/* contrib/pg_trgm/pg_trgm--unpackaged--1.0.sql */ -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm FROM unpackaged" to load this file. \quit ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function set_limit(real); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function show_limit(); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function show_trgm(text); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function similarity(text,text); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function similarity_op(text,text); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD operator %(text,text); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD type gtrgm; ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gtrgm_in(cstring); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gtrgm_out(gtrgm); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gtrgm_consistent(internal,text,integer,oid,internal); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gtrgm_compress(internal); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gtrgm_decompress(internal); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gtrgm_penalty(internal,internal,internal); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gtrgm_picksplit(internal,internal); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gtrgm_union(bytea,internal); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gtrgm_same(gtrgm,gtrgm,internal); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD operator family gist_trgm_ops using gist; ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD operator class gist_trgm_ops using gist; ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD operator family gin_trgm_ops using gin; ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD operator class gin_trgm_ops using gin; -- These functions had different names/signatures in 9.0. We can't just -- drop and recreate them because they are linked into the GIN opclass, -- so we need some ugly hacks. -- First, absorb them into the extension under their old names. ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gin_extract_trgm(text, internal); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gin_extract_trgm(text, internal, int2, internal, internal); ALTER EXTENSION pg_trgm ADD function gin_trgm_consistent(internal,smallint,text,integer,internal,internal); -- Fix the names, and then do CREATE OR REPLACE to adjust the function -- bodies to be correct (ie, reference the correct C symbol). ALTER FUNCTION gin_extract_trgm(text, internal) RENAME TO gin_extract_value_trgm; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gin_extract_value_trgm(text, internal) RETURNS internal AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE STRICT; ALTER FUNCTION gin_extract_trgm(text, internal, int2, internal, internal) RENAME TO gin_extract_query_trgm; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gin_extract_query_trgm(text, internal, int2, internal, internal) RETURNS internal AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- gin_trgm_consistent didn't change name. -- Last, fix the parameter lists by means of direct UPDATE on the pg_proc -- entries. This is ugly as can be, but there's no other way to do it -- while preserving the identities (OIDs) of the functions. DO LANGUAGE plpgsql $$ DECLARE my_schema pg_catalog.text := pg_catalog.quote_ident(pg_catalog.current_schema()); old_path pg_catalog.text := pg_catalog.current_setting('search_path'); BEGIN -- for safety, transiently set search_path to just pg_catalog+pg_temp PERFORM pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', 'pg_catalog, pg_temp', true); UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_proc SET pronargs = 7, proargtypes = '25 2281 21 2281 2281 2281 2281' WHERE oid = (my_schema || '.gin_extract_query_trgm(text,internal,int2,internal,internal)')::pg_catalog.regprocedure; UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_proc SET pronargs = 8, proargtypes = '2281 21 25 23 2281 2281 2281 2281' WHERE oid = (my_schema || '.gin_trgm_consistent(internal,smallint,text,integer,internal,internal)')::pg_catalog.regprocedure; PERFORM pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', old_path, true); END $$; -- These were not in 9.0: CREATE FUNCTION similarity_dist(text,text) RETURNS float4 AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C STRICT IMMUTABLE; CREATE OPERATOR <-> ( LEFTARG = text, RIGHTARG = text, PROCEDURE = similarity_dist, COMMUTATOR = '<->' ); CREATE FUNCTION gtrgm_distance(internal,text,int,oid) RETURNS float8 AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Add new stuff to the operator classes. See comment in pg_trgm--1.0.sql. ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY gist_trgm_ops USING gist ADD OPERATOR 2 <-> (text, text) FOR ORDER BY pg_catalog.float_ops, OPERATOR 3 pg_catalog.~~ (text, text), OPERATOR 4 pg_catalog.~~* (text, text), FUNCTION 8 (text, text) gtrgm_distance (internal, text, int, oid); ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY gin_trgm_ops USING gin ADD OPERATOR 3 pg_catalog.~~ (text, text), OPERATOR 4 pg_catalog.~~* (text, text);