-- -- CREATE FUNCTION -- -- Assorted tests using SQL-language functions -- -- All objects made in this test are in temp_func_test schema CREATE USER regress_unpriv_user; CREATE SCHEMA temp_func_test; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA temp_func_test TO public; SET search_path TO temp_func_test, public; -- -- Make sanity checks on the pg_proc entries created by CREATE FUNCTION -- -- -- ARGUMENT and RETURN TYPES -- CREATE FUNCTION functest_A_1(text, date) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' AS 'SELECT $1 = ''abcd'' AND $2 > ''2001-01-01'''; CREATE FUNCTION functest_A_2(text[]) RETURNS int LANGUAGE 'sql' AS 'SELECT $1[1]::int'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_A_3() RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' AS 'SELECT false'; SELECT proname, prorettype::regtype, proargtypes::regtype[] FROM pg_proc WHERE oid in ('functest_A_1'::regproc, 'functest_A_2'::regproc, 'functest_A_3'::regproc) ORDER BY proname; proname | prorettype | proargtypes --------------+------------+------------------- functest_a_1 | boolean | [0:1]={text,date} functest_a_2 | integer | [0:0]={text[]} functest_a_3 | boolean | {} (3 rows) SELECT functest_A_1('abcd', '2020-01-01'); functest_a_1 -------------- t (1 row) SELECT functest_A_2(ARRAY['1', '2', '3']); functest_a_2 -------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT functest_A_3(); functest_a_3 -------------- f (1 row) -- -- IMMUTABLE | STABLE | VOLATILE -- CREATE FUNCTION functest_B_1(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' AS 'SELECT $1 > 0'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_B_2(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE AS 'SELECT $1 > 0'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_B_3(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' STABLE AS 'SELECT $1 = 0'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_B_4(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' VOLATILE AS 'SELECT $1 < 0'; SELECT proname, provolatile FROM pg_proc WHERE oid in ('functest_B_1'::regproc, 'functest_B_2'::regproc, 'functest_B_3'::regproc, 'functest_B_4'::regproc) ORDER BY proname; proname | provolatile --------------+------------- functest_b_1 | v functest_b_2 | i functest_b_3 | s functest_b_4 | v (4 rows) ALTER FUNCTION functest_B_2(int) VOLATILE; ALTER FUNCTION functest_B_3(int) COST 100; -- unrelated change, no effect SELECT proname, provolatile FROM pg_proc WHERE oid in ('functest_B_1'::regproc, 'functest_B_2'::regproc, 'functest_B_3'::regproc, 'functest_B_4'::regproc) ORDER BY proname; proname | provolatile --------------+------------- functest_b_1 | v functest_b_2 | v functest_b_3 | s functest_b_4 | v (4 rows) -- -- SECURITY DEFINER | INVOKER -- CREATE FUNCTION functest_C_1(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' AS 'SELECT $1 > 0'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_C_2(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' SECURITY DEFINER AS 'SELECT $1 = 0'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_C_3(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' SECURITY INVOKER AS 'SELECT $1 < 0'; SELECT proname, prosecdef FROM pg_proc WHERE oid in ('functest_C_1'::regproc, 'functest_C_2'::regproc, 'functest_C_3'::regproc) ORDER BY proname; proname | prosecdef --------------+----------- functest_c_1 | f functest_c_2 | t functest_c_3 | f (3 rows) ALTER FUNCTION functest_C_1(int) IMMUTABLE; -- unrelated change, no effect ALTER FUNCTION functest_C_2(int) SECURITY INVOKER; ALTER FUNCTION functest_C_3(int) SECURITY DEFINER; SELECT proname, prosecdef FROM pg_proc WHERE oid in ('functest_C_1'::regproc, 'functest_C_2'::regproc, 'functest_C_3'::regproc) ORDER BY proname; proname | prosecdef --------------+----------- functest_c_1 | f functest_c_2 | f functest_c_3 | t (3 rows) -- -- LEAKPROOF -- CREATE FUNCTION functest_E_1(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' AS 'SELECT $1 > 100'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_E_2(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' LEAKPROOF AS 'SELECT $1 > 100'; SELECT proname, proleakproof FROM pg_proc WHERE oid in ('functest_E_1'::regproc, 'functest_E_2'::regproc) ORDER BY proname; proname | proleakproof --------------+-------------- functest_e_1 | f functest_e_2 | t (2 rows) ALTER FUNCTION functest_E_1(int) LEAKPROOF; ALTER FUNCTION functest_E_2(int) STABLE; -- unrelated change, no effect SELECT proname, proleakproof FROM pg_proc WHERE oid in ('functest_E_1'::regproc, 'functest_E_2'::regproc) ORDER BY proname; proname | proleakproof --------------+-------------- functest_e_1 | t functest_e_2 | t (2 rows) ALTER FUNCTION functest_E_2(int) NOT LEAKPROOF; -- remove leakproof attribute SELECT proname, proleakproof FROM pg_proc WHERE oid in ('functest_E_1'::regproc, 'functest_E_2'::regproc) ORDER BY proname; proname | proleakproof --------------+-------------- functest_e_1 | t functest_e_2 | f (2 rows) -- it takes superuser privilege to turn on leakproof, but not to turn off ALTER FUNCTION functest_E_1(int) OWNER TO regress_unpriv_user; ALTER FUNCTION functest_E_2(int) OWNER TO regress_unpriv_user; SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regress_unpriv_user; SET search_path TO temp_func_test, public; ALTER FUNCTION functest_E_1(int) NOT LEAKPROOF; ALTER FUNCTION functest_E_2(int) LEAKPROOF; ERROR: only superuser can define a leakproof function CREATE FUNCTION functest_E_3(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' LEAKPROOF AS 'SELECT $1 < 200'; -- fail ERROR: only superuser can define a leakproof function RESET SESSION AUTHORIZATION; -- -- CALLED ON NULL INPUT | RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT | STRICT -- CREATE FUNCTION functest_F_1(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' AS 'SELECT $1 > 50'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_F_2(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' CALLED ON NULL INPUT AS 'SELECT $1 = 50'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_F_3(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT AS 'SELECT $1 < 50'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_F_4(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' STRICT AS 'SELECT $1 = 50'; SELECT proname, proisstrict FROM pg_proc WHERE oid in ('functest_F_1'::regproc, 'functest_F_2'::regproc, 'functest_F_3'::regproc, 'functest_F_4'::regproc) ORDER BY proname; proname | proisstrict --------------+------------- functest_f_1 | f functest_f_2 | f functest_f_3 | t functest_f_4 | t (4 rows) ALTER FUNCTION functest_F_1(int) IMMUTABLE; -- unrelated change, no effect ALTER FUNCTION functest_F_2(int) STRICT; ALTER FUNCTION functest_F_3(int) CALLED ON NULL INPUT; SELECT proname, proisstrict FROM pg_proc WHERE oid in ('functest_F_1'::regproc, 'functest_F_2'::regproc, 'functest_F_3'::regproc, 'functest_F_4'::regproc) ORDER BY proname; proname | proisstrict --------------+------------- functest_f_1 | f functest_f_2 | t functest_f_3 | f functest_f_4 | t (4 rows) -- pg_get_functiondef tests SELECT pg_get_functiondef('functest_A_1'::regproc); pg_get_functiondef -------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION temp_func_test.functest_a_1(text, date)+ RETURNS boolean + LANGUAGE sql + AS $function$SELECT $1 = 'abcd' AND $2 > '2001-01-01'$function$ + (1 row) SELECT pg_get_functiondef('functest_B_3'::regproc); pg_get_functiondef ----------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION temp_func_test.functest_b_3(integer)+ RETURNS boolean + LANGUAGE sql + STABLE + AS $function$SELECT $1 = 0$function$ + (1 row) SELECT pg_get_functiondef('functest_C_3'::regproc); pg_get_functiondef ----------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION temp_func_test.functest_c_3(integer)+ RETURNS boolean + LANGUAGE sql + SECURITY DEFINER + AS $function$SELECT $1 < 0$function$ + (1 row) SELECT pg_get_functiondef('functest_F_2'::regproc); pg_get_functiondef ----------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION temp_func_test.functest_f_2(integer)+ RETURNS boolean + LANGUAGE sql + STRICT + AS $function$SELECT $1 = 50$function$ + (1 row) -- -- SQL-standard body -- CREATE FUNCTION functest_S_1(a text, b date) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE SQL RETURN a = 'abcd' AND b > '2001-01-01'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_S_2(a text[]) RETURNS int RETURN a[1]::int; CREATE FUNCTION functest_S_3() RETURNS boolean RETURN false; CREATE FUNCTION functest_S_3a() RETURNS boolean BEGIN ATOMIC RETURN false; END; CREATE FUNCTION functest_S_10(a text, b date) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE SQL BEGIN ATOMIC SELECT a = 'abcd' AND b > '2001-01-01'; END; CREATE FUNCTION functest_S_13() RETURNS boolean BEGIN ATOMIC SELECT 1; SELECT false; END; -- error: duplicate function body CREATE FUNCTION functest_S_xxx(x int) RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ SELECT x * 2 $$ RETURN x * 3; ERROR: duplicate function body specified -- polymorphic arguments not allowed in this form CREATE FUNCTION functest_S_xx(x anyarray) RETURNS anyelement LANGUAGE SQL RETURN x[1]; ERROR: SQL function with unquoted function body cannot have polymorphic arguments -- tricky parsing CREATE FUNCTION functest_S_15(x int) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE SQL BEGIN ATOMIC select case when x % 2 = 0 then true else false end; END; SELECT functest_S_1('abcd', '2020-01-01'); functest_s_1 -------------- t (1 row) SELECT functest_S_2(ARRAY['1', '2', '3']); functest_s_2 -------------- 1 (1 row) SELECT functest_S_3(); functest_s_3 -------------- f (1 row) SELECT functest_S_10('abcd', '2020-01-01'); functest_s_10 --------------- t (1 row) SELECT functest_S_13(); functest_s_13 --------------- f (1 row) SELECT pg_get_functiondef('functest_S_1'::regproc); pg_get_functiondef ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION temp_func_test.functest_s_1(a text, b date)+ RETURNS boolean + LANGUAGE sql + RETURN ((a = 'abcd'::text) AND (b > '01-01-2001'::date)) + (1 row) SELECT pg_get_functiondef('functest_S_2'::regproc); pg_get_functiondef ------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION temp_func_test.functest_s_2(a text[])+ RETURNS integer + LANGUAGE sql + RETURN ((a)[1])::integer + (1 row) SELECT pg_get_functiondef('functest_S_3'::regproc); pg_get_functiondef ---------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION temp_func_test.functest_s_3()+ RETURNS boolean + LANGUAGE sql + RETURN false + (1 row) SELECT pg_get_functiondef('functest_S_3a'::regproc); pg_get_functiondef ----------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION temp_func_test.functest_s_3a()+ RETURNS boolean + LANGUAGE sql + BEGIN ATOMIC + RETURN false; + END + (1 row) SELECT pg_get_functiondef('functest_S_10'::regproc); pg_get_functiondef ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION temp_func_test.functest_s_10(a text, b date)+ RETURNS boolean + LANGUAGE sql + BEGIN ATOMIC + SELECT ((a = 'abcd'::text) AND (b > '01-01-2001'::date)); + END + (1 row) SELECT pg_get_functiondef('functest_S_13'::regproc); pg_get_functiondef ----------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION temp_func_test.functest_s_13()+ RETURNS boolean + LANGUAGE sql + BEGIN ATOMIC + SELECT 1; + SELECT false AS bool; + END + (1 row) SELECT pg_get_functiondef('functest_S_15'::regproc); pg_get_functiondef -------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION temp_func_test.functest_s_15(x integer)+ RETURNS boolean + LANGUAGE sql + BEGIN ATOMIC + SELECT + CASE + WHEN ((x % 2) = 0) THEN true + ELSE false + END AS "case"; + END + (1 row) -- test with views CREATE TABLE functest3 (a int); INSERT INTO functest3 VALUES (1), (2); CREATE VIEW functestv3 AS SELECT * FROM functest3; CREATE FUNCTION functest_S_14() RETURNS bigint RETURN (SELECT count(*) FROM functestv3); SELECT functest_S_14(); functest_s_14 --------------- 2 (1 row) DROP TABLE functest3 CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 2 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to view functestv3 drop cascades to function functest_s_14() -- information_schema tests CREATE FUNCTION functest_IS_1(a int, b int default 1, c text default 'foo') RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT $1 + $2'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_IS_2(out a int, b int default 1) RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT $1'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_IS_3(a int default 1, out b int) RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT $1'; SELECT routine_name, ordinal_position, parameter_name, parameter_default FROM information_schema.parameters JOIN information_schema.routines USING (specific_schema, specific_name) WHERE routine_schema = 'temp_func_test' AND routine_name ~ '^functest_is_' ORDER BY 1, 2; routine_name | ordinal_position | parameter_name | parameter_default ---------------+------------------+----------------+------------------- functest_is_1 | 1 | a | functest_is_1 | 2 | b | 1 functest_is_1 | 3 | c | 'foo'::text functest_is_2 | 1 | a | functest_is_2 | 2 | b | 1 functest_is_3 | 1 | a | 1 functest_is_3 | 2 | b | (7 rows) DROP FUNCTION functest_IS_1(int, int, text), functest_IS_2(int), functest_IS_3(int); -- routine usage views CREATE FUNCTION functest_IS_4a() RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT 1'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_IS_4b(x int DEFAULT functest_IS_4a()) RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT x'; CREATE SEQUENCE functest1; CREATE FUNCTION functest_IS_5(x int DEFAULT nextval('functest1')) RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT x'; CREATE FUNCTION functest_IS_6() RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL RETURN nextval('functest1'); CREATE TABLE functest2 (a int, b int); CREATE FUNCTION functest_IS_7() RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL RETURN (SELECT count(a) FROM functest2); SELECT r0.routine_name, r1.routine_name FROM information_schema.routine_routine_usage rru JOIN information_schema.routines r0 ON r0.specific_name = rru.specific_name JOIN information_schema.routines r1 ON r1.specific_name = rru.routine_name; routine_name | routine_name ----------------+---------------- functest_is_4b | functest_is_4a (1 row) SELECT routine_name, sequence_name FROM information_schema.routine_sequence_usage; routine_name | sequence_name ---------------+--------------- functest_is_5 | functest1 functest_is_6 | functest1 (2 rows) SELECT routine_name, table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.routine_column_usage; routine_name | table_name | column_name ---------------+------------+------------- functest_is_7 | functest2 | a (1 row) SELECT routine_name, table_name FROM information_schema.routine_table_usage; routine_name | table_name ---------------+------------ functest_is_7 | functest2 (1 row) DROP FUNCTION functest_IS_4a CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to function functest_is_4b(integer) DROP SEQUENCE functest1 CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 2 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to function functest_is_5(integer) drop cascades to function functest_is_6() DROP TABLE functest2 CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to function functest_is_7() -- overload CREATE FUNCTION functest_B_2(bigint) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE AS 'SELECT $1 > 0'; DROP FUNCTION functest_b_1; DROP FUNCTION functest_b_1; -- error, not found ERROR: could not find a function named "functest_b_1" DROP FUNCTION functest_b_2; -- error, ambiguous ERROR: function name "functest_b_2" is not unique HINT: Specify the argument list to select the function unambiguously. -- CREATE OR REPLACE tests CREATE FUNCTION functest1(a int) RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT $1'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION functest1(a int) RETURNS int LANGUAGE SQL WINDOW AS 'SELECT $1'; ERROR: cannot change routine kind DETAIL: "functest1" is a function. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE functest1(a int) LANGUAGE SQL AS 'SELECT $1'; ERROR: cannot change routine kind DETAIL: "functest1" is a function. DROP FUNCTION functest1(a int); -- inlining of set-returning functions CREATE FUNCTION functest_sri1() RETURNS SETOF int LANGUAGE SQL STABLE AS ' VALUES (1), (2), (3); '; SELECT * FROM functest_sri1(); functest_sri1 --------------- 1 2 3 (3 rows) EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off) SELECT * FROM functest_sri1(); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------ Values Scan on "*VALUES*" Output: "*VALUES*".column1 (2 rows) CREATE FUNCTION functest_sri2() RETURNS SETOF int LANGUAGE SQL STABLE BEGIN ATOMIC VALUES (1), (2), (3); END; SELECT * FROM functest_sri2(); functest_sri2 --------------- 1 2 3 (3 rows) EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off) SELECT * FROM functest_sri2(); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------ Values Scan on "*VALUES*" Output: "*VALUES*".column1 (2 rows) -- Check behavior of VOID-returning SQL functions CREATE FUNCTION voidtest1(a int) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ SELECT a + 1 $$; SELECT voidtest1(42); voidtest1 ----------- (1 row) CREATE FUNCTION voidtest2(a int, b int) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ SELECT voidtest1(a + b) $$; SELECT voidtest2(11,22); voidtest2 ----------- (1 row) -- currently, we can inline voidtest2 but not voidtest1 EXPLAIN (verbose, costs off) SELECT voidtest2(11,22); QUERY PLAN ------------------------- Result Output: voidtest1(33) (2 rows) CREATE TEMP TABLE sometable(f1 int); CREATE FUNCTION voidtest3(a int) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ INSERT INTO sometable VALUES(a + 1) $$; SELECT voidtest3(17); voidtest3 ----------- (1 row) CREATE FUNCTION voidtest4(a int) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ INSERT INTO sometable VALUES(a - 1) RETURNING f1 $$; SELECT voidtest4(39); voidtest4 ----------- (1 row) TABLE sometable; f1 ---- 18 38 (2 rows) CREATE FUNCTION voidtest5(a int) RETURNS SETOF VOID LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ SELECT generate_series(1, a) $$ STABLE; SELECT * FROM voidtest5(3); voidtest5 ----------- (0 rows) -- Cleanup DROP SCHEMA temp_func_test CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 30 other objects DETAIL: drop cascades to function functest_a_1(text,date) drop cascades to function functest_a_2(text[]) drop cascades to function functest_a_3() drop cascades to function functest_b_2(integer) drop cascades to function functest_b_3(integer) drop cascades to function functest_b_4(integer) drop cascades to function functest_c_1(integer) drop cascades to function functest_c_2(integer) drop cascades to function functest_c_3(integer) drop cascades to function functest_e_1(integer) drop cascades to function functest_e_2(integer) drop cascades to function functest_f_1(integer) drop cascades to function functest_f_2(integer) drop cascades to function functest_f_3(integer) drop cascades to function functest_f_4(integer) drop cascades to function functest_s_1(text,date) drop cascades to function functest_s_2(text[]) drop cascades to function functest_s_3() drop cascades to function functest_s_3a() drop cascades to function functest_s_10(text,date) drop cascades to function functest_s_13() drop cascades to function functest_s_15(integer) drop cascades to function functest_b_2(bigint) drop cascades to function functest_sri1() drop cascades to function functest_sri2() drop cascades to function voidtest1(integer) drop cascades to function voidtest2(integer,integer) drop cascades to function voidtest3(integer) drop cascades to function voidtest4(integer) drop cascades to function voidtest5(integer) DROP USER regress_unpriv_user; RESET search_path;