/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * parse_expr.c * handle expressions in parser * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_expr.c,v 1.122 2002/07/18 04:41:45 momjian Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "catalog/pg_operator.h" #include "catalog/pg_proc.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "nodes/params.h" #include "parser/analyze.h" #include "parser/gramparse.h" #include "parser/parse.h" #include "parser/parse_coerce.h" #include "parser/parse_expr.h" #include "parser/parse_func.h" #include "parser/parse_oper.h" #include "parser/parse_relation.h" #include "parser/parse_target.h" #include "parser/parse_type.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" int max_expr_depth = DEFAULT_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH; static int expr_depth_counter = 0; bool Transform_null_equals = false; static Node *parser_typecast_constant(Value *expr, TypeName *typename); static Node *parser_typecast_expression(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, TypeName *typename); static Node *transformColumnRef(ParseState *pstate, ColumnRef *cref); static Node *transformIndirection(ParseState *pstate, Node *basenode, List *indirection); /* * Initialize for parsing a new query. * * We reset the expression depth counter here, in case it was left nonzero * due to elog()'ing out of the last parsing operation. */ void parse_expr_init(void) { expr_depth_counter = 0; } /* * transformExpr - * Analyze and transform expressions. Type checking and type casting is * done here. The optimizer and the executor cannot handle the original * (raw) expressions collected by the parse tree. Hence the transformation * here. * * NOTE: there are various cases in which this routine will get applied to * an already-transformed expression. An examples: * - Another way it can happen is that coercion of an operator or * function argument to the required type (via coerce_type()) * can apply transformExpr to an already-transformed subexpression. * An example here is "SELECT count(*) + 1.0 FROM table". * While it might be possible to eliminate these cases, the path of * least resistance so far has been to ensure that transformExpr() does * no damage if applied to an already-transformed tree. This is pretty * easy for cases where the transformation replaces one node type with * another, such as A_Const => Const; we just do nothing when handed * a Const. More care is needed for node types that are used as both * input and output of transformExpr; see SubLink for example. */ Node * transformExpr(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr) { Node *result = NULL; if (expr == NULL) return NULL; /* * Guard against an overly complex expression leading to coredump due * to stack overflow here, or in later recursive routines that * traverse expression trees. Note that this is very unlikely to * happen except with pathological queries; but we don't want someone * to be able to crash the backend quite that easily... */ if (++expr_depth_counter > max_expr_depth) elog(ERROR, "Expression too complex: nesting depth exceeds max_expr_depth = %d", max_expr_depth); switch (nodeTag(expr)) { case T_ColumnRef: { result = transformColumnRef(pstate, (ColumnRef *) expr); break; } case T_ParamRef: { ParamRef *pref = (ParamRef *) expr; int paramno = pref->number; Oid paramtyp = param_type(paramno); Param *param; List *fields; if (!OidIsValid(paramtyp)) elog(ERROR, "Parameter '$%d' is out of range", paramno); param = makeNode(Param); param->paramkind = PARAM_NUM; param->paramid = (AttrNumber) paramno; param->paramname = ""; param->paramtype = paramtyp; result = (Node *) param; /* handle qualification, if any */ foreach(fields, pref->fields) { result = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, makeList1(lfirst(fields)), makeList1(result), false, false, true); } /* handle subscripts, if any */ result = transformIndirection(pstate, result, pref->indirection); break; } case T_A_Const: { A_Const *con = (A_Const *) expr; Value *val = &con->val; if (con->typename != NULL) result = parser_typecast_constant(val, con->typename); else result = (Node *) make_const(val); break; } case T_ExprFieldSelect: { ExprFieldSelect *efs = (ExprFieldSelect *) expr; List *fields; result = transformExpr(pstate, efs->arg); /* handle qualification, if any */ foreach(fields, efs->fields) { result = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, makeList1(lfirst(fields)), makeList1(result), false, false, true); } /* handle subscripts, if any */ result = transformIndirection(pstate, result, efs->indirection); break; } case T_TypeCast: { TypeCast *tc = (TypeCast *) expr; Node *arg = transformExpr(pstate, tc->arg); result = parser_typecast_expression(pstate, arg, tc->typename); break; } case T_A_Expr: { A_Expr *a = (A_Expr *) expr; switch (a->oper) { case OP: { /* * Special-case "foo = NULL" and "NULL = foo" * for compatibility with standards-broken * products (like Microsoft's). Turn these * into IS NULL exprs. */ if (Transform_null_equals && length(a->name) == 1 && strcmp(strVal(lfirst(a->name)), "=") == 0 && (exprIsNullConstant(a->lexpr) || exprIsNullConstant(a->rexpr))) { NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest); n->nulltesttype = IS_NULL; if (exprIsNullConstant(a->lexpr)) n->arg = a->rexpr; else n->arg = a->lexpr; result = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) n); } else { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); result = (Node *) make_op(a->name, lexpr, rexpr); } } break; case AND: { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); Expr *expr = makeNode(Expr); lexpr = coerce_to_boolean(lexpr, "AND"); rexpr = coerce_to_boolean(rexpr, "AND"); expr->typeOid = BOOLOID; expr->opType = AND_EXPR; expr->args = makeList2(lexpr, rexpr); result = (Node *) expr; } break; case OR: { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); Expr *expr = makeNode(Expr); lexpr = coerce_to_boolean(lexpr, "OR"); rexpr = coerce_to_boolean(rexpr, "OR"); expr->typeOid = BOOLOID; expr->opType = OR_EXPR; expr->args = makeList2(lexpr, rexpr); result = (Node *) expr; } break; case NOT: { Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); Expr *expr = makeNode(Expr); rexpr = coerce_to_boolean(rexpr, "NOT"); expr->typeOid = BOOLOID; expr->opType = NOT_EXPR; expr->args = makeList1(rexpr); result = (Node *) expr; } break; case DISTINCT: { Node *lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->lexpr); Node *rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, a->rexpr); result = (Node *) make_op(a->name, lexpr, rexpr); ((Expr *)result)->opType = DISTINCT_EXPR; } } break; } case T_FuncCall: { FuncCall *fn = (FuncCall *) expr; List *args; /* transform the list of arguments */ foreach(args, fn->args) lfirst(args) = transformExpr(pstate, (Node *) lfirst(args)); result = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, fn->funcname, fn->args, fn->agg_star, fn->agg_distinct, false); break; } case T_SubLink: { SubLink *sublink = (SubLink *) expr; List *qtrees; Query *qtree; /* If we already transformed this node, do nothing */ if (IsA(sublink->subselect, Query)) { result = expr; break; } pstate->p_hasSubLinks = true; qtrees = parse_analyze(sublink->subselect, pstate); if (length(qtrees) != 1) elog(ERROR, "Bad query in subselect"); qtree = (Query *) lfirst(qtrees); if (qtree->commandType != CMD_SELECT || qtree->resultRelation != 0) elog(ERROR, "Bad query in subselect"); sublink->subselect = (Node *) qtree; if (sublink->subLinkType == EXISTS_SUBLINK) { /* * EXISTS needs no lefthand or combining operator. * These fields should be NIL already, but make sure. */ sublink->lefthand = NIL; sublink->oper = NIL; } else if (sublink->subLinkType == EXPR_SUBLINK) { List *tlist = qtree->targetList; /* * Make sure the subselect delivers a single column * (ignoring resjunk targets). */ if (tlist == NIL || ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(tlist))->resdom->resjunk) elog(ERROR, "Subselect must have a field"); while ((tlist = lnext(tlist)) != NIL) { if (!((TargetEntry *) lfirst(tlist))->resdom->resjunk) elog(ERROR, "Subselect must have only one field"); } /* * EXPR needs no lefthand or combining operator. These * fields should be NIL already, but make sure. */ sublink->lefthand = NIL; sublink->oper = NIL; } else { /* ALL, ANY, or MULTIEXPR: generate operator list */ List *left_list = sublink->lefthand; List *right_list = qtree->targetList; List *op; char *opname; List *elist; foreach(elist, left_list) lfirst(elist) = transformExpr(pstate, lfirst(elist)); Assert(IsA(sublink->oper, A_Expr)); op = ((A_Expr *) sublink->oper)->name; opname = strVal(llast(op)); sublink->oper = NIL; /* Combining operators other than =/<> is dubious... */ if (length(left_list) != 1 && strcmp(opname, "=") != 0 && strcmp(opname, "<>") != 0) elog(ERROR, "Row comparison cannot use operator %s", opname); /* * Scan subquery's targetlist to find values that will * be matched against lefthand values. We need to * ignore resjunk targets, so doing the outer * iteration over right_list is easier than doing it * over left_list. */ while (right_list != NIL) { TargetEntry *tent = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(right_list); Node *lexpr; Operator optup; Form_pg_operator opform; Oper *newop; right_list = lnext(right_list); if (tent->resdom->resjunk) continue; if (left_list == NIL) elog(ERROR, "Subselect has too many fields"); lexpr = lfirst(left_list); left_list = lnext(left_list); /* * It's OK to use oper() not compatible_oper() * here, because make_subplan() will insert type * coercion calls if needed. */ optup = oper(op, exprType(lexpr), exprType(tent->expr), false); opform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(optup); if (opform->oprresult != BOOLOID) elog(ERROR, "%s has result type of %s, but must return %s" " to be used with quantified predicate subquery", opname, format_type_be(opform->oprresult), format_type_be(BOOLOID)); if (get_func_retset(opform->oprcode)) elog(ERROR, "%s must not return a set" " to be used with quantified predicate subquery", opname); newop = makeOper(oprid(optup), /* opno */ InvalidOid, /* opid */ opform->oprresult, false); sublink->oper = lappend(sublink->oper, newop); ReleaseSysCache(optup); } if (left_list != NIL) elog(ERROR, "Subselect has too few fields"); } result = (Node *) expr; break; } case T_CaseExpr: { CaseExpr *c = (CaseExpr *) expr; CaseExpr *newc = makeNode(CaseExpr); List *newargs = NIL; List *typeids = NIL; List *args; Node *defresult; Oid ptype; /* transform the list of arguments */ foreach(args, c->args) { CaseWhen *w = (CaseWhen *) lfirst(args); CaseWhen *neww = makeNode(CaseWhen); Node *warg; Assert(IsA(w, CaseWhen)); warg = w->expr; if (c->arg != NULL) { /* shorthand form was specified, so expand... */ warg = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(OP, "=", c->arg, warg); } neww->expr = transformExpr(pstate, warg); neww->expr = coerce_to_boolean(neww->expr, "CASE/WHEN"); /* * result is NULL for NULLIF() construct - thomas * 1998-11-11 */ warg = w->result; if (warg == NULL) { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Null; warg = (Node *) n; } neww->result = transformExpr(pstate, warg); newargs = lappend(newargs, neww); typeids = lappendi(typeids, exprType(neww->result)); } newc->args = newargs; /* * It's not shorthand anymore, so drop the implicit * argument. This is necessary to keep any re-application * of transformExpr from doing the wrong thing. */ newc->arg = NULL; /* transform the default clause */ defresult = c->defresult; if (defresult == NULL) { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Null; defresult = (Node *) n; } newc->defresult = transformExpr(pstate, defresult); /* * Note: default result is considered the most significant * type in determining preferred type. This is how the * code worked before, but it seems a little bogus to me * --- tgl */ typeids = lconsi(exprType(newc->defresult), typeids); ptype = select_common_type(typeids, "CASE"); newc->casetype = ptype; /* Convert default result clause, if necessary */ newc->defresult = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, newc->defresult, ptype, "CASE/ELSE"); /* Convert when-clause results, if necessary */ foreach(args, newc->args) { CaseWhen *w = (CaseWhen *) lfirst(args); w->result = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, w->result, ptype, "CASE/WHEN"); } result = (Node *) newc; break; } case T_NullTest: { NullTest *n = (NullTest *) expr; n->arg = transformExpr(pstate, n->arg); /* the argument can be any type, so don't coerce it */ result = expr; break; } case T_BooleanTest: { BooleanTest *b = (BooleanTest *) expr; const char *clausename; switch (b->booltesttype) { case IS_TRUE: clausename = "IS TRUE"; break; case IS_NOT_TRUE: clausename = "IS NOT TRUE"; break; case IS_FALSE: clausename = "IS FALSE"; break; case IS_NOT_FALSE: clausename = "IS NOT FALSE"; break; case IS_UNKNOWN: clausename = "IS UNKNOWN"; break; case IS_NOT_UNKNOWN: clausename = "IS NOT UNKNOWN"; break; default: elog(ERROR, "transformExpr: unexpected booltesttype %d", (int) b->booltesttype); clausename = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ } b->arg = transformExpr(pstate, b->arg); b->arg = coerce_to_boolean(b->arg, clausename); result = expr; break; } case T_BetweenExpr: { BetweenExpr *b = (BetweenExpr *) expr; List *typeIds = NIL; HeapTuple tup; Form_pg_operator opform; /* Transform the expressions */ b->expr = transformExpr(pstate, b->expr); b->lexpr = transformExpr(pstate, b->lexpr); b->rexpr = transformExpr(pstate, b->rexpr); /* Find coercion type for all 3 entities */ typeIds = lappendi(typeIds, exprType(b->expr)); typeIds = lappendi(typeIds, exprType(b->lexpr)); typeIds = lappendi(typeIds, exprType(b->rexpr)); b->typeId = select_common_type(typeIds, "TransformExpr"); /* Additional type information */ b->typeLen = get_typlen(b->typeId); b->typeByVal = get_typbyval(b->typeId); /* Coerce the three expressions to the type */ b->expr = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, b->expr, b->typeId, "TransformExpr"); b->lexpr = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, b->lexpr, b->typeId, "TransformExpr"); b->rexpr = coerce_to_common_type(pstate, b->rexpr, b->typeId, "TransformExpr"); /* Build the >= operator */ tup = oper(makeList1(makeString(">=")), b->typeId, b->typeId, false); opform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tup); /* Triple check our types */ if (b->typeId != opform->oprright || b->typeId != opform->oprleft) elog(ERROR, "transformExpr: Unable to find appropriate" " operator for between operation"); b->gthan = makeNode(Expr); b->gthan->typeOid = opform->oprresult; b->gthan->opType = OP_EXPR; b->gthan->oper = (Node *) makeOper(oprid(tup), /* opno */ oprfuncid(tup), /* opid */ opform->oprresult, /* opresulttype */ get_func_retset(opform->oprcode));/* opretset */ ReleaseSysCache(tup); /* Build the equation for <= operator */ tup = oper(makeList1(makeString("<=")), b->typeId, b->typeId, false); opform = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tup); /* Triple check the types */ if (b->typeId != opform->oprright || b->typeId != opform->oprleft) elog(ERROR, "transformExpr: Unable to find appropriate" " operator for between operation"); b->lthan = makeNode(Expr); b->lthan->typeOid = opform->oprresult; b->lthan->opType = OP_EXPR; b->lthan->oper = (Node *) makeOper(oprid(tup), /* opno */ oprfuncid(tup), /* opid */ opform->oprresult, /* opresulttype */ get_func_retset(opform->oprcode));/* opretset */ ReleaseSysCache(tup); result = expr; break; } /* * Quietly accept node types that may be presented when we are * called on an already-transformed tree. * * Do any other node types need to be accepted? For now we are * taking a conservative approach, and only accepting node * types that are demonstrably necessary to accept. */ case T_Expr: case T_Var: case T_Const: case T_Param: case T_Aggref: case T_ArrayRef: case T_FieldSelect: case T_RelabelType: { result = (Node *) expr; break; } default: /* should not reach here */ elog(ERROR, "transformExpr: does not know how to transform node %d" " (internal error)", nodeTag(expr)); break; } expr_depth_counter--; return result; } static Node * transformIndirection(ParseState *pstate, Node *basenode, List *indirection) { if (indirection == NIL) return basenode; return (Node *) transformArraySubscripts(pstate, basenode, exprType(basenode), indirection, false, NULL); } static Node * transformColumnRef(ParseState *pstate, ColumnRef *cref) { int numnames = length(cref->fields); Node *node; RangeVar *rv; /*---------- * The allowed syntaxes are: * * A First try to resolve as unqualified column name; * if no luck, try to resolve as unqual. table name (A.*). * A.B A is an unqual. table name; B is either a * column or function name (trying column name first). * A.B.C schema A, table B, col or func name C. * A.B.C.D catalog A, schema B, table C, col or func D. * A.* A is an unqual. table name; means whole-row value. * A.B.* whole-row value of table B in schema A. * A.B.C.* whole-row value of table C in schema B in catalog A. * * We do not need to cope with bare "*"; that will only be accepted by * the grammar at the top level of a SELECT list, and transformTargetList * will take care of it before it ever gets here. * * Currently, if a catalog name is given then it must equal the current * database name; we check it here and then discard it. * * For whole-row references, the result is an untransformed RangeVar, * which will work as the argument to a function call, but not in any * other context at present. (We could instead coerce to a whole-row Var, * but that will fail for subselect and join RTEs, because there is no * pg_type entry for their rowtypes.) *---------- */ switch (numnames) { case 1: { char *name = strVal(lfirst(cref->fields)); /* Try to identify as an unqualified column */ node = colnameToVar(pstate, name); if (node == NULL) { /* * Not known as a column of any range-table entry, so * try to find the name as a relation ... but not if * subscripts appear. Note also that only relations * already entered into the rangetable will be recognized. */ int levels_up; if (cref->indirection == NIL && refnameRangeTblEntry(pstate, name, &levels_up) != NULL) { rv = makeNode(RangeVar); rv->relname = name; rv->inhOpt = INH_DEFAULT; node = (Node *) rv; } else elog(ERROR, "Attribute \"%s\" not found", name); } break; } case 2: { char *name1 = strVal(lfirst(cref->fields)); char *name2 = strVal(lsecond(cref->fields)); /* Whole-row reference? */ if (strcmp(name2, "*") == 0) { rv = makeNode(RangeVar); rv->relname = name1; rv->inhOpt = INH_DEFAULT; node = (Node *) rv; break; } /* Try to identify as a once-qualified column */ node = qualifiedNameToVar(pstate, name1, name2, true); if (node == NULL) { /* * Not known as a column of any range-table entry, so * try it as a function call. Here, we will create an * implicit RTE for tables not already entered. */ rv = makeNode(RangeVar); rv->relname = name1; rv->inhOpt = INH_DEFAULT; node = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, makeList1(makeString(name2)), makeList1(rv), false, false, true); } break; } case 3: { char *name1 = strVal(lfirst(cref->fields)); char *name2 = strVal(lsecond(cref->fields)); char *name3 = strVal(lfirst(lnext(lnext(cref->fields)))); /* Whole-row reference? */ if (strcmp(name3, "*") == 0) { rv = makeNode(RangeVar); rv->schemaname = name1; rv->relname = name2; rv->inhOpt = INH_DEFAULT; node = (Node *) rv; break; } /* Try to identify as a twice-qualified column */ /* XXX do something with schema name here */ node = qualifiedNameToVar(pstate, name2, name3, true); if (node == NULL) { /* Try it as a function call */ rv = makeNode(RangeVar); rv->schemaname = name1; rv->relname = name2; rv->inhOpt = INH_DEFAULT; node = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, makeList1(makeString(name3)), makeList1(rv), false, false, true); } break; } case 4: { char *name1 = strVal(lfirst(cref->fields)); char *name2 = strVal(lsecond(cref->fields)); char *name3 = strVal(lfirst(lnext(lnext(cref->fields)))); char *name4 = strVal(lfirst(lnext(lnext(lnext(cref->fields))))); /* * We check the catalog name and then ignore it. */ if (strcmp(name1, DatabaseName) != 0) elog(ERROR, "Cross-database references are not implemented"); /* Whole-row reference? */ if (strcmp(name4, "*") == 0) { rv = makeNode(RangeVar); rv->schemaname = name2; rv->relname = name3; rv->inhOpt = INH_DEFAULT; node = (Node *) rv; break; } /* Try to identify as a twice-qualified column */ /* XXX do something with schema name here */ node = qualifiedNameToVar(pstate, name3, name4, true); if (node == NULL) { /* Try it as a function call */ rv = makeNode(RangeVar); rv->schemaname = name2; rv->relname = name3; rv->inhOpt = INH_DEFAULT; node = ParseFuncOrColumn(pstate, makeList1(makeString(name4)), makeList1(rv), false, false, true); } break; } default: elog(ERROR, "Invalid qualified name syntax (too many names)"); node = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ break; } return transformIndirection(pstate, node, cref->indirection); } /* * exprType - * returns the Oid of the type of the expression. (Used for typechecking.) */ Oid exprType(Node *expr) { Oid type = (Oid) InvalidOid; if (!expr) return type; switch (nodeTag(expr)) { case T_Var: type = ((Var *) expr)->vartype; break; case T_Expr: type = ((Expr *) expr)->typeOid; break; case T_Const: type = ((Const *) expr)->consttype; break; case T_ArrayRef: type = ((ArrayRef *) expr)->refelemtype; break; case T_Aggref: type = ((Aggref *) expr)->aggtype; break; case T_Param: type = ((Param *) expr)->paramtype; break; case T_FieldSelect: type = ((FieldSelect *) expr)->resulttype; break; case T_RelabelType: type = ((RelabelType *) expr)->resulttype; break; case T_SubLink: { SubLink *sublink = (SubLink *) expr; if (sublink->subLinkType == EXPR_SUBLINK) { /* get the type of the subselect's first target column */ Query *qtree = (Query *) sublink->subselect; TargetEntry *tent; if (!qtree || !IsA(qtree, Query)) elog(ERROR, "exprType: Cannot get type for untransformed sublink"); tent = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(qtree->targetList); type = tent->resdom->restype; } else { /* for all other sublink types, result is boolean */ type = BOOLOID; } } break; case T_CaseExpr: type = ((CaseExpr *) expr)->casetype; break; case T_CaseWhen: type = exprType(((CaseWhen *) expr)->result); break; case T_Constraint: type = exprType(((Constraint *) expr)->raw_expr); break; case T_NullTest: type = BOOLOID; break; case T_BooleanTest: type = BOOLOID; break; case T_BetweenExpr: type = BOOLOID; break; default: elog(ERROR, "exprType: Do not know how to get type for %d node", nodeTag(expr)); break; } return type; } /* * exprTypmod - * returns the type-specific attrmod of the expression, if it can be * determined. In most cases, it can't and we return -1. */ int32 exprTypmod(Node *expr) { if (!expr) return -1; switch (nodeTag(expr)) { case T_Var: return ((Var *) expr)->vartypmod; case T_Const: { /* Be smart about string constants... */ Const *con = (Const *) expr; switch (con->consttype) { case BPCHAROID: if (!con->constisnull) return VARSIZE(DatumGetPointer(con->constvalue)); break; default: break; } } break; case T_Expr: { int32 coercedTypmod; /* Be smart about length-coercion functions... */ if (exprIsLengthCoercion(expr, &coercedTypmod)) return coercedTypmod; } break; case T_FieldSelect: return ((FieldSelect *) expr)->resulttypmod; break; case T_RelabelType: return ((RelabelType *) expr)->resulttypmod; break; case T_CaseExpr: { /* * If all the alternatives agree on type/typmod, return * that typmod, else use -1 */ CaseExpr *cexpr = (CaseExpr *) expr; Oid casetype = cexpr->casetype; int32 typmod; List *arg; if (!cexpr->defresult) return -1; if (exprType(cexpr->defresult) != casetype) return -1; typmod = exprTypmod(cexpr->defresult); if (typmod < 0) return -1; /* no point in trying harder */ foreach(arg, cexpr->args) { CaseWhen *w = (CaseWhen *) lfirst(arg); Assert(IsA(w, CaseWhen)); if (exprType(w->result) != casetype) return -1; if (exprTypmod(w->result) != typmod) return -1; } return typmod; } break; default: break; } return -1; } /* * exprIsLengthCoercion * Detect whether an expression tree is an application of a datatype's * typmod-coercion function. Optionally extract the result's typmod. * * If coercedTypmod is not NULL, the typmod is stored there if the expression * is a length-coercion function, else -1 is stored there. * * We assume that a two-argument function named for a datatype, whose * output and first argument types are that datatype, and whose second * input is an int32 constant, represents a forced length coercion. * * XXX It'd be better if the parsetree retained some explicit indication * of the coercion, so we didn't need these heuristics. */ bool exprIsLengthCoercion(Node *expr, int32 *coercedTypmod) { Func *func; Const *second_arg; HeapTuple procTuple; HeapTuple typeTuple; Form_pg_proc procStruct; Form_pg_type typeStruct; if (coercedTypmod != NULL) *coercedTypmod = -1; /* default result on failure */ /* Is it a function-call at all? */ if (expr == NULL || !IsA(expr, Expr) || ((Expr *) expr)->opType != FUNC_EXPR) return false; func = (Func *) (((Expr *) expr)->oper); Assert(IsA(func, Func)); /* * If it's not a two-argument function with the second argument being * an int4 constant, it can't have been created from a length * coercion. */ if (length(((Expr *) expr)->args) != 2) return false; second_arg = (Const *) lsecond(((Expr *) expr)->args); if (!IsA(second_arg, Const) || second_arg->consttype != INT4OID || second_arg->constisnull) return false; /* * Lookup the function in pg_proc */ procTuple = SearchSysCache(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(func->funcid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(procTuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup for proc %u failed", func->funcid); procStruct = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(procTuple); /* * It must be a function with two arguments where the first is of the * same type as the return value and the second is an int4. Also, just * to be sure, check return type agrees with expr node. */ if (procStruct->pronargs != 2 || procStruct->prorettype != procStruct->proargtypes[0] || procStruct->proargtypes[1] != INT4OID || procStruct->prorettype != ((Expr *) expr)->typeOid) { ReleaseSysCache(procTuple); return false; } /* * Furthermore, the name and namespace of the function must be the same * as its result type's name/namespace (cf. find_coercion_function). */ typeTuple = SearchSysCache(TYPEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(procStruct->prorettype), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup for type %u failed", procStruct->prorettype); typeStruct = (Form_pg_type) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple); if (strcmp(NameStr(procStruct->proname), NameStr(typeStruct->typname)) != 0 || procStruct->pronamespace != typeStruct->typnamespace) { ReleaseSysCache(procTuple); ReleaseSysCache(typeTuple); return false; } /* * OK, it is indeed a length-coercion function. */ if (coercedTypmod != NULL) *coercedTypmod = DatumGetInt32(second_arg->constvalue); ReleaseSysCache(procTuple); ReleaseSysCache(typeTuple); return true; } /* * Produce an appropriate Const node from a constant value produced * by the parser and an explicit type name to cast to. */ static Node * parser_typecast_constant(Value *expr, TypeName *typename) { Type tp; Datum datum; Const *con; char *const_string = NULL; bool string_palloced = false; bool isNull = false; tp = typenameType(typename); switch (nodeTag(expr)) { case T_Integer: const_string = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(int4out, Int32GetDatum(expr->val.ival))); string_palloced = true; break; case T_Float: case T_String: case T_BitString: const_string = expr->val.str; break; case T_Null: isNull = true; break; default: elog(ERROR, "Cannot cast this expression to type '%s'", typeTypeName(tp)); } if (isNull) datum = (Datum) NULL; else datum = stringTypeDatum(tp, const_string, typename->typmod); con = makeConst(typeTypeId(tp), typeLen(tp), datum, isNull, typeByVal(tp), false, /* not a set */ true /* is cast */ ); if (string_palloced) pfree(const_string); ReleaseSysCache(tp); return (Node *) con; } /* * Handle an explicit CAST applied to a non-constant expression. * (Actually, this works for constants too, but gram.y won't generate * a TypeCast node if the argument is just a constant.) * * The given expr has already been transformed, but we need to lookup * the type name and then apply any necessary coercion function(s). */ static Node * parser_typecast_expression(ParseState *pstate, Node *expr, TypeName *typename) { Oid inputType = exprType(expr); Oid targetType; targetType = typenameTypeId(typename); if (inputType == InvalidOid) return expr; /* do nothing if NULL input */ if (inputType != targetType) { expr = CoerceTargetExpr(pstate, expr, inputType, targetType, typename->typmod, true); /* explicit coercion */ if (expr == NULL) elog(ERROR, "Cannot cast type '%s' to '%s'", format_type_be(inputType), format_type_be(targetType)); } /* * If the target is a fixed-length type, it may need a length coercion * as well as a type coercion. */ expr = coerce_type_typmod(pstate, expr, targetType, typename->typmod); return expr; }