35:00", "12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +1"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ == "12:35 +1".datetime("HH24:MI TZH"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz --------------------- "12:35:00+01:00" (1 row) select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["12:34:00 +01", "12:35:00 +01", "12:36:00 +01", "12:35:00 +02", "12:35:00 -02", "10:35:00", "11:35:00", "12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +1"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ >= "12:35 +1".datetime("HH24:MI TZH"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz --------------------- "12:35:00+01:00" "12:36:00+01:00" "12:35:00-02:00" "11:35:00" "12:35:00" (5 rows) select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["12:34:00 +01", "12:35:00 +01", "12:36:00 +01", "12:35:00 +02", "12:35:00 -02", "10:35:00", "11:35:00", "12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +1"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ < "12:35 +1".datetime("HH24:MI TZH"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz --------------------- "12:34:00+01:00" "12:35:00+02:00" "10:35:00" (3 rows) -- timestamp comparison select jsonb_path_query( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:36:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ == "10.03.2017 12:35".datetime(" HH24:MI"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from timestamp to timestamptz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:36:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ >= "10.03.2017 12:35".datetime(" HH24:MI"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from timestamp to timestamptz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:36:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ < "10.03.2017 12:35".datetime(" HH24:MI"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from timestamp to timestamptz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:36:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ == "10.03.2017 12:35".datetime(" HH24:MI"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:35:00" "2017-03-10T13:35:00+01:00" (2 rows) select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:36:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ >= "10.03.2017 12:35".datetime(" HH24:MI"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:35:00" "2017-03-10T12:36:00" "2017-03-10T13:35:00+01:00" "2017-03-10T12:35:00-01:00" "2017-03-11" (5 rows) select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:36:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 13:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -01", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ < "10.03.2017 12:35".datetime(" HH24:MI"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00" "2017-03-10T12:35:00+01:00" "2017-03-10" (3 rows) -- timestamptz comparison select jsonb_path_query( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:36:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +02", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -02", "2017-03-10 10:35:00", "2017-03-10 11:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ == "10.03.2017 12:35 +1".datetime(" HH24:MI TZH"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from timestamp to timestamptz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:36:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +02", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -02", "2017-03-10 10:35:00", "2017-03-10 11:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ >= "10.03.2017 12:35 +1".datetime(" HH24:MI TZH"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from timestamp to timestamptz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:36:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +02", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -02", "2017-03-10 10:35:00", "2017-03-10 11:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ < "10.03.2017 12:35 +1".datetime(" HH24:MI TZH"))'); ERROR: cannot convert value from timestamp to timestamptz without timezone usage HINT: use *_tz() function for timezone support select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:36:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +02", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -02", "2017-03-10 10:35:00", "2017-03-10 11:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ == "10.03.2017 12:35 +1".datetime(" HH24:MI TZH"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:35:00+01:00" "2017-03-10T11:35:00" (2 rows) select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:36:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +02", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -02", "2017-03-10 10:35:00", "2017-03-10 11:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ >= "10.03.2017 12:35 +1".datetime(" HH24:MI TZH"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:35:00+01:00" "2017-03-10T12:36:00+01:00" "2017-03-10T12:35:00-02:00" "2017-03-10T11:35:00" "2017-03-10T12:35:00" "2017-03-11" (6 rows) select jsonb_path_query_tz( '["2017-03-10 12:34:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:36:00 +01", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 +02", "2017-03-10 12:35:00 -02", "2017-03-10 10:35:00", "2017-03-10 11:35:00", "2017-03-10 12:35:00", "2017-03-10", "2017-03-11", "12:34:56", "12:34:56 +01"]', '$[*].datetime() ? (@ < "10.03.2017 12:35 +1".datetime(" HH24:MI TZH"))'); jsonb_path_query_tz ----------------------------- "2017-03-10T12:34:00+01:00" "2017-03-10T12:35:00+02:00" "2017-03-10T10:35:00" "2017-03-10" (4 rows) set time zone default; -- jsonpath operators SELECT jsonb_path_query('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]', '$[*]'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ {"a": 1} {"a": 2} (2 rows) SELECT jsonb_path_query('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]', '$[*] ? (@.a > 10)'); jsonb_path_query ------------------ (0 rows) SELECT jsonb_path_query_array('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, {}]', 'strict $[*].a'); ERROR: JSON object does not contain key "a" SELECT jsonb_path_query_array('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]', '$[*].a'); jsonb_path_query_array ------------------------ [1, 2] (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_query_array('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]', '$[*].a ? (@ == 1)'); jsonb_path_query_array ------------------------ [1] (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_query_array('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]', '$[*].a ? (@ > 10)'); jsonb_path_query_array ------------------------ [] (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_query_array('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, {"a": 3}, {"a": 5}]', '$[*].a ? (@ > $min && @ < $max)', vars => '{"min": 1, "max": 4}'); jsonb_path_query_array ------------------------ [2, 3] (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_query_array('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, {"a": 3}, {"a": 5}]', '$[*].a ? (@ > $min && @ < $max)', vars => '{"min": 3, "max": 4}'); jsonb_path_query_array ------------------------ [] (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_query_first('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, {}]', 'strict $[*].a'); ERROR: JSON object does not contain key "a" SELECT jsonb_path_query_first('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, {}]', 'strict $[*].a', silent => true); jsonb_path_query_first ------------------------ 1 (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_query_first('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]', '$[*].a'); jsonb_path_query_first ------------------------ 1 (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_query_first('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]', '$[*].a ? (@ == 1)'); jsonb_path_query_first ------------------------ 1 (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_query_first('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]', '$[*].a ? (@ > 10)'); jsonb_path_query_first ------------------------ (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_query_first('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, {"a": 3}, {"a": 5}]', '$[*].a ? (@ > $min && @ < $max)', vars => '{"min": 1, "max": 4}'); jsonb_path_query_first ------------------------ 2 (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_query_first('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, {"a": 3}, {"a": 5}]', '$[*].a ? (@ > $min && @ < $max)', vars => '{"min": 3, "max": 4}'); jsonb_path_query_first ------------------------ (1 row) SELECT jsonb '[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]' @? '$[*].a ? (@ > 1)'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT jsonb '[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]' @? '$[*] ? (@.a > 2)'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]', '$[*].a ? (@ > 1)'); jsonb_path_exists ------------------- t (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, {"a": 3}, {"a": 5}]', '$[*] ? (@.a > $min && @.a < $max)', vars => '{"min": 1, "max": 4}'); jsonb_path_exists ------------------- t (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_exists('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, {"a": 3}, {"a": 5}]', '$[*] ? (@.a > $min && @.a < $max)', vars => '{"min": 3, "max": 4}'); jsonb_path_exists ------------------- f (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_match('true', '$', silent => false); jsonb_path_match ------------------ t (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_match('false', '$', silent => false); jsonb_path_match ------------------ f (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_match('null', '$', silent => false); jsonb_path_match ------------------ (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_match('1', '$', silent => true); jsonb_path_match ------------------ (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_match('1', '$', silent => false); ERROR: single boolean result is expected SELECT jsonb_path_match('"a"', '$', silent => false); ERROR: single boolean result is expected SELECT jsonb_path_match('{}', '$', silent => false); ERROR: single boolean result is expected SELECT jsonb_path_match('[true]', '$', silent => false); ERROR: single boolean result is expected SELECT jsonb_path_match('{}', 'lax $.a', silent => false); ERROR: single boolean result is expected SELECT jsonb_path_match('{}', 'strict $.a', silent => false); ERROR: JSON object does not contain key "a" SELECT jsonb_path_match('{}', 'strict $.a', silent => true); jsonb_path_match ------------------ (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_match('[true, true]', '$[*]', silent => false); ERROR: single boolean result is expected SELECT jsonb '[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]' @@ '$[*].a > 1'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT jsonb '[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]' @@ '$[*].a > 2'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) SELECT jsonb_path_match('[{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}]', '$[*].a > 1'); jsonb_path_match ------------------ t (1 row) -- test string comparison (Unicode codepoint collation) WITH str(j, num) AS ( SELECT jsonb_build_object('s', s), num FROM unnest('{"", "a", "ab", "abc", "abcd", "b", "A", "AB", "ABC", "ABc", "ABcD", "B"}'::text[]) WITH ORDINALITY AS a(s, num) ) SELECT s1.j, s2.j, jsonb_path_query_first(s1.j, '$.s < $s', vars => s2.j) lt, jsonb_path_query_first(s1.j, '$.s <= $s', vars => s2.j) le, jsonb_path_query_first(s1.j, '$.s == $s', vars => s2.j) eq, jsonb_path_query_first(s1.j, '$.s >= $s', vars => s2.j) ge, jsonb_path_query_first(s1.j, '$.s > $s', vars => s2.j) gt FROM str s1, str s2 ORDER BY s1.num, s2.num; j | j | lt | le | eq | ge | gt ---------------+---------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------- {"s": ""} | {"s": ""} | false | true | true | true | false {"s": ""} | {"s": "a"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": ""} | {"s": "ab"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": ""} | {"s": "abc"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": ""} | {"s": "abcd"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": ""} | {"s": "b"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": ""} | {"s": "A"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": ""} | {"s": "AB"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": ""} | {"s": "ABC"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": ""} | {"s": "ABc"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": ""} | {"s": "ABcD"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": ""} | {"s": "B"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": "a"} | {"s": ""} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "a"} | {"s": "a"} | false | true | true | true | false {"s": "a"} | {"s": "ab"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": "a"} | {"s": "abc"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": "a"} | {"s": "abcd"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": "a"} | {"s": "b"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": "a"} | {"s": "A"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "a"} | {"s": "AB"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "a"} | {"s": "ABC"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "a"} | {"s": "ABc"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "a"} | {"s": "ABcD"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "a"} | {"s": "B"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "ab"} | {"s": ""} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "ab"} | {"s": "a"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "ab"} | {"s": "ab"} | false | true | true | true | false {"s": "ab"} | {"s": "abc"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": "ab"} | {"s": "abcd"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": "ab"} | {"s": "b"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": "ab"} | {"s": "A"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "ab"} | {"s": "AB"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "ab"} | {"s": "ABC"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "ab"} | {"s": "ABc"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "ab"} | {"s": "ABcD"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "ab"} | {"s": "B"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "abc"} | {"s": ""} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "abc"} | {"s": "a"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "abc"} | {"s": "ab"} | false | false | false | true | true {"s": "abc"} | {"s": "abc"} | false | true | true | true | false {"s": "abc"} | {"s": "abcd"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": "abc"} | {"s": "b"} | true | true | false | false | false {"s": "abc"} | {"s": "A"} | false | false | 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