# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group use strict; use warnings; use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils; use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster; use Test::More; program_help_ok('pg_receivewal'); program_version_ok('pg_receivewal'); program_options_handling_ok('pg_receivewal'); # Set umask so test directories and files are created with default permissions umask(0077); my $primary = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('primary'); $primary->init(allows_streaming => 1, extra => ['--wal-segsize=1']); $primary->start; my $stream_dir = $primary->basedir . '/archive_wal'; mkdir($stream_dir); # Sanity checks for command line options. $primary->command_fails(['pg_receivewal'], 'pg_receivewal needs target directory specified'); $primary->command_fails( [ 'pg_receivewal', '-D', $stream_dir, '--create-slot', '--drop-slot' ], 'failure if both --create-slot and --drop-slot specified'); $primary->command_fails( [ 'pg_receivewal', '-D', $stream_dir, '--create-slot' ], 'failure if --create-slot specified without --slot'); $primary->command_fails( [ 'pg_receivewal', '-D', $stream_dir, '--synchronous', '--no-sync' ], 'failure if --synchronous specified with --no-sync'); $primary->command_fails_like( [ 'pg_receivewal', '-D', $stream_dir, '--compress', 'none:1', ], qr/\Qpg_receivewal: error: invalid compression specification: compression algorithm "none" does not accept a compression level/, 'failure if --compress none:N (where N > 0)'); # Slot creation and drop my $slot_name = 'test'; $primary->command_ok( [ 'pg_receivewal', '--slot', $slot_name, '--create-slot' ], 'creating a replication slot'); my $slot = $primary->slot($slot_name); is($slot->{'slot_type'}, 'physical', 'physical replication slot was created'); is($slot->{'restart_lsn'}, '', 'restart LSN of new slot is null'); $primary->command_ok([ 'pg_receivewal', '--slot', $slot_name, '--drop-slot' ], 'dropping a replication slot'); is($primary->slot($slot_name)->{'slot_type'}, '', 'replication slot was removed'); # Generate some WAL. Use --synchronous at the same time to add more # code coverage. Switch to the next segment first so that subsequent # restarts of pg_receivewal will see this segment as full.. $primary->psql('postgres', 'CREATE TABLE test_table(x integer PRIMARY KEY);'); $primary->psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_switch_wal();'); my $nextlsn = $primary->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_current_wal_insert_lsn();'); chomp($nextlsn); $primary->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (1);'); # Stream up to the given position. This is necessary to have a fixed # started point for the next commands done in this test, with or without # compression involved. $primary->command_ok( [ 'pg_receivewal', '-D', $stream_dir, '--verbose', '--endpos', $nextlsn, '--synchronous', '--no-loop' ], 'streaming some WAL with --synchronous'); # Verify that one partial file was generated and keep track of it my @partial_wals = glob "$stream_dir/*\.partial"; is(scalar(@partial_wals), 1, "one partial WAL segment was created"); note "Testing pg_receivewal with compression methods"; # Check ZLIB compression if available. SKIP: { skip "postgres was not built with ZLIB support", 5 if (!check_pg_config("#define HAVE_LIBZ 1")); # Generate more WAL worth one completed, compressed, segment. $primary->psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_switch_wal();'); $nextlsn = $primary->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_current_wal_insert_lsn();'); chomp($nextlsn); $primary->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (2);'); $primary->command_ok( [ 'pg_receivewal', '-D', $stream_dir, '--verbose', '--endpos', $nextlsn, '--compress', 'gzip:1', '--no-loop' ], "streaming some WAL using ZLIB compression"); # Verify that the stored files are generated with their expected # names. my @zlib_wals = glob "$stream_dir/*.gz"; is(scalar(@zlib_wals), 1, "one WAL segment compressed with ZLIB was created"); my @zlib_partial_wals = glob "$stream_dir/*.gz.partial"; is(scalar(@zlib_partial_wals), 1, "one partial WAL segment compressed with ZLIB was created"); # Verify that the start streaming position is computed correctly by # comparing it with the partial file generated previously. The name # of the previous partial, now-completed WAL segment is updated, keeping # its base number. $partial_wals[0] =~ s/\.partial$/.gz/; is($zlib_wals[0] eq $partial_wals[0], 1, "one partial WAL segment is now completed"); # Update the list of partial wals with the current one. @partial_wals = @zlib_partial_wals; # Check the integrity of the completed segment, if gzip is a command # available. my $gzip = $ENV{GZIP_PROGRAM}; skip "program gzip is not found in your system", 1 if (!defined $gzip || $gzip eq ''); my $gzip_is_valid = system_log($gzip, '--test', @zlib_wals); is($gzip_is_valid, 0, "gzip verified the integrity of compressed WAL segments"); } # Check LZ4 compression if available SKIP: { skip "postgres was not built with LZ4 support", 5 if (!check_pg_config("#define USE_LZ4 1")); # Generate more WAL including one completed, compressed segment. $primary->psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_switch_wal();'); $nextlsn = $primary->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_current_wal_insert_lsn();'); chomp($nextlsn); $primary->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (3);'); # Stream up to the given position. $primary->command_ok( [ 'pg_receivewal', '-D', $stream_dir, '--verbose', '--endpos', $nextlsn, '--no-loop', '--compress', 'lz4' ], 'streaming some WAL using --compress=lz4'); # Verify that the stored files are generated with their expected # names. my @lz4_wals = glob "$stream_dir/*.lz4"; is(scalar(@lz4_wals), 1, "one WAL segment compressed with LZ4 was created"); my @lz4_partial_wals = glob "$stream_dir/*.lz4.partial"; is(scalar(@lz4_partial_wals), 1, "one partial WAL segment compressed with LZ4 was created"); # Verify that the start streaming position is computed correctly by # comparing it with the partial file generated previously. The name # of the previous partial, now-completed WAL segment is updated, keeping # its base number. $partial_wals[0] =~ s/(\.gz)?\.partial$/.lz4/; is($lz4_wals[0] eq $partial_wals[0], 1, "one partial WAL segment is now completed"); # Update the list of partial wals with the current one. @partial_wals = @lz4_partial_wals; # Check the integrity of the completed segment, if LZ4 is an available # command. my $lz4 = $ENV{LZ4}; skip "program lz4 is not found in your system", 1 if (!defined $lz4 || $lz4 eq ''); my $lz4_is_valid = system_log($lz4, '-t', @lz4_wals); is($lz4_is_valid, 0, "lz4 verified the integrity of compressed WAL segments"); } # Verify that the start streaming position is computed and that the value is # correct regardless of whether any compression is available. $primary->psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_switch_wal();'); $nextlsn = $primary->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_current_wal_insert_lsn();'); chomp($nextlsn); $primary->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (4);'); $primary->command_ok( [ 'pg_receivewal', '-D', $stream_dir, '--verbose', '--endpos', $nextlsn, '--no-loop' ], "streaming some WAL"); $partial_wals[0] =~ s/(\.gz|\.lz4)?.partial//; ok(-e $partial_wals[0], "check that previously partial WAL is now complete"); # Permissions on WAL files should be default SKIP: { skip "unix-style permissions not supported on Windows", 1 if ($windows_os); ok(check_mode_recursive($stream_dir, 0700, 0600), "check stream dir permissions"); } note "Testing pg_receivewal with slot as starting streaming point"; # When using a replication slot, archiving should be resumed from the slot's # restart LSN. Use a new archive location and new slot for this test. my $slot_dir = $primary->basedir . '/slot_wal'; mkdir($slot_dir); $slot_name = 'archive_slot'; # Setup the slot, reserving WAL at creation (corresponding to the # last redo LSN here, actually, so use a checkpoint to reduce the # number of segments archived). $primary->psql('postgres', 'checkpoint;'); $primary->psql('postgres', "SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot('$slot_name', true);"); # Get the segment name associated with the slot's restart LSN, that should # be archived. my $walfile_streamed = $primary->safe_psql( 'postgres', "SELECT pg_walfile_name(restart_lsn) FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = '$slot_name';"); # Switch to a new segment, to make sure that the segment retained by the # slot is still streamed. This may not be necessary, but play it safe. $primary->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (5);'); $primary->psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_switch_wal();'); $nextlsn = $primary->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_current_wal_insert_lsn();'); chomp($nextlsn); # Add a bit more data to accelerate the end of the next pg_receivewal # commands. $primary->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (6);'); # Check case where the slot does not exist. $primary->command_fails_like( [ 'pg_receivewal', '-D', $slot_dir, '--slot', 'nonexistentslot', '-n', '--no-sync', '--verbose', '--endpos', $nextlsn ], qr/pg_receivewal: error: could not find replication slot "nonexistentslot"/, 'pg_receivewal fails with non-existing slot'); $primary->command_ok( [ 'pg_receivewal', '-D', $slot_dir, '--slot', $slot_name, '-n', '--no-sync', '--verbose', '--endpos', $nextlsn ], "WAL streamed from the slot's restart_lsn"); ok(-e "$slot_dir/$walfile_streamed", "WAL from the slot's restart_lsn has been archived"); # Test timeline switch using a replication slot, requiring a promoted # standby. my $backup_name = "basebackup"; $primary->backup($backup_name); my $standby = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new("standby"); $standby->init_from_backup($primary, $backup_name, has_streaming => 1); $standby->start; # Create a replication slot on this new standby my $archive_slot = "archive_slot"; $standby->psql( '', "CREATE_REPLICATION_SLOT $archive_slot PHYSICAL (RESERVE_WAL)", replication => 1); # Wait for standby catchup $primary->wait_for_catchup($standby); # Get a walfilename from before the promotion to make sure it is archived # after promotion my $standby_slot = $standby->slot($archive_slot); my $replication_slot_lsn = $standby_slot->{'restart_lsn'}; # pg_walfile_name() is not supported while in recovery, so use the primary # to build the segment name. Both nodes are on the same timeline, so this # produces a segment name with the timeline we are switching from. my $walfile_before_promotion = $primary->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT pg_walfile_name('$replication_slot_lsn');"); # Everything is setup, promote the standby to trigger a timeline switch. $standby->promote; # Force a segment switch to make sure at least one full WAL is archived # on the new timeline. my $walfile_after_promotion = $standby->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT pg_walfile_name(pg_current_wal_insert_lsn());"); $standby->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (7);'); $standby->psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_switch_wal();'); $nextlsn = $standby->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT pg_current_wal_insert_lsn();'); chomp($nextlsn); # This speeds up the operation. $standby->psql('postgres', 'INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (8);'); # Now try to resume from the slot after the promotion. my $timeline_dir = $primary->basedir . '/timeline_wal'; mkdir($timeline_dir); $standby->command_ok( [ 'pg_receivewal', '-D', $timeline_dir, '--verbose', '--endpos', $nextlsn, '--slot', $archive_slot, '--no-sync', '-n' ], "Stream some wal after promoting, resuming from the slot's position"); ok(-e "$timeline_dir/$walfile_before_promotion", "WAL segment $walfile_before_promotion archived after timeline jump"); ok(-e "$timeline_dir/$walfile_after_promotion", "WAL segment $walfile_after_promotion archived after timeline jump"); ok(-e "$timeline_dir/00000002.history", "timeline history file archived after timeline jump"); done_testing();